What is the CVSA’s International Roadcheck?

April 9, 2024

Important Information Regarding the International Roadcheck (2024 Update)

Roadside inspections are a critical part of the trucking industry. They help ensure that truck drivers are compliant with the laws and are operating safely on the road. It is important that you are ready for the possibility of a roadcheck each time you get on the road. Safety officials noted that while the roadcheck program raises the profile of truck inspections, the actual safety standards are consistent throughout the year. The program aims to reduce truck crashes by alerting truck drivers and the industry to unsafe vehicles on the road. The following information provides some great guidance regarding the 2024 International Roadcheck.

What is the purpose of the International Roadcheck?

The International Roadcheck is an annual three-day event when CVSA-certified inspectors conduct compliance, enforcement, and educational initiatives targeted at various elements of motor carrier, vehicle, and driver safety. Since its inception in 1988, roadside inspections conducted have numbered more than 1.8 million. It is a CVSA program with participation by the FMCSA, the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, Transport Canada, and the Ministry of Communications and Transportation of Mexico. The Roadcheck really provides a great opportunity to educate the industry and public about the importance of safe commercial vehicle operations and the roadside inspection program.

What are the dates and emphasis of the International Roadcheck?

The Roadcheck will be taking place May 14-16. Each year, the CVSA emphasizes a category of violations and this year the group will focus on two areas – tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession. By focusing on the tractor protection systems, the International Roadcheck aims to increase awareness for drivers, motor carriers, technicians and enforcement personnel of these critically important vehicle components; specifically, the tractor protection valve, trailer supply valve and anti-bleed back valve, which may be overlooked during trip and roadside inspections. To assist drivers and motor carriers in the proactive assessment and maintenance of those components, CVSA has provided an inspection bulletin outlining the steps on how to properly check tractor protection systems.

Commercial motor vehicle drivers must adhere to their company’s policies and to not possess, use or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances while on duty. This year’s International Roadcheck will serve as a reminder to motor carriers to establish and strictly enforce clear policies to prevent controlled substance and alcohol possession or use in the workplace. In addition, U.S. motor carriers should regularly query the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse to ensure their drivers are not in prohibited status. Click the following link for more information regarding the focus areas for 2024 – https://www.cvsa.org/programs/international-roadcheck/focus-area/

The most common violations on vehicles inspected during Roadcheck 2023 were for brake systems, tires, defective service brakes, cargo securement and lights. Hours of service violations put more than 2,169 drivers out of service, while another 1,392 were cited for false logs. Other violations, canceled/revoked license and no medical card rounded out the top five reasons that drivers were cited during the event last May. Vehicle out-of-service rates hovered around 19%, according to results from that event, which were released in September. Roadcheck 2023 saw a 5.8% driver out-of-service rate.

What will be inspected during the International Roadcheck?

CVSA-certified inspectors will primarily conduct the North American Standard Level 1 Inspection, a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of driver operating requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness, click the following link for details on what each step entails – https://medalliontrans.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/CVSA-Inspection-Schematics.pdf.

Inspectors may choose to conduct the Level II Walk Around/Driver/Vehicle Inspection, Level III Driver/Credential/Administrative Inspection or Level V Vehicle-Only Inspection.

What else will drivers need to provide during the inspection?

  • Driver’s License (Operating Credentials)
  • Medical Examiner’s Certificate and Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate (If Applicable)
  • Driver’s record of duty status and vehicle inspection reports (If Applicable)
  • Inspectors will also check drivers for seat belt usage, sickness, fatigue and apparent alcohol and/or drug impairment.

A CVSA decal will be applied to vehicles if no critical vehicle inspection items are found during Level 1 or 5 inspections.  No decals will be issued if a rear impact guard is required and violations are found.  Equipment will be placed out-of-service if conditions fail to meet the North American Standard out-of-service criteria.

What are some good tips to survive the International Roadcheck?

  • Get Organized – If you have paperwork then keep it all organized in a binder.
  • Clean Up Your Truck – Clean both the inside and out of the truck, particularly the cab and sleeper.
  • Fill Out Your HOS Every Day – Track this every day and fill in your report before you quit for the day.
  • Clear The Air – Manually drain the air tanks periodically, based on your truck’s air usage.
  • Break to Check Your Brakes – During your next vehicle inspection, spend a little more time on the brakes. Check the brake pads as well as the drums and rotors.
  • Secure Your Load – Pay attention to tiedowns and other cargo securement methods.
  • Maintain Pressure – Monitoring tire pressure is quite likely the one thing drivers can do that can have the greatest impact not only on improving safety, but also in reducing operating costs.
  • Keep the Tail & Running Lights Operational – Running lights and tail lights must be installed on certain parts of a truck or trailer and in certain locations to maximize visibility and to ensure secure mounting.

Some other helpful information can be found in the following Roadside Inspection Cheat Sheet – https://www.cvsa.org/wp-content/uploads/International-Roadcheck-Vehicle-Inspection-Cheatsheet.pdf

What was the focus area and results from the 2023 International Roadcheck?

The 2023 CVSA International Roadcheck took place May 16-18 and the focus was on anti-lock braking systems and cargo securement.

CVSA-certified inspectors conducted 59,429 inspections and placed 15,932 commercial motor vehicles and 5,020 commercial motor vehicle drivers out of service. Brake systems and tires were the top vehicle out-of-service violations issued. The top driver out-of-service violations were hours of service and false logs. The following are the complete results of the 2023 International Roadcheck – https://www.cvsa.org/news/2023-roadcheck-results/

The annual International Roadcheck is designed to bring attention to driver and vehicle safety requirements that must be followed every day in order to keep our roads safe.  If all drivers can create a routine of focusing on road safety and what is required of them, it will go a long way in reducing accidents and saving lives.


CVSA Website – https://www.cvsa.org/news/2024-international-roadcheck/

CVSA Website – https://www.cvsa.org/news/2023-roadcheck-results/

“What is CVSA Focusing on in 2024 Roadcheck Truck Inspection Blitz?”, Heavy Duty Trucking, February 12, 2024.

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