Understanding and Filing Tax Form 2290: A Comprehensive Guide

November 1, 2023

If you’re new to filing truck taxes or just looking to learn more about Tax Form 2290, you’ll find all the details you need here. This article will explain what this form is and how to complete it. We’ll also answer some of the most common questions about filing your IRS Tax Form 2290.

What is IRS Tax Form 2290?

IRS Tax Form 2290 is also known as the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). This tax is levied on heavy vehicles of at least 55,000 lbs. that regularly drive on public highways. Any heavy vehicle that operates on public highways more than 5,000 miles per year or 7,500 miles per year for agricultural vehicles should file. Any individual or company with such a vehicle registered in their name must file HVUT Tax Form 2290. 

Understanding HVUT Tax Form 2290

You may wonder why heavy vehicles must pay additional taxes to use public highways when other drivers can simply pay the gas tax. Experts estimate that a fully loaded heavy truck can cause at least 5,000 times as much wear and tear to highway surfaces as the average passenger car. The Heavy Highway Use Tax Form 2290 ensures that heavy vehicle operators pay their fair share toward the repairs and maintenance needed on our highway system.

How to Complete 2290 Highway Use Tax Form

Filling out your 2290 Highway Use tax form can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. To file this tax, you’ll need information about your business, such as address and employer identification number (EIN). You’ll also need information about your vehicles, such as VINs and taxable weight. Start by filling out your company or personal details at the top of the form. 

Next, flip the page to the chart marked “Tax Computation.” On this page, you’ll determine the amount you owe based on the number of vehicles you operate in each weight category. At the bottom of this page, total the number of vehicles you’re filing for and the amount you owe. You’ll use this information shortly.

Next, complete both copies of Schedule 1: Schedule of Heavy Highway Vehicles. You’ll need to list the VIN for each vehicle along with its weight class. Again, total everything up at the bottom of each page. 

Once your Schedule 1s are complete, flip back to the first page of your 2290 IRS Tax Form and continue filling it out, starting with Part I: Line 1.

  1. Fill in the date as noted on the form, then follow that with the total from your Tax Computation page.
  2. Add in any additional tax from an increase in vehicle weight, and total those numbers.
  3. List any credits owed to you and attach documentation for them.
  4. Subtract credits from your total taxes, and you’ll have your balance due.

Next comes Part II. Here, you’ll declare any exempt vehicles, generally because they don’t do much highway driving. You’ll also list those vehicles you’ve sold throughout the year, noting the date and buyer. 

After this, it’s more identifying information. Designate any third party you want to be able to speak to the IRS on your behalf. Then, sign the form, date it, print your name, and include a contact number. Leave the last part blank unless you are a paid tax preparer.

Tips for Avoiding Common Errors on Federal Heavy Use Tax Form 2290

Several errors are fairly common when filling out your tax form. These include:

  • Employer identification number and business name do not match
  • Duplicate VINs 
  • Duplicate Form 2290 online filing
  • Banking details are entered incorrectly

Be careful when transcribing all numbers, especially VINs and banking details. It’s also good practice to double-check your entire form before submitting it to the IRS. 

FAQs on Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290

What is the IRS Tax Form 2290?

IRS Tax Form 2290 is a federal form that must be filed by anyone with heavy highway vehicles weighing 55,000 lbs or more registered in their name. These vehicles are subject to the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and require this form for reporting. 

How often do I need to file the HVUT Tax Form 2290?

HVUT Tax Form 2290 needs to be filed annually. Its tax year starts July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year. You may also need to file additional forms if you need to amend an error, change your address, or correct a VIN. 

What is the purpose of the heavy highway use Tax Form 2290?

Heavy highway use Tax Form 2290 is used to calculate and pay annual taxes due on heavy vehicles. These taxes are levied on heavy vehicles traveling 5,000 miles or more (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) during the tax period.

Where do I submit the 2290 highway use tax form?

The 2290 highway use tax form can be filed either by mail or electronically. If the tax due on the form is $500 or more, it must be filed electronically.

Can I get a proof of payment for the 2290 IRS tax form?

Once the 2290 IRS tax form is filed and the tax is paid, you’ll receive a stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS as proof of payment.

How do I calculate the tax amount for the 2290 road tax form?

The tax on the 2290 road tax form considers the taxable gross weight of the vehicle and how many months the vehicle was used on public highways during the reporting period.

Who should file federal Heavy Use Tax Form 2290?

Federal Heavy Use Tax Form 2290 should be filed by individuals or organizations with a registered heavy highway vehicle. This includes any vehicle that drives on highways and has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more.

Can I claim any exemptions or credits on federal heavy vehicle use Tax Form 2290?

Yes, there are exemptions and credits that you can claim on the federal heavy vehicle use Tax Form 2290. Exemptions include vehicles used 5,000 miles or less (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) and vehicles used for charitable or governmental purposes, among others.


Filing IRS Form 2290 can be complex, but with the right online partner, the process is significantly easier. Partner with expresstrucktax.com to file quickly and receive your Schedule 1 in minutes. You’ll also enjoy access to features like our free VIN checker and VIN corrections and US-based customer service in case you run into any questions or need assistance with your form.

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