Tag: veteran trucker

Celebre el Día de los Veteranos con ExpressTruckTax

Hoy, 11 de Noviembre, celebramos a los honorables veteranos de nuestra nación, tanto del pasado como del presente. En la industria del transporte por carretera, hay muchos veteranos que trabajan duro transportando mercancías por todo el país. Se necesita mucha disciplina y dedicación para tener éxito en la industria del transporte por carretera, las cuales son características que los veteranos adquieren durante su tiempo de servicio activo.

ExpressTruckTax quisiera tomarse el tiempo y extender un agradecimiento especial a todos los camioneros que también son veteranos. Ha servido a nuestro país y continúa sirviéndonos todos los días para ayudar a mantener nuestro país en movimiento. Gracias veteranos por todo lo que hacen y han hecho por nosotros.

También nos gustaría honrar a los increíbles veteranos a los que tenemos el placer de brindar un servicio excepcional a través de nuestro sistema de declaración electrónica del Formulario 2290 fácil de usar. En solo unos pocos pasos, puede hacer el Formulario 2290 para el Impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​e incluso pagar su impuesto junto con la presentación de su formulario.

El Formulario 2290 debe declararse al IRS anualmente y si conduce un vehículo que pesa más de 55,000 libras, también debe presentar este formulario. Con ExpressTruckTax solo toma unos minutos obtener su Anexo 1 sellado una vez que el IRS acepta su Formulario 2290. ¿Qué está esperando? ¡Presente el Formulario 2290 hoy y Feliz Día de los Veteranos desde el fondo de nuestros corazones!

Celebrate Veteran’s Day with ExpressTruckTax

Today on November 11th we celebrate our nation’s honorable Veterans both past and present. In the trucking industry, there are a lot of veterans that work hard transporting goods all across the country. It takes a lot of discipline and dedication to be successful in the trucking industry, both of which are characteristics veterans acquire during their time serving on active duty. 

ExpressTruckTax would like to take the time and extend a special thanks to all of the truck drivers that are also veterans. You’ve served our country and continue to serve us every day to help keep our country moving. Thank you vets for everything you do and have done for us.

We would also like to honor the amazing veterans we have the pleasure of providing outstanding service to through our easy-to-use Form 2290 e-filing system. In only a few simple steps you are able to file Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax and even pay your tax alongside filing your form. 

Form 2290 must be filed to the IRS annually and if you drive a vehicle weighing over 55,000 pounds, you must file this form as well. With ExpressTruckTax it takes only a few minutes. It only takes a few minutes to get your Stamped Schedule 1 once the IRS accepts your Form 2290. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 today, and happy Veteran’s Day from the bottom of our hearts!

The Unspoken Rules of the Road

As every trucker knows, there are many rules and regulations laid down by the DOT, CVSA, FMCSA, and every carrier. However, truckers themselves have been laying down their own rules of the road for some time now.

Don’t Take Your Time At The Pump

Every minute counts for truckers. Whether or not your load is on time ultimately falls on you. This is why taking your time at the pump to grab a ‘quick’ snack or venture off to the restroom for ‘a second’ matters. The trucker waiting to fuel-up is on a time crunch, like you.

Be Careful Where You Park

Taking up multiple overnight spots is just as inconvenient as using two sinks to was both of your hands. If you want respect as a trucker, you are going to have to give it.

What’s In Your Haul Stays In Your Haul

If you grew up with conservative parents you have heard the saying ‘what happens in this house stays in this house’. When you’re on the road, it’s no different. Discussing what you’re carrying may sound like a great way to make small talk with fellow truckers, but cargo theft is a real thing. You don’t want to make yourself a bigger target than you already are. To you, your cargo may not be all that exciting, but thieves can see plenty of opportunity in ‘free’ goods.

Make Friends, Play Nice

No, this isn’t grade school, but being courteous to a fellow trucker should be a given. Truckers spend long hours on the road and getting just a glimpse of positivity when traveling can make someone’s day/trip. Whether you are a veteran or fresh meat on the CDL, small gestures like helping another driver safely switch lanes is what makes trucking a real brotherhood.

Always Toot Your Horn

Someone pumping their arm a trucker hoping to hear an air horn may be the biggest trucking cliché there is. However, no matter what mood you’re in, it has to be done. It shows the public how fun truckers truly are. It’s called public relations and it’s a part of the job.

Give Your Jake Brake A Break

There are many truckers who don’t mind hearing ‘the song of their people,’ but we guarantee that there’s not one trucker who will commend you for using your Jake brake at 2 am.

If you’re in a parking lot at 2 am, more than likely you’re surrounded by restless truckers attempting to get some shut eye before starting their long day over once again. It’s okay to give the Jake brake some rest as well. We know you’re a trucker there’s no need to tell people at the crack of dawn.

Develop these habits and you’ll be on your way to veteran trucker status in no time.