Tag: truckers

It’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week!

It’s the greatest time of the year again! This year’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is here!

From September 10th-16th, our nation takes a moment to recognize all of our truck driver’s dedication to keep everything moving forward. 

What Is National Truck Driver Week?

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is dedicated to the hard work of Truck Drivers all around the country. 

This country continuously relies on the transportation of goods and items by these drivers. They continuously work for days or weeks on end to make sure important deliveries are made when they’re needed, and we’re all very thankful for their work!

How Can You Participate?

Find a Trucker and show them they are appreciated! It’s as easy as that!

Whether you give them a gift, write them a letter, or just say thank you when you pass by them is enough to make their day! When you post on social media, use the hashtags #NTDAW23 and #ThankATrucker.

It’s important to always show Truckers how much they’re appreciated, not just for this week. They work hard to transport goods to keep businesses moving, and it’s important to understand and appreciate their dedication!

Thank you, Truck Drivers!

Everyone here at ExpressTruckTax would like to extend their sincere appreciation for all of the hard work our truck drivers do throughout the year!

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keep this great country moving forward! You are very much appreciated.

Great Gift Ideas for Truckers This Holiday Season

It’s December, so you know what that means! It’s officially the holiday season. During the holiday season, everyone wants to give gifts to their loved ones. If you know anyone in your life who is a trucker, below you will find a helpful list of practical gift ideas you can give them this holiday season! 

Snow Shovel

With winter weather comes lots of snow in many places across the country, so it is important to be prepared. If a truck is parked and it is snowing there is a good chance that you will need a snow shovel to help with the snow around the truck. There are some with retractable handles for easy storage in trucks.

Emergency Blanket

In very cold conditions it is important to have something to bundle up with when pulled over. An emergency blanket can be an essential item when stopped in very cold weather.

Road Flares/Emergency Lights

It doesn’t matter the weather, if it is dark and you have to pull your truck over either for a flat tire or engine troubles it is important that you and your truck are visible to other drivers. This is why road flares and emergency lights can be essential to any trucker.

Head Lamp 

You never know when you need to repair something in your truck in the dark. Having a headlamp avoids you having to hold a flashlight while also trying to repair something. It is better to be safe than sorry, so that is why headlamps make perfect gifts for truckers. 

Hand-Cranked Emergency Radio

If truckers find themselves in a situation where they have to conserve power when pulled over, instead of having to turn on their truck, a hand-cranked emergency radio comes in handy. Radios can make you aware of news and weather emergencies so it is great to stay informed.


Another great practical gift for truckers includes tools. Tools can be important for emergency repairs to the truck or even for emergency situations where a window needs to be broken and a seatbelt needs to be cut for extreme emergency situations where you need to make a quick escape from your truck.

Happy Holidays from ExpressTruckTax

Any of these useful items would make a great gift for a trucker in your life. You never know when they would need to use these tools in their day to day so it is better to be prepared for the worst than underprepared. No matter what you give a trucker this Christmas, the entire team at ExpressTruckTax wishes you a very happy holiday season!

Happy Memorial Day from ExpressTruckTax!

As the weather starts to get warmer with the first signs of summer, it is once again time for a very important day! ExpressTruckTax and our amazing support team want to wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend! At ExpressTruckTax we know many truckers have relatives in the military or are veterans themselves. 

This Memorial Day we honor all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for America and their families in the trucking industry. 

We hope you enjoy this day and hope you take some time to relax with your family and friends. Enjoy the finer things in life while honoring the brave souls who have fought, and are still fighting, for the freedom of our great nation!

If you don’t have the weekend off and are working, don’t forget that the roads can get a little crazy with everyone traveling for the summer. If you’re out driving your truck and hauling goods, make sure you stay safe out there and enjoy an amazing Memorial Day weekend regardless!

Your One-Stop Solution For A Cleaner Truck This Spring

Your One-Stop Solution For A Cleaner Truck This Spring

Spring is approaching soon and that means it’s that time of year when people like to clean and refresh their homes and cars. This can also apply to truck drivers since for many their truck is like their second home. It is important to keep your home clean. Below you will find some helpful tips for keeping your truck clean as well as some products that might help it become more organized. 

Organizing Files and Paperwork

A folder or small file cabinet for important documents can be essential especially to keep in the front of your cab in case you need to quickly access your documents. If you label folders and keep everything in a set place, it will make it easier to find all of your documents.

Storage Containers

Things that you don’t need access to while driving like shower supplies and other essentials can be stored either in a storage bin or under your bed. Plastic bins and drawers can be helpful for storing essentials that aren’t needed while driving. They help reduce clutter and they can be easily organized or even labeled if desired. They can come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes for the ultimate customization. Storage containers can also be used in a truck’s mini-fridge to keep food organized. 

Wall Space

You can use wall space in a lot of creative ways to help keep your truck free of clutter. Hanging organizers can be a great way to do this, especially using adhesive strips and velcro. Collapsible hangers can help hang your clothes in limited closet space or even in the wall. Adhesive hooks are also a good way to hang up hats, coats, and bags. Always make sure to secure everything before you start driving.

Trash Can

Have a small trash can handy so that trash can be easily disposed of instead of it leading to clutter. 

Other Tips

Getting Pollen Off And Keeping It Off Your Truck

Now that it is spring the interior of your truck might not be the only thing that has to be cleaned. Pollen starts to fall and cover vehicles making them yellow and unsightly in appearance. Some ways to get rid of pollen from your truck can be to rinse and wash it whenever you get the chance. Adding a coat of wax to the truck can make it harder for pollen to stick to your truck. Cleaning your wiper blades can also be helpful to keep pollen from spreading across your windshield. 

Benefits of Cleaning Your Truck

Cleaning your truck can have more benefits than you might think. A clean working and living environment can help you both mentally and physically. Some of these benefits include:

  • Lowering stress and fatigue
  • Reducing allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Improving safety
  • Lessening the spread of germs
  • Keeping pests away
  • Better sleep
  • Increase happiness
  • Increased focus and productivity
  • More enjoyable downtime
  • Increased immunity

Organization and cleaning may seem tedious at times but a clean living and working environment can make it a more positive experience and can help improve your quality of life on the road.

Did You Know A Driver Shortage Is In Effect Right Now?

Of course, we all may be aware that there is a large workforce shortage happening all over America right now. Help Wanted posters are hung up on the front doors of almost every restaurant, retail shop, and business around, but did you realize that there’s a shortage of truck drivers as well? 

Since the country has opened back up earlier this year, not many people have returned to work. This has caused a shortage of new truck drivers to assist in delivering important products throughout America.

Although the decline of drivers has stopped as people begin coming back to work, the lack of eligible drivers is still in effect and may cause delays or shortages of different goods. 

What Does This Mean?

This means that truckers have been working extra hard to make up for the shortage of help. America still relies on truckers to transport important goods like food and medical supplies to all of us, so not having as many drivers on the road as we’re used to will limit how much goods can be transported. 

With the decline of truckers on the road, it is difficult for companies to increase their volume of transport since there are not enough drivers to deliver it. This may be the cause of shortages at grocery stores, retail stores, and restaurants. 

Many of these drivers are also transporting important disinfecting items and medical supplies to keep battling COVID-19 like hand sanitizers, masks, vaccines, and much more. Without the continued efforts from these drivers, many hospitals would not have the supplies needed to continue to battle this illness. 

Thank A Truck Driver!

Our country is extremely reliant on truck drivers to continue to keep this country moving forward! The truckers that are out there working tirelessly to keep stores and restaurants stocked need to know that their hard work is much appreciated!

Everyone here at ExpressTruckTax would like to thank all of the drivers out there for their continued hard work during these difficult times. Your dedication and resilience are very much appreciated by all of us!

The Unspoken Rules of the Road

As every trucker knows, there are many rules and regulations laid down by the DOT, CVSA, FMCSA, and every carrier. However, truckers themselves have been laying down their own rules of the road for some time now.

Don’t Take Your Time At The Pump

Every minute counts for truckers. Whether or not your load is on time ultimately falls on you. This is why taking your time at the pump to grab a ‘quick’ snack or venture off to the restroom for ‘a second’ matters. The trucker waiting to fuel-up is on a time crunch, like you.

Be Careful Where You Park

Taking up multiple overnight spots is just as inconvenient as using two sinks to was both of your hands. If you want respect as a trucker, you are going to have to give it.

What’s In Your Haul Stays In Your Haul

If you grew up with conservative parents you have heard the saying ‘what happens in this house stays in this house’. When you’re on the road, it’s no different. Discussing what you’re carrying may sound like a great way to make small talk with fellow truckers, but cargo theft is a real thing. You don’t want to make yourself a bigger target than you already are. To you, your cargo may not be all that exciting, but thieves can see plenty of opportunity in ‘free’ goods.

Make Friends, Play Nice

No, this isn’t grade school, but being courteous to a fellow trucker should be a given. Truckers spend long hours on the road and getting just a glimpse of positivity when traveling can make someone’s day/trip. Whether you are a veteran or fresh meat on the CDL, small gestures like helping another driver safely switch lanes is what makes trucking a real brotherhood.

Always Toot Your Horn

Someone pumping their arm a trucker hoping to hear an air horn may be the biggest trucking cliché there is. However, no matter what mood you’re in, it has to be done. It shows the public how fun truckers truly are. It’s called public relations and it’s a part of the job.

Give Your Jake Brake A Break

There are many truckers who don’t mind hearing ‘the song of their people,’ but we guarantee that there’s not one trucker who will commend you for using your Jake brake at 2 am.

If you’re in a parking lot at 2 am, more than likely you’re surrounded by restless truckers attempting to get some shut eye before starting their long day over once again. It’s okay to give the Jake brake some rest as well. We know you’re a trucker there’s no need to tell people at the crack of dawn.

Develop these habits and you’ll be on your way to veteran trucker status in no time.

5 Spring Cleaning Semi Truck Organization Ideas

It’s officially spring and that means it’s time to start cleaning up your home! And since your truck is probably your home most of the time, you need to be creative about how you manage that small space.

Here’s some great ways to start organizing your truck and some other long term goals for you to work towards to make your life over the road more comfortable. The possibilities for your truck are endless. 

Semi Truck Organization

1. Don’t Try To Take Everything

Truckers are the original owners of tiny homes! And if we know anything about tiny home living it’s that minimalism is the name of the game. So your spring cleaning efforts should start with eliminating everything you don’t need. But figuring out what you can eliminate is half the battle.

One place you can start is with kitchenware. Obviously if you don’t cook in your truck at all, you can get rid of pretty much everything related to kitchenware. If you do cook, you can probably cut down your cooking items down to two or three essentials items.

For instance, with a pressure cooker and a microwave you can cook pretty much everything you need. Then, just keep around disposable utensils and cups and plates.

2. Add Shelves to Your Cabinets

If you have cabinets in your truck, consider subdividing that space with shelves to make everything accessible. This will help make your life feel more organized.

3. Add Outside Semi Truck Storage For Nonessentials

For those items that you don’t need immediate access to, consider adding more outside truck storage boxes. This way you can organize tools, cleaning supplies, and other miscellaneous items outside your cab but still have them available to you whenever you need.

Source: https://800toolbox.com/step_toolboxes/step_toolboxes.htm

4. Spruce Up Your Decorations

Part of spring cleaning is making your home feel fresh and new. One easy way you can do that is with some new decorations. That could be as simple as a new sheet and comforter set, or as complex as replacing cabinetry or upholstery.

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/7459155618046718/

5. The Ultimate Rig

And finally as a source of inspiration for your new truck mods, check out this incredible custom sleeper. Mr. and Mrs. Snow of Snow Trucking have spent the last two decades kitting out their rig with everything they could possibly need. Their setup is certainly food for thought!

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