Tag: trucker thanksgiving

Don’t Let The IRS Gobble Up Your Money, File on time with ExpressTruckTax Today!

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the important things in your life and can be spent in a number of ways. Whether you are with your family or on the road, this Thanksgiving is sure to be a great one. Here at ExpressTruckTax, we would like to thank truckers for all you do to make our economy prosper and haul many of the necessities we need for daily life. 

To thank you for all that you do, we want to let you know that here at ExpressTruckTax we strive to provide truckers with an easy Form 2290 filing experience so that they can get back on the road as soon as possible. If your truck was put on the road for the first time in October, the deadline to file Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is November 30th. If you do not file by this date you will be fined for failing to file and pay the tax. In order to prevent this, ExpressTruckTax provides an easy-to-use e-filing system for truckers to file their Form 2290 with plenty of helpful features. 

One of the helpful features that ExpressTruckTax offers truckers to make filing their Form 2290 easier is the ability to pay their tax directly through ExpressTruckTax using a credit or debit card. This is a convenient way to file because you can go ahead and pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax alongside your filing fee. This way you don’t forget to pay your tax to the IRS after filing. If you file but don’t pay your tax by the deadline, you will get fined. Prevent this by paying your HVUT when filing Form 2290. ExpressTruckTax also offers other payment methods including EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), EFTPS, check and money order, and using a credit or debit card to pay through a third-party IRS payment processor. 

These helpful features that ExpressTruckTax offers to truckers are designed so that the filing experience can be completed quickly and easily. By using ExpressTruckTax to file your Form 2290 you can avoid being fined by the IRS by filing your Form 2290 before the deadline. Don’t let the IRS gobble up your money through late fines. You deserve to spend your Thanksgiving not stressing about filing tax forms. If you are planning to spend time with family you should do so and enjoy a great home-cooked meal this Thanksgiving. 

If you are planning to spend Thanksgiving on the road, however, do keep in mind that Thanksgiving is one of the most traveled days of the year. Expect there to be a lot more people on the road than usual. You should also be prepared for there to be travel delays from all of the vehicles on the road and possible accidents that might be on the road. It is also good to keep in mind that Thanksgiving presents opportunities for cargo theft, so don’t leave your truck unattended for too long.

If you are planning to make a Thanksgiving meal for yourself on the road there are a few things to keep in mind. If you want to cook a turkey you should have with you a crock pot or a roaster that you can keep in your truck. There are a number of ways to prepare one if you have these devices. Some possible sides you can have with your turkey are microwavable mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, canned beans, dinner rolls, and macaroni and cheese. All of these can typically be purchased at a grocery store. 

Even though you might not be at home for Thanksgiving, you can still make it enjoyable by cooking your own dinner or spending it any way you want. No matter how you spend your Thanksgiving, ExpressTruckTax has your back. We are thankful for the truckers that keep our nation moving forward and strive to provide them with a fast and easy filing experience. File with ExpressTruckTax today and have a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Where Truckers Can Find Turkey Dinners For Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving is already here and we gladly welcome the most turkey-filled time of the year! We thank all the members of the trucking industry who have been hard at work shipping turkeys all across the nation. About 46 million were delivered all over just so people can enjoy a traditional meal with their families.

If you are going to be OTR this holiday we hope that when you get the chance to go home you will be surrounded by family and friends to enjoy your own special turkey dinner. However, you can still enjoy a turkey meal on the road.

Cook Your Own Meal?

Of course, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can try cooking a meal right in your rig. 

Our team tried just that this year with mixed results. Check out our attempt to make a Thanksgiving meal with nothing but truckstop items below!

Where Truckers Can Find Turkey

But if you want to take a break from chaotic Thanksgiving travel to enjoy your own turkey lunch or dinner complete with a slice of pie then you can head to a restaurant like Cracker Barrel. Cracker Barrels usually provide excellent truck parking and have a comfortable, at-home atmosphere to make your Thanksgiving meal warm and welcoming.

You can also head to Denny’s for an excellent turkey meal. Because a lot of truck stops like Flying J have Denny’s built-in then it will make for a convenient stop to rest, shower, enjoy some turkey, and more.

Other notable places serving up awesome Thanksgiving meals include Iron Skillet, Country Pride, and more.

But what if we told you that there are places to score free turkey? Hold onto your britches, because it’s true! Head to the Boise Stage Shop in Boise Idaho off of I-84 exit 71 for a free turkey dinner with trimmings.

You can also head to the Cowboy Cafe in Lyman, Wyoming for an all-inclusive turkey dinner. You get all the good sides like stuffing, a dinner roll, potatoes, and even a slice of pumpkin pie. Just show your CDL at these locations to enjoy the free food.

Thank You From ExpressTruckTax

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we are very thankful for all the hard work you do to deliver supplies and needs all across the nation. We sincerely hope you will find the time to celebrate Thanksgiving with your loved ones and get the chance to enjoy a warm turkey meal on Thanksgiving!

Show Your Appreciation To a Trucker This Thanksgiving

It’s no secret that truckers are the backbone of the American economy. Without them — and the freight they haul — our entire way of life would disappear.

It has been a difficult year in many ways, but we are so thankful for the hard work and dedication of truckers.

Despite all they do, truckers are rarely given the respect and gratitude they deserve. Plus, many truckers find themselves on the road and separated from their families on Thanksgiving.

This Thanksgiving, consider thanking a trucker for what they do in one of the following ways.

Showing your appreciation

Consider signing up for the “Meals for 18 Wheels” program on Facebook. Through this volunteer program, you will be connected to drivers who are away from home and in need of a meal.

Just having a warm, homemade meal can make all the difference during the holidays.

“Meals for 18 Wheels” serves truckers during the rest of the year too. So if you are too busy during the holiday season, consider volunteering some other time.

Thank a trucker

Maybe you could take an extra step and deliver care packages at your local truck stop. Even small gifts can make a world of difference for someone spending Thanksgiving away from home.

Happy Thanksgiving from Express Truck Tax

Lastly, just thank a trucker. Shake their hand and give them a smile. Let them know that we appreciate all that they do.

From everyone here at Express Truck Tax, Happy Thanksgiving, Truckers.