Tag: truck driver appreciation week

It’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week!

It’s the greatest time of the year again! This year’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is here!

From September 10th-16th, our nation takes a moment to recognize all of our truck driver’s dedication to keep everything moving forward. 

What Is National Truck Driver Week?

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is dedicated to the hard work of Truck Drivers all around the country. 

This country continuously relies on the transportation of goods and items by these drivers. They continuously work for days or weeks on end to make sure important deliveries are made when they’re needed, and we’re all very thankful for their work!

How Can You Participate?

Find a Trucker and show them they are appreciated! It’s as easy as that!

Whether you give them a gift, write them a letter, or just say thank you when you pass by them is enough to make their day! When you post on social media, use the hashtags #NTDAW23 and #ThankATrucker.

It’s important to always show Truckers how much they’re appreciated, not just for this week. They work hard to transport goods to keep businesses moving, and it’s important to understand and appreciate their dedication!

Thank you, Truck Drivers!

Everyone here at ExpressTruckTax would like to extend their sincere appreciation for all of the hard work our truck drivers do throughout the year!

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keep this great country moving forward! You are very much appreciated.

Feliz Semana De Aprecio A Los Camioneros Por Parte De ExpressTruckTax

Esta semana, la semana del 11 al 17 de Septiembre, estamos celebrando algo especial. Es un momento para celebrar a algunos de los trabajadores esenciales de la nación y reconocer el trabajo importante que realizan todos los días. Esta semana no es otra que la Semana Nacional de Aprecio A Los Camioneros, una semana en la que celebramos todo el arduo trabajo que los camioneros realizan para transportar los bienes esenciales que necesitamos a sus destinos. La mayoría de los bienes que recibimos son transportados y entregados por camioneros, por lo que es importante reconocer sus esfuerzos al hacerlo.

En ExpressTruckTax nos gustaría agradecerle a los camioneros por todo el arduo trabajo que hacen todos los días. Ustedes son lo que ayudan a mantener a Estados Unidos en movimiento, viajando miles de millas cada año. También nos gustaría agradecerle por elegir a ExpressTruckTax para todas sus necesidades en la declaración del Formulario 2290. Sin ustedes, no existiría ExpressTruckTax.

El Formulario 2290 es un formulario de impuestos del IRS que presentan los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más para el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​(HVUT). Este formulario se presenta anualmente y la fecha límite para hacerlo es el 31 de Agosto. ExpressTruckTax sabe que los conductores generalmente están en la carretera, ocupados transportando bienes esenciales. Para asegurarnos de brindarles a los conductores la mejor experiencia de presentación para que puedan volver a la carretera lo más rápido posible, ExpressTruckTax ha creado una experiencia de presentación diseñada exclusivamente para satisfacer las necesidades de los conductores de camiones. El proceso de presentación está diseñado para que no pase mucho tiempo haciendo el Formulario 2290 y se puede completar en unos pocos pasos simples.

ExpressTruckTax hace que sea rápido y fácil hacer el Formulario 2290. Simplemente ingrese la información de su negocio, incluyendo su Número de Identificación de Empleador (EIN), la información del vehículo, su Número de Identificación del Vehículo (VIN), cualquier vehículo de crédito que planee reclamar, si corresponde, y su información de pago . Para brindar a los conductores aún más comodidad, ExpressTruckTax ahora ofrece la opción de pagar su impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​directamente desde ExpressTruckTax junto con su tarifa de presentación mediante una tarjeta de crédito o débito. Este proceso está diseñado para ser rápido, de modo que los conductores puedan obtener su Anexo 1 sellado en minutos y volver a la carretera en lugar de pasar el día esperando en una oficina del IRS. Aunque la fecha límite del Formulario 2290 ya pasó, los conductores aún pueden hacer el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax.

ExpressTruckTax aprecia todo lo que hacen los camioneros y está diseñado para brindarles la experiencia de archivo más simple para que puedan volver a la carretera lo más rápido posible. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy para una experiencia de presentación rápida y fácil!

Happy Truck Driver Appreciation Week From ExpressTruckTax

This week, the week of September 11th-17th, we are celebrating something special. It is a time to celebrate some of the nation’s essential workers and recognize the important work they do every day. This week is none other than National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, a week where we celebrate all of the hard work truckers put into transporting the essential goods we need to their destinations. A majority of the goods we receive are transported and delivered by truck drivers, so it is important to recognize your efforts in doing so. 

We at ExpressTruckTax would like to thank truckers for all of the hard work you do every day. You are what helps keep America moving, traveling thousands of miles each year. We would also like to thank you for choosing ExpressTruckTax for all of your Form 2290 filing needs. Without you, there would be no ExpressTruckTax.

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). This form is filed annually and the deadline to file is August 31st. ExpressTruckTax knows drivers are generally on the road, busy transporting essential goods. To make sure we give drivers the best filing experience so that they can get back on the road as quickly as possible, ExpressTruckTax has created a filing experience uniquely designed to meet the needs of truck drivers. The filing process is designed not to take long to file Form 2290 and can be completed in a few simple steps. 

ExpressTruckTax makes it fast and easy to file Form 2290. Simply enter your business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), vehicle information including your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), any credit vehicles you plan to claim if any, and your payment information. To provide drivers with even more convenience, ExpressTruckTax now offers the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly from ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee using a credit or debit card. This process is designed to be fast so that drivers can get their Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes and get back on the road instead of spending the day waiting at an IRS office. Even though the Form 2290 deadline has passed, drivers can still file Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax

ExpressTruckTax appreciates everything that truckers do and is designed to provide them with the simplest filing experience so that they can get back on the road as quickly as possible. What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today for a quick and easy filing experience!

How to Make the Most of Driver Appreciation Week 2020

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is this week! We’re celebrating our American truck drivers from September 13-19, 2020.

If you’re a truck driver, we want to take this moment to thank you for all that you do to continuously move this country forward, especially this year during the pandemic.

Keep reading to find some awesome deals that will be offered during Truck Driver Appreciation Week.

If you’re a loved one or a family member of a truck driver, we’ve got some great gift ideas for truckers for you to check out. We’ll help you show appreciation for the truck driver in your life. 

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2020

Truck Driver Week Deals

Truck drivers haul more than $10.4 trillion worth of merchandise every year.

That’s no small feat.

Certain places will be offering deals throughout Driver Appreciation Week to say thank you.

T.A. Petro is running a “Swipestakes” all month.

Simply use your UltraONE card at a T.A. Petro card to enter. There are some great prizes.

Keep an eye out for other deals and specials as the week progresses.

Gift Ideas for Truckers

If you’re here as a friend or loved one of someone in the trucking industry, we’ve put together a list of gifts for truck drivers for you to help show your appreciation.

1. Check out the ATA Online Store

Tons of trucker gear for your favorite truck driver. Plus they even have some stuff with this year’s Driver Appreciation Week 2019 logo on it.

2. Stainless Steel Insulated Tumblers

Keeps drinks cold, fits in the cup holder and is sealed tight to prevent spills.

Plus, it keeps truck drivers from accumulating a bunch of disposable cups. It’s perfect!

3. Cooler

It’s no secret that food on the road is one of the toughest challenges of being a truck driver.

Surprise your driver with an insulated cooler bag full of his/her favorite goodies this year for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week.

4. Toiletry Bag

Truck sleepers aren’t always the cleanest or roomiest places, and truck stop bathrooms aren’t much better.

One of the best gifts for truck drivers is a hanging toiletry bag.

It saves space, makes it easy to organize things for quick use, and is portable.

5. Multi-tool

You never know what you’ll need on the road!

A new multi-tool could be the perfect gift for your truck driver this year.

There are tons of options to choose from, and you could even consider getting it customized!

6. Wool Blanket

Fall is approaching fast. Consider gift ideas for truckers that provide comfort in the cooler months.

One perfect gift is a wool blanket, lightweight and durable, with great heat-trapping capabilities.

American Truck Drivers

At ExpressTruckTax, we work hard every day to make the lives of truck drivers easier.

Happy Driver Appreciation Week 2020! We appreciate everything you have done this year especially for our nation, and we will continue to serve you as best we can.

We’re here to help. If you ever need us, feel free to give us a call at 704.234.6005.