Tag: trivia questions

Trucking Industry Trivia with ExpressTruckTax!

Do you think you know everything about the trucking industry? Whether you have been driving a truck for years now or just getting started, it’s time to test your knowledge about trucking. Who knows, you might learn a few facts about trucking that you didn’t know before.

Q: How long does a typical semi-truck engine last?

A: A semi-truck engine can last up to around one million miles, while a typical car engine usually only lasts around 200,000 miles.

Q: What does the word “semi” actually refer to?

A: The word “semi” actually refers to the trailer pulled by trucks. This is because it only has wheels on one end. Semi-truck refers to the truck and the trailer combined. 

Q: What is the distance it takes for a semi-truck to come to a complete stop?

A: The distance it takes for a semi-truck to come to a complete stop is around 720 feet, which equals the length of two football fields. 

Q: True or False? Semi-trucks get into fewer accidents on the road than regular cars?

A: True. Semi-trucks get into three times fewer accidents than regular noncommercial vehicles. 

Q: How long is the average truck and trailer?

A: The average truck and trailer are around 75 feet long.

Q: How much does a semi-truck cost?

A: The average semi-truck can cost anywhere between $80,000 and $200,000 depending on the brand and if you are buying it new or used.  

Q: What average speed should a truck drive to save fuel?

A: If you drive your truck at speeds of around 65 miles an hour, you will consume over twenty-five percent compared to if you were to drive around 75 miles an hour. This is good to know especially with fuel costs being high.

Q: How many miles does the average trucker travel in a year?

A: On average, a truck driver travels around 100,000 miles in a year. 

Q: True or false: Interstate highways that run East-West have even numbers and those that run North-South have odd numbers?

A: True. If an interstate has an even number (Example: I-80) it will run East-West and if it has an odd number it will run North-South (Example: I-85). 

Q: How much has emission from heavy trucks been reduced since the 1980s?

A: Emission from heavy trucks has been reduced by around 95% since the 1980s. Clean diesel technology has made it possible for around 60 modern-day trucks to put out the amount of emission equivalent to one truck in the 1980s.

How many of these questions did you know the answer to already? Even if you didn’t know many of these answers, there’s always something new to learn about the trucking industry. ExpressTruckTax is here to help drivers in the trucking industry file Form 2290 for their Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This must be filed by drivers of trucks weighing 55,000 pounds or more annually to the IRS. Hopefully, you knew that already. If not, it is not too late to file your Form 2290 and avoid any additional penalties. What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 today and who knows, maybe learn even more about the trucking industry from us in the future!