Tag: irp registration

You NEED These Documents In The Cab Of Your Truck

Hey, it’s ExpressAmber, and today we’re going to talk about important paperwork that you should have in your truck.

All right, so it’s no secret that I have said over all of these years how complicated it is to be a truck driver. Sometimes people think, “Oh, like, oh, they’re just driving a truck,” and there’s so much more to driving a truck than just driving the truck. You go to school for weeks and months to just learn how to drive the truck.

A lot of times what I have found, though, is that the schools don’t teach you the paperwork side of things. They don’t teach you how to manage your business from a working aspect number one, but then number two, all of the taxes and the registrations and the renewals and updates that you have to keep up with. A lot of times that’s not taught in trucking school.

So, I know that there’s dispatching schools and all sorts of other types of schools to teach you how to do those specific things, but again, what kind of paperwork do you need in your truck? Are you required to have in your truck? And so, I have a list of documents that you could be required.

Again, a lot of it depends on the state, the DOT officer that pulls you over, all of that good stuff, but I have a list of documents that you could be required to have in your truck. This might be helpful for you to just get this all together and that way when you are pulled over for a DOT inspection or pulled over, you have it together all in one place that you’re able to just hand over and you have all of this right there in your truck.

So, number one, your truck and your trailer registration, also the DOT inspection for your truck and the trailer. It’s also important to have your rental or your lease agreement for the trailer if applicable. Again, this is something that if you have your own trailer and you have the lease agreement for that trailer, you want to have that with you.

Your proof of insurance, having a copy of that is super, super important. Your IFTA license, your IRP registration, a lot of times those things go together. When you’re getting IRP, you also have to get IFTA. And so, a lot of times people just keep that together, but your IFTA license again, and that renews every year, and so you want to make sure that you have your updated IFTA license with you. The same thing with your IRP, your registration card, make sure that you have the current one in your truck with you.

A copy of your UCR registration, now again, this isn’t necessarily required, but it’s always better to have more information than not enough information. So, your UCR, again that renews every year, and so make sure you have the current UCR registration with you. If the DOT inspector officer asks for it, you have it. A copy of your other state fuel permit, so again, if you’re traveling in Kentucky, New York, Oregon, you know how you have your KYU or your Oregon State permit, those things make sure you have a copy with you.

And that way, again, if you are pulled over and you are asked for those things, you have those other state permits with you. Your liability insurance, your medical examiner certificate, and then your ELD manual and also a malfunction guide. Those manuals that go with your ELD again, make sure they’re in the same place where all of this other paperwork is to show that you have those readily available if you need them. And then also just general information, your MC number, your DOT number.

Again, if you have those state permits, what are your numbers there in those states? All of this is good to have together because, again, when you are pulled over, that is not the time to freak out about, ‘Oh my goodness, do I have all of my paperwork together?’

Have it together in a folder along with all of these other required documents, such as the Form 2290. Again, that is an annual tax that’s due to the IRS. Typically, July-August are the deadline periods for that. And when you have your 2290, you get a stamped Schedule 1, and that’s basically the receipt of filing.

So, you’ll need that to update your IRP to renew your registration plates. All of these forms kind of intermingle with each other at some point, so you should have a copy of your Form 2290, your stamped Schedule 1 with you as well to show that you’re up to date, again, and it just will back up those other documents.

So, these are some of the required documents that you should have together in your truck at all times. If you have further questions or you have another topic that you would like me to discuss, comment down below, and I’ll be happy to do that.

And always subscribe to my channel so you get notifications when I have a new video. Thanks so much, and I look forward to helping you. Bye.

Important Forms And Deadlines Truckers Need To Know

When taking up the occupation of being a truck driver there are many things to consider, including what forms you have to file and when and what tags you need to get for your truck. The dates and names can get a little confusing so the purpose of this helpful guide is to explain the purpose of each form and when they are due. 

Form 2290

What is it?

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HUVT).

Who has to file?

If a vehicle is over 55,000 pounds that travels more than 5,000 miles in a year then the Form 2290 has to be filed. If the vehicle travels less than 5,000 miles in a year it is considered suspended. If the vehicle only hauls agriculture and travels less than 7,500 miles in a year it is considered suspended as well. Even if the vehicle is suspended, Form 2290 still needs to be filed. 

When is the deadline? 

The deadline to file your Form 2290 is August 31st each year unless it falls on a weekend or a holiday it is then moved to the next business day, but you are able to prefile for the form starting in May. When you put your truck on the road for the first time also depends on when your 2290 is due. If you put your truck on the road in October you have to file your Form 2290 by the end of November. 

Where to File?

You can use ExpressTruckTax to file your Form 2290 in just a few easy steps! 


What is it?

The International Registration Plan (IRP), which is the plates on a truck.

Who has to File? 

If a truck is crossing state lines, weighs over 26,000 pounds, and has three or more axles, they qualify to get the IRP.

When is the Deadline?

It depends on the State/base jurisdiction. Some states have set deadlines and in other states the deadline is the same month every year based on the month you first registered. 

Where do you Renew your IRP?

At your local IRP office in your base jurisdiction. 


What is it? 

International Fuel Tax Agreement

Who has to File?

Commercial motor vehicles that travel through more than one jurisdiction and purchase fuel in the different jurisdictions are required to file IFTA. 

What is the Timeframe?

The IFTA is actually filed on a quarterly basis. The quarters are as follows:

Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31

Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30

Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30

Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

When is the deadline?

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 22)

Quarter 2: July 31

Quarter 3: October 31

Quarter 1: January 31

(This also depends on if the deadlines fall on a weekend or holiday it will be moved to the next business day)

Where do you Report and File your IFTA?

TruckLogics offers IFTA Reporting for $24.95 per report per quarter. You can file your IFTA with your base jurisdiction. 


What is it?

It Stands for Unified Carrier Registration Program.

Who has to File?

Commercial vehicles carrying cargo over state or international lines have to file.

When is the Deadline?

December 31st

Now that you have learned the different types of forms and tags needed to be a truck driver, write down these dates on your calendar or put them in your phone. They are important and missing them might lead to penalties and fines. File your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and report your IFTA today with TruckLogics IFTA Only option!

This Is It! The Form 2290 Deadline Is Here!

The 2020 Form 2290 deadline is today! There’s no more time to procrastinate.  Failing to file by midnight will mean serious IRS HVUT penalties and could even mean the suspension of your IRP registration.

If you fail to file, an additional 4.5% of your owed tax amount will be tacked on. And since an up-to-date stamped Schedule 1 is required for IRP registration, your IRP could be suspended if you wait too long.

Meet your 2290 Deadline with ExpressTruckTax

We make it possible for truckers to file Form 2290 on time. With ExpressTruckTax, you can file anytime and anywhere.

It takes less than 5 minutes to file with us, and we provide step-by-step instructions along the way.

Our returns are usually accepted by the IRS within minutes, meaning you will get the stamped Schedule 1 almost in minutes. By comparison, paper filing can take weeks.

And, with our ExpressGuarantee, you can be sure your 2290 will be accepted by the IRS, or we will refund your filing fee. Our 100% US-based customer support team will also do everything they can to fix any errors you might have. 

They are working extended hours until midnight tonight, so you can be sure to get your 2290 filed correctly. Call 803.234.6005 to have your questions answered in English or Spanish.

Pricing starts at just $9.90 for a single truck.

Form 2290: Last Minute Filing Guide

Don’t miss the deadline. File now!

What You Need To Know About The Emergency IRP And IFTA Deadline Changes

Last week, the FMCSA temporarily suspended HOS rules for truckers hauling essential supplies and providing direct assistance to relief efforts for the Coronavirus.

Now, as more and more people are working from home in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, many government offices like the DMV are shutting down.

So many states have no way of verifying or keeping track of trucking registration like IFTA and IRP and truckers have no way of renewing their licenses.

To ease this tension in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, many states are waiving or suspending some or all of the registration requirements for IFTA and IRP.

This does not mean that all regulations are null and void, however. Most states have also asked that you carry a copy of a waiver (most of which are linked below) with you while you travel in their borders.

*It is your responsibility to read the full explanation provided by state governments before you attempt any travel.*

Below is a full breakdown of every exemption, extension, and suspension we could find.

IRP and IFTA deadline changes


IRP and IFTA registration requirements for vehicles traveling through the state as a part of emergency relief are waived until April 31, 2020.


IRP and IFTA requirements for vehicles traveling in and through Arkansas for relief efforts are waived until April 30, 2020.


IRP registrants with fleets expiring in March are extended until May 15, 2020.

90-day IFTA extension can be applied for by completing a waiver if you or a relative you are caring for is sick with COVID-19. Waiver available at: CDTFA.ca.gov


IRP registration enforcement suspended until April, 18.

90-day IFTA extension can be applied for by completing a waiver if you or a relative you are caring for is sick with COVID-19. Waiver available at: Colorado.gov/tax.


IRP registrations that expire between March 10 and June 8, 2020, extended by 90 days.

Connecticut IFTA requirements are waived for commercial vehicles assisting in relief efforts until further notice.


IFTA and IRP requirements are waived for vehicles aiding in emergency relief until the end of the state of emergency.

District of Columbia:

IRP enforcement suspended for vehicles with registration expiring on or after March 1, 2020, until further notice.


IRP and IFTA enforcement also suspended for trucks traveling through the state as a part of emergency relief until April 13, 2020.

Vehicles with Florida IRP registration expiring on April 30, 2020 are valid for another 30 days.


IRP and IFTA trip and fuel permits for vehicles providing direct assistance to the COVID-19 emergency are waived until May 16, 2020, at 5 pm.

All vehicle registrations that expire between March 16, 2020, and June 14, 2020, have been extended through June 15, 2020


Expiration dates for license and registration are extended for the duration of the disaster and 30 days after it ends.

Illinois IRP plates expiring on March 31, 2020 are valid until July 31, 2020.

No IFTA penalty or interest for late filers, until May 26, 2020.


IRP and IFTA registration requirements temporarily waived.

IRP registration deadline for expirations between March 31 and April 30 extended to May 31.


IRP registration deadlines are delayed in Iowa for all commercial vehicles until April 16, 2020.

IRP and IFTA requirements for any commercial vehicles traveling through the state of Iowa to provide direct COVID-19 assistance are waived until April 30, 2020.

The 1st quarter IFTA deadline is now May 31, 2020.


IRP trip permit requirements for trucks traveling through Kansas have been suspended for trucks operating in association with disaster assistance until further notice.

Registration requirements for Kansas IRP vehicles providing disaster relief is extended until May 15, 2020.


Renewal dates for licensing and registration extended by 90 days.


IRP registrations with an expiration date of March 31, 2020, are extended to May 31, 2020.


IRP and IFTA registration enforcement is being waived for the next 30 days.

Maine will not be charging late penalties for 1st Quarter IFTA filings.


Enforcement of IRP registrations expiring on or after March 12, 2020, is suspended until further notice.

IFTA deadline is June 1, 2020.


Enforcement of IRP & IFTA requirements is waived through the end of May.


IRP and IFTA requirements are waived until the end of the declared emergency.


IRP and IFTA requirements for motor carriers traveling through Mississippi due to the COVID-19 emergency are waived.

Registration set to expire on March 31, 2020, will be extended to April 30, 2020.


IRP registration deadline is extended until further notice.

IFTA requirements are also waived until further notice.


Vehicle registrations expiring on or after March 1, 2020, are valid until 30 days after the end of the state of emergency.

New Jersey:

IRP and IFTA registrations expiring March through May 2020 are extended until May 31, 2020. Temporary IRP and IFTA requirements are waived for vehicles traveling through New Jersey for relief efforts.


IRP and IFTA requirements are waived during the duration of the emergency.

New York

IRP registrations expiring on or after March 1, 2020, extended to May 15, 2020.

North Carolina:

IRP registration requirements are waived until the end of the declared state of emergency or until further notice. 

North Dakota:

IRP registrations that expire on March 31, 2020, are granted an expiration extension until May 31, 2020.


Registration and licensing requirements are waived for commercial vehicles providing direct assistance to relief efforts until May 15, 2020.


The deadline for vehicle registrations expiring from March 16 through March 31, 2020, is now extended until April 30, 2020.

The first quarter IFTA deadline is now June 1, 2020.

Pennsylvania IFTA trip permit requirements are also waived for 30 days or until the end of the emergency.

Rhode Island:

License and registrations expiring between March, 1 and April 30, 2020, are now valid for another 90 days after their expiration.

South Carolina:

IRP and IFTA registrations that expire March 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020, will be valid until July 1, 2020.

IRP and IFTA requirements for out-of-state vehicles are waived until June 30, 2020.


IFTA and IRP requirements for vehicles traveling through the state of Tennesse in furtherance of disaster relief efforts is waived until May 18, 2020.

The new first quarter IFTA deadline is May 26, 2020.


IRP and IFTA renewal for vehicles engaged in emergency relief efforts with registration expiring after March 17, 2020 waived until further notice.


IRP and IFTA enforcement discouraged for 90 days from the date of the emergency declaration (March 13, 2020).

The new first quarter IFTA deadline is May 26, 2020.


Registration and licensing requirements waived until May 19, 2020.

West Virginia:

IRP registration validity period of vehicle registration due to expire on or before May 15, 2020, extended for 90 days


IRP registrations with the expiration dates of March through May are now extended until June 30, 2020.

IFTA decal and license enforcement also waived until June 30, 2020.


IRP registration enforcement suspended for expiration dates on after March 20, 2020. IRP and IFTA enforcement also suspended for trucks traveling through the state as a part of emergency relief.

Never miss another update!

8 IRP Registration Deadlines You Need To Know About

The International Registration Plan (IRP) provides trucks and other commercial vehicles the ability to travel between any of the 50 US states and the provinces of Canada

IRP registration and yearly IRP renewals are required for any commercial vehicle weighing more than 26,000 pounds and traveling between two or more jurisdictions.

So if you travel or plan to travel between jurisdictions you must have up-to-date IRP registration.

Upcoming registration IRP renewal deadlines

In many jurisdictions, you must apply for IRP renewal at least 30 days ahead of the deadline. Most jurisdictions will send you a reminder ahead of the deadline but if you do not receive a notification it is still your responsibility to apply on time.

What you need to renew IRP registration

In order to register or renew IRP with your base jurisdiction, you will need: 

  • Proof of business location in your base jurisdiction
  • Proof of Form 2290 payment in the form of a current Stamped Schedule 1

Get your Stamped Schedule 1 today

The easiest way to get your Stamped Schedule 1 for IRP renewal is to e-file with ExpressTruckTax. Just follow these simple instructions!