Tag: ifta taxes

How To Generate an IFTA Report With TruckLogics for the Third Quarter

The IFTA deadline for the third quarter of 2023 is Tuesday, October 31st. 

Are you tired of having to manually do the calculations for IFTA? Look no further than TruckLogics and its IFTA-only option. Here you can generate IFTA reports by entering your data via manual upload, a TruckLogics Excel template, or through Motive ELD. TruckLogics will do the calculations for you and keep track of all of the IFTA tax rates so you don’t have to. 

Below you will find how to generate your report with TruckLogics in only a few simple steps!

Creating an IFTA Report using IFTA-Only

1. First, when using the TruckLogics IFTA-only option you will need to create an account. Select whether you are a Business Owner or a Service Provider and enter your business name, and contact information.

2. You will then select the plan you want. There are two options, the 

  1. “Generate IFTA Report Only” option and 
  2. The “A Complete Trucking Management” option. The latter option is a subscription-based service that will give you access to all of the features needed to manage your trucking business. 

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will choose the “Generate IFTA Report Only” Option. 

3. Enter your business information including your business name, business address, country, base jurisdiction, and your IFTA account number. Once you do this you will click “Let’s Go”.

4. Click “edit” on the IFTA settings. 

5. Here you can change the fuel usage and distance units from “Gallons” and “Miles” to “liters” and “kilometers” as well as your IFTA Signing Authority. 

6. Once you are finished click save. 

7. Next, you will click the “Manage Trucks” button under “Qualified Trucks for IFTA” to add any trucks you need to report IFTA for.

8. Here you can add trucks manually, import them from Motive, or ExpressTruckTax. 

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will select the “Add Truck Manually” option. 

9. When you select this option you will enter the truck’s Unit Number, Make, Model, Fuel Type, VIN, and Gross Vehicle Weight.

10. When you finish adding all of the trucks you are generating the report for, you will click on the “IFTA” tab.

11. Make sure the appropriate tax year is selected.

12. Choose “Start Return” under the appropriate quarter. 

13. Select which trucks you want to generate the report for or add new trucks.

14. Once the trucks you need to report IFTA for are selected click “Next”. 

15. You then will be asked how you want to import distance and fuel for this quarter. You can either select “Upload Data in Bulk” where you can use the TruckLogics IFTA Excel template to upload your data at once, “Quick Entry” where you will enter the distance and fuel data manually for each truck, or “Pull data from Motive” where you can import Distance and Fuel data from your connected Motive account. 

16. If you select “quick entry” select the QE button beside each truck and enter the data manually either by odometer or distance. 

17. Make sure all of the information is entered for each month including trip date, state, odometer start, odometer end, trip type, distance, nontaxable distance, toll miles (if applicable), and fuel purchased. Then you will click “Save”. 

18. Once the data for all trucks has been added click “Next”. 

19. Review the IFTA summary and click “Next”. 

20. You will now see the tax amount you owe. If you have any credits from previous IFTA filings enter them into the box labeled “Credit Amount”.

21. Then you will click “Next”. 

22. Review the information one last time and then click “Next” again.

23. The system will check your return and make sure all of the necessary data has been entered and nothing was left blank. If needed, add any of the missing data, and then click “Next”. 

24. Now it is time to pay the service fee. Click “Proceed to Pay”.

25. Enter your billing information and click “Confirm and Pay”.

26. Once you pay the service fee, you can download your IFTA Report by clicking “Download IFTA PDF”. Print it and file it with your base jurisdiction.

Create an IFTA Report from TruckLogics Account (for Preferred and Premium plans only)

1. From anywhere in your TruckLogics Account select the “IFTA” Tab.

2. From here you will follow steps 4 through 25 from the tutorial above to complete your IFTA report. The only difference is that you will also have the option to upload data from trip sheets and fuel expenses from your TruckLogics account for IFTA reporting. IFTA generation, in this case, is also included in the prices of the subscription instead of having to pay per report. 

State IFTA Reporting

Not all states allow you to paper file. Instead, they require you to file using their file system. For those states, TruckLogics provides an e-file worksheet to make entry into the state’s e-file system easier. This comes at no extra cost to you, however, it is your responsibility to know whether or not your state allows paper filing or only allows e-filing.

A worksheet does not constitute a valid refund request. Regardless, TruckLogics has the solution for all of your IFTA needs whether you use the IFTA-only option or report IFTA directly from your TruckLogics account. 

What are you waiting for, go to TruckLogics and start reporting IFTA today!

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Qué es el IFTA?

¿Qué es el IFTA?

IFTA significa Acuerdo Internacional de Impuestos sobre el Combustible y se estableció entre los 48 estados contiguos y diez provincias canadienses.

¿Quién tiene que presentar IFTA?

Los conductores de vehículos con las siguientes características deben presentar IFTA:

  1. Pesar 26,000 libras o más
  2. Tener tres o más ejes.
  3. Viajes entre dos o más jurisdicciones

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite del IFTA?

El IFTA se presenta trimestralmente en la jurisdicción base del conductor. Los detalles de cada trimestre son los siguientes:

1 er. Trimestre: 1ro. de Enero – 31 de Marzo
2do. Trimestre: 1ro. de Abril – 30 de Junio
3er. Trimestre:  1ro. de Julio – 30 de Septiembre
4to. Trimestre:  1ro. de Octubre – 31 de Diciembre

La fecha límite de declarar para cada trimestre es la siguiente (si la fecha límite cae en fin de semana o feriado, la fecha límite se trasladará al siguiente día hábil):

1 er. Trimestre: 30 de Abril (2 de Mayo de 2022)
2do. Trimestre: 31 de Julio (1 de Agosto de 2022)
3er. Trimestre: 31 de Octubre
4to. Trimestre: 31 de Enero

¿Qué se requiere para hacer el IFTA?

Debe generar un informe IFTA para declarar su IFTA. Este informe constará de lo siguiente:

  1. Nombre del Negocio
  2. Camiones que cumplen con los requisitos de IFTA
  3. La cantidad de combustible comprado y las millas recorridas en cada jurisdicción

¿A quién presentan los conductores el IFTA?

Los conductores presentan IFTA a su jurisdicción base, de esta manera la jurisdicción base distribuirá los impuestos sobre el combustible adeudados a cada estado.

¿Qué es HUT?

HUT es un requisito de presentación por separado que significa impuesto sobre el uso de carreteras. Esto no es lo mismo que el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​y solo se requiere para conductores con jurisdicciones base en Kentucky, Nuevo México, Nueva York y Oregón. El HUT debe presentarse directamente en la base de jurisdicción del conductor.

¿Pueden las tarjetas de combustible ayudar con IFTA?

Puede ser beneficioso tener tarjetas de combustible, especialmente cuando se trata de IFTA. Las tarjetas de combustible son tarjetas de crédito que se pueden usar en la bomba y ahorrar hasta quince centavos por galón. Con el aumento del precio del combustible, esto puede ser beneficioso a largo plazo. Puede usar el estado de cuenta de su tarjeta de crédito para ayudar a registrar las compras de combustible IFTA en cada jurisdicción al generar su informe IFTA.

¿Dónde se puede generar un informe IFTA?

Para presentar su IFTA con su jurisdicción base, primero debe generar su informe IFTA. ExpressTruckTax tiene una empresa hermana, TruckLogics, donde puede generar informes IFTA en formatos específicos del estado. TruckLogics es un software completo de administración de camiones que ayuda a los usuarios a administrar todos los aspectos de su negocio de camiones, incluido el despacho, la asignación de conductores a los despachos, el seguimiento del mantenimiento del equipo, el pago de los conductores y más. Si se suscribe al plan preferido o premium, también puede generar informes IFTA. Si no necesita un software de gestión de camiones completo, TruckLogics ofrece una opción solo-para-IFTA. Simplemente regístrese, ingrese su información e ingrese su camión y la información de kilometraje de combustible.

Puede ingresar su información de millaje de combustible a través de la entrada manual, la carga masiva a través de la plantilla de Excel de TruckLogics o a través de Motive ELD. TruckLogics también realiza un seguimiento de todas las tasas impositivas de IFTA y realiza todos los cálculos por usted. Si tiene vehículos que tienen diferentes tipos de combustible, sus vehículos se colocarán automáticamente en informes separados para cada tipo de combustible. Solo necesita pagar por informe por trimestre una vez que genera el informe.

La fecha límite del IFTA del tercer trimestre está a solo una semana de distancia. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Vaya a TruckLogics y genere su informe IFTA rápida y fácilmente hoy!

FAQ Friday: What is IFTA?

What is IFTA?

IFTA stands for the International Fuel Tax Agreement and was established between the 48 contiguous states and ten Canadian provinces. 

Who has to file IFTA?

Drivers of vehicles with the following characteristics must file IFTA:

  1. Weigh 26,000 pounds or more
  2. Have three or more axles
  3. Travel between two or more jurisdictions

When is the IFTA deadline?

IFTA is filed quarterly to the driver’s base jurisdiction. The details for each quarter are as follows: 

Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31
Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30
Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30
Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

The deadline to file for each quarter is as follows (If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be moved to the next business day):

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 2022)
Quarter 2: July 31 (August 1, 2022)
Quarter 3: October 31
Quarter 4: January 31

What is required to file IFTA?

You need to generate an IFTA report in order to file IFTA. This report will consist of the following:

  1. Business name
  2. Trucks that meet the IFTA requirements
  3. The amount of fuel purchased and miles that were driven in each jurisdiction

Who do drivers file IFTA to?

Drivers file IFTA to their base jurisdiction, this way the base jurisdiction will distribute the fuel taxes owed to each state.

What is HUT?

HUT is a separate filing requirement that stands for Highway Use Tax. This is not the same thing as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax and is only required for drivers with base jurisdictions in Kentucky, New Mexico, New York, and Oregon. The HUT needs to be filed directly with the driver’s base jurisdiction.

Can fuel cards help with IFTA?

Fuel cards can be beneficial to have, especially when it comes to IFTA. Fuel cards are credit cards that you can use at the pump and save up to fifteen cents per gallon. With the price of fuel increasing, this can be beneficial in the long run. You can use your credit card statement to help record IFTA fuel purchases in each jurisdiction when generating your IFTA report. 

Where can you generate an IFTA report?

In order to file IFTA with your base jurisdiction, you first need to generate your IFTA report. ExpressTruckTax has a sister company, TruckLogics, where you can generate IFTA reports in state-specific formats. TruckLogics is a full Trucking Management Software that helps users manage all aspects of their trucking business including dispatching, assigning drivers to dispatches, keeping track of equipment maintenance, paying drivers, and more. If you sign up for the preferred or premium plan, you are able to generate IFTA reports as well. If you do not need a full Trucking Management Software, TruckLogics offers an IFTA-only option. Simply sign up, enter your information, and enter your truck and fuel mileage information. 

You can either enter your fuel mileage information through manual entry, bulk upload through the TruckLogics excel template, or through Motive ELD. TruckLogics also keeps track of all of the IFTA tax rates and does all of the calculations for you. If you have vehicles that have different fuel types, your vehicles will automatically be put in separate reports for each fuel type. You only need to pay per report per quarter once you generate the report. 

The third quarter IFTA deadline is only a week away. What are you waiting for? Go to TruckLogics and generate your IFTA report quickly and easily today!

Como Generar su informe con la opción de Solo-IFTA en TruckLogics

La fecha límite del 3er. trimestre para el IFTA es el lunes 31 de Octubre del 2022.

¿Está cansado de tener que hacer sus cálculos manualmente para el IFTA? No busque más allá de TruckLogics y su opción de solo-IFTA. Aquí puede generar informes de IFTA ingresando sus datos a través de una carga manual, una plantilla de Excel de TruckLogics o a través de Motive ELD. TruckLogics hará los cálculos por usted y realizará un seguimiento de todas las tasas impositivas de IFTA para que no tenga que hacerlo. ¡A continuación encontrará cómo generar su informe con TruckLogics en solo unos simples pasos!

1. Primero, creará una cuenta y seleccionará si es “Business Owner” o “Service Provider”.

2. A continuación, seleccionará qué categoría de plan desea elegir. Hay dos opciones, la opción “Generate IFTA Report Only” y la opción “A Complete Trucking Management”. Esta opción es una suscripción que le brindará todas las funciones necesarias para administrar su negocio de camiones. A los efectos de este tutorial, elegiremos la opción “Generate IFTA Report Only”.

3. Ingrese la información de su negocio, incluyendo el nombre de su negocio, la dirección comercial, su país, su jurisdicción base y su número de cuenta IFTA. Una vez que hagas esto, haga clic en “Let’s Go”.

4. Luego irá a “IFTA Settings” y hará clic en “Edit”.

5. Aquí puede cambiar el uso de combustible y las unidades de distancia de galones y millas a litros y kilómetros, así como su IFTA Signing Authority.

6. Una vez que haya terminado, haga clic en “Save”.

7. A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Manage Trucks” en “Qualified Trucks for IFTA”.

8. Puede agregar camiones manualmente, importarlos desde KeepTruckin o importarlos desde ExpressTruckTax. Para los fines de este tutorial, seleccionaremos la opción “Add Truck Manually”.

9. Cuando seleccione esta opción, ingresará el número de unidad, la marca, el modelo, el tipo de combustible, el VIN y el peso bruto del vehículo.

10. Cuando termine de agregar todos los camiones para los que está generando el informe, haga clic en la pestaña IFTA.

11. Asegúrese de seleccionar el año fiscal apropiado.

12. Elija “Start Return” en el trimestre correspondiente.

13. Seleccione los camiones sobre los que desea informar o agregue nuevos camiones.

14. Una vez seleccionados los camiones, haga clic en Next.

15. Se le preguntará cómo desea importar la distancia y el combustible para este trimestre. Puede seleccionar “Upload Data in Bulk”, donde puede usar la plantilla de Excel IFTA de TruckLogics para cargar sus datos a granel, “Quick Entry”, donde ingresará los datos de distancia y combustible manualmente para cada camión, o “Pull data from Motive”. donde puede importar datos de distancia y combustible desde su cuenta de Motive conectada.

16. Si selecciona “Quick Entry”, seleccione el botón QE al lado de cada camión e ingrese los datos manualmente ya sea por odómetro o distancia.

17. Asegúrese de ingresar toda la información para cada mes, incluyendo la fecha del viaje, el estado, el inicio del odómetro, el final del odómetro, el tipo de viaje, la distancia, la distancia no imponible, las millas con peaje (si corresponde) y el combustible comprado, luego presione Save.

18. Una vez que se hayan agregado los datos de todos los camiones, haga clic en Next.

19. Revise el resumen de IFTA y haga clic en Next.

20. Ahora verá la cantidad de impuestos que debe. Si tiene créditos de presentaciones anteriores de IFTA, introdúzcalos en el cuadro denominado “Credit Amount”.

21. Luego haga clic en Next.

22. Revise la información por última vez y luego haga clic en Next nuevamente.

23. El sistema verificará su declaración en busca de errores comunes. Corrija los errores hasta que no se encuentren errores y luego haga clic en Next.

24. Ahora es el momento de pagar la tarifa de servicio. Haga clic en “Proceed to Pay”.

25. Ingrese su información de facturación y haga clic en “Confirm and Pay”.

26. Una vez que pague la tarifa del servicio, puede descargar su Informe IFTA haciendo clic en “Download IFTA PDF” y presentarlo en su jurisdicción base.

Cree un informe IFTA desde la cuenta de TruckLogics (solo para planes Preferidos y Premium)

1. Desde cualquier parte de su cuenta de TruckLogics, seleccione la pestaña “IFTA”.

2. Desde aquí, seguirá los pasos 4 a 25 del tutorial anterior para completar su informe IFTA. La única diferencia es que también tendrá la opción de cargar datos de hojas de viaje y gastos de combustible desde su cuenta de TruckLogics para informes IFTA. La generación de IFTA, en este caso, también está incluida en los precios de la suscripción en vez de tener que pagar por informe.

No todos los estados permiten hacer su presentación en papel. En cambio, requieren que presente su informe electrónicamente. Para esos estados, TruckLogics proporciona una hoja de trabajo de presentación electrónica para facilitar la entrada al sistema de presentación electrónica de su estado. Esto no tiene costo adicional para usted, sin embargo, es su responsabilidad saber si su estado permite o no la presentación en papel o solo permite la presentación electrónica. Una hoja de trabajo no constituye una solicitud de reembolso válida. De todos modos, TruckLogics tiene la solución para todas sus necesidades de IFTA, ya sea que use la opción de solo-IFTA o informe IFTA directamente desde su cuenta de TruckLogics.

¡Qué está esperando, vaya a TruckLogics y comience a hacer su informe IFTA ya!

Generate Your 3rd Quarter IFTA Report Before the October 31st Deadline

IFTA stands for the International Fuel Tax Agreement which was made between the United States (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and District of Columbia) and ten Canadian provinces. It must be filed by drivers of vehicles with three or more axles, weigh 26,000 pounds or more, and drive through two or more jurisdictions. In order to file IFTA, you must generate a report with the amount of fuel purchased and miles traveled in each jurisdiction each quarter. IFTA reports are filed quarterly with the driver’s base jurisdiction so that the tax can be distributed to each jurisdiction fuel was purchased. 

The time frame of each quarter is as follows:
Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31
Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30
Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30
Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

The deadline to file for each quarter is as follows (If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be moved to the next business day):

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 2022)
Quarter 2: July 31 (August 1, 2022)
Quarter 3: October 31
Quarter 4: January 31

The deadline to file IFTA for the 3rd quarter is only a month away. Why should you spend extra time trying to do all of the calculations yourself and keep track of all of the IFTA tax rates, which are subject to change, sometimes even halfway through a quarter. This is why it is important to generate your IFTA reports with a system you can trust to create accurate IFTA reports based on the information you enter. 

ExpressTruckTax’s sister company TruckLogics has an IFTA only option that allows you to enter your data manually, using TruckLogics’ excel template, or through Motive ELD. Once the information is entered, TruckLogics does all of the calculations for you using up-to-date IFTA tax rates. It also generates reports in state-specific formats that are printable and e-filing worksheets will be available for the states that do not accept paper filing for IFTA.

TruckLogics is also a full Trucking Management Software that can help you manage your trucking business operations from dispatching, creating loads, keeping track of truck maintenance, paying drivers, and much more. IFTA reporting is also available in the full Trucking Management Software option but only for the Preferred and Premium plans. What are you waiting for? Visit TruckLogics.com today and start generating your IFTA report or streamlining your trucking business operations today!

Your 2022 2nd Quarter IFTA Report Filing Deadline is Here!

If a driver operates a vehicle that meets the following requirements: it weighs 26,000 pounds or more, has three or more axles, and travels through two or more jurisdictions; is required to file their IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) if their vehicle meets the following requirements: it weighs 26,000 pounds or more, has three or more axles, and travels through two or more jurisdictions.

This agreement was made with the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) and ten of the Canadian provinces. IFTA is designed with the purpose that truck drivers can report fuel purchased in each state to their base jurisdiction. The base jurisdiction is then responsible for distributing the taxes to each state fuel was purchased. 

IFTA is reported quarterly and the time frame of each quarter is as follows:

Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31
Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30
Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30
Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

The deadline to file IFTA for each quarter is as follows (If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be moved to the next business day):

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 2022)
Quarter 2: July 31 (August 1, 2022)
Quarter 3: October 31
Quarter 1: January 31

The Second Quarter IFTA deadline is Monday, August 1, 2022. This means that there are only a couple of days left to create your IFTA report and file it with your base jurisdiction. The deadline to file this report with your base jurisdiction is on August 1st, 2022 because July 31st, 2022 falls on a weekend this year. It is important that the IFTA is filed before the deadline because there will be penalties. Penalties accrued for IFTA vary depending on the jurisdiction. 

In order to ensure that you generate your IFTA report before the deadline correctly with all of the required information, our sister product TruckLogics offers an IFTA Only option that provides a comprehensive IFTA reporting solution. TruckLogics allows you to enter data manually, through the TruckLogics excel template to bulk upload data, or through Motive (formerly KeepTruckin) through ELDs. TruckLogics features a state adjacency check to make sure states you report having traveled through are adjacent. With TruckLogics you also don’t have to worry about keeping track of IFTA rates. TruckLogics keeps track of not only rates but split rates. 

To generate a report using the TruckLogics IFTA Only option, the price is $24.95 per report per quarter. Reports are generated in state-specific formats and are printable so that you can paper file if your base jurisdiction allows it. If it does not, TruckLogics provides you with an e-filing worksheet so that you can e-file with your base jurisdiction. 

The IFTA Only Option is not the only option that TruckLogics offers. TruckLogics is a full Trucking Management Software that offers dispatching, invoicing, tracking drivers, assigning drivers to loads, IFTA Reporting, and much more. There are plans available for different fleet sizes available for fleet managers, brokers, and owner-operators. If you are interested in trying out the Trucking Management Software, TruckLogics offers a 15-day free trial. Please note that IFTA reporting is not available in the free trial. 

Take advantage of all of the great features TruckLogics offers and start reporting IFTA before the Second Quarter 2022 deadline or sign up for the Trucking Management Software to streamline your trucking business today!

Start Reporting Your Second Quarter 2022 IFTA With TruckLogics Now

The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is required to be filed if a vehicle meets the following requirements:

  1. it weighs 26,000 pounds or more
  2. has three or more axles
  3. travels through two or more jurisdictions

This agreement was made with the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) and ten of the Canadian provinces. It is designed so that truck drivers can report fuel purchased in each state to their base jurisdiction and that jurisdiction is responsible for distributing the taxes to each state where the fuel was purchased in. 

IFTA is a tax that is reported quarterly and the time frame of each quarter is as follows:

Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31
Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30
Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30
Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

The deadline to file IFTA for each quarter is as follows (If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be moved to the next business day):

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 2022)
Quarter 2: July 31 (August 1, 2022)
Quarter 3: October 31
Quarter 1: January 31

You can officially start reporting IFTA for the Second Quarter 2022 starting in July. For this quarter you will need to create a report with the miles traveled and fuel purchased in each jurisdiction between April 1st and June 30th, 2022. The deadline to file this report with your base jurisdiction is on August 1st, 2022 because July 31st, 2022 falls on a weekend this year. 

In order to make sure that you create your report correctly with all of the necessary information, our sister product TruckLogics offers a simple easy-to-use IFTA reporting solution! With the TruckLogics IFTA-Only option, you are able to input data manually, through Motive (formerly KeepTruckin), or using the TruckLogics IFTA excel template to bulk upload your data. If you use the IFTA-Only option, the price is $24.95 per report per quarter. There are several features that make sure your data is correct such as a state adjacency check to make sure states that are reported are adjacent to each other. 

TruckLogics also keeps track of IFTA rates and split rates for you so that you don’t have to do any unnecessary calculations. Reports are generated in state-specific formats and are printable so that you can paper file if your base jurisdiction allows it. If it does not, TruckLogics provides you with an e-filing worksheet so that you can e-file with your base jurisdiction. 

What are you waiting for? The IFTA Second Quarter deadline is right around the corner. Don’t risk getting late fines, generate your IFTA report with TruckLogics today for a quick and stress-free IFTA reporting solution for the Second Quarter 2022.

1st Quarter 2022 IFTA Reporting: Everything You Need to Know!

If you are required to file your IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement), there are some important things you need to know before you get started. 

When are 1st Quarter IFTA 2022 taxes due?

The First quarter deadline is actually May 2, 2022, this year because April 30th falls on a Saturday. 

The data that is due for these deadlines includes mileage traveled and fuel purchased in each state during that quarter. It is then filed with your jurisdiction. 

First Quarter IFTA 2022  Rate Changes

Another important thing to note is that the fuel tax rates for the IFTA do increase sometimes, and for 2022 that is the case for some states. 

The states with increasing fuel tax rates are as follows: 

S.No.StateFuel Type4th Quarter 20211st Quarter 2022

Special Diesel0.35570.3637



Special Diesel0.32200.3260











Special Diesel0.50600.6270













Special Diesel0.45300.4680











Special Diesel0.27700.2480









7.New YorkGasoline0.40600.4130

Special Diesel0.38850.3955





8.North CarolinaGasoline0.36100.3850

Special Diesel0.36100.3850












Special Diesel0.31400.3190










10.West VirginiaPropane0.18500.2220



Click here to learn more about the IFTA Rate changes for the First Quarter of 2022.

Even if the rates do increase, however, you don’t have to worry because when you use TruckLogics to prepare your IFTA report, we keep a close eye on this and update our system quarterly according to the updated rates. This includes split rates, which is when the rate changes in the middle of the quarter.

TruckLogics – A Complete TMS Solution Provider 

TruckLogics is a leading Trucking Management Software that helps manage every aspect of a trucking business including dispatching, driver settlements, managing loads, paying drivers, reporting IFTA, and more. 

Generate your 2022 IFTA Reports for the 1st Quarter with TruckLogics

Now TruckLogics has two great options to report your IFTA, one being our full TMS and the other being our IFTA only option that is only $24.95 per report per quarter. 

Data Import: You can enter data manually using our excel template or from KeepTruckin. 

Automatic Tax Calculation: Once you enter the data you don’t have to worry, because TruckLogics does the math for you. It will calculate the tax you owe and then you can download the report and file it with your jurisdiction.

TruckLogics provides the IFTA Report in State specific Formats. You can file the report to the respective jurisdiction if your jurisdiction allows paper filing. If it does not and only allows e-filing, TruckLogics provides an e-file worksheet to make entry into the state’s e-file system easier.

Follow these steps to generate your IFTA Report with TruckLogics:

  • Step 1: Get Started with TruckLogics for FREE 
  • Step 2: Enter your basic business details
  • Step 3: Enter your truck details 
  • Step 4: Enter your fuel and mileage information
  • Step 5: Review your IFTA Tax Calculation and Report
  • Step 6: Pay and generate the IFTA Report

What are you waiting for? Sign up with TruckLogics and generate your IFTA report in time for the 1st Quarter deadline hassle-free!

Filing Your IFTA? TruckLogics Is The Solution To That And Much More

ExpressTruckTax is working with TruckLogics to ensure that you won’t miss the IFTA deadline this quarter. With TruckLogics you are able to not only manage your trucking business but also create your IFTA report.

TruckLogics for IFTA Reporting

TruckLogics guarantees the same file-ready reports that you already are familiar with from ExpressIFTA. While TruckLogics is an all-in-one trucking management software solution with many features like creating dispatches, keeping track of expenses, maintenance, and even paying drivers, its IFTA report capability is one of its defining features. 

In order to start creating your report, you will need to have your fuel up and mileage information handy. You then need to set up an account with TruckLogics

Once you create an account, click on the Dispatches tab.

From there you will select New Dispatch.

Select “Create Dispatch without Referring the Loads” to create a quick dispatch.

Once you create the dispatch and enter your miles for the quarter you will click on the expenses tab.

From there you will click Add Fuel Expense and enter your fuel expenses.

Once they are added you will click on the IFTA tab.

From here you will generate an IFTA report for the appropriate quarter.

For a more in-depth look at the IFTA reporting process using TruckLogics, check out the video tutorial below.

We hope you will love creating your IFTA report with TruckLogics. What are you waiting for? Start creating your report today! The deadline to file for this quarter is approaching fast!

Today is the 3rd Quarter IFTA Deadline

That’s right! Todays is the third quarter IFTA deadline. You will need to complete your IFTA return by midnight or you will have some major penalties to face. If this deadline snuck up on you and you’re wondering how you’ll ever make the deadline, don’t worry! 

Check out our awesome sister product, ExpressIFTA to easily handle all of your IFTA reporting needs online. You can quickly generate your IFTA report and use it to complete your return. Plus, we’re here to go over all the IFTA basics so you’ll be up to speed.

Today is the 3rd Quarter IFTA Deadline

Before we drive headlong into today’s IFTA reporting deadline, let’s review the basics of what you need to know.

What is IFTA?

If you are asking yourself “What is IFTA?” then you are in worse shape than I expected. But don’t worry I got you. The International Fuel Tax Agreement, or IFTA, quarterly fuel tax report allows you to travel in all participating member jurisdictions with a single fuel tax license. To operate in two or more jurisdictions, you are required to have an IFTA sticker and license.

You receive your IFTA stickers and license through you base jurisdiction which is your home state or where your vehicle is registered. Your IFTA license needs to be renewed annually in December. When you hold an IFTA license, you are required to file an IFTA quarterly fuel tax report that shows and calculated how much fuel tax you owe (or are credited) to remain compliant.

In short, IFTA is used to report and determine the net tax refund that’s due and to redistribute taxes from collecting states to due states. This agreement is between the lower 48 United States and 10 Canadian provinces, this regulation was put into place to simplify fuel reporting by those who use qualified motor vehicles.

Your vehicle qualifies for IFTA reporting if:

  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,00 pounds
  • Has two axles and a registered gross weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight
  • Or has a combined weight exceeding 26,000 pounds

To complete your IFTA report you need to provide the following information:

  • The total miles traveled per jurisdiction
  • The total gallons of fuel consumed per jurisdiction
  • The total tax paid gallons of fuel purchased per jurisdiction, and 
  • The current tax rate per jurisdiction 

File Your IFTA Fuel Tax Report

Our sister product, ExpressIFTA, makes it easy to import all of your IFTA information online in one convenient location. Use your IFTA reports to automatically calculate all fo your IFTA totals with 100% accuracy.

Your IFTA fuel tax rates will be generated in an easy-to-read quarterly IFTA report that contains everything you need to complete your return. Instantly print, download, or email your information at any time.

Today is the deadline for filing IFTA!! If you fail to file before midnight today you could be looking at major penalties.

September FUM 2290 Deadline

If you put a truck on the road in September 2020, your Form 2290 for that vehicle is also today, November 2, 2020!

File your 2290 in minutes with ExpressTruckTax!