Tag: IFTA reporting

Formularios y Plazos Importantes Que Los Camioneros Deben Saber

Al asumir la ocupación de ser un conductor de camión, hay muchas cosas a considerar, incluidos los formularios que debe presentar y cuándo y qué etiquetas necesita obtener para su camión. Las fechas y los nombres pueden ser un poco confusos, por lo que el propósito de esta útil guía es explicar el propósito de cada formulario y cuándo deben presentarse.

Formulario 2290

¿Qué es?

El Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​(HVUT).

¿Quién tiene que hacerlo?

Si un vehículo pesa más de 55,000 libras y viaja más de 5,000 millas en un año, entonces debe de hacer el Formulario 2290. Si el vehículo viaja menos de 5,000 millas en un año, se considera suspendido. Si el vehículo solo transporta agricultura y viaja menos de 7,500 millas en un año, también se considera suspendido. Incluso si el vehículo está suspendido, aún se debe presentar el Formulario 2290.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

La fecha límite para hacer su Formulario 2290 es el 31 de Agosto de cada año, a menos que sea un fin de semana o un feriado, luego se traslada al siguiente día hábil, pero puede presentar previamente el formulario a partir de Mayo. Cuando pone su camión en la carretera por primera vez también depende de cuándo vence su 2290. Si pone su camión en la carretera en Octubre, debe presentar su Formulario 2290 a finales de Noviembre.

ÂżDĂłnde lo puede hacer?

¡Puede usar ExpressTruckTax para presentar su Formulario 2290 en solo unos sencillos pasos!


¿Qué es?

El Plan de MatrĂ­cula Internacional (IRP), que son las placas en un camiĂłn.

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Si un camión cruza las fronteras estatales, pesa más de 26,000 libras y tiene tres o más ejes, califica para obtener el IRP.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

Depende de su base de Estado/jurisdicción. Algunos estados han establecido fechas límite y en otros estados la fecha límite es el mismo mes todos los años según el mes en que se registró por primera vez.

ÂżDĂłnde renuevas tu IRP?

En su oficina local de IRP en su base de jurisdicciĂłn.


¿Qué es?

Acuerdo Internacional de Impuestos sobre Combustibles

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Los vehículos motorizados comerciales que viajan a través de más de una jurisdicción y compran combustible en las diferentes jurisdicciones deben presentar IFTA.

¿Cuál es el plazo?

El IFTA en realidad se presenta trimestralmente. Los trimestres son los siguientes:

Trimestre 1: 1 de enero – 31 de marzo

Trimestre 2: 1 de abril – 30 de junio

Trimestre 3: 1 de julio – 30 de septiembre

Trimestre 4: 1 de octubre – 31 de diciembre

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

Trimestre 1: 30 de abril (2 y 22 de mayo)

Trimestre 2: 31 de julio

Trimestre 3: 31 de octubre

Trimestre 1: 31 de enero

(Esto también depende de si los plazos caen en fin de semana o feriado se trasladará al siguiente día hábil)

ÂżDĂłnde reporta y presenta su IFTA?

TruckLogics ofrece informes IFTA por $24,95 por informe por trimestre. Puede presentar su IFTA con su jurisdicciĂłn base.


¿Qué es?

Significa Programa de Registro de Operador Unificado.

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Los vehĂ­culos comerciales que transportan carga sobre lĂ­neas estatales o internacionales deben presentar una declaraciĂłn.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

El 31 de Diciembre.

Ahora que ha aprendido los diferentes tipos de formularios y etiquetas necesarios para ser un conductor de camión, anote estas fechas en su calendario o póngalas en su teléfono. Son importantes y su omisión puede dar lugar a sanciones y multas. ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax e informe su IFTA hoy con la opción TruckLogics IFTA Only!

Informe IFTA Del Primer Trimestre De 2022: ¡Todo Lo Que Necesita Saber!

Si debe presentar su IFTA (Acuerdo internacional de impuestos sobre el combustible), hay algunas cosas importantes que debe saber antes de comenzar.

¿Cuándo se vencen los impuestos del 1er Trimestre del IFTA 2022?

La fecha límite del primer trimestre es en realidad el 2 de Mayo de 2022, este año porque el 30 de abril cae el día Sábado.

Los datos que vencen para estos plazos incluyen el kilometraje recorrido y el combustible comprado en cada estado durante ese trimestre. Luego se presenta ante su jurisdicciĂłn.

Cambios en las tasas de IFTA del primer Trimestre del 2022

Otra cosa importante que tener en cuenta es que las tasas del impuesto sobre el combustible para el IFTA aumentan a veces, y para 2022 ese es el caso de algunos estados.

Los estados con tasas crecientes de impuestos sobre el combustible son los siguientes:

No. de EstadoEstadoTipo de Combustible4th Quarter 20211st Quarter 2022

Special Diesel0.35570.3637



Special Diesel0.32200.3260











Special Diesel0.50600.6270













Special Diesel0.45300.4680











Special Diesel0.27700.2480









7.New YorkGasoline0.40600.4130

Special Diesel0.38850.3955





8.North CarolinaGasoline0.36100.3850

Special Diesel0.36100.3850












Special Diesel0.31400.3190










10.West VirginiaPropane0.18500.2220



Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre los cambios en la tasa de IFTA para el primer trimestre del 2022.

Sin embargo, incluso si las tarifas aumentan, no tiene que preocuparse porque cuando usa TruckLogics para preparar su informe IFTA, lo vigilamos de cerca y actualizamos nuestro sistema trimestralmente de acuerdo con las tarifas actualizadas. Esto incluye tasas divididas, que es cuando la tasa cambia a la mitad del trimestre.

TruckLogics: un proveedor completo de soluciones TMS

TruckLogics es un software líder de administración de camiones que ayuda a administrar todos los aspectos de un negocio de camiones, incluido el despacho, los acuerdos de los conductores, las gestiónes de cargas, el pago de los conductores, la presentación de informes de IFTA y más.

Genere sus informes IFTA 2022 para el primer trimestre con TruckLogics

Ahora TruckLogics tiene dos excelentes opciones para informar su IFTA, una es nuestro TMS completo y la otra es nuestra opciĂłn IFTA Ăşnica que cuesta solo $24,95 por informe por trimestre.

ImportaciĂłn de Datos: puede ingresar datos manualmente utilizando nuestra plantilla de Excel o desde KeepTruckin.

Cálculo Automático de Impuestos: una vez que ingresa los datos, no tiene que preocuparse, porque TruckLogics hace los cálculos por usted. Calculará el impuesto que debe y luego podrá descargar el informe y presentarlo en su jurisdicción.

TruckLogics proporciona el Informe IFTA en formatos especĂ­ficos del estado. Puede presentar el informe en la jurisdicciĂłn respectiva si su jurisdicciĂłn permite la presentaciĂłn en papel. Si no lo hace y solo permite la presentaciĂłn electrĂłnica, TruckLogics proporciona una hoja de trabajo de presentaciĂłn electrĂłnica para facilitar la entrada al sistema de presentaciĂłn electrĂłnica del estado.

Siga estos pasos para generar su Informe IFTA con TruckLogics:

Paso 1: Comience con TruckLogics GRATIS

Paso 2: Ingrese los detalles básicos de su negocio

Paso 3: Ingrese los detalles de su camiĂłn

Paso 4: Ingrese su informaciĂłn de combustible y millaje

Paso 5: Revise su cálculo e informe de impuestos IFTA

Paso 6: Pague y genere el Informe IFTA

¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Regístrese con TruckLogics y genere su informe IFTA a tiempo para la fecha límite del primer trimestre sin problemas!

1st Quarter 2022 IFTA Reporting: Everything You Need to Know!

If you are required to file your IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement), there are some important things you need to know before you get started. 

When are 1st Quarter IFTA 2022 taxes due?

The First quarter deadline is actually May 2, 2022, this year because April 30th falls on a Saturday. 

The data that is due for these deadlines includes mileage traveled and fuel purchased in each state during that quarter. It is then filed with your jurisdiction. 

First Quarter IFTA 2022  Rate Changes

Another important thing to note is that the fuel tax rates for the IFTA do increase sometimes, and for 2022 that is the case for some states. 

The states with increasing fuel tax rates are as follows: 

S.No.StateFuel Type4th Quarter 20211st Quarter 2022

Special Diesel0.35570.3637



Special Diesel0.32200.3260











Special Diesel0.50600.6270













Special Diesel0.45300.4680











Special Diesel0.27700.2480









7.New YorkGasoline0.40600.4130

Special Diesel0.38850.3955





8.North CarolinaGasoline0.36100.3850

Special Diesel0.36100.3850












Special Diesel0.31400.3190










10.West VirginiaPropane0.18500.2220



Click here to learn more about the IFTA Rate changes for the First Quarter of 2022.

Even if the rates do increase, however, you don’t have to worry because when you use TruckLogics to prepare your IFTA report, we keep a close eye on this and update our system quarterly according to the updated rates. This includes split rates, which is when the rate changes in the middle of the quarter.

TruckLogics – A Complete TMS Solution Provider 

TruckLogics is a leading Trucking Management Software that helps manage every aspect of a trucking business including dispatching, driver settlements, managing loads, paying drivers, reporting IFTA, and more. 

Generate your 2022 IFTA Reports for the 1st Quarter with TruckLogics

Now TruckLogics has two great options to report your IFTA, one being our full TMS and the other being our IFTA only option that is only $24.95 per report per quarter. 

Data Import: You can enter data manually using our excel template or from KeepTruckin. 

Automatic Tax Calculation: Once you enter the data you don’t have to worry, because TruckLogics does the math for you. It will calculate the tax you owe and then you can download the report and file it with your jurisdiction.

TruckLogics provides the IFTA Report in State specific Formats. You can file the report to the respective jurisdiction if your jurisdiction allows paper filing. If it does not and only allows e-filing, TruckLogics provides an e-file worksheet to make entry into the state’s e-file system easier.

Follow these steps to generate your IFTA Report with TruckLogics:

  • Step 1: Get Started with TruckLogics for FREE 
  • Step 2: Enter your basic business details
  • Step 3: Enter your truck details 
  • Step 4: Enter your fuel and mileage information
  • Step 5: Review your IFTA Tax Calculation and Report
  • Step 6: Pay and generate the IFTA Report

What are you waiting for? Sign up with TruckLogics and generate your IFTA report in time for the 1st Quarter deadline hassle-free!

Filing Your IFTA? TruckLogics Is The Solution To That And Much More

ExpressTruckTax is working with TruckLogics to ensure that you won’t miss the IFTA deadline this quarter. With TruckLogics you are able to not only manage your trucking business but also create your IFTA report.

TruckLogics for IFTA Reporting

TruckLogics guarantees the same file-ready reports that you already are familiar with from ExpressIFTA. While TruckLogics is an all-in-one trucking management software solution with many features like creating dispatches, keeping track of expenses, maintenance, and even paying drivers, its IFTA report capability is one of its defining features. 

In order to start creating your report, you will need to have your fuel up and mileage information handy. You then need to set up an account with TruckLogics

Once you create an account, click on the Dispatches tab.

From there you will select New Dispatch.

Select “Create Dispatch without Referring the Loads” to create a quick dispatch.

Once you create the dispatch and enter your miles for the quarter you will click on the expenses tab.

From there you will click Add Fuel Expense and enter your fuel expenses.

Once they are added you will click on the IFTA tab.

From here you will generate an IFTA report for the appropriate quarter.

For a more in-depth look at the IFTA reporting process using TruckLogics, check out the video tutorial below.

We hope you will love creating your IFTA report with TruckLogics. What are you waiting for? Start creating your report today! The deadline to file for this quarter is approaching fast!

All You Need To Know About The 4th Quarter IFTA Deadline

January 31st is coming at you faster than you realize. If you are over the age of 31, you know what I mean. You blink, and it’s Christmas, New Year’s, then Easter again and again and again!

Your fourth quarter IFTA report is due Monday, January 31st. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need and how we can make your life easier. 

What Is IFTA?

Most of you know this information. But for those in the back, IFTA is an agreement between the lower 48 states and the ten Canadian provinces that requires all interstate motor carriers with the following qualifications to obtain an IFTA tax license and file quarterly IFTA reports: 

  • Your vehicle has a GVW above 26,000 lbs
  • Your vehicle has 3 or more axles regardless of weight
  • Your vehicle crosses state lines

IFTA Deadlines

Once you have an IFTA tax license, you must file quarterly IFTA reports. The quarterly IFTA report filing dates are listed below. These dates are vital for you to remember so that you never fall behind and owe late filing penalties. 

  • 1st Quarter Deadline – April 30th 
  • 2nd Quarter Deadline – July 31st 
  • 3rd Quarter Deadline – October 31st
  • 4th Quarter Deadline- January 31st

To file your 4th quarter IFTA report, you must provide the total mileage driven and total gallons of fuel purchased in each state for your entire fleet from October 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021. You must file a quarterly IFTA report, even if you have had a zero mileage quarter! 

How To Generate Your Report

If this sounds overwhelming and you are unsure where to start, we recommend heading over to TruckLogics where you can create a file-ready IFTA report in just a few easy steps. 

TruckLogics makes keeping track of your loads, dispatches, and fuel expenses so easy you will wonder why you haven’t had a TruckLogics account before now!  TruckLogics uses cutting-edge technology to calculate your IFTA tax so that all you have to do is file the IFTA report with your base state.

No math required (I know that’s a relief for me)! TruckLogics is also integrated with EFS and KeepTruckin, which means if you use either of these systems, you can simply import the information, and you’re done! 

If you are still reading, I’m impressed! There is a lot more IFTA and transportation-related knowledge where this came from! Read about the 4th quarter tax rate changes here.

You can also click here to see how easy it is to create an IFTA report using TruckLogics. Go ahead and make your life easier and increase your efficiency in 2022!

Go to TruckLogics.com and sign up for your 15-day free trial now!

A Helpful Guide For Tackling Your IFTA Renewals This Year

Here at ExpressTruckTax, our team is all about helping you stay compliant and keeping your truck on the road. Whether that is by helping you file your Form 2290, or helping you stay ahead of other industry requirements. 

It is important that you renew your IFTA licensing for 2021 on time! Many states’ renewal deadline is December 31, 2021. 

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we know how easy it can be to forget! So, we are breaking down the renewal process and providing all the information you need to get started!

A Crash Course in IFTA

Here’s a quick refresher. Get ready for a tongue twister! IFTA stands for International Fuel Tax Agreement. This was put into effect by the 48 states of the continental US and 10 Canadian provinces. 

This is basically just a way to make the fuel tax collection and interstate commerce reporting easier for everyone involved. 

Under federal law, you must abide by IFTA regulations if your vehicle is used, designed, or maintained for the transportation of persons or property, and at least one of the following is true: 

  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight (GVW) or registered gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 26,000 pounds
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight
  • Is used in combination when the weight of such combination is more than 26,000 pounds GVW or registered GVW.

If your vehicle qualifies for an IFTA license, then your vehicle also qualifies for the IFTA renewal! 

Where Do I Start?

You should start with your base jurisdiction! Each year states send out a renewal packet, email, or some form of information to help you through the renewal process. 

If your deadline for renewal is December 31, 2021, then you should have already received this. 

If you haven’t already received your packet or email,  it’s time to give your state’s IFTA department a call. You can also check for renewal information on their website. 

Renewal Requirements

Most states will allow you to renew your license online through your IFTA portal. 

Generally, most jurisdictions will require that you have filed and paid for the last four quarters if you were operating before they will renew your license for the next year. 

The previous four quarters include: 

  • 2020, Quarter 4
  • 2021, Quarter 1 
  • 2021, Quarter 2
  • 2021, Quarter 3 

Now, listen closely, this is very important: your renewal must be completed, signed, and returned by the deadline to ensure that there is no delay in receiving your license and decals. 

Some states will offer drivers a grace period for displaying the new decals, but this is not true for every state. You will need to check with your jurisdiction to confirm this. 

IFTA is Easier with TruckLogics 

If you’re searching high and low for an easier way to keep track of your IFTA and create a file-ready report each quarter, you’ve come to the right place! Our sister product, TruckLogics, provides an affordable IFTA reporting solution and more!

With TruckLogics you can easily complete your IFTA reporting and take advantage of other great features designed to streamline your trucking business. 

What New Truckers Need To Know About IFTA Reporting

If you are new to the trucking industry let us say congratulations!

There’s a lot to learn about how to manage all of the required trucking taxes and registration. Just for starters, you will need everything from Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, your IRP, and of course your IFTA quarterly fuel tax report. To help you get started here is what new truckers need to know about IFTA reporting.

What New Truckers Need To Know About IFTA Reporting

IFTA, or the International Fuel Tax Agreement, is an arrangement between 48 of the United States and 10 Canadian provinces to report fuel use by motor carriers that operate in more than one jurisdiction (state). The IFTA fuel tax redistributes fuel taxes equally among the jurisdictions.

To show you filed your IFTA return and pay the taxes owed by the deadline you will be issued an IFTA license and IFTA stickers. The license should be kept in your truck at all times and the IFTA stickers are displayed under your driver’s side window.

Vehicle Qualifications For IFTA Reporting

Your vehicle qualifies for IFTA reporting if it travels between more than one jurisdiction and:

  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
  • Has two axles and a registered weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
  • Has a combination weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight

IFTA Quarterly Fuel Tax Report Requirements

You are required to complete an IFTA report four times a year and file with your base jurisdiction (home state). Your base jurisdiction is where your qualifying vehicles are required to be registered and where your information is available in the event of an IFTA audit.

To complete your IFTA fuel tax return you will need to report:

    • The total miles traveled per jurisdiction including taxable and nontaxable, IFTA and non-IFTA, and trip permit miles
    • The total gallons of fuel consumed in each jurisdiction including taxable and nontaxable, IFTA, and trip permit miles
    • The number of gallons of fuel purchased per jurisdiction
    • The tax paid on each gallon of fuel purchased per jurisdiction
    • And the current tax rate per jurisdiction

File With The Best IFTA Software Available

Our sister product, ExpressIFTA makes IFTA reporting simple. Their IFTA software for reporting includes innovative features that let you upload your IFTA fuel tax information at your own pace. Upload your trip information as you go or all at once with each quick entry screen. You can even upload your miles from your fuel card.
Don’t worry about handling any complicated calculation yourself, because ExpressIFTA will automatically calculate IFTA fuel tax rates for you. And all of your information will be kept in an easy-to-read report that can be easily printed and used to complete your return.
Generate your IFTA report today!

Starting a Trucking Company? This is The Software For You

Getting your authority? Building your own fleet? Either way, you’re going to have a lot more responsibility soon.

You’re going to need a comprehensive trucking business management software to keep track of loads, dispatches, invoices, expenses, and so much more.Thankfully, our sister product TruckLogics business management software has solutions for everything you could possibly need. Let’s talk about how TruckLogics can help you start a trucking company.

Starting a Trucking Company with TruckLogics:

Loads & Truck Dispatches

When you’re starting a trucking business, it needs to be flexible and mobile, able to go with you anywhere.With TruckLogics, you can organize all your loads and truck dispatches in one central location. And then with the TruckLogics mobile app, you can access and edit this information from anywhere.

Shipper, consignee, truck, trailer, driver, and payment information can all be recorded when you create a load. Additionally, with our ProMiles integration, you can estimate mileage for per-mile fees and truck and trailer service intervals.

Then, you can assign each load to a specific driver who will receive an automated notification of an assigned truck dispatch. Right from the TruckLogics mobile app, each driver can send updated check calls and communicate with dispatch while on the road.


Once the truck dispatch is completed, TruckLogics can generate an accurate, professional-looking invoice for your trucking business to send to your clients. It can be printed, emailed, or faxed.

Running LTL loads that you need to split up into multiple invoices for multiple clients? Not a problem. TruckLogics can do that too! They can even handle brokers and agents for your trucking business.

Truckers starting a trucking business with TruckLogicsExpenses

One big issue you will face when starting a trucking business is how to keep track of expenses while on the road.

TruckLogics gives you the ability to notate expenses like fuel-ups and food purchases from the mobile app. You can even upload photos of your receipts to access later.If you want to get serious about your bottom line, you can run automatically generated profit and loss reports like cost per mile and revenue per mile. All this will help you stay in the black.


One of the best parts about tracking everything in TruckLogics is that when the quarterly IFTA deadline rolls around, they will generate a report for you to file with.
As long as you have tracked mileage and fuel-ups for each truck, TruckLogics will do all the hard calculations for you.

Try TruckLogics Free

Get a 15-day free trial of TruckLogics. There’s no obligation and no payment information required to give it a test drive!

New Year, Same Taxes: How To File Your IFTA Taxes

It’s a new year! That means New Year’s resolutions and new opportunities to grow.

The last thing you want to think about is the same old taxes.

Well… we’re here to remind you that despite all the new things, the 4th quarter IFTA fuel tax deadline is still coming up on February 1, 2021.

Sad? Don’t be. There’s a way to finish your IFTA reporting fast to avoid IFTA tax late penalties and interest. Here’s everything you need to know to generate your report in time.

Finish IFTA Reporting Before the Deadline

The International Fuel Tax Agreement

The International Fuel Tax Agreement was created to simplify fuel reporting by qualified vehicles operating in more than one jurisdiction.

You’re going to need to complete IFTA filing if you have a qualified vehicle, which is any vehicle designed, maintained, and/or used to transport people or property.

In addition, qualified vehicles have:

–  Two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds or
–  Two axles and a registered weight exceeding 26,000 pounds or
–  Three or more or
–  A combination weight exceeding 26,000 pounds.

Thanks to the International Fuel Tax Agreement, you’ll only have to file your IFTA tax with your base jurisdiction, which is where your vehicle is registered.

Each jurisdiction has different IFTA filing rules, so be sure to check this list

IFTA Reporting

IFTA reporting is filed 4 times a year with your base jurisdiction to ensure the proper allocation of fuel tax.

Keep track of your IFTA fuel tax mileage and fuel records to help IFTA reporting go smoothly each deadline.

To complete your IFTA fuel tax, you’ll need your business details, vehicle details, and miles & fuel records.

These records include:

–  Total miles (taxable and nontaxable) traveled in all states, regardless of whether or not they participate in IFTA, including all trip permit miles
–  Total gallons/liters of fuel consumed (taxable and nontaxable) in all states, regardless of whether or not they participate in IFTA
–  Total miles and total taxable miles traveled in each member jurisdiction
–  Total taxable gallons consumed in each member jurisdiction
–  Tax-paid gallons/liters purchased in each member jurisdiction
–  Current tax rates for each member jurisdiction This information is necessary for generating your IFTA tax return.  

Generate IFTA Reports Online

If this sounds like a lot of work, we’ve got a solution.

Simply generate your IFTA report online this quarter with ExpressIFTA, and then you can e-file with your jurisdiction in minutes.

ExpressIFTA is the sister product to ExpressTruckTax… in fact, if you have an ExpressTruckTax account, you already have one for ExpressIFTA!

Simply select the “IFTA” tab at the top of the home page, and log in with your ExpressTruckTax credentials.

With features like Trip Sheets, Quick Entries, and GPS Upload, you can upload fuel & mileage records quickly for multiple vehicles. You can even enter records into the system daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly to update your IFTA tax return at any time.

Best of all, ExpressIFTA does all of the calculated IFTA tax calculations for you! No need to crunch the numbers old-school style.

This IFTA reporting software even checks for basic errors on your IFTA tax return. Time is running out. Generate your IFTA report online now through your ExpressTruckTax account!  

Today is the 3rd Quarter IFTA Deadline

That’s right! Todays is the third quarter IFTA deadline. You will need to complete your IFTA return by midnight or you will have some major penalties to face. If this deadline snuck up on you and you’re wondering how you’ll ever make the deadline, don’t worry! 

Check out our awesome sister product, ExpressIFTA to easily handle all of your IFTA reporting needs online. You can quickly generate your IFTA report and use it to complete your return. Plus, we’re here to go over all the IFTA basics so you’ll be up to speed.

Today is the 3rd Quarter IFTA Deadline

Before we drive headlong into today’s IFTA reporting deadline, let’s review the basics of what you need to know.

What is IFTA?

If you are asking yourself “What is IFTA?” then you are in worse shape than I expected. But don’t worry I got you. The International Fuel Tax Agreement, or IFTA, quarterly fuel tax report allows you to travel in all participating member jurisdictions with a single fuel tax license. To operate in two or more jurisdictions, you are required to have an IFTA sticker and license.

You receive your IFTA stickers and license through you base jurisdiction which is your home state or where your vehicle is registered. Your IFTA license needs to be renewed annually in December. When you hold an IFTA license, you are required to file an IFTA quarterly fuel tax report that shows and calculated how much fuel tax you owe (or are credited) to remain compliant.

In short, IFTA is used to report and determine the net tax refund that’s due and to redistribute taxes from collecting states to due states. This agreement is between the lower 48 United States and 10 Canadian provinces, this regulation was put into place to simplify fuel reporting by those who use qualified motor vehicles.

Your vehicle qualifies for IFTA reporting if:

  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,00 pounds
  • Has two axles and a registered gross weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight
  • Or has a combined weight exceeding 26,000 pounds

To complete your IFTA report you need to provide the following information:

  • The total miles traveled per jurisdiction
  • The total gallons of fuel consumed per jurisdiction
  • The total tax paid gallons of fuel purchased per jurisdiction, and 
  • The current tax rate per jurisdiction 

File Your IFTA Fuel Tax Report

Our sister product, ExpressIFTA, makes it easy to import all of your IFTA information online in one convenient location. Use your IFTA reports to automatically calculate all fo your IFTA totals with 100% accuracy.

Your IFTA fuel tax rates will be generated in an easy-to-read quarterly IFTA report that contains everything you need to complete your return. Instantly print, download, or email your information at any time.

Today is the deadline for filing IFTA!! If you fail to file before midnight today you could be looking at major penalties.

September FUM 2290 Deadline

If you put a truck on the road in September 2020, your Form 2290 for that vehicle is also today, November 2, 2020!

File your 2290 in minutes with ExpressTruckTax!