Tag: ifta license

You NEED These Documents In The Cab Of Your Truck

Hey, it’s ExpressAmber, and today we’re going to talk about important paperwork that you should have in your truck.

All right, so it’s no secret that I have said over all of these years how complicated it is to be a truck driver. Sometimes people think, “Oh, like, oh, they’re just driving a truck,” and there’s so much more to driving a truck than just driving the truck. You go to school for weeks and months to just learn how to drive the truck.

A lot of times what I have found, though, is that the schools don’t teach you the paperwork side of things. They don’t teach you how to manage your business from a working aspect number one, but then number two, all of the taxes and the registrations and the renewals and updates that you have to keep up with. A lot of times that’s not taught in trucking school.

So, I know that there’s dispatching schools and all sorts of other types of schools to teach you how to do those specific things, but again, what kind of paperwork do you need in your truck? Are you required to have in your truck? And so, I have a list of documents that you could be required.

Again, a lot of it depends on the state, the DOT officer that pulls you over, all of that good stuff, but I have a list of documents that you could be required to have in your truck. This might be helpful for you to just get this all together and that way when you are pulled over for a DOT inspection or pulled over, you have it together all in one place that you’re able to just hand over and you have all of this right there in your truck.

So, number one, your truck and your trailer registration, also the DOT inspection for your truck and the trailer. It’s also important to have your rental or your lease agreement for the trailer if applicable. Again, this is something that if you have your own trailer and you have the lease agreement for that trailer, you want to have that with you.

Your proof of insurance, having a copy of that is super, super important. Your IFTA license, your IRP registration, a lot of times those things go together. When you’re getting IRP, you also have to get IFTA. And so, a lot of times people just keep that together, but your IFTA license again, and that renews every year, and so you want to make sure that you have your updated IFTA license with you. The same thing with your IRP, your registration card, make sure that you have the current one in your truck with you.

A copy of your UCR registration, now again, this isn’t necessarily required, but it’s always better to have more information than not enough information. So, your UCR, again that renews every year, and so make sure you have the current UCR registration with you. If the DOT inspector officer asks for it, you have it. A copy of your other state fuel permit, so again, if you’re traveling in Kentucky, New York, Oregon, you know how you have your KYU or your Oregon State permit, those things make sure you have a copy with you.

And that way, again, if you are pulled over and you are asked for those things, you have those other state permits with you. Your liability insurance, your medical examiner certificate, and then your ELD manual and also a malfunction guide. Those manuals that go with your ELD again, make sure they’re in the same place where all of this other paperwork is to show that you have those readily available if you need them. And then also just general information, your MC number, your DOT number.

Again, if you have those state permits, what are your numbers there in those states? All of this is good to have together because, again, when you are pulled over, that is not the time to freak out about, ‘Oh my goodness, do I have all of my paperwork together?’

Have it together in a folder along with all of these other required documents, such as the Form 2290. Again, that is an annual tax that’s due to the IRS. Typically, July-August are the deadline periods for that. And when you have your 2290, you get a stamped Schedule 1, and that’s basically the receipt of filing.

So, you’ll need that to update your IRP to renew your registration plates. All of these forms kind of intermingle with each other at some point, so you should have a copy of your Form 2290, your stamped Schedule 1 with you as well to show that you’re up to date, again, and it just will back up those other documents.

So, these are some of the required documents that you should have together in your truck at all times. If you have further questions or you have another topic that you would like me to discuss, comment down below, and I’ll be happy to do that.

And always subscribe to my channel so you get notifications when I have a new video. Thanks so much, and I look forward to helping you. Bye.

Prepare For The 4th Quarter IFTA Deadline Now!

Congratulations on another year behind the wheel! 2020 was a wild year for all of us (especially truckers). 

There’s no telling what 2021 will have in store for you as you keep on truckin’. We’re sure you’ve come up with some great new years resolutions. One resolution you should add is getting started on the 4th quarter IFTA deadline that’s coming up on February 1.

Prepare For The 4th Quarter IFTA Deadline

Your 4th quarter IFTA return is due in about a week so we’re here to help you prepare for the deadline. If you need a little refreshing, IFTA is the International Fuel Tax Agreement put in place by the 48 contiguous United States and 10 Canadian provinces.

It was created in order to simplify the reporting of fuel used by qualifying motor vehicles that travel between at least two or more jurisdictions. The collected taxes are redistributed among the jurisdictions.

Your vehicle qualifies for IFTA reporting if it:

  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds 
  • Has two axles and a registered gross weight exceeding 26,000 pounds 
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight 
  • Or has a combination weight exceeding 26,000 pounds. 

In order to comply with IFTA, you will apply for your IFTA license with your base jurisdiction or home state and keep it in your cab at all times. You will also receive two IFTA decals that you will need to keep on your driver’s side door at all times. Plus, you will need to complete your IFTA return four times a year.

You will need to provide the following information to complete your IFTA return:

  • Total miles traveled per jurisdiction 
  • Total gallons of fuel consumed per jurisdiction 
  • Total tax paid gallons of fuel purchased per jurisdiction 
  • And the current tax rate per jurisdiction. 

If you fail to complete your IFTA return you will have some penalties to face and they aren’t cheap. If you fail to file by the deadline you will face a penalty of $50 or 10% of the total amount due, depending on which amount is higher.

Then you will face a monthly fee of .4167% of the tax due until you fully pay the amount you owe. States also reserve the right to impose their own penalties and revoke your IFTA license, which would park you!

Check out ExpressIFTA

But you don’t have to worry. ExpressTruckTax has a sister-product called ExpressIFTA that makes IFTA reporting incredibly easy online. You can track all of the totals you need to complete your return in one convenient location!

Plus, you can import all of your information all at once with the bulk upload feature and import all of your information at once. Also, you can import all of your mileage information directly from your GPS.

Best of all, all of your totals will be automatically calculated in a quarterly IFTA report that can be downloaded, printed, emailed, and used to instantly complete your IFTA return! It’s the fastest and most hassle-free way to handle IFTA.