Tag: hvut deadline

Today is the August 31st, 2023 Form 2290 Deadline, File Today

Today is August 31st, 2023, the last day to File Form 2290 and pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS. Are you a driver of a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more? Then you need to be aware of this important deadline! 

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form that must be filed annually for the upcoming tax year. By filing now you are paying your tax in advance and do not have to worry about paying it again until next year. The Form 2290 tax year goes from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. This is important to know because a vehicle’s Stamped Schedule 1 expires on June 30th. 

A Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it is used to get a vehicle’s tags and registration and can only be obtained by filing Form 2290. If a vehicle is found without a current Stamp Schedule 1, this can lead to being pulled over and penalized. If you do not pay the tax or file Form 2290 at all before August 31st, fines will occur. 

If Form 2290 is filed late or the tax is not paid, you will be charged late fines, and the fine for not filing Form 2290 is actually greater than the fine for not paying the tax. 

For every month the deadline is missed there will be a fine of 4.5% of the total tax due for up to five months. If there is underpayment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, there will be a penalty of 0.5% of the tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54% accrue each month that Form 2290 is not filed. This is why it is important to not only file Form 2290 but pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax as well. 

This is why it is important for you not to miss this deadline. Lucky for you ExpressTruckTax has your back. ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290, e-file provider that provides simple Form 2290 filing that can be completed in minutes! Simply enter your business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), vehicle information including your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and your payment information.

ExpressTruckTax now offers the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax alongside your filing fee directly through ExpressTruckTax using a credit or debit card. Now you don’t have to worry about going to an external site to pay your HVUT. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax so that you don’t miss today’s big deadline!

Mismo Camión, Mismo Impuesto, Año Nuevo

Es oficialmente 2023, y aunque el sistema de declaración electrónica del IRS está actualmente cerrado por mantenimiento hasta el 12 de Enero, aún puede hacer el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax. Si ya hizo el Formulario 2290 en Julio, no necesita presentar el Formulario 2290 hasta el próximo Julio.

El año fiscal del Formulario 2290 va del 1ro. de Julio al 30 de Junio del siguiente año, lo que hace que la fecha límite oficial para presentar el Formulario 2290 sea el 31 de Agosto. Esto se aplica a los vehículos que pesan más de 55,000 libras que han estado en la carretera durante un año o más o que se pondrán en la carretera por primera vez en Julio. El Formulario 2290 debe presentarse anualmente para estos vehículos calificados para el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados (HVUT).

Si ha tenido su camión en la carretera durante más de un año o ha estado conduciendo desde Julio de 2022 y aún no ha hecho el Formulario 2290, su formulario está atrasado y debe declararlo lo antes posible. ¿Qué mejor propósito de Año Nuevo que presentar su Formulario 2290 y evitar ser multado? Al hacer el Formulario 2290, recibirá su Anexo 1 estampado que le permite obtener el registro y las placas para su vehículo.

Si puso su camión en la carretera por primera vez en Diciembre, tiene hasta el 31 de Enero para hacer el Formulario 2290. Si puso su camión en la carretera durante un mes que no sea Julio, la fecha límite para presentar su Formulario 2290 será el último día del mes siguiente.

Para asegurarse de que su Resolución de Año Nuevo haga su Formulario 2290 a tiempo, ExpressTruckTax hace que la declaración del Formulario 2290 sea rápida y fácil. Si hace su solicitud antes del 12 de Enero, su Formulario 2290 estará en espera hasta que el sistema de presentación electrónica del IRS vuelva a abrir. Tan pronto como se acepte su formulario, recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado y tendrá una cosa menos de qué preocuparse para el nuevo año. ¿Qué está esperando? ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy!

The Form 2290 Deadline is Only a Few Days Away, File Now!

Truckers, you only have a few days left to file Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) to the IRS without being penalized! Because of this, there are only a few days left to file before you are fined or penalized for not having a current Stamped Schedule 1, which you receive upon filing Form 2290

If you are a driver of a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more, you need to be aware of this August 31st deadline. This is because if you are late you will not be able to get the tags or registration for your vehicle without a current copy of the Stamped Schedule 1. The Stamped Schedule 1 also acts as proof of filing Form 2290. If you are found without a current Stamped Schedule 1, that is when penalties and fines will occur. You can also get a ticket for not being able to provide a current Stamped Schedule 1 on top of getting fined. One way to avoid this is by Filing Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. 

In order to make sure you file on time and don’t miss the deadline, ExpressTruckTax the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer, has the solution you need to file Form 2290. By filing with ExpressTruckTax, you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline and getting fined by the IRS for being late with the tax payment. ExpressTruckTax guarantees you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing.

You simply create an account with ExpressTruckTax and enter your business information, your Employer Identification Number (EIN), your vehicle information including the vehicle’s Vehicle Information Number (VIN), if you are claiming any credit vehicles, and then your payment information. 

ExpressTruckTax offers a new payment feature that makes ExpressTruckTax even more convenient for filers because Form 2290 can be filed and the tax can be paid at the same time via credit or debit card. Before this option was available, you would have to go through an external payment processing site to pay your taxes. Not only would you have to re-enter all of your information again, but you would also risk forgetting to pay the HVUT, resulting in late fines. Now paying and filing are available in one convenient place! Now you don’t have to worry about being late with your tax payments and get it all done at the same time.

Are you tired of being late with your tax payments and racking up fines? You don’t have to worry about that anymore with ExpressTruckTax! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and stop worrying about being late to pay your HVUT taxes!

Only Two Weeks Left To File Form 2290 Before The August 31st Deadline!

The Deadline to File Form 2290 is only two weeks away! This means that you have only two weeks left to file before you get late fines or penalties for being late with your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). Form 2290 is filed annually by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS. 

If you are one of these drivers, make sure to file your Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. Filing Form 2290 guarantees that you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS that acts as proof of filing Form 2290. This Stamped Schedule 1 allows you to get vehicle tags and registration. If you are found without a current Stamped Schedule 1, that is when penalties and fines will occur. You can also get a ticket for not being able to provide a current Stamped Schedule 1 on top of getting fined. One way to avoid this is by Filing Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. 

In order to make sure you don’t miss the deadline and file on time, ExpressTruckTax has the solution you need to file Form 2290. This way you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline and getting fined by the IRS for being late with the tax payment. ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer that guarantees you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing.

You simply need to create an account with ExpressTruckTax and enter your information including your business information, your Employer Identification Number (EIN), your vehicle information including the vehicle’s Vehicle Information Number (VIN), if you are claiming any credit vehicles, and then your payment information. 

ExpressTruckTax offers a brand new payment feature that makes ExpressTruckTax even more convenient for filers because Form 2290 can be filed and the tax can be paid at the same time via credit or debit card. Before you would have to go through an external payment processing site to pay your taxes and risk forgetting to pay, resulting in late fines. Now paying and filing are available in one convenient place! Now you don’t have to worry about being late with your tax payments and get it all done at the same time.

Are you tired of being late with your tax payments? You don’t have to worry about that anymore with ExpressTruckTax! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and never worry about being late to pay your HVUT taxes again!

Form 2290 Filing has Officially Started for the 2022-23 Tax Year

Today July 1st marks the start of filing Form 2290 for the 2022-23 tax year. The IRS has officially started accepting Form 2290, which means the time to file is now. All stamped Schedule 1’s have officially expired as of Midnight on June 30th. This means in order to get up-to-date tags or your vehicle registration you must file form 2290 in order to get your current stamped Schedule 1. The stamped Schedule 1 is important and a copy should be kept in your vehicle in case you get pulled over. 

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) must be filed if a vehicle weighs more than 55,000 pounds. If a qualifying vehicle drives less than 5,000 miles a year or less than 7,500 miles if it is used for agricultural purposes, Form 2290 must still be filed with the IRS but you will be exempt from paying the tax. 

When is the Deadline to File Form 2290

If your vehicle has been on the road for more than a year or is just being put on the road for the first time this month, the deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31st at midnight. It is better to file your Form 2290 before then though because the IRS gets backed up this time of year and the longer your wait, the longer it might take to receive your stamped Schedule 1. 

ExpressTruckTax is the Form 2290 Solution for You

Wondering where to file your form 2290? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax. ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer that provides stress-free Form 2290 e-filing in just a few simple steps. Simply enter your business information, details about your vehicle, how you wish to pay your tax, and you are finished once you pay the filing fee. There are several convenient ways to pay for your Form 2290 tax including EFW, check or money order, EFTPS, and credit or debit card. 

When Selecting EFW (electronic funds withdrawal), you will enter your bank account information and as soon as the IRS accepts your Form 2290, it will withdraw the amount. If you select any of the other options you will have to do a few more steps in order to ensure that your HVUT is paid to the IRS. For check or money order, you will receive a voucher that will tell you where to send your payment. For EFTPS, you will go to eftps.gov to make your payment, but if you do not have an account you will need to create one. For credit or debit card payments, you will need to go to the IRS website and select one of their listed credit card processing sites to make sure your tax is paid. 

Once you E-file Form 2290 you have until August 31st to make your payment. It might seem far off now but the 2290 deadline is closer than you think. What are you waiting for? Don’t risk getting fined for being late to file your Form 2290. File your Form 2290 in a matter of minutes with ExpressTruckTax and get back to doing what you love!

Formularios y Plazos Importantes Que Los Camioneros Deben Saber

Al asumir la ocupación de ser un conductor de camión, hay muchas cosas a considerar, incluidos los formularios que debe presentar y cuándo y qué etiquetas necesita obtener para su camión. Las fechas y los nombres pueden ser un poco confusos, por lo que el propósito de esta útil guía es explicar el propósito de cada formulario y cuándo deben presentarse.

Formulario 2290

¿Qué es?

El Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​(HVUT).

¿Quién tiene que hacerlo?

Si un vehículo pesa más de 55,000 libras y viaja más de 5,000 millas en un año, entonces debe de hacer el Formulario 2290. Si el vehículo viaja menos de 5,000 millas en un año, se considera suspendido. Si el vehículo solo transporta agricultura y viaja menos de 7,500 millas en un año, también se considera suspendido. Incluso si el vehículo está suspendido, aún se debe presentar el Formulario 2290.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

La fecha límite para hacer su Formulario 2290 es el 31 de Agosto de cada año, a menos que sea un fin de semana o un feriado, luego se traslada al siguiente día hábil, pero puede presentar previamente el formulario a partir de Mayo. Cuando pone su camión en la carretera por primera vez también depende de cuándo vence su 2290. Si pone su camión en la carretera en Octubre, debe presentar su Formulario 2290 a finales de Noviembre.

¿Dónde lo puede hacer?

¡Puede usar ExpressTruckTax para presentar su Formulario 2290 en solo unos sencillos pasos!


¿Qué es?

El Plan de Matrícula Internacional (IRP), que son las placas en un camión.

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Si un camión cruza las fronteras estatales, pesa más de 26,000 libras y tiene tres o más ejes, califica para obtener el IRP.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

Depende de su base de Estado/jurisdicción. Algunos estados han establecido fechas límite y en otros estados la fecha límite es el mismo mes todos los años según el mes en que se registró por primera vez.

¿Dónde renuevas tu IRP?

En su oficina local de IRP en su base de jurisdicción.


¿Qué es?

Acuerdo Internacional de Impuestos sobre Combustibles

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Los vehículos motorizados comerciales que viajan a través de más de una jurisdicción y compran combustible en las diferentes jurisdicciones deben presentar IFTA.

¿Cuál es el plazo?

El IFTA en realidad se presenta trimestralmente. Los trimestres son los siguientes:

Trimestre 1: 1 de enero – 31 de marzo

Trimestre 2: 1 de abril – 30 de junio

Trimestre 3: 1 de julio – 30 de septiembre

Trimestre 4: 1 de octubre – 31 de diciembre

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

Trimestre 1: 30 de abril (2 y 22 de mayo)

Trimestre 2: 31 de julio

Trimestre 3: 31 de octubre

Trimestre 1: 31 de enero

(Esto también depende de si los plazos caen en fin de semana o feriado se trasladará al siguiente día hábil)

¿Dónde reporta y presenta su IFTA?

TruckLogics ofrece informes IFTA por $24,95 por informe por trimestre. Puede presentar su IFTA con su jurisdicción base.


¿Qué es?

Significa Programa de Registro de Operador Unificado.

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Los vehículos comerciales que transportan carga sobre líneas estatales o internacionales deben presentar una declaración.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

El 31 de Diciembre.

Ahora que ha aprendido los diferentes tipos de formularios y etiquetas necesarios para ser un conductor de camión, anote estas fechas en su calendario o póngalas en su teléfono. Son importantes y su omisión puede dar lugar a sanciones y multas. ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax e informe su IFTA hoy con la opción TruckLogics IFTA Only!

Important Forms And Deadlines Truckers Need To Know

When taking up the occupation of being a truck driver there are many things to consider, including what forms you have to file and when and what tags you need to get for your truck. The dates and names can get a little confusing so the purpose of this helpful guide is to explain the purpose of each form and when they are due. 

Form 2290

What is it?

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HUVT).

Who has to file?

If a vehicle is over 55,000 pounds that travels more than 5,000 miles in a year then the Form 2290 has to be filed. If the vehicle travels less than 5,000 miles in a year it is considered suspended. If the vehicle only hauls agriculture and travels less than 7,500 miles in a year it is considered suspended as well. Even if the vehicle is suspended, Form 2290 still needs to be filed. 

When is the deadline? 

The deadline to file your Form 2290 is August 31st each year unless it falls on a weekend or a holiday it is then moved to the next business day, but you are able to prefile for the form starting in May. When you put your truck on the road for the first time also depends on when your 2290 is due. If you put your truck on the road in October you have to file your Form 2290 by the end of November. 

Where to File?

You can use ExpressTruckTax to file your Form 2290 in just a few easy steps! 


What is it?

The International Registration Plan (IRP), which is the plates on a truck.

Who has to File? 

If a truck is crossing state lines, weighs over 26,000 pounds, and has three or more axles, they qualify to get the IRP.

When is the Deadline?

It depends on the State/base jurisdiction. Some states have set deadlines and in other states the deadline is the same month every year based on the month you first registered. 

Where do you Renew your IRP?

At your local IRP office in your base jurisdiction. 


What is it? 

International Fuel Tax Agreement

Who has to File?

Commercial motor vehicles that travel through more than one jurisdiction and purchase fuel in the different jurisdictions are required to file IFTA. 

What is the Timeframe?

The IFTA is actually filed on a quarterly basis. The quarters are as follows:

Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31

Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30

Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30

Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

When is the deadline?

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 22)

Quarter 2: July 31

Quarter 3: October 31

Quarter 1: January 31

(This also depends on if the deadlines fall on a weekend or holiday it will be moved to the next business day)

Where do you Report and File your IFTA?

TruckLogics offers IFTA Reporting for $24.95 per report per quarter. You can file your IFTA with your base jurisdiction. 


What is it?

It Stands for Unified Carrier Registration Program.

Who has to File?

Commercial vehicles carrying cargo over state or international lines have to file.

When is the Deadline?

December 31st

Now that you have learned the different types of forms and tags needed to be a truck driver, write down these dates on your calendar or put them in your phone. They are important and missing them might lead to penalties and fines. File your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and report your IFTA today with TruckLogics IFTA Only option!

Don’t Miss This Important Deadline That’s Only A Few Days Away!

The 2021-22 Form 2290 tax season is coming to an end, and that means important deadlines are here!

It is important to meet the requirements for this deadline to avoid hefty penalties given by the IRS. No one wants to pay more than they need to, so file now to avoid missing the deadline.

What Deadline Is Coming Up?

The important deadline that is just right around the corner is the Form 2290 and HVUT payment due date. The Form 2290 must be filed and the HVUT payment must be made to the IRS by the end of August 31st, 2021.

Missing this deadline will result in additional charges that will keep incurring until the Form 2290 is filed and the HVUT payment is made.

What Penalties Will Be Charged?

If you miss the deadline for Form 2290, you will be subjected to additional penalties that can make the tax payment even more substantial.

If the Form 2290 is not filed in time, a penalty equal to 4.5% of the total tax amount will be incurred on top of what you would have owed. Plus, for each additional month, you are late, you will incur another .5% in interest.

If you don’t file your Form 2290, you also won’t be sent your new stamped Schedule 1. With last year’s Schedule 1 expired, you will not have proof of filing. This will be an issue when going to renew titles and licenses for your vehicle

This may also result in your vehicle being grounded, and no one wants that!

Why Should You E-file Form 2290 Now?

The deadline is only a few days away and, to ensure the IRS receives the Form 2290 on time and to avoid processing delays, it is important to file online.

When you file your Form 2290 online with ExpressTruckTax, your Form 2290 will be processed by the IRS and you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.

Once you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, remember you aren’t quite done yet. You must remember to make the HVUT payment to the IRS before the deadline. 

Filing online is quick and simple when using ExpressTruckTax. We offer multiple features to help simplify the process and we offer truckers the ability to file from anywhere, even on the road!

File Your Form 2290 Before The Deadline!

File your Form 22290 and make your HVUT payment now before the deadline on August 31st. 

To sign in or register with ExpressTruckTax, click here or give our live customer support team a call at 704-234-6005.

Get A Sweet Deal With HVUT 2290 When You File Now And Pay Later

Did you know there’s a better way to file your Form 2290 for 2021-2022 Tax Period?

The 2021-22 Form 2290 season kicks off July 1st, but truckers who use ExpressTruckTax can now begin e-filing Form 2290 as early as Friday, May 14, 2021!

Many truckers wait until the last minute to e-file, often causing them to miss the Form 2290 due date. Missing the 2290 due date can lead to a hefty Form 2290 penalty on top of your HVUT 2290 annual fee.

The HVUT 2290 annual fee is calculated by adding:

  • The actual unloaded vehicle weight, fully equipped for service.
  • The unloaded weight of the semi-trailer or trailers, fully equipped in combination with the commercial vehicle.
  • The maximum load weight usually carried on the vehicle, and any semi-trailer(s) used.

What is Form 2290 Filing Like with ExpressTruckTax?

ExpressTruckTax customers can complete their 2290 Form 2021-22 before the start of the regular season. ExpressTruckTax gives customers the chance to file now and pay later.

A huge benefit of this is learning how much is owed in taxes and being able to save up until the HVUT 2290 due date, August 31, 2021! All you have to do to file now and pay later is choose our Pre-File option and pay your HVUT amount by check, money order, or EFTPS.

After completing the Form 2290 process online, customers have the opportunity to opt-in and receive HVUT 2290 due date reminders via email, text, and fax.

Benefits of Filing Your 2021-22 HVUT Form 2290 Now

When you file early, you are being proactive in making sure you are in the front of the line to receive your Stamped Schedule 1! We will transmit all returns filed early to the IRS as soon as they start processing returns on July 1. That means you’ll get your Schedule 1 as soon as possible.
You will also be able to make you HVUT payment any time before August 31, giving you time to save up your funds.
Additionally, by beating the busy season, our 100% US-based customer support team will be able to answer all of your questions instantly! That means no lines and no wait time.