Tag: HVUT 2290 due date

¿Cuál es la Fecha de Vencimiento para el Formulario 2290 del IRS para el Año Fiscal 2022-23?

¿Qué es el Formulario 2290?

Los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más deben hacer el Formulario 2290 del IRS para el impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​(HVUT). Si uno de estos vehículos que califican maneja menos de 5,000 millas al año, o menos de 7,500 millas al año si el vehículo se usa para fines agrícolas, aún se debe presentar el Formulario 2290. Si esto sucede, el IRS considerará este vehículo como suspendido y quedará exento de pagar el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados. Si este vehículo excede el límite de millaje y no se suspende, el monto del impuesto adeudado dependerá del Peso Bruto Imponible del vehículo y del Primer Mes Usado (FUM, por sus siglas en inglés).

¿Por Qué es Necesario hacer el Formulario 2290?

Cuando se trata de conducir un vehículo que pesa 55,000 libras o más, es importante presentar el Formulario 2290 porque garantiza que el conductor recibirá un Anexo 1 sellado. Este Anexo 1 sellado es importante porque se requiere al obtener el registro y las placas para el vehículo. Si no tiene un Anexo 1 actual, existe la posibilidad de que lo penalicen si lo detienen. Sin embargo, hay formas de evitar estas sanciones.

¿Cómo Evitar Sanciones del IRS con Respecto al Formulario 2290?

Para evitar multas, debe asegurarse de hacer el Formulario 2290. Esto se debe a que al declarar el Formulario 2290, puede obtener las etiquetas y el registro de su vehículo al tener un Anexo 1 sellado actual. Si lo detienen y lo encuentran no tener uno esto puede resultar en multas y sanciones. La mejor manera de evitar ser penalizado por no tener uno es hacer el Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha de vencimiento para el año fiscal 2022-23.

¿Cuándo es la Fecha de Vencimiento del Formulario 2290 para el Año Fiscal 2022-23?

La fecha de vencimiento del Formulario 2290 2022-23 depende del primer mes de uso del vehículo. Esto es especialmente cierto si el vehículo ha estado en la carretera durante un año o menos y se refiere al mes en que el vehículo se puso en la carretera por primera vez. En este caso, el pago del Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​vencerá el último día del mes siguiente al Primer Mes de Uso. Por ejemplo, si pone su vehículo en la carretera en Noviembre, debe presentar su Formulario 2290 en Noviembre, pero el pago de impuestos vencerá el último día de Diciembre para pagar el Impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​al IRS.

Si el vehículo ha estado en la carretera durante más de un año o se pone en la carretera por primera vez en Julio, el Primer Mes de Uso del vehículo será Julio. Esto significa que la fecha límite para pagar el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​al IRS será el 31 de Agosto. El Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​siempre se paga para el próximo año fiscal. El año fiscal para el Formulario 2290 va del 1ro. de Julio al 30 de Junio. Esto significa que la fecha de vencimiento del Formulario 2290 2022 es el 31 de Agosto de 2022 para el Año Fiscal 2022-23.

Los beneficios de declarar con ExpressTruckTax

Cuando haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax, encontrará que el sistema es fácil de usar y seguir. Puede completar su presentación del Formulario 2290 para el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​en unos pocos pasos simples. Todo lo que necesita hacer es ingresar su información, la información de su negocio, la información de su camión y si está reclamando o no créditos para vehículos, y luego puede elegir entre cuatro opciones de pago convenientes.

Estas opciones de pago incluyen tarjeta de crédito o débito, retiro electrónico de fondos (EFW), EFTPS y cheque o giro postal. Al usar una tarjeta de crédito, puede pagar sus impuestos directamente desde ExpressTruckTax u otro procesador de pagos aprobado por el IRS. Si selecciona el retiro electrónico de fondos (EFW), ingresará la información de su cuenta bancaria y el dinero se retirará de su cuenta dentro de un par de días después de que se acepte su Formulario 2290. Cuando se trata de EFTPS, irá a EFTPS.gov para realizar su pago de impuestos. Si no tiene una cuenta EFTPS existente, deberá crear una y, por lo general, demora alrededor de 15 días hábiles en activarse. Si selecciona un cheque o giro postal, recibirá un comprobante que le indica a dónde enviar el pago. Incluya este cupón con su pago cuando lo envíe por correo.

ExpressTruckTax hace que sea fácil y conveniente presentar su Formulario 2290. Ofrece pasos fáciles de seguir que lo ayudan a presentar su Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha de vencimiento del 31 de agosto. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Visite ExpressTruckTax y presente su Formulario 2290 hoy!

Form 2290 Filing has Officially Started for the 2022-23 Tax Year

Today July 1st marks the start of filing Form 2290 for the 2022-23 tax year. The IRS has officially started accepting Form 2290, which means the time to file is now. All stamped Schedule 1’s have officially expired as of Midnight on June 30th. This means in order to get up-to-date tags or your vehicle registration you must file form 2290 in order to get your current stamped Schedule 1. The stamped Schedule 1 is important and a copy should be kept in your vehicle in case you get pulled over. 

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) must be filed if a vehicle weighs more than 55,000 pounds. If a qualifying vehicle drives less than 5,000 miles a year or less than 7,500 miles if it is used for agricultural purposes, Form 2290 must still be filed with the IRS but you will be exempt from paying the tax. 

When is the Deadline to File Form 2290

If your vehicle has been on the road for more than a year or is just being put on the road for the first time this month, the deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31st at midnight. It is better to file your Form 2290 before then though because the IRS gets backed up this time of year and the longer your wait, the longer it might take to receive your stamped Schedule 1. 

ExpressTruckTax is the Form 2290 Solution for You

Wondering where to file your form 2290? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax. ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer that provides stress-free Form 2290 e-filing in just a few simple steps. Simply enter your business information, details about your vehicle, how you wish to pay your tax, and you are finished once you pay the filing fee. There are several convenient ways to pay for your Form 2290 tax including EFW, check or money order, EFTPS, and credit or debit card. 

When Selecting EFW (electronic funds withdrawal), you will enter your bank account information and as soon as the IRS accepts your Form 2290, it will withdraw the amount. If you select any of the other options you will have to do a few more steps in order to ensure that your HVUT is paid to the IRS. For check or money order, you will receive a voucher that will tell you where to send your payment. For EFTPS, you will go to eftps.gov to make your payment, but if you do not have an account you will need to create one. For credit or debit card payments, you will need to go to the IRS website and select one of their listed credit card processing sites to make sure your tax is paid. 

Once you E-file Form 2290 you have until August 31st to make your payment. It might seem far off now but the 2290 deadline is closer than you think. What are you waiting for? Don’t risk getting fined for being late to file your Form 2290. File your Form 2290 in a matter of minutes with ExpressTruckTax and get back to doing what you love!

It’s Here! Today Is The Form 2290 Deadline!

We have talked about this day for months, and it is finally here! The 2021-22 Form 2290 deadline is TODAY!

If you have already filed, Congratulations! You’re all done with your Form 2290, but don’t forget to make your HVUT payment depending on which option you chose while filing!

If you haven’t filed yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? The deadline to file is today and to avoid hefty penalties, you need to file sooner rather than later!

How Should You File?

To avoid long delays in the processing of your Form 2290, it’s best to file online. The IRS has claimed that this year if a tax return is filed by mail, it may take weeks for you to receive your stamped Schedule 1.

But when you file online with ExpressTruckTax, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes. You need your stamped Schedule 1 to stay up to date on many licenses to keep your vehicle from being grounded. 

What Should You Look For In An E-file Provider?

When filing online, it’s important to use an IRS-Authorized E-file Provider to be sure that your information is safe. To be IRS-Authorized, the provider must pass a rigorous security test to ensure the safety of your private information. 

It is also important to check on all the inclusive features that these providers have to offer. ExpressTruckTax is an IRS-Authorized E-file provider that offers multiple features at no additional costs like instant error checks, Multi-user access, Express Guarantee, Free VIN corrections, Free 2290 VIN checker, Auto-generated Form 8849s, Bulk Information Upload, a Free Mobile App, and much more. 

What If You Don’t Have Time To File?

If you don’t have time to file, ExpressTruckTax’s sister product, TSNAmerica, can file your return for you!

All you have to do is give TSNAmerica a call, give them all of the required information for the Form 2290, and they will do the rest for you! This helps reduce the stress when filing the return and gives you the peace of mind that it is done correctly. 

When using TSNAmerica, you will still receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes after the Form 2290 is submitted to the IRS.

To call TSNAmerica and begin the full-service filing process with them, give them a call at 877.520.8640 right now!


Today is the last day to file before the deadline!  If it is not filed by the end of the day today, August 31st, then it will be considered late and you will be issued penalties by the IRS.

No one wants that, so file now! To begin e-filing with ExpressTruckTax, click here or call our live customer support team at 704.234.6005 for any additional questions you may have!

What’s the Deal with Form 2290 Deadlines and Month of First Use?

Your IRS Form 2290 deadline can be a bit difficult to figure out. There’s a lot of legalese surrounding when your deadline might fall.

This is a problem because late filings and late HVUT payments almost always result in penalties and interest from the IRS. 

Let’s cut through the confusion and phrasing so you can figure out exactly when you need to file your Form 2290.

The Form 2290 Tax Period

Let’s start with the first factor to consider when trying to figure out your Form 2290 deadline – the HVUT tax season. Unlike the primary IRS individual and business income tax year that we are all familiar with, the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax season runs from July 1 – June 30 each year. Why? We don’t know. Who knows why the IRS is the way it is?

What we do know is that if you are using the same truck as the last HVUT tax year, your Form 2290 deadline will be one month after the end of the current tax year – August 31. Since the tax season ends on July 1, the IRS generously gives you almost two months to file your new Form 2290 before the due date. 

But what if you start using a different truck during the tax year?

Form 2290 First Use Month

If you start using a different truck during the tax year, you cannot wait until the typical August 31 deadline to file. You will need to file Form 2290 by the end of the month following the month of first use. So, for instance, if you started using a vehicle in February 2021, you will need to file your Form 2290 by March 31, 2021 (today). 

Then for the next tax year, if you are still using that truck, your Form 2290 deadline will be August 31 along with everyone else. 

What do you need to file Form 2290?

In order to file your Form 2290 by your deadline, you will need the following information:

  • 1. Business Details: Name, EIN, and Address
  • 2.Vehicle Details: VIN. and gross weight of the vehicle.
  • 3. Type of Return: If you are filing a 2290 VIN Correction or amended return, be sure to choose the type of amendment.
  • 4. Suspended Vehicle Details: If your vehicle is tax suspended choose the mileage category and enter the VIN.
  • 5. Paid Preparer Details: If you are Tax Professional filing for your clients, Enter your Firm name, address, EIN, name, and PTIN.

File your Form 2290 today!

If you started using a truck in February or earlier, you need to file your Form 2290 by midnight tonight!

We provide easy-to-follow prompts and we guarantee you’ll get your stamped Schedule 1 back from the IRS! The whole process only takes a few minutes.