Tag: Form 2290

¡Ya Tenemos Disponible Hacer el Formulario 2290 para 2022-2023!

¡Estamos en esa época del año otra vez! Es hora de hacer su Formulario 2290. Con ExpressTruckTax puede presentar su declaración antes y evitar la prisa de todos los que intentan presentarla al mismo tiempo. Al presentarlo antes, su formulario será uno de los primeros en ser aceptado para que pueda obtener su Anexo 1 sellado lo más rápido posible. ¡E-File con ExpressTruckTax y puede presentar el Formulario 2290 antes que nadie!

¿Qué es el Formulario 2290?

Debe presentar el Formulario 2290 si tiene un vehículo que pesa 55,000 libras o más y maneja más de 5,000 millas al año (o 7,500 millas si se usa para fines agrícolas).

¿Por Qué Presentar el Formulario 2290 Antes de Tiempo?

Si bien el IRS no comienza a aceptar el Formulario 2290 para el nuevo año fiscal hasta el 1 de Julio, hay muchas personas que generalmente lo presentan en ese momento. Si espera para presentar entonces, existe la posibilidad de que el IRS tarde más en procesar su Formulario 2290 y no recibirá su Anexo 1 durante varios días.

Sin embargo, si presenta su declaración antes con ExpressTruckTax, su declaración se transmitirá al IRS tan pronto como comiencen a aceptarla. De esa manera, puede evitar hacerlo a última hora y al presentar la declaración temprano y recibir su Anexo 1 lo antes posible.

Información Importante Sobre Los Precios

Queremos aprovechar para agradecer a todos nuestros fieles clientes por elegirnos año tras año. Tenemos una actualización importante en esta temporada de impuestos que queremos asegurarnos de que esté al tanto. ExpressTruckTax ha estado presentando el Formulario 2290 para cientos de miles de camioneros durante más de 10 años y, a lo largo de nuestra historia, hemos mantenido nuestros precios iguales. Debido al clima económico actual y al costo creciente de hacer negocios, hemos tomado la decisión de cambiar nuestros precios para continuar mejorando nuestros servicios y funciones.

Ofrecemos un increíble servicio al cliente en vivo por teléfono, correo electrónico y chat, y nuestro equipo de suposición en vivo está aquí para responder cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre su Formulario 2290.

Con ExpressTruckTax puede presentar su declaración anticipadamente y recibir su Anexo 1 antes que los demás. Seguimos ofreciendo el precio más bajo del mercado para presentar el Formulario 2290. ¿Qué está esperando? ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 hoy y obtenga su Anexo 1 tan pronto como el IRS comience a aceptar el Formulario 2290!

Pre-Filing For Form 2290 For 2022-2023 Is Now Available!

It’s that time of year again! Time to file Form 2290. With ExpressTruckTax you can file early and beat the rush of everyone trying to file at one time. By filing early your form will be one of the first to get accepted so that you can get your stamped Schedule 1 as quickly as possible. E-File with ExpressTruckTax and you can file Form 2290 before anyone else!

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 must be filed if a vehicle weighs 55,000 pounds or more and drives more than 5,000 miles a year, (or 7,500 miles if it is used for agricultural purposes). 

Why File Form 2290 Early?

While the IRS doesn’t start accepting Form 2290 for the new tax year until July 1st, there are many people who usually file around that time. If you wait to file then, there is a chance that it will take longer for your Form 2290 to be processed by the IRS and you will not receive your Schedule 1 for several days. 

If you file early with ExpressTruckTax however, your return will be transmitted to the IRS as soon as they start accepting them. That way you are able to beat the rush of filing season by filing early and receive your 2290 Schedule 1 as soon as possible. 

You can also file now and pay later. File now with ExpressTruckTax and your tax payment does not need to be paid until August 31st. Depending on the payment method that is selected will determine when you will pay. If you choose check or money order, EFTPS, or credit or debit card, you may submit your payment as soon as the IRS begins accepting them on July 1st and you have until August 31st to pay it. If you select electronic funds withdrawal your payment will be taken as soon as the IRS accepts the form.

Important Pricing Information

We want to take an opportunity to thank all of our loyal customers for choosing us year after year. We have an important update going into this tax season that we want to make sure you are aware of. ExpressTruckTax has been filing Form 2290 for hundreds of thousands of truckers for over 10 years and throughout our history, we have kept our prices the same. Because of the current economic climate and the rising cost of doing business, we have made the decision to change our prices to continue improving our services and features. 

We offer amazing live support via phone, email, and chat and our support team is here to answer any questions you may have about your Form 2290. 

With ExpressTruckTax you can file early and receive your Schedule 1 ahead of everyone else. We still offer the lowest price to file Form 2290 on the market. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 today and get your Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS starts accepting Form 2290!

Working Women Wednesday: Celebrating Women in the Trucking Industry with Walkabout Transport

March is Women’s History Month and here at ExpressTruckTax we want to celebrate and highlight the accomplishments of women in the trucking industry. The trucking industry has been a mostly male-dominated industry, but in recent years more and more women have started trucking, some even going as far as starting their own trucking companies. 

Each week in March we will feature different women-owned trucking companies and this week we are focusing on Walkabout Transport.

Walkabout Transport is a women-owned trucking company that specializes in general freight transportation in the lower 48 states. 

When asked to provide a quote about her experiences with trucking, the company’s owner Debra Desiderato had this to say: “I was born and raised in Australia. When I was 13 my older brother took me trucking in New Zealand, I knew back then that I was gonna be a trucker too. I moved to the US in 98’ and bought my first truck in 2002. In 2019 I was awarded Driver of the Year with NASTC (National Association of Small Trucking Companies). I’m also on the driver advisory board for the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee and a member of OOIDA and Real Women in Trucking. I’m now 57 years old with almost 2 million accident-free miles, been all over the United States, and still love trucking independently.”

Debra Desiderato is an Experienced Class A OTR tractor-trailer driver with all endorsements. She represents trucking companies for USDOT safety compliance audits and sets up and maintains safety management plans. 

Join us in celebrating many women-owned trucking companies this Women’s History Month and help us give these amazing women the recognition they deserve!

Haciendo Su 2290: ¿Qué Tipo De Negocio Es Adecuado Para Usted?

La temporada de impuestos se acerca rápidamente y también lo es la fecha límite para hacer su Formulario 2290. Estos formularios a menudo hacen preguntas que pueden parecer confusas al principio. Una de las preguntas que le hacen cuando se registra para presentar es ¿bajo qué tipo de negocio está presentando? ¿Qué es un tipo de negocio y cómo sabe cuál es el adecuado para su negocio de camiones?

A continuación, encontrará una guía muy útil que explica más sobre cada tipo de negocio para determinar cuál es el mejor para usted.

Propietario único o LLC de un solo miembro

En resumen, un propietario único es el propietario único de un negocio.

S-Corporación de LLC como S-Corp

Las corporaciones S son corporaciones que eligen pasar los ingresos, pérdidas, deducciones y créditos corporativos a través de sus accionistas para propósitos de impuestos federales. Esto permite a las corporaciones S evitar la doble imposición sobre los ingresos corporativos.

C-Corporation o LLC como C-Corp

Corporación C, según la ley federal de impuestos sobre la renta de los Estados Unidos, es cualquier corporación que paga impuestos por separado de sus propietarios. A diferencia de las corporaciones C, las corporaciones S no pagan impuestos por separado.

Sociedad o LLC como Sociedad

Una sociedad es donde dos o más personas son propietarias del negocio.


Los bienes son todo el dinero y la propiedad que posee una persona en particular, especialmente al momento de su muerte.

Fideicomisos y fiduciarios

Un fideicomiso es una relación cuando una persona tiene el título de la propiedad. Un fiduciario es una persona u organización que actúa en nombre de otra persona.

Organización Exenta

Para que una organización se considere exenta, debe ser una organización caritativa, una fundación privada u otra organización similar que esté exenta del impuesto federal sobre la renta.

¿Qué sucede si elige el tipo de negocio incorrecto?

No te preocupes, sucede, todos cometemos errores. Simplemente puede hacer clic en su nombre en la esquina superior derecha y luego hacer clic en la flecha desplegable. Luego hará clic en “Mi cuenta”, que lo llevará a una página con múltiples opciones. Desde allí, seleccione la opción titulada “Administrar empresas” haciendo clic en el icono del lápiz.

Cuando vea el nombre de la empresa que desea cambiar, haga clic en el ícono de lápiz a la derecha y lo llevará a la página que le permitirá cambiar el tipo de empresa.

Luego, en tipo de negocio, seleccione el menú desplegable y desde allí puede seleccionar el tipo de negocio que mejor describa su negocio de camiones.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al 704.234.6005.

¡Haga su 2290 hoy!

ExpressTruckTax: Great Quality Form 2290 Filing At Awesome Prices!

ExpressTruckTax: Great Quality Form 2290 Filing At Awesome Prices!

* This blog doesn’t reflect the pricing for the 2022-23 filing season

As a business owner, we know and understand that your bottom line is important to you. There are several reasons why ExpressTruckTax is the #1 IRS e-file provider for Form 2290 including reputability, support availability, and of course, pricing.

ExpresstruckTax does not play games with pricing! What you see is what you get, there are no hidden fees and there is no need for coupon codes! Since 2010, ExpressTruckTax has not raised the filing fee associated with filing your Form 2290, which is only $9.90 for a single truck! The same great price with the same great customer service!

Don’t believe us?! Let’s take a look at some competitor pricing to file a single vehicle: 

This competitor also offers a 20% off coupon. 

Let’s do the math here together. This site charges you $48.99 for a single truck. Even with a 20% off coupon, you are STILL paying $39.19. That is almost 4 times more expensive than when you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax. Again, it’s still only $9.90 for a single truck!

So what are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and don’t spend more money than you have to!

Clientele Spotlight: Celebrating Amazing Women During Women’s History Month

As the weather grows warmer, March is not only a month to admire flowers and celebrate St. Patrick’s day, but it is also a month to celebrate the achievements, talents, and accomplishments of women. 

In honor of Women’s History Month, ExpressTruckTax wants to take the time to highlight some of the amazing women in the trucking industry/ women-owned businesses that have generated their 2290 or 8849 Forms with us.

If you would like your business featured, or want to shout out to a woman-owned trucking company you admire, reach out to support@expresstrucktax.com.

We will feature these businesses through an Instagram and Facebook post upon your approval.

The Benefits of Filing Your Form 2290 With Our Mobile App

ExpressTruckTax is in the business of making your life easier!

We know that truckers are out and about and always on the road. That means that you won’t always have the time to pull out a computer to file your Form 2290 and that’s why we’ve tried to make filing 10 times easier with our mobile app! 

Below we’ve listed 3 great benefits of downloading and using our mobile app! 

We’ve Simplified It For You 

After signing into the app your name will pop up and you’ll be asked if you’re ready to “Start Filing Form 2290”. Within this pop up you’ll also be given the four simple steps of filing your Form 2290! 

No Mistake is Unfixable

Did you enter your business information incorrectly? Don’t fret, the pencil icon is your friend! If you’ve misentered your business information, you can easily edit it and begin filing your Form 2290.

However, VIN Corrections must be completed through ExpressTruckTax.com on your mobile device.

Inactive vs. Active 

For the CPA’s that file with us, we know you have multiple businesses that you file for. Within the app you can manage all of those various businesses and there is a divider between businesses that are active and inactive to make filing a lot simpler. 

Filing your Form 2290 doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming at all. Download the app today and file now! 

Google Play:

App Store:

A Helpful Guide For Tackling Your IFTA Renewals This Year

Here at ExpressTruckTax, our team is all about helping you stay compliant and keeping your truck on the road. Whether that is by helping you file your Form 2290, or helping you stay ahead of other industry requirements. 

It is important that you renew your IFTA licensing for 2021 on time! Many states’ renewal deadline is December 31, 2021. 

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we know how easy it can be to forget! So, we are breaking down the renewal process and providing all the information you need to get started!

A Crash Course in IFTA

Here’s a quick refresher. Get ready for a tongue twister! IFTA stands for International Fuel Tax Agreement. This was put into effect by the 48 states of the continental US and 10 Canadian provinces. 

This is basically just a way to make the fuel tax collection and interstate commerce reporting easier for everyone involved. 

Under federal law, you must abide by IFTA regulations if your vehicle is used, designed, or maintained for the transportation of persons or property, and at least one of the following is true: 

  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight (GVW) or registered gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 26,000 pounds
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight
  • Is used in combination when the weight of such combination is more than 26,000 pounds GVW or registered GVW.

If your vehicle qualifies for an IFTA license, then your vehicle also qualifies for the IFTA renewal! 

Where Do I Start?

You should start with your base jurisdiction! Each year states send out a renewal packet, email, or some form of information to help you through the renewal process. 

If your deadline for renewal is December 31, 2021, then you should have already received this. 

If you haven’t already received your packet or email,  it’s time to give your state’s IFTA department a call. You can also check for renewal information on their website. 

Renewal Requirements

Most states will allow you to renew your license online through your IFTA portal. 

Generally, most jurisdictions will require that you have filed and paid for the last four quarters if you were operating before they will renew your license for the next year. 

The previous four quarters include: 

  • 2020, Quarter 4
  • 2021, Quarter 1 
  • 2021, Quarter 2
  • 2021, Quarter 3 

Now, listen closely, this is very important: your renewal must be completed, signed, and returned by the deadline to ensure that there is no delay in receiving your license and decals. 

Some states will offer drivers a grace period for displaying the new decals, but this is not true for every state. You will need to check with your jurisdiction to confirm this. 

IFTA is Easier with TruckLogics 

If you’re searching high and low for an easier way to keep track of your IFTA and create a file-ready report each quarter, you’ve come to the right place! Our sister product, TruckLogics, provides an affordable IFTA reporting solution and more!

With TruckLogics you can easily complete your IFTA reporting and take advantage of other great features designed to streamline your trucking business. 

If You First Used A Truck In August, the Deadline To File Form 2290 Is Almost Here!

Did you get a new truck in August? Was August the first time you started driving a new truck? 

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you need to file Form 2290 with the new vehicle’s VIN by September 30th.

Even though you’re still getting used to your new truck, it’s important that you remember to file the Form 2290 for it before the deadline to ensure it has a valid stamped Schedule 1 and to avoid late penalties issued by the IRS!

What does ‘First Used Month’ mean?

The First Used Month (FUM) refers to the first month the truck was used on a public road during the current tax year. The Form 2290 and HVUT payment are always due at the end of the following month after the vehicle was first used. 

The chart below shows what your filing deadline will be based on the First Used Month of your truck:

What happens if it’s late? 

If your Form 2290 is filed after the deadline, the IRS will issue hefty penalties that will incur until it is filed and paid. 

If you do not file the Form 2290 before September 30th, you will be issued these penalties, plus additional interest from the IRS. The penalty for late filing will be equal to 4.5% of your owed tax amount and will incur every month it is late.

Please note that, even if you are unable to make the HVUT payment at this time, it is important to at least file before the deadline. The penalties won’t be as great if, at least, the Form 2290 is filed on time.

File Your Form 2290 Now!

E-filing your Form 2290 with ExpresstruckTax is a quick and simple process! When filing online with ExpressTruckTax, you will have access to the market-leading e-filing program along with multiple features to help make filing easy!

When you file with ExpresstruckTax, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes after submission! 

Go to ExpressTruckTax to file now! If you have any questions or are in need of assistance, call our customer support team at 704.234.6005! They are always happy to help!

Did You Forget To Make The HVUT Payment?

The 2021-22 Form 2290 tax season has come to an end. Your Form 2290 and HVUT payment needed to be sent to the IRS before the August 31st deadline. 

 If you filed the Form 2290 on time and sent your HVUT payment to the IRS  before the deadline,  then congratulations! You’re all done for this year!

But when you filed the Form 2290, did you also remember to go make your payment separately to the IRS? If not, it is important to make the payment as soon as you can in order to avoid further unwanted penalties.

What Happens If The Payment Is Late?

If your HVUT payment is late, then the IRS will be issuing penalties. Your HVUT payment needed to be made or sent out by the end of the day on August 31st to be considered “on-time”.

But luckily, as long as you filed your Form 2290 on time, the penalties for a late HVUT payment won’t be as high. However, it is still important to make your payment as soon as possible.

The longer you wait to make the payment, the higher the penalties will be, and no one wants to pay more than they have to!

How To Make The Payment

When you filed the Form 2290, there was a section where you chose which payment method you intended to make the payment with.

Here are the different payment options that the HVUT payment can be made with:

  • Debit and Credit Card- to make your HVUT payment using your debit/credit cards, you must make your payment at IRS.Gov/PayUsingCard 
  • Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)– a bank account transfer. Your bank account and routing numbers are required and the payment will be withdrawn automatically within 1 or 2 business days
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment Systems (EFTPS) The IRS offers this payment method to simplify tax payments. You will have to create an account here and enroll in the program.
  • Check or Money Order You will have to mail out your check or money order for this option. You will also have to include the Form 2290-V along with the payment. Mail it to the following address:

ExpressTruckTax Is Here To Help!

Even though you can’t make your HVUT payment through ExpressTruckTax, our customer support team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about Form 2290 and making the HVUT payment. 

Visit ExpressTruckTax here or give the support team a call at 704.234.6005 for any questions or assistance you may need! We are always here to help!