ExpressTruckTax is a leading Form 2290 e-filing solution. The IRS has now started accepting Form 2290 ahead of the Form 2290 due date. This means it is now time to file Form 2290. The stamped Schedule one for the 2021-22 tax year expired as of June 30th. The stamped Schedule 1 is required when you need to get the tags and registration for your vehicle. To prevent you from getting fined if you get pulled over, a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 should be kept in your vehicle.
What is Form 2290?
Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) must be filed if a vehicle weighs more than 55,000 pounds. If a vehicle that meets these requirements drives less than 5,000 miles a year or less than 7,500 miles if it is used for agricultural purposes, Form 2290 must still be filed with the IRS but you will be exempt from paying the tax.
When is the Deadline to File Form 2290?
The Form 2290 deadline is August 31st at midnight, whether your vehicle has been on the road for more than a year or is just being put on the road for the first time this month. Because the deadline is approaching fast, it is better to file sooner because the IRS gets backed up with forms. If you wait too long, it might take longer to receive your stamped Schedule 1.
ExpressTruckTax offers the Form 2290 Solution for You
ExpressTruckTax provides hassle-free Form 2290 e-filing in just a few simple steps and will only take a few minutes so that you can file your Form 2290 quickly and easily ahead of the 2290 due date. Simply enter your business information, details about your vehicle, how you wish to pay your tax, and you are finished once you pay the filing fee. There are several convenient ways to pay for your Form 2290 tax including EFW, check or money order, EFTPS, and credit or debit card. Each of these payment options is designed to meet your needs and preferences so that you can make your Form 2290 tax payment for the HVUT before the Form 2290 deadline.
When Selecting EFW (electronic funds withdrawal), you will enter your bank account information and as soon as the IRS accepts your Form 2290, it will withdraw the amount. If you select any of the other options you will have to do a few more steps in order to ensure that your HVUT is paid to the IRS. For check or money order, you will receive a voucher that will tell you where to send your payment. For EFTPS, you will go to eftps.gov to make your payment, but if you do not have an account you will need to create one. For credit or debit card payments, you will need to go to the IRS website and select one of their listed credit card processing sites to make sure your tax is paid. Each of these payment options comes with easy-to-follow instructions that will appear upon selection. Make sure to read these instructions carefully before transmitting your form so that you know how to make your payment. It is important that you make your payment for the HVUT so that you can have your tax amount owed paid to the IRS before the Form 2290 due date. Once you E-file Form 2290 you have until August 31st to make your payment to the IRS before the Form 2290 due date. This date might seem far off now but the 2290 deadline is right around the corner and will be here before you know it.
ExpressTruckTax offers a quick and easy way to file your Form 2290. By doing this you will ensure that you do not file late and risk accruing penalties. These penalties can occur if you are pulled over and are found to not have an up-to-date stamped Schedule 1. You also need to have an updated Form 2290 Schedule 1 to renew your tags or get your vehicle registration. This is also an important reason why you need to file your Form 2290 before the Form 2290 due date. Filing with ExpressTruckTax does not take long at all. All you need to do is answer a few short questions, enter in your business and vehicle details and you are all set once you select your payment method and pay your filing fee. After that, your stamped Schedule 1 should be sent to you in minutes. With the Form 2290 deadline approaching, however, it might take a little longer, however. What are you waiting for? Don’t risk getting fined for being late to file your Form 2290. File your Form 2290 in a matter of minutes with ExpressTruckTax for hassle-free filing!