Tag: Form 2290

Everything You Need To Know About VIN Corrections In ExpressTruckTax

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form that needs to be completed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This tax form needs to be filed annually by August 31st each year. The deadline is approaching fast so below you will find some helpful tips about VIN numbers which are important when filling out Form 2290. 

What is a VIN?

VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. Every vehicle has one and each VIN consists of a unique set of 17 numbers and letters that help identify a vehicle. The VIN of a vehicle is entered when filing Form 2290 so that the IRS knows what vehicle(s) you are filing Form 2290 for.

What is a VIN Correction?

If the wrong VIN is entered when filing Form 2290, and the form is submitted with this wrong VIN, a VIN correction must be filed. This correction must be filed so that the correct VIN appears on the Stamped Schedule 1 that you obtain upon filing Form 2290. If the correct VIN does not appear on the Stamped Schedule 1, there is a chance that you may be fined or penalized for this. There is no deadline to file a VIN correction.

How do you use ExpressTruckTax to file a VIN correction?

Form 2290 Amendment for Vin Correction

If a mistake is made when Form 2290 is filed and only a few characters are off you are able to file a Form 2290 Amendment for a VIN Correction to get it fixed. This process amends your previously filed Form 2290 and ensures that you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 with the corrected VIN. If you filed your original Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax you are able to correct your VIN for free using this process.

Other VIN Correction Option

If your VIN mistake on your Form 2290 is off by more than a few characters or the entire VIN is wrong, you must file another Form 2290. Once the second Form 2290 gets accepted, Form 8849 must be filed. If the tax has already been paid, the Form 8849 will be used to request a credit back for the tax paid. If the tax has not been paid yet, you will need to provide an explanation and documentation as to why the original Form 2290 should be dismissed.

File With ExpressTruckTax Today!

ExpressTruckTax makes correcting VINs and filing Form 2290 fast and simple with its many user-friendly features. ExpressTruckTax offers a number of useful features including a free VIN checker that checks to make sure the VIN entered has 17 digits. There are also several convenient payment options including the new option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly from ExpressTruckTax. The Form 2290 deadline is August 31st, 2022, and is only a few days away. What are you waiting for? File with ExpressTruckTax today!

Todo Lo Que Necesita Saber Sobre Las Correcciones de VIN en ExpressTruckTax

El Formulario 2290 es un formulario de impuestos del IRS que deben completar los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más para el impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados. Este formulario de impuestos debe presentarse anualmente antes del 31 de Agosto de cada año. La fecha límite se acerca rápidamente, por lo que a continuación encontrará algunos consejos útiles sobre los números VIN que son importantes al completar el Formulario 2290.

¿Qué es un VIN?

VIN significa Número de Identificación del Vehículo (en Inglés). Cada vehículo tiene uno y cada VIN consta de un conjunto único de 17 números y letras que ayudan a identificar a cada vehículo. El VIN de un vehículo se ingresa al presentar el Formulario 2290 para que el IRS sepa para qué vehículo está presentando el Formulario 2290.

¿Qué es una corrección de VIN?

Si se ingresa el VIN incorrecto al presentar el Formulario 2290 y el formulario se envía con este VIN incorrecto, se debe hacer una corrección del VIN. Esta corrección debe hacerse para que el VIN correcto aparezca en el Anexo 1 sellado que se obtiene al presentar el Formulario 2290. Si el VIN correcto no aparece en el Anexo 1 sellado, existe la posibilidad de que lo penalicen o no lo dejen renovar sus placas por esa razón. No hay fecha límite para presentar una corrección de VIN.

¿Cómo se usa ExpressTruckTax para presentar una corrección de VIN?

Formulario 2290 Modificación para Corrección VIN

Si se comete un error cuando se presenta el Formulario 2290 y solo faltan unos pocos caracteres, puede presentar una Enmienda del Formulario 2290 para una Corrección de VIN para corregirlo. Este proceso modifica su Formulario 2290 previamente presentado y garantiza que recibirá un Anexo 1 sellado con el VIN corregido. Si hizo su Formulario 2290 originalmente con ExpressTruckTax, puede corregir su VIN de forma gratuita mediante este proceso.

Otra Opción de Corrección de VIN

Si todo el VIN está incorrecto en su Formulario 2290 por completo entonces debe de hacer otro nuevo Formulario 2290. Una vez que el IRS acepte el segundo Formulario 2290 con el VIN correcto, debe declarar el Formulario 8849. Si el impuesto ya ha sido pagado, se utilizará el Formulario 8849 para solicitar la devolución del crédito por el impuesto pagado. Si el impuesto aún no se ha pagado, deberá proporcionar una explicación detallada y documentación de por qué se debe cancelar el Formulario 2290 original.

¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax ya!

ExpressTruckTax hace que la corrección de VIN y la declaración del Formulario 2290 sean rápidas y sencillas con sus muchas funciones fáciles de usar. ExpressTruckTax ofrece una serie de funciones útiles, incluido un verificador de VIN gratuito que verifica que el VIN ingresado tenga 17-dígitos. También hay varias opciones de pago convenientes, incluida la nueva opción para pagar su impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​directamente desde ExpressTruckTax. La fecha límite del Formulario 2290 es el 31 de Agosto de 2022 y solo faltan unos días. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax ya!

Guía Útil Para Evitar Penalidades del Formulario 2290

¿Alguna vez lo han penalizado por atrasarse con su Formulario 2290 (hecho para vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más), sus pagos de impuestos sobre el uso de vehículos pesados, o lo atraparon sin un Anexo 1 sellado? Si esto no le ha sucedido a usted, aún es esencial asegurarse de que no suceda. En esta guía, encontrará información útil para evitar penalidades del IRS con respecto al Formulario 2290.

Conozca Su Primer Mes de Uso

Al hacer el Formulario 2290 es importante saber el Primer Mes de Uso (FUM en Inglés) de su vehículo. El FUM de un vehículo está determinado por el mes en que se puso en circulación por primera vez. Cuando se presenta el Formulario 2290, se debe incluir el primer mes utilizado y tiene hasta el final de ese mes para presentar el Formulario 2290 ante el IRS. Sin embargo, tiene hasta el final del próximo mes para realizar el pago de impuestos. Por ejemplo, si su primer mes de uso es en Octubre, tiene hasta finales de Noviembre para realizar el pago de impuestos al IRS. Esto se aplica a los vehículos que han estado en la carretera por menos de un año.

Para los vehículos que han estado en circulación durante más de un año o que se pondrán en circulación por primera vez en julio, el primer mes usado del vehículo es julio y el pago de impuestos vence el 31 de agosto.

Declare Ahora Pague Después

El Anexo 1 sellado es importante porque le permite obtener las placas y el registro de un vehículo. Una vez que se presente el Formulario 2290, obtendrá un Anexo 1 sellado como prueba de presentación. Esto significa que puede evitar penalidades fácilmente haciendo el Formulario 2290 y si aún no tiene el dinero para pagar el impuesto, puede esperar hasta la fecha límite para declarar. De esta manera, si olvida pagar el impuesto antes de la fecha límite, aún tendrá un Anexo 1 sellado y, si lo multan, será mucho menos de lo que hubiera sido si no hubiera declarado nada.

Pague Cuando Presente

Otra opción que puede ayudarlo a evitar penalidades es pagar el impuesto HVUT al mismo tiempo que presenta su declaración. Haga su Formulario 2290 y pague su tarifa de presentación e impuestos para eliminarlos a la vez. De esta manera, no solo obtiene su Anexo 1 sellado, sino que también paga sus impuestos y no se olvidará de pagarlos más adelante.

Haga su Declaración con ExpressTruckTax

Al hacer su declaración con ExpressTruckTax, tiene la opción de hacerlo ahora o pagar cuando presente la declaración. Está diseñado para ser fácil de usar con muchas opciones convenientes que hacen que su experiencia de archivo sea muy fácil y sencilla. Asegúrese de mantenerse al tanto de cuándo es la fecha límite para presentar la solicitud. Cuando se registre y presente una declaración en ExpressTruckTax, nos aseguraremos de recordarle cuándo es el momento de presentarla para que no se le escape la fecha límite. La función formulario-listo también está disponible para los contribuyentes que regresan. Inicie su sesión y podrá usar toda la información que hizo en su último formulario para generar su Formulario 2290 y presentarlo rápidamente. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Aproveche estas increíbles funciones disponibles con ExpressTruckTax y hágalo hoy mismo antes de la fecha límite del 31 de Agosto!

Sólo quedan dos semanas para hacer el Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite del 31 de Agosto

¡La fecha límite para hacer el Formulario 2290 está a solo dos semanas! Esto significa que solo le quedan dos semanas para presentarlo antes de recibir penalidades por retraso en el pago del impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​(HVUT). Los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más tienen que hacer anualmente el Formulario 2290 al IRS.

Si usted es uno de estos conductores, asegúrese de hacer su Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite del 31 de agosto. La presentación del Formulario 2290 garantiza que recibirá un Anexo 1 sellado del IRS que actúa como prueba de la declaración del Formulario 2290. Este Anexo 1 sellado le permite obtener las placas y el registro del vehículo. Si se encuentra sin un Anexo 1 estampado actual, es cuando se producirán sanciones y multas. También puede recibir una multa por no poder proporcionar un Anexo 1 estampado actual además de recibir penalidades. Una forma de evitar esto es presentando el Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite del 31 de agosto.

Para asegurarse de no perder la fecha límite y presentar su declaración a tiempo, ExpressTruckTax tiene la solución que necesita para presentar el Formulario 2290. De esta manera, no tiene que preocuparse por no cumplir con la fecha límite y ser multado por el IRS por llegar tarde. con el pago de impuestos. ExpressTruckTax es el presentador electrónico del Formulario 2290 líder en el mercado que garantiza que recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado a los pocos minutos de presentarlo. Simplemente necesita crear una cuenta con ExpressTruckTax e ingresar su información, incluyendo la información de su negocio, su Número de Identificación de Empleador (EIN), la información de su vehículo, incluido el Número de información del vehículo (VIN), si está reclamando algún vehículo de crédito, y luego su Información del pago.

ExpressTruckTax ofrece una función de pago completamente nueva que hace que ExpressTruckTax sea aún más conveniente para los contribuyentes porque pueden hacer el Formulario 2290 y el impuesto se puede pagar al mismo tiempo mediante tarjeta de crédito o débito. Antes, tendría que pasar por un sitio de procesamiento de pagos externo para pagar sus impuestos y correr el riesgo de olvidarse de pagar, lo que resultaría en penalidades por demora. ¡Ahora el pago y la presentación están disponibles en un lugar conveniente! Ahora no tiene que preocuparse por atrasarse con sus pagos de impuestos y hacerlo todo al mismo tiempo.

¿Está cansado de estar atrasado con sus pagos de impuestos? ¡Ya no tiene que preocuparse por eso con ExpressTruckTax! ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Haga el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy y nunca más se preocupe por retrasarse en el pago de sus impuestos HVUT!

Only Two Weeks Left To File Form 2290 Before The August 31st Deadline!

The Deadline to File Form 2290 is only two weeks away! This means that you have only two weeks left to file before you get late fines or penalties for being late with your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). Form 2290 is filed annually by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS. 

If you are one of these drivers, make sure to file your Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. Filing Form 2290 guarantees that you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS that acts as proof of filing Form 2290. This Stamped Schedule 1 allows you to get vehicle tags and registration. If you are found without a current Stamped Schedule 1, that is when penalties and fines will occur. You can also get a ticket for not being able to provide a current Stamped Schedule 1 on top of getting fined. One way to avoid this is by Filing Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. 

In order to make sure you don’t miss the deadline and file on time, ExpressTruckTax has the solution you need to file Form 2290. This way you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline and getting fined by the IRS for being late with the tax payment. ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer that guarantees you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing.

You simply need to create an account with ExpressTruckTax and enter your information including your business information, your Employer Identification Number (EIN), your vehicle information including the vehicle’s Vehicle Information Number (VIN), if you are claiming any credit vehicles, and then your payment information. 

ExpressTruckTax offers a brand new payment feature that makes ExpressTruckTax even more convenient for filers because Form 2290 can be filed and the tax can be paid at the same time via credit or debit card. Before you would have to go through an external payment processing site to pay your taxes and risk forgetting to pay, resulting in late fines. Now paying and filing are available in one convenient place! Now you don’t have to worry about being late with your tax payments and get it all done at the same time.

Are you tired of being late with your tax payments? You don’t have to worry about that anymore with ExpressTruckTax! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and never worry about being late to pay your HVUT taxes again!

A Helpful Guide for Avoiding Form 2290 Penalties

Have you ever been fined for being late with your Form 2290 (filed for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more), your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax payments, or were caught without a Stamped Schedule 1? If this has not happened to you, it is still essential to ensure that it doesn’t. In this guide, you will find helpful information for avoiding penalties from the IRS regarding Form 2290.

Know Your First Used Month

When filing Form 2290 it is important to know your vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM). The FUM of a vehicle is determined by the month it is first put on the road. When Form 2290 is filed, the First Used Month must be listed and you have until the end of that month to file Form 2290 to the IRS. You have until the end of the next month to make the tax payment, however. For example, if your First Used Month is in October, you have until the end of November to make the tax payment to the IRS. This applies to vehicles that have been on the road for less than a year. 

For vehicles that have been on the road for over a year or are first being put on the road for the first time in July, the vehicle’s First Used Month is July and the tax payment is due by August 31st. 

File Now Pay Later

The Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it allows you to get tags and the registration for a vehicle. Once Form 2290 is filed, you will get a Stamped Schedule 1 as proof of filing. This means that you can easily avoid penalties by filing Form 2290 and if you don’t have the money to pay the tax yet you can wait until the deadline to file. This way if you forget to pay the tax before the deadline, you will still have a Stamped Schedule 1 and if you get fined it will be a lot less than it would have been if you hadn’t filed at all. 

Pay When You File

Another option that can help you avoid penalties is to pay the HVUT tax at the same time you file. File your Form 2290 and pay your filing fee and tax to get them both out of the way at once. This way you not only get your Stamped Schedule 1 but you also get your tax paid and won’t forget to pay it later.

File With ExpressTruckTax 

By filing with ExpressTruckTax you have the option to pay later or to pay when you file. It is designed to be user-friendly with lots of convenient options that make your filing experience a breeze. Make sure you keep up with when the deadline to file is. When you sign up and file with ExpressTruckTax we will make sure to remind you when it is time to file so that you don’t miss the deadline. The ready return feature is also available to returning filers. You will sign in and you can use all of the information from your last filing to generate your Form 2290 and file quickly. What are you waiting for? Take advantage of these amazing features available through ExpressTruckTax and file before the August 31st deadline today!

New! Pay Your IRS Tax (HVUT) Directly Through ExpressTruckTax

ExpressTruckTax is excited to announce a new payment feature that makes it more convenient for filers to pay their Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT). With this new feature, filers can pay their HVUT alongside filing their Form 2290 through ExpressTruckTax.

ExpressTruckTax, the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer offers a user-friendly solution to help truckers file their Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. Form 2290 is filed to the IRS by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more. By using ExpressTruckTax, drivers are able to file their Form 2290 in only a few simple steps. 

ExpressTruckTax not only makes filing Form 2290 easy but also offers filers convenient ways to pay their taxes for the HVUT to the IRS. In addition to the already established convenient payment methods including Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW), EFTPS, check or money order, and credit or debit card, ExpressTruckTax is excited to announce a new tax payment option now offered. Previously if filers wanted to pay via credit or debit card they would have to go to the IRS website and pay through an IRS-approved payment processor. This would require the filer to do extra steps on a different website to actually pay the tax. Truckers would need to enter in all of their information a second time which took extra time. Because this was an extra step that needed to be completed by filers, some would say they would pay later and end up forgetting to pay at all. This would cause drivers to be fined for being late with their tax payments. The IRS payment processors also have additional fees charged for using this service. 

To ensure that drivers pay their tax on time, and not get fined, ExpressTruckTax now offers the option for drivers to pay their HVUT directly from ExpressTruckTax. Instead of having to complete the extra steps involved with paying through an IRS payment processor, filers can pay for the Form 2290 filing fee and their HVUT taxes all at the same time. When utilizing this option, there is a bank processing fee that is applied upon payment. Once the driver pays through ExpressTruckTax, the tax form and payment are submitted at the same time and filers will no longer have to worry about going to an external site and entering all of their information again or forgetting to pay altogether. 

Paying through ExpressTruckTax saves drivers time and money. This new payment method offers a one-stop solution so that the filing and the payment are submitted at the same time and drivers can get back on the road without stressing over being late with their filing or tax payment. Truckers, what are you waiting for? Visit ExpressTruckTax and get your filing and tax payment out of the way today!

The IRS Form 2290 Due Date for the 2022-23 Tax Year

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). This tax needs to be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more. If a qualifying vehicle drives less than 5,000 miles a year, or less than 7,500 miles a year if the vehicle is used for agricultural purposes, IRS Form 2290 must still be filed for this vehicle. In this case, the vehicle is considered suspended by the IRS. When it is considered suspended, no tax will be owed to the IRS for this vehicle. If a qualifying vehicle is not suspended the tax amount owed will depend on the vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight and the vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM). Filing Form 2290 guarantees that the driver will receive a Stamped Schedule 1, which is required when getting the vehicle’s registration and tags. 

When is the Form 2290 Due?

When Form 2290 is due depends on the vehicle’s First Used Month, especially if the vehicle has been on the road for less than a year. In this case, the payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax will be due on the last day of the following month. For example, if you put your vehicle on the road in September, you should file your Form 2290 in September but you will have until the last day of October to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS. 

If the vehicle has been on the road for more than a year or is being put on the road for the first time in July, the vehicle’s First Used Month will be July. This means that the deadline to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS will be August 31st. The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is always paid for the upcoming tax year. The tax year for Form 2290 goes from July 1st to June 30th. This means that the Form 2290 due date 2022 is August 31st, 2022 for the 2022-23 tax year.

What Information is Required to E-file Form 2290?

When going to file the 2290 Form, the IRS recommends that it is filed online through an authorized e-filer. This is because if you paper file with the IRS, it will take several weeks before you get your Stamped Schedule 1.

Instead of spending a lot of time finding a place to e-file your Form 2290 online, look no further than ExpressTruckTax, the market-leading Form 2290 e-file provider. When filing Form 2290 online with ExpressTruckTax, there is some information that you will need in order to file the form correctly. 

You will need to know your business name, the type of business it is, and the Employer Identification Number (EIN). You will also need to know information about the vehicle or vehicles you are filing for. You will need to know the type of vehicle, the vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight or weight class it falls under, and whether or not it is used for logging. You will also be asked if this vehicle is suspended or not. 

Paying your HVUT to the IRS

Once you enter this information, you will be asked to enter any credit vehicles that you may have. This means any vehicles that were sold, destroyed, stolen, or did not exceed the mileage limit the previous year. You will then be asked to select your payment method. 

There are four payment options to choose from. These payment methods include credit or debit card, electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), EFTPS, or check or money order. When you use a credit or debit card you are able to either make your payment on the ExpressTruckTax website or go to another IRS-authorized payment processor to make your payment. 

When you select to pay with a credit or debit card, you now have the option to pay straight through ExpressTruckTax. You also have the option to choose another IRS-approved payment processor, but this requires extra steps such as entering a lot of your information a second time. For this payment method, all you have to do is enter in your credit card information and you will pay your tax amount plus your filing fee along with a 4% processing fee. Once this is complete your tax will be paid.

Another option you are able to choose from is electronic funds withdrawal (EFW). For this option, you will be required to enter your checking or savings account information and your tax amount will be withdrawn from your account within a couple of days of the IRS accepting your Form 2290. 

If you select EFTPS as your payment method, you will need to go to EFTPS.gov and make your payment there. In order to utilize this payment method, you will either need an existing account with EFTPS or create one. Please note that it may take up to 15 business days for your account to become active. 

Lastly, you are able to send in your payment via check or money order. You will receive a voucher with the information on where to send your payment to. Include this voucher with your payment when you mail it in. With this option, you are able to send in the payment at your convenience as long as it is postmarked before or by August 31st.

Once you select the payment method your filing is complete. ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to file your Form 2290 as long as you have the information required to file. It only takes a few simple steps and a few minutes to file. What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax before the August 31st Form 2290 due date today!

What is the IRS Form 2290 Due Date for the Tax year 2022-2023?

What is Form 2290?

Drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more are required to file IRS Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). If one of these qualifying vehicles drives less than 5,000 miles a year, or less than 7,500 miles a year if the vehicle is used for agricultural purposes, the 2290 Form must still be filed. If this happens, the IRS will consider this vehicle as suspended and will be exempt from paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. If this vehicle exceeds the mileage limit and is not suspended, the tax amount owed will depend on the vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight and the vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM).

Why is Filing Form 2290 Necessary?

When it comes to driving a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more, filing Form 2290 is important because it guarantees that the driver will receive a Stamped Schedule 1. This Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it is required when getting the registration and tags for the vehicle. If you do not have a current Schedule 1 then there is a chance that you will get penalized if you get pulled over. There are ways to avoid these penalties, however.

How do you Avoid Penalties from the IRS Regarding Form 2290?

In order to avoid penalties, you must ensure that you File Form 2290. This is because by filing form 2290, you are able to get the tags and registration for your vehicle by having a current stamped Schedule 1. If you get pulled over and found to not have one this can result in fines and penalties. The best way to avoid getting penalized for not having one is to file Form 2290 before the due date for the 2022-23 tax year. 

When is the Form 2290 Due Date For the 2022-23 Tax Year? 

The 2022-23 Form 2290 due date depends on the vehicle’s First Used Month. This is especially true if the vehicle has been on the road for a year or less and refers to the month that the vehicle was first put on the road. In this case, the payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax will be due on the last day of the month following the First Used Month. For example, if you put your vehicle on the road in November, you should file your Form 2290 in November but the tax payment will be due on the last day of December to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS. 

If the vehicle has been on the road for more than a year or is being put on the road for the first time in July, the vehicle’s First Used Month will be July. This means that the deadline to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS will be August 31st. The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is always paid for the upcoming tax year. The tax year for Form 2290 goes from July 1st to June 30th. This means that the Form 2290 due date 2022 is August 31st, 2022 for the 2022-23 tax year.

The Benefits of Filing with ExpressTruckTax

When you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax you will find that the system is easy to use and follow. You are able to complete your Form 2290 filing for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax in a few simple steps. All you need to do is enter your information, your business information, your truck information, and whether or not you are claiming credits for vehicles, and then you can choose between four convenient payment options. 

These payment options include Credit or debit card, electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), EFTPS, and check or money order. By using a credit card you are able to pay your tax directly from ExpressTruckTax or another IRS-approved payment processor. If you select electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), you will enter your bank account information and the money will be withdrawn from your account within a couple of days of your Form 2290 is accepted. When it comes to EFTPS, you will go to EFTPS.gov to make your tax payment. If you do not have an existing EFTPS account, you will need to create one and it typically takes about 15 business days to become active. If you select a check or money order, you will receive a voucher that tells you where to send the payment to. Include this voucher with your payment when you mail it in.

ExpressTruckTax makes it easy and convenient for you to file your Form 2290. It offers easy-to-follow steps that help you file your Form 2290 before the August 31st due date. What are you waiting for? Visit ExpressTruckTax and file your Form 2290 today!

FAQ Friday: What are the Benefits of Partnering with ExpressTruckTax?

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). This form must be filed annually by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more.

Why is Form 2290 Important?

Form 2290 is important because, after filing, drivers receive a Stamped Schedule 1, which is required to get a vehicle’s tags and registration. 

Who Needs a Copy of the Stamped Schedule 1?

It is important that a driver carry a copy of their Stamped Schedule 1 in their truck in case they are pulled over. It is also important that the carriers and associations that drivers drive for get a copy of the Stamped Schedule 1 as well. These carriers and associations typically request copies of these Stamped Schedule 1’s to have for their records. 

How can ExpressTruckTax benefit Carriers and Associations?

ExpressTruckTax offers a special feature that carriers and associations gain by becoming partners with ExpressTruckTax. ExpressTruckTax offers a helpful option for carriers and trucking associations where they are able to partner with ExpressTruckTax. Every affiliate that decides to partner with ExpressTruckTax gets its own Form 2290 filing portal where drivers can go to file. Not only that but the Stamped Schedule 1 will be automatically sent to the driver’s carrier or association after filing.

The best part is that it is completely free to those who partner with ExpressTruckTax and open one of these portals and the portal will feature the carrier or association’s logo. If a partner does not want a portal, they can opt-in for a backslash site which is a link they can give drivers to file Form 2290 through ExpressTruckTax.

Each carrier or association that partners with ExpressTruckTax will be added to a list that drivers can go to when filing their Form 2290 and select the carrier or association they drive for. Upon selecting a carrier or association, the driver’s Stamped Schedule 1 will be sent directly to the carrier or association once Form 2290 is accepted.

Become a Partner Today!

There are many benefits that come from carriers and associations partnering with ExpressTruckTax. It is helpful to both carriers and associations and the drivers that drive for them. By providing drivers with a designated place to file, it will guarantee that all of the Schedule 1s will be received to avoid fines. What are you waiting for? Partner with ExpressTruckTax today!