Tag: Form 2290

What information do you need to claim credit vehicles on Form 2290?

Have you filed Form 2290 and paid the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for a vehicle and sold the vehicle before the end of the tax year? If so, you can claim a refund for the HVUT that was paid for that vehicle. You can also claim a refund credit on vehicles that were stolen or destroyed. You can choose to file a Form 8849 return and receive a refund or you can claim credits on these vehicles alongside filing Form 2290. In order to claim these credits there is some information you are required to provide in order to do so. 

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

In order to know which vehicle you are claiming a credit for, you must provide the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This is a unique set of numbers and letters that typically consists of 17 characters used to identify the vehicle.

Taxable Gross Weight

The vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight is the total weight of the truck, the trailer, and the maximum load it can carry. The Taxable Gross Weight can affect the tax amount that is paid so it is important that you put in the correct weight so that you receive the correct credit amount for this vehicle.

First Used Month and Tax Year

A vehicle’s First Used Month refers to the month that it was first put on the road. This is important to note because this is also a factor that determines how the tax was originally paid for this vehicle. If a vehicle’s First Used Month is July, the tax paid will be for the full tax year. If the First Used Month is any other month of the year, a prorated amount will be paid for this vehicle for the remaining months of the tax year. 

Is it logging?

A logging vehicle is a vehicle that only hauls trees or logs from forested sites. If this describes the vehicle you are claiming the credit for, indicate that the vehicle is a logging vehicle. 

Was it sold?

If the vehicle was sold, you will need to provide the details of the sale including the date of sale and the name and address of the buyer. You will also need to provide an explanation as to why the vehicle was sold. 

Why ExpressTruckTax?

Claiming credits on Form 2290 is fast and simple with ExpressTruckTax. You are able to do all of this alongside filing your form. You also have the option to file Form 8849 in order to receive the refund for these vehicles but it takes a lot longer to process. Why wait several months to a year to get your refund? Claim your credit vehicles alongside filing your Form 2290 for your current vehicle and have it processed along with your current Form 2290. It’s as easy as that! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and claim your refund for your credit vehicles today!

El sistema del IRS para hacer su declaración electrónicamente abre el 12 de Enero

Cada año, el IRS cierra el sistema de declaración electrónica por su mantenimiento anual. Esto generalmente ocurre el 24 de diciembre o cerca de esa fecha y generalmente no vuelve a abrir hasta mediados de Enero. Cualquier Formulario 2290 presentado después del 24 de Diciembre de 2022 aún está en espera. Sin embargo, no hay necesidad de preocuparse. Se espera que el sistema del IRS para declarar su formulario electrónicamente vuelva a abrir el 12 de Enero. Cualquier Formulario 2290 presentado después del 24 de Diciembre será procesado el 12 de Enero.

Si pone un vehículo que pesa 55,000 libras o más en la carretera por primera vez en Diciembre, ahora es el momento de presentar el Formulario 2290 para ese vehículo. Tienes hasta el 31 de Enero para hacer el Formulario 2290 de su vehículo para que no acumules multas por demora. Aunque el sistema de presentación electrónica todavía está cerrado, asegúrese de hacer su declaración lo antes posible. Cualquier Formulario 2290 que se presente ahora aún se procesará y, una vez que se acepte, no se lo considerará retrasado y recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado, que se requiere para obtener las placas y el registro de su vehículo. Si desea declarar su Formulario 2290 sin estrés en solo unos minutos, debería de  hacerlo electrónicamente con ExpressTruckTax.

ExpressTruckTax es un sistema seguro de declaración electrónica del Formulario 2290 que es fácil de usar. Todo el proceso de declaración tarda solo unos minutos en completarse. Todo lo que debe proporcionar es la información de su negocio, incluido su Número de Identificación de Empleador (EIN), la Información del vehículo, incluyendo el Número de Identificación del vehículo (VIN), los vehículos de crédito que planea reclamar, si corresponde, y su información de pago. ExpressTruckTax brinda a los usuarios una opción conveniente que les permite pagar su impuesto sobre vehículos pesados junto con su tarifa de presentación. Esta opción permite a los usuarios hacerlo todo ahora para que no tengan que acordarse de pagar más tarde.

Para recibir su Anexo 1 sellado lo antes posible y evitar recibir multas por retraso, es importante que haga el Formulario 2290 ahora. Hacer el Formulario 2290 no lleva mucho tiempo, por lo que no hay necesidad de seguir retrasándose más. ¿Qué está esperando? ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy!

*Tenga en cuenta que esta fecha puede cambiar y este artículo se actualizará para reflejar la fecha correcta.

Now Is The Time To File Form 2290 For Trucks with a First Used Month of November

Are you required to file Form 2290 for your vehicle? If it weighs 55,000 pounds or more, you must file Form 2290 annually to the IRS for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. Typically Form 2290 is due August 31st and is filed for the upcoming tax year. If a vehicle is put on the road during the tax year, Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the following month. 

If you put a vehicle of a qualifying weight on the road in November the deadline to file Form 2290 would typically be December 31st. December 31st falls on a Saturday this year and the IRS is closed on Monday, January 2nd in observance of New Year’s so the deadline falls on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023. It is especially important that you file before then because the IRS e-filing system shuts down for maintenance on December 24th and it does not reopen again until sometime in mid-January. 

If Form 2290 is filed during this shutdown period it will sit on hold until the e-filing system is back up again and by the time it is, your Form 2290 for your vehicle with a First Used Month of November will be considered late. Not only that but you would have to wait until then to get your Stamped Schedule 1 which is obtained by filing Form 2290. The Stamped Schedule 1 is required when you need to obtain the tags or registration of your vehicle.  

In order to avoid late filing fees it is important that you file before the IRS shuts down so that your Form 2290 does not sit on hold unprocessed. Specifically, it is important that you file by Friday, December 23rd, 2022. ExpressTruckTax can help you do exactly that. By using ExpressTruckTax you are able to file Form 2290 in minutes with a few simple steps. All you need to do is provide your business information, vehicle information, credit vehicles if any, and payment information. You can even pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly through ExpressTruckTax using a credit or debit card alongside your filing fee. 

Why risk your Form 2290 being late and getting late fines? Get your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of your Form 2290 being accepted when you file with ExpressTruckTax. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 today to file before the IRS e-file system shutdown!

FAQ Friday: What are Logging and Agricultural Vehicles?

What is a Logging Vehicle?

When filing Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax with ExpressTruckTax you will be asked if your vehicle is a logging vehicle. There might be some confusion as to what this might entail. There is a good chance you might confuse logging vehicles with electronic logging devices. While both of these have to do with trucking, this particular question does not have to do with electronic logging devices. 

The logging vehicle this question is referring to are vehicles used to transport logs from forested areas. A truck must be registered as a logging vehicle in your state but no special tags are required for a logging vehicle. When filing Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), Logging vehicles get a discounted rate for their Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. If you accidentally select this and have to change it later, you will have to pay the difference between the tax actually owed. 

What is an Agricultural Vehicle?

Agricultural vehicles are used for farming purposes or transporting agricultural goods throughout the tax year. You must register your vehicle as agricultural with your state but no special tags are required for this. 

If your vehicle is used for agricultural purposes, you can indicate this on your Form 2290 only if your agricultural vehicle is being filed as suspended. A vehicle that is used for agricultural purposes is considered suspended if it travels 7,500 miles a year or less. If this applied to your vehicle you will indicate that it is agricultural and suspended. 

What makes logging and agricultural vehicles different?

An agricultural vehicle is different from a logging vehicle because of what they transport but also when each is considered suspended. A logging vehicle, like a regular vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more, is considered suspended if it drives 5,000 miles or less during the tax year. Unlike logging vehicles, you only indicate a vehicle is agricultural on Form 2290 when you are filing it as suspended. 

Why file with ExpressTruckTax? 

Whether you need to file Form 2290 for a logging vehicle or an agricultural vehicle, ExpressTruckTax makes it easy. All you have to do is enter your business information, vehicle information, and payment information and you’re all set. ExpressTruckTax also offers the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax alongside your filing fee using a credit or debit card. The entire filing process takes only a few minutes and is extremely easy to do. What are you waiting for? File your logging or agricultural vehicles with ExpressTruckTax today!

Grandes Noticias: ExpressTruckTax une fuerzas con Bestpass

ExpressTruckTax quisiera agradecerle por confiar en nosotros durante los últimos 12 años para todas sus necesidades del Formulario 2290. Estamos agradecidos con usted y su negocio, por lo que nos gustaría compartir algunas noticias sensacionales con usted. ¡ExpressTruckTax está oficialmente uniendo fuerzas con Bestpass!

Como sabe, ExpressTruckTax es el sistema principal de presentación electrónica HVUT (Impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados) para camioneros, propietarios de flotas y preparadores de impuestos para la presentación electrónica del Formulario 2290.

Bestpass es el líder en soluciones de gestión de peajes para flotas comerciales y ha simplificado la gestión de peajes para propietarios-operadores y administradores de flotas durante más de 20 años, sirviendo a más de 15.000 clientes en EE.UU. y Canadá.

Bestpass está adquiriendo ExpressTruckTax de su empresa matriz SPAN Enterprises. Esta adquisición se suma a los productos líderes en la industria de Bestpass para continuar su expansión más allá de la gestión de peajes para ayudar a brindar más valor a sus más de 15.000 flotas y propietarios-operadores. La combinación de Bestpass y ExpressTruckTax nos ayudará a convertirnos en una ventanilla única para las necesidades administrativas de nuestros clientes y mantenerlos enfocados en el camino a seguir.

Queremos asegurarle que esta transición no afectará su experiencia con ExpressTruckTax. Nuestro equipo está completamente dedicado a su éxito y continuará ofreciendo la misma excelente atención al cliente que espera y merece.

La única diferencia que surgirá de esta adquisición será el beneficio adicional de tener acceso a una nueva oferta de peaje como miembros de la familia Bestpass. Regístrese en Bestpass u obtenga más información sobre la gestión de peajes aquí o llame a Bestpass al 888.410.9696.

Continuaremos brindando actualizaciones para nuestros clientes leales a medida que combinamos fuerzas con Bestpass y esperamos un gran futuro para ExpressTruckTax y Bestpass.

Para obtener más información sobre la unión con Bestpass, haga clic aquí.

Big News: ExpressTruckTax Joins Forces with Bestpass

ExpressTruckTax would like to thank you for putting your trust in us over the last 12 years for all of your Form 2290 needs. We are grateful to you and your business, so we would like to share some exciting news with you. ExpressTruckTax is officially joining forces with Bestpass!

As you know, ExpressTruckTax is the leading HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax) e-filing system for truckers, fleet owners, and tax preparers for e-filing Form 2290.

Bestpass is the leader in toll management solutions for commercial fleets and has been simplifying toll management for owner-operators and fleet managers for over 20 years, serving over 15,000 customers across the U.S. and Canada. 

Bestpass is acquiring ExpressTruckTax from its parent company SPAN Enterprises. This acquisition adds to Bestpass’s industry-leading products to continue its expansion beyond toll management to help provide more value to its more than 15,000 fleets and owner-operators. The combination of Bestpass and ExpressTruckTax will help us become a one-stop shop for our customers’ administrative needs and keep them focused on the road ahead.

We want to assure you that this transition will not affect your experience with ExpressTruckTax. Our team is fully dedicated to your success and will continue to offer the same excellent customer support that you expect and deserve. 

The only difference that will come from this acquisition will be the added benefit of having access to a new toll offering as members of the Bestpass family. Sign up for Bestpass or learn more about toll management here or give Bestpass a call at 888.410.9696.

We will continue to provide updates for our loyal customers as we combine forces with Bestpass and are looking forward to a great future for ExpressTruckTax and Bestpass.

To learn more about the merger with Bestpass click here.

¡No permita que el IRS se trague su dinero, presente su declaración a tiempo con ExpressTruckTax hoy!

El Día de Acción de Gracias es un momento para estar agradecido por las cosas importantes en su vida y la puede pasar de varias maneras. Ya sea que esté con su familia o de viaje, este Día de Acción de Gracias seguramente será excelente. Aquí en ExpressTruckTax, nos gustaría agradecer a los camioneros por todo lo que hacen para que nuestra economía prospere y transportar muchas de las necesidades que necesitamos para la vida diaria.

Para agradecerle todo lo que hace, queremos informarle que aquí en ExpressTruckTax nos esforzamos por brindarles a los camioneros una experiencia fácil de hacer el Formulario 2290 para que puedan volver a la carretera lo antes posible. Si tu camión salió a la carretera por primera vez en Octubre, la fecha límite para presentar el Formulario 2290 del Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​es el 30 de Noviembre. Si no declara para esta fecha, será multado por no presentar y pagar el impuesto. Para evitar esto, ExpressTruckTax proporciona un sistema de presentación electrónico fácil de usar para que los camioneros hagan su Formulario 2290 con muchas funciones útiles.

Una de las características útiles que ExpressTruckTax ofrece a los camioneros para facilitar hacer su Formulario 2290 es la posibilidad de pagar sus impuestos directamente a través de ExpressTruckTax con una tarjeta de crédito o débito. Esta es una forma conveniente de hacer su declaración porque puede seguir adelante y pagar su impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​junto con su tarifa de presentación. De esta manera, no te olvides de pagar tus impuestos al IRS después de la presentación. Si presenta su declaración pero no paga sus impuestos antes de la fecha límite, recibirá una multa. Evite esto pagando su HVUT al presentar el Formulario 2290. ExpressTruckTax también ofrece otros métodos de pago, incluidos EFW (Retiro Electrónico de Fondos), EFTPS, Cheque o Giro Postal, y el uso de una tarjeta de crédito o débito para pagar a través de un procesador de pagos del IRS de terceros.

Estas funciones útiles que ExpressTruckTax ofrece a los camioneros están diseñadas para que la experiencia de presentación se pueda completar rápida y fácilmente. Al utilizar ExpressTruckTax para hacer su Formulario 2290, puede evitar que el IRS lo multe si hace su Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite. No permita que el IRS se trague su dinero por multas atrasadas. Merece pasar el Día de Acción de Gracias sin estresarte por hacer formularios de impuestos. Si planea pasar tiempo con la familia, debe hacerlo y disfrutar de una excelente comida casera este Día de Acción de Gracias.

Sin embargo, si planea pasar el Día de Acción de Gracias en la carretera, tenga en cuenta que el Día de Acción de Gracias es uno de los días más transitados del año. Anticipe que haya mucha más gente en el camino de lo habitual. También debe estar preparado para que haya retrasos en los viajes de todos los vehículos en la carretera y posibles accidentes que puedan ocurrir en la carretera.

Si planea preparar una comida de Acción de Gracias para usted en el camino, hay algunas cosas que debe tener en cuenta. Si desea cocinar un pavo, debe tener una olla de barro o un asador que pueda guardar en su camión. Hay varias formas de preparar uno si tiene estos dispositivos. Algunas guarniciones posibles que puede tener con su pavo son puré de papas o batatas para microondas, frijoles enlatados, panecillos y macarrones con queso. Por lo general, todos estos se pueden comprar en una tienda de comestibles.

Aunque es posible que no estés en casa para el Día de Acción de Gracias, aún puede disfrutar cocinando tu propia cena o como usted quiera. No importa cómo pase el Día de Acción de Gracias, ExpressTruckTax lo respalda. Estamos agradecidos por los camioneros que hacen que nuestra nación siga avanzando y nos esforzamos por brindarles una experiencia de archivo rápida y fácil. ¡Declare con ExpressTruckTax hoy y que tenga un feliz Día de Acción de Gracias mañana!

Don’t Let The IRS Gobble Up Your Money, File on time with ExpressTruckTax Today!

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the important things in your life and can be spent in a number of ways. Whether you are with your family or on the road, this Thanksgiving is sure to be a great one. Here at ExpressTruckTax, we would like to thank truckers for all you do to make our economy prosper and haul many of the necessities we need for daily life. 

To thank you for all that you do, we want to let you know that here at ExpressTruckTax we strive to provide truckers with an easy Form 2290 filing experience so that they can get back on the road as soon as possible. If your truck was put on the road for the first time in October, the deadline to file Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is November 30th. If you do not file by this date you will be fined for failing to file and pay the tax. In order to prevent this, ExpressTruckTax provides an easy-to-use e-filing system for truckers to file their Form 2290 with plenty of helpful features. 

One of the helpful features that ExpressTruckTax offers truckers to make filing their Form 2290 easier is the ability to pay their tax directly through ExpressTruckTax using a credit or debit card. This is a convenient way to file because you can go ahead and pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax alongside your filing fee. This way you don’t forget to pay your tax to the IRS after filing. If you file but don’t pay your tax by the deadline, you will get fined. Prevent this by paying your HVUT when filing Form 2290. ExpressTruckTax also offers other payment methods including EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), EFTPS, check and money order, and using a credit or debit card to pay through a third-party IRS payment processor. 

These helpful features that ExpressTruckTax offers to truckers are designed so that the filing experience can be completed quickly and easily. By using ExpressTruckTax to file your Form 2290 you can avoid being fined by the IRS by filing your Form 2290 before the deadline. Don’t let the IRS gobble up your money through late fines. You deserve to spend your Thanksgiving not stressing about filing tax forms. If you are planning to spend time with family you should do so and enjoy a great home-cooked meal this Thanksgiving. 

If you are planning to spend Thanksgiving on the road, however, do keep in mind that Thanksgiving is one of the most traveled days of the year. Expect there to be a lot more people on the road than usual. You should also be prepared for there to be travel delays from all of the vehicles on the road and possible accidents that might be on the road. It is also good to keep in mind that Thanksgiving presents opportunities for cargo theft, so don’t leave your truck unattended for too long.

If you are planning to make a Thanksgiving meal for yourself on the road there are a few things to keep in mind. If you want to cook a turkey you should have with you a crock pot or a roaster that you can keep in your truck. There are a number of ways to prepare one if you have these devices. Some possible sides you can have with your turkey are microwavable mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, canned beans, dinner rolls, and macaroni and cheese. All of these can typically be purchased at a grocery store. 

Even though you might not be at home for Thanksgiving, you can still make it enjoyable by cooking your own dinner or spending it any way you want. No matter how you spend your Thanksgiving, ExpressTruckTax has your back. We are thankful for the truckers that keep our nation moving forward and strive to provide them with a fast and easy filing experience. File with ExpressTruckTax today and have a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

How can Business Owners Benefit from filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax?

ExpressTruckTax is a market-leading Form 2290 e-file provider. Form 2290 must be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS annually for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. ExpressTruckTax is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use so that filing Form 2290 does not take longer than it has to. 

ExpressTruckTax allows business owners to file their Form 2290 for themselves or for their drivers quickly and easily. The business owners that choose to file with ExpressTruckTax have several options available to them to help make their filing process smooth depending on how many trucks they are filing for and if the user is new or has filed with ExpressTruckTax before.  

Single Vehicle

ExpressTruckTax allows business owners to file for one truck easily by clicking “Start New Return” and then selecting “E-File for 1 Truck”. This option is useful for business owners who need to only file for one truck. Keep in mind that upon selecting this option, you are not able to claim credit vehicles. In order to claim credit vehicles (vehicles that have been sold, destroyed, or stolen) you must select the multiple vehicle filing option.

Multiple Vehicles

New Users

By using ExpressTruckTax, new users are able to file Form 2290 for multiple vehicles hassle-free. If you don’t need to claim any credit vehicles, use the Express Filing option to file for these vehicles and enter the details for these vehicles including their VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers). If you need to claim any credit vehicles, select “Multiple Vehicles” under “Start New Return”. Using this option you are able to file for multiple vehicles and also claim credits for vehicles that were stolen, sold, or destroyed.

Returning Users

If you have filed Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax for previous years and had the form accepted, users can utilize the Ready Return feature. This feature will create a return with all of the details and truck information from the previous return. This way, if you are filing for the same vehicle(s) you can just make sure the information is correct and then transmit the form. This process saves business owners time when filing Form 2290. 

File With ExpressTruckTax Today!

Filing Form 2290 is easy and stress-free with ExpressTruckTax. Whether you are a new user or returning user, you are able to file Form 2290 for one truck or multiple trucks in only a few simple steps. If this is your first time filing with ExpressTruckTax, the next time you go to file you will have a return already created and waiting for you with the previous year’s information on it. This feature saves you time from having to enter all of your information again. You can also claim any credit vehicles by selecting the multiple vehicle filing option. Do you want to save yourself some time when filing Form 2290? What are you waiting for? File with ExpressTruckTax today for a fast and easy Form 2290 filing experience!

FAQ Friday: Why did the IRS reject my Form 2290?

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 must be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS annually for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT).

How can ExpressTruckTax help file Form 2290?

ExpressTruckTax is a leading form 2290 e-file provider that allows drivers to file Form 2290 stress-free. The entire process takes only a few minutes. You simply enter your business details including your EIN (Employer Identification Number), your vehicle information including your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), any credit vehicles if you are claiming any, and your payment information. Once this is all entered and submitted, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS accepts your Form 2290.

Can the IRS reject Form 2290?

Yes, the IRS can reject Form 2290 for a number of reasons. Don’t worry though, even if your Form gets rejected, you are able to resubmit it at no additional cost using ExpressTruckTax.

A Newly Created EIN

If you file Form 2290 with an EIN that has just been created there is a good chance your form will be rejected by the IRS. This is because it typically takes about 10-15 days for an EIN to be active in the IRS e-filing system. At no extra cost to you, you are able to transmit the form once a day until the IRS accepts it.

Wrong Business Name

Entering the wrong business name on Form 2290 is another reason it can get rejected. The business name needs to match the one registered with that EIN. If it does not match the only way to fix this mistake is to file a new Form 2290 with the correct business name.

Wrong Routing Number when you choose to pay with EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal)

When filing Form 2290 and selecting EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal) it is important to make sure both your routing and account numbers are correct. If you enter the wrong routing number on your Form 2290 it will be rejected immediately. The only way to correct this is to file a new Form 2290.

ExpressTruckTax makes File Form 2290 easy

Even if your Form 2290 has been rejected ExpressTruckTax makes the process of resubmitting or filing a new form easy. If you have a new EIN and need to resubmit, ExpressTruckTax allows you to resubmit your form once a day for no additional cost. What are you waiting for? Want to file your Form 2290 with ease today? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax! File today!