Tag: Form 2290 online

Guide to Understanding IRS 2290 Payment

IRS 2290 payment is a vital part of tax season for commercial truckers. Sometimes called the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax, IRS Form 2290 assesses heavy vehicle taxes for vehicles that regularly operate on public highways. It ensures that truckers who regularly use highways within a given year must contribute to their upkeep and maintenance. 

IRS Form 2290 payment applies to all highway motor vehicles whose taxable gross weight is at least 55,000 lbs. It must be paid by anyone with such a vehicle registered in their name, whether an individual or organization. Failure to pay the tax can result in penalties of 4.5% of the total amount due or more as time goes on.

IRS Form 2290 Payment: A Detailed Look

If you’re new to the 2290 IRS payment or simply want a refresher, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’ll go through IRS Form 2290, section by section. To file manually, follow these steps.

  1. Fill out your name, address, and employer identification number (EIN). 
  2. Check the appropriate box if you’re filing an address change, amended return, VIN correction, or final return. 
  3. Part I Figuring the tax: Start by computing your taxes on Page 2 of the form. Then, fill out Part I.
    1. a. Line 1 is the month for which you are filing. 
    2. b. Line 2 is the total you reached on Page 2, Column 4.
    3. c. Line 3 is for any additional taxes due to a change in taxable gross weight. If any of your vehicles fall into a new category due to increased maximum load, instructions for Line 3 are available on the IRS website.
    4. d. Line 4 is the total tax, found by adding lines 2 and 3. 
    5. e. Line 5 is where you can claim any credits due to you. If doing so, you must attach documentation to support your claim. 
    6. f. Line 6 is the balance due, calculated by subtracting Line 5 from Line 4. 
    7. g. Check the appropriate box on Line 6 stating whether payment is through EFTPS or a credit or debit card.
  4. Part 2 Statement in Support of Suspension: Check the appropriate boxes if applicable.
    1. Line 7 claims tax suspension based on the miles your vehicles will travel on public highways during the period.
    2. Line 8a declares your vehicles are not subject to the tax, except those listed. Line 8b is a space to record the VINs of any vehicles that no longer meet the parameters for suspension. Attach an extra page if needed.
    3. Line 9 declares any vehicles listed as suspended during the prior year that have since been sold or transferred. Include the details for these vehicles, including VINs, new owners, and date of sale. Again, attach an extra sheet if needed.
  5. List any third party you want to designate as a contact point for the IRS. 
  6. Sign the form, date it, print your name below your signature, and include your contact phone number.
  7. The last section is for the use of paid tax professionals. If this is not you, leave this portion of the form blank.

Once you’ve filled out the main form, move on to Schedule 1. There, you’ll fill out your basic information (name, address, EIN), the month of first use, and the VIN and category for each vehicle you’re reporting. Below, list the total number of vehicles reported, the number of vehicles for which this tax is suspended, then subtract suspended vehicles from reported vehicles. 

Sign and date Schedule 1 on the page titled “Consent to Disclosure of Tax Information” and include your printed name and EIN. Finally, fill out the payment voucher (Form 2290-V) with details of your payment, detach it, and send it to the IRS along with your IRS gov payments 2290 and documentation.

How to Make Your IRS 2290 Online Payment

If the above seems like a lot of work and too much paperwork for you, we have good news: you can also file your IRS 2290 payment online. By doing so, you’ll get your stamped Schedule 1 much quicker, allowing you to register your vehicles without a lengthy wait for the mail. 

To file your 2290 IRS payment online, you’ll need to first gather some information. Have your company’s information at hand, including your EIN. Next, gather the information for each of your vehicles including VIN and miles driven. 

Next, be sure you have your payment information ready. If you’re filing online, you’ll need to do so with the help of a third party. This means you’ll need to pay your taxes due as well as a small fee for online processing. This fee is typically a small price to pay for faster, simpler tax preparation and a quicker Schedule 1 turnaround time.

When choosing a third party to file your taxes, it’s important to consider the options available. Some offer only the simplest of services, while others offer features that will ensure accurate filing and fast processing. Sites like expresstrucktax.com offer money-back guarantees, a VIN checker, VIN corrections, and full support for any questions or problems you may encounter. 

Troubleshooting Your IRS 2290 Payment Online

There are a few common issues you might run into while making your 2290 payment online. These include:

  • Employer identification number and business name do not match
  • Banking details are entered incorrectly
  • Duplicate VINs 
  • Duplicate Form 2290 online filing

If the IRS rejects your Form 2290 for any reason, you will receive an email explanation of the rejection. This email will also include instructions for correcting your errors. Be sure to make the prescribed corrections efficiently so you don’t incur penalties for late or missed filing. 

IRS Gov Payments 2290: Additional Information and Resources

The IRS has a number of helpful resources you can review to ensure you’re correctly filing your truck taxes. 

FAQs on 2290 IRS Payments

What is the IRS 2290 payment?

IRS Form 2290 is also called the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax. It’s a tax on heavy vehicles that regularly use the nation’s public highways. 

How to make the IRS 2290 payment online?

To pay your Form 2290 taxes online, you’ll need an intermediary. Select a site such as ExpressTruckTax to help you with your filing. Through such sites, you can typically pay your taxes via credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer. 

Why is the IRS 2290 payment necessary?

Anyone regularly operating a heavy vehicle (of at least 55,000 lbs.) on US highways must file IRS Form 2290. Once the form is accepted by the IRS, you’ll receive the stamped Schedule 1 you’ll need to register your vehicles in most states. Failure to file means hefty penalties of 4.5% of the amount due and more as time goes on. 

Who should make the IRS 2290 payment?

Any individual or company who has a heavy vehicle (weighing 55,000 lbs. or more) that regularly drives on public highways registered in their name must file an IRS Form 2290. 

How to troubleshoot issues with the IRS 2290 online payment?

If there are any problems with your IRS Form 2290, you’ll receive an email from the IRS stating that it has been rejected and why. This email will also give you instructions on how to remedy the problems so that you can refile your Form 2290.

Understanding and Filing Tax Form 2290: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re new to filing truck taxes or just looking to learn more about Tax Form 2290, you’ll find all the details you need here. This article will explain what this form is and how to complete it. We’ll also answer some of the most common questions about filing your IRS Tax Form 2290.

What is IRS Tax Form 2290?

IRS Tax Form 2290 is also known as the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). This tax is levied on heavy vehicles of at least 55,000 lbs. that regularly drive on public highways. Any heavy vehicle that operates on public highways more than 5,000 miles per year or 7,500 miles per year for agricultural vehicles should file. Any individual or company with such a vehicle registered in their name must file HVUT Tax Form 2290. 

Understanding HVUT Tax Form 2290

You may wonder why heavy vehicles must pay additional taxes to use public highways when other drivers can simply pay the gas tax. Experts estimate that a fully loaded heavy truck can cause at least 5,000 times as much wear and tear to highway surfaces as the average passenger car. The Heavy Highway Use Tax Form 2290 ensures that heavy vehicle operators pay their fair share toward the repairs and maintenance needed on our highway system.

How to Complete 2290 Highway Use Tax Form

Filling out your 2290 Highway Use tax form can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. To file this tax, you’ll need information about your business, such as address and employer identification number (EIN). You’ll also need information about your vehicles, such as VINs and taxable weight. Start by filling out your company or personal details at the top of the form. 

Next, flip the page to the chart marked “Tax Computation.” On this page, you’ll determine the amount you owe based on the number of vehicles you operate in each weight category. At the bottom of this page, total the number of vehicles you’re filing for and the amount you owe. You’ll use this information shortly.

Next, complete both copies of Schedule 1: Schedule of Heavy Highway Vehicles. You’ll need to list the VIN for each vehicle along with its weight class. Again, total everything up at the bottom of each page. 

Once your Schedule 1s are complete, flip back to the first page of your 2290 IRS Tax Form and continue filling it out, starting with Part I: Line 1.

  1. Fill in the date as noted on the form, then follow that with the total from your Tax Computation page.
  2. Add in any additional tax from an increase in vehicle weight, and total those numbers.
  3. List any credits owed to you and attach documentation for them.
  4. Subtract credits from your total taxes, and you’ll have your balance due.

Next comes Part II. Here, you’ll declare any exempt vehicles, generally because they don’t do much highway driving. You’ll also list those vehicles you’ve sold throughout the year, noting the date and buyer. 

After this, it’s more identifying information. Designate any third party you want to be able to speak to the IRS on your behalf. Then, sign the form, date it, print your name, and include a contact number. Leave the last part blank unless you are a paid tax preparer.

Tips for Avoiding Common Errors on Federal Heavy Use Tax Form 2290

Several errors are fairly common when filling out your tax form. These include:

  • Employer identification number and business name do not match
  • Duplicate VINs 
  • Duplicate Form 2290 online filing
  • Banking details are entered incorrectly

Be careful when transcribing all numbers, especially VINs and banking details. It’s also good practice to double-check your entire form before submitting it to the IRS. 

FAQs on Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290

What is the IRS Tax Form 2290?

IRS Tax Form 2290 is a federal form that must be filed by anyone with heavy highway vehicles weighing 55,000 lbs or more registered in their name. These vehicles are subject to the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and require this form for reporting. 

How often do I need to file the HVUT Tax Form 2290?

HVUT Tax Form 2290 needs to be filed annually. Its tax year starts July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year. You may also need to file additional forms if you need to amend an error, change your address, or correct a VIN. 

What is the purpose of the heavy highway use Tax Form 2290?

Heavy highway use Tax Form 2290 is used to calculate and pay annual taxes due on heavy vehicles. These taxes are levied on heavy vehicles traveling 5,000 miles or more (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) during the tax period.

Where do I submit the 2290 highway use tax form?

The 2290 highway use tax form can be filed either by mail or electronically. If the tax due on the form is $500 or more, it must be filed electronically.

Can I get a proof of payment for the 2290 IRS tax form?

Once the 2290 IRS tax form is filed and the tax is paid, you’ll receive a stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS as proof of payment.

How do I calculate the tax amount for the 2290 road tax form?

The tax on the 2290 road tax form considers the taxable gross weight of the vehicle and how many months the vehicle was used on public highways during the reporting period.

Who should file federal Heavy Use Tax Form 2290?

Federal Heavy Use Tax Form 2290 should be filed by individuals or organizations with a registered heavy highway vehicle. This includes any vehicle that drives on highways and has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more.

Can I claim any exemptions or credits on federal heavy vehicle use Tax Form 2290?

Yes, there are exemptions and credits that you can claim on the federal heavy vehicle use Tax Form 2290. Exemptions include vehicles used 5,000 miles or less (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) and vehicles used for charitable or governmental purposes, among others.


Filing IRS Form 2290 can be complex, but with the right online partner, the process is significantly easier. Partner with expresstrucktax.com to file quickly and receive your Schedule 1 in minutes. You’ll also enjoy access to features like our free VIN checker and VIN corrections and US-based customer service in case you run into any questions or need assistance with your form.

Understanding IRS Form 2290 Online Payment

If you work in the commercial fleet industry, you must keep up with the various taxes involved. We’ll explore filing IRS Form 2290 online and its requirements below.

Brief overview of IRS Form 2290

IRS Form 2290 is called the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT. It’s a federal excise tax imposed on registered vehicles with a taxable gross weight of at least 55,000 pounds. The amount due is based on the taxable gross weight of the vehicle. In return for filing, you will receive a stamped Schedule 1, which you’ll need when registering your vehicle in most states.

Importance of filing IRS Form 2290

The income from IRS Form 2290 helps fund road construction and maintenance, directly benefiting those who pay it. If you fail to pay the tax, you will not be able to register your vehicle in most states and will also incur penalties. These penalties can be up to 5% of the amount due each month the form is late. 

What Is IRS Form 2290 Online Payment?

Definition and explanation of IRS Form 2290

IRS Form 2290 online payment is a digital method of paying this excise tax. You may also hear it called e-file form 2290. 

Importance of online payment

If you are filing for 24 or fewer vehicles, you can do this by paper. But anyone filing for 25 or more vehicles must file online. Even if you only submit the tax for a single truck, online filing will speed up the process of receiving your watermarked Schedule 1.

How To e-file IRS Form 2290

Step-by-step guide to E-filing IRS Form 2290

There are a few steps required to e-file IRS Form 2290:

  1. Information needed to complete the form — To e-file, you’ll need your employer identification number (EIN) and the taxable gross weight and vehicle identification number (VIN) of each vehicle. Gather this information for each vehicle you will register. 
  2. Pick an e-filing provider for your form — Form 2290 is not directly available from IRS.gov. Instead, they offer a list of participating software providers.
  3. File the form — Follow the directions from the chosen software provider. Be aware that these providers do not charge the tax amount due but charge a fee for using their software. 
  4. Choose how you will pay — There are three options:
    1. Credit or debit card
    2. EFT (electronic funds transfer)
    3. EFTPS (electronic federal tax payment system)
  5. Receive your Schedule 1 — Your watermarked Schedule 1 is emailed to you once your Form 2290 is filed, paid, and accepted by the IRS. You must print this with a legible watermark to register your vehicle in most states.

Benefits of E-filing

As mentioned above, you must e-file if registering 25 or more vehicles at a time. If you register fewer vehicles, you may file by mail. Manual filing will take considerably longer to receive your Schedule 1 in return, so most fleets choose online tax filing regardless of the number of vehicles involved.

Understanding IRS Form 2290 Amended Return

Regardless of best intentions, you may need to amend tax documents after they are filed. When this happens, you’ll need to file an IRS Form 2290 amended return.

When to file an amended return

According to IRS regulations, there are only two acceptable reasons you may need to file an amended 2290 return:

  • Unpaid tax related to an increase in taxable gross vehicle weight.
  • A suspended vehicle exceeded the mileage use limit.

You may also need to refile your Form 2290 if you need to correct the VIN on your original filing. 

How to file an amended return

To file an amended Form 2290, you’ll file the exact same process as when you originally filed, with one exception. You’ll need to check the “Amended Return” box at the top of the form and note the reason for your amendment. 

If you are correcting the VIN on a previously registered vehicle, do not check the “Amended Return” box. Instead, check the “VIN Correction” box.

IRS Form 2290 Due Dates

Calendar of due dates

Unlike some taxes, Form 2290 may not be due during “tax season.” Your IRS Form 2290 due date will depend on the first day your vehicle was used on a public highway. For whatever month the vehicle was first used on the highway, your Form 2290 will be due by the last day of the following month. So, if your vehicle was driven on the highway for the first time on July 15, your payment would be due by Aug. 31. You can find the calendar of due dates for Form 2290 taxes on the IRS website. 

Consequences of late payment

As noted above, there can be hefty penalties for late payment on your IRS Form 2290. In addition to not receiving the Statement 1 form needed for vehicle registration, you will also need to pay fines. These fines can be up to 5% of the amount due for every month the form is late.

FAQs about IRS Form 2290

What is IRS Form 2290?

Form 2290 is also called HVUT or Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax. It’s an excise tax on vehicles over 55,000 pounds that drive on US highways.

Why should I file IRS Form 2290 online?

Filing online assures that your form is processed promptly, giving you faster access to your Schedule 1 needed for vehicle registration. Also, anyone filing for 25 or more vehicles at a time must file online.

How to e-file IRS Form 2290?

The steps to e-file Form 2290 are:

  1. Gather your information. 
  2. Pick an e-filing provider.
  3. File the form. 
  4. Choose how you will pay.
  5. Receive your Schedule 1 via email.

What to do when I need to file an IRS Form 2290 amended return?

To file an amendment, you’d use the same form to file but check either the “Amended Return” box or the “VIN Correction” box.

When is the due date for IRS Form 2290?

Form 2290 is due by the end of the month following the first day your vehicle is driven on the highway. You can find a calendar of due dates here.

For information on other fleet taxes, check out our webinar entitled Simplifying Your Taxes.

How to File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax.com

E-filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax.com is simple. Just follow these simple steps to file your Form 2290 today. 

  1. Log in to your account, and from your dashboard, click the orange ‘Start New’ button. 
  2. Choose the number of vehicles you’d like to file for. 
  3. Then, enter the First Use Month and year for your vehicle.
  4. If this is your final return or your business address is changed, check the appropriate box. 
  5. Enter your 17-digit vehicle identification number, you can make sure the VIN entered matches your vehicle by clicking the ‘Check VIN’ button. 
  6. Then, enter your vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight. You can find this information on your cab card or registration. 
  7. You can optionally organize your returns for your records by indicating the unit number you use for this vehicle.
  8. If this is a suspended, logging, or agricultural vehicle, indicate this by clicking on the appropriate boxes. 
  9. If you now realize you want to file for more than one vehicle, you can click the ‘Add More Vehicles’ button now.
  10. Now indicate whether you reported any vehicles as suspended last year by checking the appropriate box. 
  11. Now, you need to choose how you would like to pay your HVUT amount to the IRS. You can choose between EFW, EFTPS, check, money order, credit or debit card, or third party. The simplest method is to pay by credit card.
  12. To allow the IRS to share your information with other federal agencies, you can do so by agreeing to the consent to disclosure portion of the form. Your choice will not affect your return in any way. 
  13. To finish page one, indicate if you have a third-party designee, such as an employee, tax preparer, spouse, or other third party, who you would like to be able to discuss this return with the IRS. 
  14. Save and continue when you’re finished.
  15. The system will now check your return for errors. If you need to change anything, just click the link, otherwise proceed. 
  16. On this screen, you can choose what additional services you would like from ExpressTruckTax
  17. We can send you a printed copy of your Schedule 1 by mail, and we can even text you to notify you when the IRS accepts your return.
  18. Now you need to enter your credit card information to pay the ExpressTruckTax filing fee and your HVUT amount if you chose credit or debit card. If you chose EFW, EFTPS, check, your money order or third party, this is not your IRS HVUT payment.
  19.  You will now have one last chance to view your return summary. 
  20. Then, you will need to sign off on this form. Click ‘Click to E-sign,’ and then click ‘Adopt and Sign.’
  21. When you’re ready to transmit your return to the IRS, enter any five-digit PIN and click ‘Transmit This Return to the IRS.’ 
  22. Now you just have to wait for the IRS to process and accept your return. We will email you a copy of your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS sends it. 

Go to ExpressTruckTax.com now to e-file your Form 2290.

Why Truckers Love ExpressTruckTax?

Valentine’s day was just a few days ago but that doesn’t mean love is no longer in the air. ExpressTruckTax is here to provide an easy and stress-free Form 2290 e-filing experience with a multitude of amazing features that you will fall in love with! 

Quick and Easy Filing

If you drive a truck weighing 55,000 pounds or more you are required to file Form 2290. If your primary occupation involves driving a truck, there is a good chance that a lot of your time is spent behind the wheel. This leaves little time for other things, especially filing tax forms. At ExpressTruckTax we know filing forms is probably something you don’t look forward to because it can take a long time to complete the filing process. Rest assured, however, with ExpressTruckTax, the entire Form 2290 e-filing process takes only a few minutes to complete. This way you can get back on the road as soon as possible. 

Receive Your Stamped Schedule 1 in Minutes

Once you file with ExpressTruckTax and your Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes. Having a Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it allows you to get the tags and vehicle registration for a vehicle of a qualifying weight. 

Carrier Notification

If you are required to send your Stamped Schedule 1 to your carrier once you file, why go through the trouble of sending it to them yourself? ExpressTruckTax gives you the option to send it directly to your carrier after e-filing so you don’t have to. Simply select your carrier from a list of carriers upon filing. If you do not see your carrier, you are able to enter the email address where you want your Schedule 1 sent. You can also opt-in to have your schedule 1 faxed to your carrier for an additional cost. 

Bulk Upload

Need to file for multiple trucks? With the bulk upload feature, you can use our excel template to easily enter and upload your trucks into ExpressTruckTax and file for all of them at the same time instead of entering the data for them into ExpressTruckTax individually. 

Ready Return

Have you filed a return with ExpressTruckTax before and need to file again? If your vehicle and business information is the same, you are able to utilize the ready-return feature. This allows you to have an already filled-out Form 2290 using the information from your previous filing. Simply check and make sure all of the information is still correct and up to date and then transmit your form. 

Amendments and Form 8849

Have you made a mistake on your Form 2290 and need to correct it? ExpressTruckTax lets you file Form 2290 Amendments quickly and easily. If you entered an incorrect VIN in your form and it is only off by a few characters you can file a Form 2290 VIN correction amendment. If you filed your original return with ExpressTruckTax, you can submit a VIN correction amendment at no additional cost. However, if you entered your VIN incorrectly by more than just a few characters, or the entire VIN is incorrect, you will have to file a new Form 2290 with the correct VIN and then a Form 8849 to request a refund for the tax amount paid on the original Form 2290. 

If your vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more travels 5,000 miles or less in a year, or 7,500 miles or less if it is used for agricultural purposes, your vehicle is considered suspended by the IRS. You still have to file Form 2290 for this vehicle if this is the case, but no tax will be owed. If you end up filing the vehicle as suspended and it ends up exceeding the mileage limit, you must file a Form 2290 mileage exceeded amendment. You will then have to pay the tax amount for the full tax year to the IRS. If you file Form 2290 and pay the tax but don’t end up exceeding the mileage limit, you will have to file Form 8849 to get a refund for the tax amount paid.

If the weight of your vehicle increases or the weight was filed incorrectly, you will have to file a Form 2290 weight increase amendment and pay the tax amount that is owed to the IRS.

All of this may sound complicated, but ExpressTruckTax makes filing Form 2290 Amendments and Form 8849 fast and easy.

Free Mobile App

To make things even easier for truckers on the go, ExpressTruckTax has a convenient mobile app that allows you to E-file Form 2290 from anywhere. 

Pay your tax directly through ExpressTruckTax

If you want to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax at the same time as filing your Form 2290, now you can with ExpressTruckTax. You can pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax alongside your filing fee so that you do not forget to pay your tax later.

What are you waiting for?

Now you see why truckers love to file with ExpressTruckTax. We offer some pretty amazing features to make the entire Form 2290 filing process fast and stress-free! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today!

FAQ Friday: Do you need Form 2290 to register your vehicle?

Do you need Form 2290 to register your vehicle?

It is important that you file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more in order for it to be registered. By filing Form 2290, you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 upon its acceptance. This will serve as proof of filing Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and needs to be presented in order to receive the registration and tags for the vehicle. When filing Form 2290 there are some important factors to consider so that you do not receive fines.

Taxable Gross Weight

When filing Form 2290, you must indicate a vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight. A vehicle’s taxable gross weight is the weight of the truck, the trailer, and the maximum weight of the load it can carry. A vehicle’s weight classification affects the amount of tax owed for the vehicle. If the wrong weight class is reported on Form 2290 and you are found to have reported the wrong weight, this may result in fines for failing to provide correct information on your vehicle especially if the amount you pay ends up being less than what is actually owed for the vehicle’s correct weight class. If you file for the wrong weight class, ExpressTruckTax offers convenient ways for resolving this type of mistake. If the weight is actually more than was reported you must file a weight increase amendment. If the weight of the vehicle is less than what was reported, you can file Form 8849 to get a refund on the form and then file a new Form 2290 for the correct weight. 

Is your vehicle suspended?

Does your vehicle weigh 55,000 pounds or more and drive less than 5,000 miles in a year? If it is used for agricultural purposes, does it drive less than 7,500 miles a year? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then your vehicle is considered suspended by the IRS. If your vehicle is suspended, you still have to file Form 2290 but no tax will be owed for this vehicle. If you file your Form 2290 and report your vehicle as suspended and it ends up going over the mileage limit, and you are caught, this could result in fines. In order to fix this you can file a mileage exceeded amendment with ExpressTruckTax and pay the tax owed for the full tax year. If you file Form 2290 and pay the tax for the full tax year but you end up not exceeding the mileage limit, you can file Form 8849 to receive a refund for the tax amount paid. 

Filing by the deadline

Filing Form 2290 late can result in fines and if you are caught not having filed Form 2290 by the deadline you will be fined and need to file the form. If your vehicle has been on the road for a year or more or you are putting it on the road for the first time in July, the deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31st. If you are putting a vehicle on the road for the first time during any other month in the year, the deadline to file Form 2290 will be the last day of the month following your vehicle’s First Used Month. Failing to file by the deadline will result in fines and you will not be able to obtain the tags or registration for your vehicle. 

Why File with ExpressTruckTax?

If you are worried about getting the registration for your vehicle, don’t be. ExpressTruckTax makes the entire Form 2290 filing process a breeze. It will only take you a few minutes to complete the filing, and once the IRS accepts your form you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1. You will need to provide your business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), vehicle identification number (VIN), credit vehicles you are claiming if any, and payment information. You are able to pay using a check or money order, EFTPS, Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW), or a credit or debit card through either a third-party payment processor or directly through ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee. If this all sounds easy, it is. Hurry and file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today so that you can get your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as possible!

File Form 2290 for First Used Month of December before January 31st

Did you purchase or put a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more on the road for the first time in December of 2022? If this is the case your vehicle has a First Used Month of December. A vehicle’s First Used Month, or FUM, is the month a vehicle is put on the road for the first time. This determines when Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) needs to be filed for this vehicle. The deadline to file Form 2290 is the last day of the month following the vehicle’s First Used Month. The deadline to file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more that have a First Used Month of December is January 31, 2023. 

January 31, 2023, is only a few days away. In order to make sure that you are on time with your filing and your payment, ExpressTruckTax strives to make the Form 2290 filing process as simple and straightforward as possible. In order to file, you will need to provide your business information. This includes your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and business name. You will also need to provide information about your vehicle. Your vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) will need to be entered as well as the vehicle’s weight class. Do you have any credit vehicles that you need to claim on your Form 2290? This includes vehicles that the taxes have been paid for previously and the vehicle was either sold, stolen, or destroyed.

To make things even easier, ExpressTruckTax also offers several convenient payment options for paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for your vehicle. You are able to send in payment via check or money order if you are not ready to pay the tax right away. This payment will be withdrawn from your account once the IRS receives it. You can also choose to pay through EFTPS and schedule when the IRS takes the payment. Choosing this payment option requires you to have an EFTPS account. If you do not have one, it may take up to fifteen days to become active. 

If you want the payment to be more immediate, you can choose Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) as your payment method. You will enter your banking information including your account number and routing number directly onto your Form 2290 and once the form is accepted, the funds will be withdrawn from your account in 1-2 business days. You also have the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax via credit or debit card. You can either choose to pay through a third-party IRS-approved credit card processor or make your credit card payment directly from ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee. 

Whatever option you choose, ExpressTruckTax strives to be easy and convenient for you. Once your Form 2290 is approved by the IRS, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. The Stamped Schedule 1 is required when you need to obtain the tags and registration for your vehicle. You are running out of time to file Form 2290 if your vehicle’s First Used Month is December. What are you waiting for? Avoid getting late fined and get your filing finished in only a few minutes with ExpressTruckTax today!

FAQ Friday: Filing Form 2290 if you Live In Canada Or Mexico

Do residents of Canada or Mexico have to file Form 2290?

You are required to file Form 2290 for the heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) if you operate a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more in the United States. This applies to residents of Canada or Mexico as well. If you do not operate a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more in the United States, you are not required to file Form 2290. In order for residents of a Canadian or Mexican business to operate in the United States, you need to have a business registered in the United States and have a United States Employer Identification Number (EIN). 

How can filers from Canada or Mexico pay their Heavy Vehicle Use Tax?

Once residents from Canada or Mexico file their Form 2290, they will need to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. When making the payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, if you are filing Form 2290 from outside the United States, it is important to keep in mind that the IRS will not be able to accept Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) payments from foreign financial institutions. To make your payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax you must select either EFTPS, check or money order, or credit or debit card. 

How ExpressTruckTax caters to filers from Mexico and Canada

Filing Form 2290 is made easy with ExpressTruckTax. Even if you live in Canada or Mexico, ExpressTruckTax strives to bring you the fastest and simplest Form 2290 filing experience. Simply enter your business information including your United States-issued Employer Identification Number (EIN), your vehicle information including your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), credit vehicles you plan to claim if any, and your payment information. While residents outside the United States are unable to select Electronic Funds Withdrawal as their payment method, ExpressTruckTax allows you to pay using EFTPS, a check or money order, or a credit or debit card directly through ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee, or through a third party payment processor. 

ExpressTruckTax also offers our clients amazing live support in English and Spanish via phone, email, or live chat and a button that translates the site directly into Spanish. ExpressTruckTax encourages drivers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to file Form 2290 using its easy-to-use Form 2290 e-filing self-service site as long as they drive their vehicles within the United States. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today for a user-friendly filing experience today!

FAQ Friday: The Difference between No Operation, Amendment, and Final Return

ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290 e-file provider that offers clients a number of amazing features. It allows clients to file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax annually to the IRS. The features ExpressTruckTax offers don’t stop there. ExpressTruckTax allows drivers to file for trucks that are considered suspended and would fall under the No Operation category. You are also able to file Form 2290 amendments and final reports. Below you will find an explanation of the difference between these features. 

No Operation

Vehicles that weigh 55,000 pounds or more that do not drive or operate during the tax year falls into this category. You do not have to file Form 2290 for these vehicles unless you put them on the road at any time during the course of the tax year. 


Form 2290 amendments are available for filers to make corrections to their forms. There are three types of Form 2290 amendments that are available through ExpressTruckTax including VIN correction, Increase in Taxable Gross Weight, and Low Mileage Exceeded.

VIN Correction

If the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) you entered into Form 2290 is off by only a few characters, you are able to file a Form 2290 VIN Correction Amendment. If it is the entire VIN or more than just a few characters that are wrong, you will need to file a new Form 2290 for the correct VIN and then a Form 8849 to request a refund for the tax amount paid on the original Form 2290. If you end up simply needing a VIN Correction and you filed your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax the VIN Correction will be free.

Increase in Taxable Gross Weight

If the Taxable Gross Weight of a vehicle increases or the wrong weight was originally entered and was less than the actual weight, you will have to file a Form 2290 weight increase amendment. You will file the amendment and then pay the difference of the tax that is now owed.

Low Mileage Exceeded

If you originally filed your vehicle as suspended on your Form 2290 and you ended up exceeding the mileage limit, you must file a Low Mileage Exceeded amendment and then pay the tax due for the entire tax year.

Final Return

A final return is filed when you are no longer planning to file Form 2290 for your vehicle because you sold your business, are not planning to drive your vehicle anymore, or for any other reason. It is a Form 2290 but you will select the final return and this lets the IRS know that you no longer plan to file Form 2290 so that they know they do not need to send you a yearly packet. 

Why File with ExpressTruckTax?

Filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax makes the entire process fast and easy. You are able to utilize all of the above features and many more. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 today and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes with ExpressTruckTax!

IRS E-Filing System Opens January 12th

Every year the IRS shuts down its e-filing system for maintenance. This typically happens on or near December 24th and does not usually reopen until sometime in mid-January. Any Form 2290 filed after December 24th, 2022 is still on hold. There’s no need to worry, however. The IRS e-filing system is expected to open back up on *January 12th. Any Form 2290 filed after December 24th will be processed on January 12th. 

If you put a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more on the road for the first time in December, now is the time to file Form 2290 for that vehicle. You have until January 31st to file Form 2290 for your vehicle so that you do not accrue late fines. Even though the e-filing system is still closed, make sure to file as soon as possible. Any Form 2290 that is filed now will still be processed and once it is accepted you will not be considered late and will receive your Stamped Schedule 1, which is required when obtaining tags and the registration for your vehicle. If you want to file your Form 2290 stress-free in only a few minutes, you should e-file it with ExpressTruckTax

ExpressTruckTax is a secure Form 2290 e-filing system that is simple to use. The entire filing process takes only a few minutes to complete. All that you are required to provide is your business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), Vehicle Information including your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), credit vehicles you plan to claim if any, and your payment information. ExpressTruckTax provides users with a convenient option that allows them to pay their Heavy Vehicle Tax alongside their filing fee. This option allows users to get it all done now so that they don’t have to remember to pay later.

In order to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as possible and avoid getting late fines, it is important that you file Form 2290 now. Filing Form 2290 doesn’t take long at all so there is no need to keep delaying it any further. What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today!

*Please note that this date may change and this article will be updated to reflect the correct date.