Tag: Form 2290 e-file

How to File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax.com

E-filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax.com is simple. Just follow these simple steps to file your Form 2290 today. 

  1. Log in to your account, and from your dashboard, click the orange ‘Start New’ button. 
  2. Choose the number of vehicles you’d like to file for. 
  3. Then, enter the First Use Month and year for your vehicle.
  4. If this is your final return or your business address is changed, check the appropriate box. 
  5. Enter your 17-digit vehicle identification number, you can make sure the VIN entered matches your vehicle by clicking the ‘Check VIN’ button. 
  6. Then, enter your vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight. You can find this information on your cab card or registration. 
  7. You can optionally organize your returns for your records by indicating the unit number you use for this vehicle.
  8. If this is a suspended, logging, or agricultural vehicle, indicate this by clicking on the appropriate boxes. 
  9. If you now realize you want to file for more than one vehicle, you can click the ‘Add More Vehicles’ button now.
  10. Now indicate whether you reported any vehicles as suspended last year by checking the appropriate box. 
  11. Now, you need to choose how you would like to pay your HVUT amount to the IRS. You can choose between EFW, EFTPS, check, money order, credit or debit card, or third party. The simplest method is to pay by credit card.
  12. To allow the IRS to share your information with other federal agencies, you can do so by agreeing to the consent to disclosure portion of the form. Your choice will not affect your return in any way. 
  13. To finish page one, indicate if you have a third-party designee, such as an employee, tax preparer, spouse, or other third party, who you would like to be able to discuss this return with the IRS. 
  14. Save and continue when you’re finished.
  15. The system will now check your return for errors. If you need to change anything, just click the link, otherwise proceed. 
  16. On this screen, you can choose what additional services you would like from ExpressTruckTax
  17. We can send you a printed copy of your Schedule 1 by mail, and we can even text you to notify you when the IRS accepts your return.
  18. Now you need to enter your credit card information to pay the ExpressTruckTax filing fee and your HVUT amount if you chose credit or debit card. If you chose EFW, EFTPS, check, your money order or third party, this is not your IRS HVUT payment.
  19.  You will now have one last chance to view your return summary. 
  20. Then, you will need to sign off on this form. Click ‘Click to E-sign,’ and then click ‘Adopt and Sign.’
  21. When you’re ready to transmit your return to the IRS, enter any five-digit PIN and click ‘Transmit This Return to the IRS.’ 
  22. Now you just have to wait for the IRS to process and accept your return. We will email you a copy of your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS sends it. 

Go to ExpressTruckTax.com now to e-file your Form 2290.

FAQ Friday: Do you need Form 2290 to register your vehicle?

Do you need Form 2290 to register your vehicle?

It is important that you file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more in order for it to be registered. By filing Form 2290, you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 upon its acceptance. This will serve as proof of filing Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and needs to be presented in order to receive the registration and tags for the vehicle. When filing Form 2290 there are some important factors to consider so that you do not receive fines.

Taxable Gross Weight

When filing Form 2290, you must indicate a vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight. A vehicle’s taxable gross weight is the weight of the truck, the trailer, and the maximum weight of the load it can carry. A vehicle’s weight classification affects the amount of tax owed for the vehicle. If the wrong weight class is reported on Form 2290 and you are found to have reported the wrong weight, this may result in fines for failing to provide correct information on your vehicle especially if the amount you pay ends up being less than what is actually owed for the vehicle’s correct weight class. If you file for the wrong weight class, ExpressTruckTax offers convenient ways for resolving this type of mistake. If the weight is actually more than was reported you must file a weight increase amendment. If the weight of the vehicle is less than what was reported, you can file Form 8849 to get a refund on the form and then file a new Form 2290 for the correct weight. 

Is your vehicle suspended?

Does your vehicle weigh 55,000 pounds or more and drive less than 5,000 miles in a year? If it is used for agricultural purposes, does it drive less than 7,500 miles a year? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then your vehicle is considered suspended by the IRS. If your vehicle is suspended, you still have to file Form 2290 but no tax will be owed for this vehicle. If you file your Form 2290 and report your vehicle as suspended and it ends up going over the mileage limit, and you are caught, this could result in fines. In order to fix this you can file a mileage exceeded amendment with ExpressTruckTax and pay the tax owed for the full tax year. If you file Form 2290 and pay the tax for the full tax year but you end up not exceeding the mileage limit, you can file Form 8849 to receive a refund for the tax amount paid. 

Filing by the deadline

Filing Form 2290 late can result in fines and if you are caught not having filed Form 2290 by the deadline you will be fined and need to file the form. If your vehicle has been on the road for a year or more or you are putting it on the road for the first time in July, the deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31st. If you are putting a vehicle on the road for the first time during any other month in the year, the deadline to file Form 2290 will be the last day of the month following your vehicle’s First Used Month. Failing to file by the deadline will result in fines and you will not be able to obtain the tags or registration for your vehicle. 

Why File with ExpressTruckTax?

If you are worried about getting the registration for your vehicle, don’t be. ExpressTruckTax makes the entire Form 2290 filing process a breeze. It will only take you a few minutes to complete the filing, and once the IRS accepts your form you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1. You will need to provide your business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), vehicle identification number (VIN), credit vehicles you are claiming if any, and payment information. You are able to pay using a check or money order, EFTPS, Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW), or a credit or debit card through either a third-party payment processor or directly through ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee. If this all sounds easy, it is. Hurry and file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today so that you can get your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as possible!

File Form 2290 for First Used Month of December before January 31st

Did you purchase or put a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more on the road for the first time in December of 2022? If this is the case your vehicle has a First Used Month of December. A vehicle’s First Used Month, or FUM, is the month a vehicle is put on the road for the first time. This determines when Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) needs to be filed for this vehicle. The deadline to file Form 2290 is the last day of the month following the vehicle’s First Used Month. The deadline to file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more that have a First Used Month of December is January 31, 2023. 

January 31, 2023, is only a few days away. In order to make sure that you are on time with your filing and your payment, ExpressTruckTax strives to make the Form 2290 filing process as simple and straightforward as possible. In order to file, you will need to provide your business information. This includes your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and business name. You will also need to provide information about your vehicle. Your vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) will need to be entered as well as the vehicle’s weight class. Do you have any credit vehicles that you need to claim on your Form 2290? This includes vehicles that the taxes have been paid for previously and the vehicle was either sold, stolen, or destroyed.

To make things even easier, ExpressTruckTax also offers several convenient payment options for paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for your vehicle. You are able to send in payment via check or money order if you are not ready to pay the tax right away. This payment will be withdrawn from your account once the IRS receives it. You can also choose to pay through EFTPS and schedule when the IRS takes the payment. Choosing this payment option requires you to have an EFTPS account. If you do not have one, it may take up to fifteen days to become active. 

If you want the payment to be more immediate, you can choose Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) as your payment method. You will enter your banking information including your account number and routing number directly onto your Form 2290 and once the form is accepted, the funds will be withdrawn from your account in 1-2 business days. You also have the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax via credit or debit card. You can either choose to pay through a third-party IRS-approved credit card processor or make your credit card payment directly from ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee. 

Whatever option you choose, ExpressTruckTax strives to be easy and convenient for you. Once your Form 2290 is approved by the IRS, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. The Stamped Schedule 1 is required when you need to obtain the tags and registration for your vehicle. You are running out of time to file Form 2290 if your vehicle’s First Used Month is December. What are you waiting for? Avoid getting late fined and get your filing finished in only a few minutes with ExpressTruckTax today!

IRS Shutdown Imminent, File Form 2290 Now!

As you may not already know, every year in December the IRS shuts down for maintenance. This year it will close on December 24th and will not reopen until sometime in mid-January. There is no need to panic, however. You are still able to file your Form 2290 during this time but it will not be processed and you will not receive your Stamped Schedule 1 until the IRS reopens. 

If your First Used Month (the month your truck was first put on the road) is November, you need to file your Form 2290 as soon as possible so that you can receive your Stamped Schedule 1  before the IRS shuts down. In order to file your Form 2290 quickly and easily, you should e-file it with ExpressTruckTax

ExpressTruckTax is an easy-to-use and secure Form 2290 e-filing system. You can get the entire filing process finished in only a few simple steps that only take a few minutes to complete. All you need to provide is your business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), Vehicle Information including your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), credit vehicles you plan to claim if any, and your payment information. ExpressTruckTax offers a convenient option that allows you to pay your Heavy Vehicle Tax alongside your filing fee. By selecting this option you don’t need to remember to pay your filing fee later. You can get both done at the same time so that you get your tax filed and paid before the IRS shuts down.

It is important to file now because if you file before the IRS shutdown you will get your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. The Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it allows you to get the tags and registration for your vehicle. If you need your Stamped Schedule 1 now then file it before the shutdown or else you will be waiting until mid-January to receive it. 

In order to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as possible, it is important that you file before the IRS shuts down towards the end of December. In order to get your filing done as quickly as possible. Get your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes if you file before the shutdown. What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 2990 with ExpressTruckTax before the IRS shuts down and get your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!

¿Cómo los dueños de negocios se pueden beneficiar al hacer el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax?

ExpressTruckTax es el proveedor líder en el mercado para la declaración electrónica del Formulario 2290. Los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más deben hacer el Formulario 2290 anualmente al IRS para el Impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados. ExpressTruckTax está diseñado para ser fácil de usar y llenar su declaración del Formulario 2290 para que no tome más tiempo del necesario.

ExpressTruckTax le permite a los dueños de negocios hacer el Formulario 2290 para ellos mismos o para sus conductores de una forma rápida y sencilla. Los dueños de negocios que eligen presentar con ExpressTruckTax tienen varias opciones disponibles para ayudar a que su proceso de presentación sea fluido dependiendo de cuántos camiones están solicitando y si el usuario es nuevo o ya ha presentado con ExpressTruckTax con anterioridad.

Vehículo individual

ExpressTruckTax permite a los dueños de negocios solicitar un camión fácilmente haciendo clic en “Iniciar nueva declaración” y luego seleccionando “E-File para 1 Vehículo”. Esta opción es útil para los dueños de negocios que solo necesitan presentar una solicitud para un camión. Tenga en cuenta que al seleccionar esta opción, no podrá reclamar vehículos de crédito. Para reclamar vehículos de crédito (vehículos que han sido vendidos, destruidos o robados) debe seleccionar la opción de presentación para varios vehículos.

Varios vehículos

Usuarios Nuevos

Al usar ExpressTruckTax, los nuevos usuarios pueden presentar el Formulario 2290 para múltiples vehículos sin problemas. Si no necesita reclamar ningún vehículo de crédito, use la opción Express Filing para solicitar estos vehículos e ingrese los detalles de estos vehículos, incluidos sus VIN (Números de identificación del vehículo). Si necesita reclamar algún vehículo de crédito, seleccione “Múltiples vehículos” en “Iniciar nueva devolución”. Al usar esta opción, puede solicitar múltiples vehículos y también reclamar créditos por vehículos que fueron robados, vendidos o destruidos.

Usuarios Recurrentes

Si presentó el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax en años anteriores y el formulario fué aceptado, los usuarios pueden utilizar la función ‘Ready Return’. Esta característica creará una devolución con todos los detalles e información del camión de la devolución anterior. De esta manera, si está solicitando el mismo vehículo, puede asegurarse de que la información sea correcta y luego transmitir el formulario. Este proceso ahorra tiempo a los dueños de negocios al presentar el Formulario 2290.

¡Haga el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax Hoy!

Hacer el Formulario 2290 es fácil y sin estrés con ExpressTruckTax. Ya sea que sea un usuario nuevo o un usuario que regresa, puede declarar el Formulario 2290 para uno ó varios camiones en solo unos pocos pasos simples. Si esta es la primera vez que presenta una declaración con ExpressTruckTax, la próxima vez que vaya a presentar una declaración ya tendrá una declaración esperándolo con la información del año anterior. Esta característica le ahorra el tiempo de tener que ingresar toda su información nuevamente. También puede reclamar cualquier vehículo de crédito seleccionando la opción de presentación de vehículos múltiples. ¿Quieres ahorrarte algo de tiempo al presentar el Formulario 2290? ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Visita ExpressTruckTax.com hoy para una experiencia de presentación rápida y fácil del Formulario 2290!

How can Business Owners Benefit from filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax?

ExpressTruckTax is a market-leading Form 2290 e-file provider. Form 2290 must be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS annually for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. ExpressTruckTax is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use so that filing Form 2290 does not take longer than it has to. 

ExpressTruckTax allows business owners to file their Form 2290 for themselves or for their drivers quickly and easily. The business owners that choose to file with ExpressTruckTax have several options available to them to help make their filing process smooth depending on how many trucks they are filing for and if the user is new or has filed with ExpressTruckTax before.  

Single Vehicle

ExpressTruckTax allows business owners to file for one truck easily by clicking “Start New Return” and then selecting “E-File for 1 Truck”. This option is useful for business owners who need to only file for one truck. Keep in mind that upon selecting this option, you are not able to claim credit vehicles. In order to claim credit vehicles (vehicles that have been sold, destroyed, or stolen) you must select the multiple vehicle filing option.

Multiple Vehicles

New Users

By using ExpressTruckTax, new users are able to file Form 2290 for multiple vehicles hassle-free. If you don’t need to claim any credit vehicles, use the Express Filing option to file for these vehicles and enter the details for these vehicles including their VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers). If you need to claim any credit vehicles, select “Multiple Vehicles” under “Start New Return”. Using this option you are able to file for multiple vehicles and also claim credits for vehicles that were stolen, sold, or destroyed.

Returning Users

If you have filed Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax for previous years and had the form accepted, users can utilize the Ready Return feature. This feature will create a return with all of the details and truck information from the previous return. This way, if you are filing for the same vehicle(s) you can just make sure the information is correct and then transmit the form. This process saves business owners time when filing Form 2290. 

File With ExpressTruckTax Today!

Filing Form 2290 is easy and stress-free with ExpressTruckTax. Whether you are a new user or returning user, you are able to file Form 2290 for one truck or multiple trucks in only a few simple steps. If this is your first time filing with ExpressTruckTax, the next time you go to file you will have a return already created and waiting for you with the previous year’s information on it. This feature saves you time from having to enter all of your information again. You can also claim any credit vehicles by selecting the multiple vehicle filing option. Do you want to save yourself some time when filing Form 2290? What are you waiting for? File with ExpressTruckTax today for a fast and easy Form 2290 filing experience!

FAQ Friday: Why did the IRS reject my Form 2290?

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 must be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS annually for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT).

How can ExpressTruckTax help file Form 2290?

ExpressTruckTax is a leading form 2290 e-file provider that allows drivers to file Form 2290 stress-free. The entire process takes only a few minutes. You simply enter your business details including your EIN (Employer Identification Number), your vehicle information including your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), any credit vehicles if you are claiming any, and your payment information. Once this is all entered and submitted, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS accepts your Form 2290.

Can the IRS reject Form 2290?

Yes, the IRS can reject Form 2290 for a number of reasons. Don’t worry though, even if your Form gets rejected, you are able to resubmit it at no additional cost using ExpressTruckTax.

A Newly Created EIN

If you file Form 2290 with an EIN that has just been created there is a good chance your form will be rejected by the IRS. This is because it typically takes about 10-15 days for an EIN to be active in the IRS e-filing system. At no extra cost to you, you are able to transmit the form once a day until the IRS accepts it.

Wrong Business Name

Entering the wrong business name on Form 2290 is another reason it can get rejected. The business name needs to match the one registered with that EIN. If it does not match the only way to fix this mistake is to file a new Form 2290 with the correct business name.

Wrong Routing Number when you choose to pay with EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal)

When filing Form 2290 and selecting EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal) it is important to make sure both your routing and account numbers are correct. If you enter the wrong routing number on your Form 2290 it will be rejected immediately. The only way to correct this is to file a new Form 2290.

ExpressTruckTax makes File Form 2290 easy

Even if your Form 2290 has been rejected ExpressTruckTax makes the process of resubmitting or filing a new form easy. If you have a new EIN and need to resubmit, ExpressTruckTax allows you to resubmit your form once a day for no additional cost. What are you waiting for? Want to file your Form 2290 with ease today? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax! File today!

Don’t Ghost the IRS, File Form 2290 Or You’ll Be the One Getting Haunted

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form that has to be filed annually by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more. The Form 2290 tax year goes from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. The tax is typically due to be filed and paid on August 31st. If you put a truck on the road for the first time in a month other than July however, you will pay a prorated amount for the vehicle for months remaining in the tax year. A vehicle’s first used month is the month the vehicle was put on the road for the first time. The tax is due on the last day of the following month. If you put a truck on the road for the first time in September, the deadline to file Form 2290 is today October 31st, Halloween.

By filing Form 2290, you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as your Form 2290 has been accepted. The Stamped Schedule 1 serves as proof of filing Form 2290 and is needed when getting the tags and registration for the vehicle. To make sure that your vehicle is filed on time and that you will not be penalized for filing or paying your tax late, ExpressTruckTax provides a fast and easy way to file Form 2290.

Filing with ExpressTruckTax can be completed in a few simple steps that take only a few minutes. Filers will simply enter their business information including their Employer Identification Number (EIN), vehicle information including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), credit vehicles if any, and payment information for the filing fee and the tax itself. If you file Form 2290 and don’t pay the tax, you will get a nonpayment letter from the IRS. In order to ensure this does not happen, you now have the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly through ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee using a credit or debit card. This is the most convenient way to pay for your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax and not risk forgetting about it.

Want to enjoy your Halloween without worrying about spending too much time filing your Form 2290? You still can with ExpressTruckTax! The entire filing process can be completed in only a few steps that take a few minutes. This way you can file your Form 2290 stress-free and enjoy your Halloween whether you are on the road or enjoying some candy at home. Make sure to utilize the payment method that allows you to pay your tax directly through ExpressTruckTax. This ensures you won’t be haunted by IRS non-payment letters. What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and have a Happy Halloween!

FAQ Friday: What Happens When You Enter Something Wrong On Form 2290?

Form 2290 should be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more annually to the IRS for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. It is important to file this form, failing to do so will result in late penalties from the IRS. In order to file Form 2290 you will need to provide specific information for the IRS to know who is filing the form and that the form is being filed for.

What information is needed to file Form 2290?

To file Form 2290 you need to enter your correct business information including your Employer Identification Number (EIN), vehicle information including your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), credit vehicles you plan to claim if any, and your payment information. 

What happens if you enter the wrong information?

When filing Form 2290 it is entirely possible to make a mistake. You may enter the wrong number for your EIN or VIN or even the wrong weight, mileage, or address into the form. If you make any of these mistakes, the process for fixing them depends entirely on the mistake that was made. 

Wrong VIN

When the VIN is entered incorrectly, the process for correcting it depends on how many characters the VIN was off by. If the VIN was off by only a few characters, you are able to file a Form 2290 VIN correction amendment in order to correct it. If the entire VIN is wrong, a new Form 2290 needs to be filed and Form 8849 must be filed in order to let the IRS know that the original Form 2290 was not correct and request they move the tax to the new form for the tax paid on the original form. This only applies if they have already paid the taxes.

Wrong Weight class

When the wrong weight class is entered, the process of correcting it will depend on whether the weight was more or less than the actual weight of the vehicle. If the weight was reported as being less than it actually is, a Form 2290 Amendment for weight increase must be filed and then you will pay the rest of the tax amount that is owed. If the weight is actually less than what was originally put on the original Form 2290, you must file a new Form 2290 and then file Form 8849 to request the original tax amount back after paying the new tax amount. 

Wrong Mileage

If a qualifying vehicle drives less than 5,000 miles a year or less than 7,500 miles a year if it is used for agricultural purposes, it is considered suspended by the IRS. Form 2290 still needs to be filed in this case but no tax will be owed for this vehicle. If a vehicle is filed as suspended but then exceeds the mileage limit, a Form 2290 Amendment for mileage exceeded must be filed and then the full tax amount for the year must be paid. If Form 2290 was filed as not suspended and the vehicle was actually suspended, Form 8849 must be filed to request the tax amount for that vehicle back to you. 

Wrong Address

If the wrong address is put into Form 2290, in order to correct this a new Form 2290 must be filed. Then you must file Form 8849 for this vehicle to request that the original tax amount paid be returned to you. 

Wrong business name/name/EIN

If the wrong EIN or business name is entered into Form 2290, a new Form 2290 must be filed and the tax must be paid for the new form. You must then file Form 8849 for this vehicle to request that the original tax amount paid be returned to you. 

Why choose ExpressTruckTax?

By filing with ExpressTruckTax, all of these corrections are made easy. Simply enter the new information into either the Form 2290 Amendment or Form 8849 that you are filing. Once the information is entered and the filing fee has been paid, you will simply transmit it to the IRS. If you are doing a VIN correction amendment and you filed your original Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, the fee for filing this amendment waived. When filing Form 2290 or Form 2290 amendments you will get an updated Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of the IRS accepting your form. What are you waiting for? Make any corrections to Form 2290 that you need to make with ExpressTruckTax today!

Haga el Formulario 2290 en Cualquier Mes del Año con ExpressTruckTax

¿Está planeando comprar un camión nuevo o poner uno en la carretera que pese 55,000 libras o más? Si es así, deberá hacer el Formulario 2290 para ese vehículo anualmente. El Formulario 2290 lo presentan al IRS los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más para el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​(HVUT). El ejercicio fiscal del Formulario 2290 va del 1ro. de Julio al 30 de Junio del año siguiente. Si pone su camión en la carretera por primera vez en un mes que no sea Julio, deberá hacer el Formulario 2290 para el año fiscal actual y pagar una cantidad prorrateada al IRS por los meses restantes del año fiscal. Después de esto, se le pedirá que declare antes del 31 de Agosto para el próximo año fiscal porque el Formulario 2290 se presenta por adelantado. De esta manera, presentará la declaración para el año fiscal completo en lugar de una cantidad parcial.

Para los vehículos que se pongan en circulación por primera vez en un mes que no sea Julio, el Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​​​vencerá al final del mes siguiente al Primer Mes Usado (FUM) del vehículo. El primer mes de uso de un vehículo se refiere al mes en que se puso en circulación por primera vez. Si el primer mes de uso de un vehículo es Octubre, el Formulario 2290 para ese vehículo vencerá a fines de Noviembre. Técnicamente, puede presentar el Formulario 2290 en cualquier mes en que puso su camión en la carretera por primera vez.

No importa el mes en que presente el Formulario 2290, ExpressTruckTax es la solución de presentación electrónica para usted. Simplemente ingrese la información de su negocio, incluyendo su EIN (Número de identificación del empleador), la información del vehículo, incluyendo su VIN (Número de identificación del vehículo), cualquier vehículo de crédito que esté reclamando, si corresponde, y luego su información de pago. Los contribuyentes ahora tienen la opción de pagar su impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​directamente a través de ExpressTruckTax usando una tarjeta de crédito o débito junto con sus tarifas de presentación.

La declaración del Formulario 2290 a través de ExpressTruckTax está disponible todos los meses, al igual que el resto de formularios que ofrece ExpressTruckTax. ¿Si cometió un error en el Formulario 2290 o necesita actualizar alguna información? Las enmiendas al Formulario 2290 también se pueden presentar en cualquier mes del año para que el Anexo 1 sellado tenga la información correcta. Se recibe un Anexo 1 sellado cuando el IRS acepta el Formulario 2290. Sirve como prueba de la presentación del formulario y se requiere para obtener etiquetas y el registro de un vehículo que califique. El Formulario 8849 también se puede hacer en cualquier mes a través de ExpressTruckTax. Este formulario se presenta si pagó impuestos en exceso o si su vehículo fue vendido, robado o destruido. Se trata de solicitar la devolución del crédito fiscal en estas circunstancias.

No importa el mes o el formulario, ya sea el Formulario 2290, una modificación del Formulario 2290 o el Formulario 8849, ExpressTruckTax lo respalda. Haga el Formulario 2290 electrónicamente hoy y obtenga su Anexo 1 sellado en minutos. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Hazlo ahora!