Tag: form 2290 amendment

What Truckers Should Know About Form 2290 Amendments?

For most of our truckers, the time for filing your Form 2290 is over and done with.

But now that you’ve finished and submitted your Form 2290, you may have realized you made a mistake or need to update some information on it.

Don’t Worry! Filing a Form 2290 amendment is a simple and easy process, especially with ExpressTruckTax!

What Amendments Can I File For?

With ExpressTruckTax, you file amendments for VIN Corrections, Gross Weight Increase, and Mileage Exceeds. 

VIN Correction: A VIN correction amendment will fix the Vehicle Identification Number that is on the stamped schedule 1 if it was incorrect. This number is 17 digits long, so it’s understandable if you get a few digits mixed up! Once you realize that you made a mistake with the VIN, you need to file right away in order to validate the stamped schedule 1 for your vehicle!

Gross Weight Increase: If you filed for a specific weight category on your Form 2290, but you end up falling into a different category during the tax year, you will need to file an amendment to report this increase in weight. There is no deadline to file the amendment but, once you enter a different weight category, you will need to file the amendment and pay the HVUT difference.

Suspended Vehicle That Exceeds Mileage: If you filed a Form 2290 for a suspended vehicle, but that vehicle exceeded the mileage use limit, then you will need to file an amendment for it. The mileage limit for suspended vehicles on public highways is 5,000 miles (7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles). You will need to file this amendment as soon as you exceed the mileage limitation.

Can I File These Amendments With My ExpressTruckTax Account?

Yes! You can file for all of these amendments, right from your existing account!

On your account, click on the button that says “Start New return”. Then select the amendment that you need to file for, and go through the step-by-step process to complete this amendment.

With ExpressTruckTax, you will not have to pay to file a VIN correction amendment! We understand how easy it is to mess up a 17 digit sequence, so we won’t charge you anything for this amendment!

File Your Form 2290 And All Your Amendments From ExpressTruckTax

File your Form 2290 and any amendments you need, all from one account! Filing is quick and easy when you file with ExpressTruckTax!

With ExpressTruckTax, our live support team will help you with any questions or concerns you may have!

To e-file your Form 2290 and Amendments with ExpressTruckTax, click here or call our live customer support team at 704.234.6005! We’ll be happy to help you with any problem you may have!

Everything You Need To Know About Form 2290 Amendments

The Form 2290 deadline for the 2022-2023 tax year was August 31st, 2022. Even though the deadline has passed already, you are still able to file your Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) with ExpressTruckTax. If you have already filed with us, we would like to thank you for filing. 

If you have filed there is a chance that you might have made a mistake or some of the information you have entered might change. If this happens, ExpressTruckTax has the solution for you. You can make updates to Form 2290 using any of the following Form 2290 Amendments: Gross Weight Increase, VIN correction, or  Mileage Exceeded.

Gross Weight Increase

The tax amount owed to the IRS for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax not only depends on when you put your vehicle on the road for the first time but also what the Taxable Gross Weight of the vehicle in which consists of the weight of the truck, the trailer and the maximum load it can carry. Form 2290 has to be filed for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more. There are several weight classes for these vehicles ranging from 55,000 pounds to 75,000 pounds or more. If a vehicle was filed for a Taxable Gross Weight that is less than what it is supposed to be, filing a Form 2290 Amendment is what you need to do. Once you file the amendment you will need to pay the difference for the tax that you owe. 

VIN Correction

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique 17-character sequence that identifies each vehicle. You must enter this number on Form 2290 so that the IRS will know it is for that particular vehicle. If you filed your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and have only entered a few wrong characters for your VIN, you are able to file a VIN correction amendment free of charge with ExpressTruckTax.

Mileage Exceeded

If a vehicle weighs 55,000 miles or more but drives less than 5,000 miles a year, or less than 7,500 miles a year if it is used for agricultural purposes, it is considered suspended by the IRS. Form 2290 must still be filled for this vehicle but no tax will be owed. If you file the vehicle as suspended but the vehicle ends up exceeding the mileage limit, a mileage exceeded amendment must be filed and then you must pay the tax that is owed to the IRS which will be the amount due for the entire year.

File your Form 2290 Amendments with ExpressTruckTax Today!

Need to file any of the above-mentioned amendments? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax. We make filing these amendments fast and easy. They can be completed in only a few simple steps from any device! What are you waiting for? File any necessary Form 2290 amendments with ExpressTruckTax today!

Form 2290 Amendments: What Are They And How Do You File?

Now that the 2021-22 tax season is here, it’s time to file your Form 2290! Getting all your information together and filling it in correctly can be a hassle, especially when you’re in a hurry. 

We understand that people make mistakes, so ExpressTruckTax offers amendments for the Form 2290, just in case a mistake is made!

Why File an Amendment?

If you made a mistake on your Form 2290, then it is important to file an amendment in order to fix the mistake made. 

By filing an amendment, you won’t have to fill out and submit a whole new Form 2290. Amendments are quick and easy to submit to the IRS compared to having to file a whole new Form 2290.

After you make a mistake or need to update your information on the Form 2290, check the list of amendments that are offered before starting a new Form 2290.This could save you a lot of time and money!

What Amendments does ExpressTruckTax offer?

There are 3 different amendments thats you can file for your Form 2290:

  1. Vin Correction

Your Vin (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique 17 character identification sequence, so it’s easy to make a mistake and mess up a digit or two. If this happens, it’s important that you file for a Vin Correction on your previous return. 

Below is the Step-by-Step instructions to file for a VIN correction: 

  • Log in to your ExpressTruckTax account.
  • Click on “Start New Return”, then select “VIN Correction” under “Form 2290 amendment.”
  • Choose whether you are filing a VIN correction for a return that was originally filed with us.
  • Provide your tax year information, old VIN, and the corrected VIN.
  • Complete the rest of the return and transmit it to the IRS.

(If you have filed your original return with us, the data from the original return would be auto-updated in the VIN Correction Form and you do not have to pay for the return.)

  1. Increase in Taxable Gross Weight

If, during the tax year that you filed Form 2290 for, the weight of your vehicle is increased and is placed into a different weight brackett, you will need to file a Taxable Gross Weight Amendment. 

To file a Taxable Gross Weight Amendment with ExpressTruckTax, follow these steps: 

  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on “Start New Return”, then select “Taxable Gross Weight Increase” under “Form 2290 Amendments”.
  • Choose the Taxable Gross Weight Increase Amendment option for a return that was originally filed with us.
  • Provide the vehicle information and increased taxable gross weight category (Your adjusted HVUT for the remaining year will be calculated automatically.)
  • Check your return and transmit it to the IRS.
  1. Mileage Exceeded

If you filed for a suspended vehicle for the tax return, but the vehicle went over the 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles), then you must file for a Mileage Limit Exceeded Amendment. 

To File a Mileage Limit Exceeded Amendment, follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on “Start New Return” and select “Mileage Limit Exceeded” under “Form 2290 amendment.”
  • Choose whether you are filing Mileage Limit Exceeded Amendment for a return that was originally filed with us.
  • Provide the required information about your vehicle.
  • Your adjusted HVUT for the remaining year will be calculated automatically based on the vehicle’s weight category.
  • Check your return and transmit it to the IRS.

When Can I not file an Amendment?

Amendments are there for minor mistakes that are easy to make, like getting one number wrong on your VIN or not estimating your mileage correctly. Amendments cannot be used if larger more substantial errors occur. 

If you get important information completely incorrect, like your name, address, or the completely wrong VIN, you must file a Form 8849 in order to void your previous Form 2290, then you will need to re-file a Form 2290 with the correct information. 

Why File your Amendments with ExpressTruckTax? 

 ExpressTruckTax offers all three of these amendments to their users. 

If you filed the original Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, our program will automatically fill in most of the information that was given in the original return.

We make filing amendments easy and you’ll be able to check the status of your correction while it’s being processed. 

Also, if you filed the original return with ExpressTruckTax, your VIN Correction Amendment will be free of charge! We understand how easy it is to mess up a 17 digit code, so we don’t want our clients to be penalized for a simple mistake!

File Form 2290 and Amendments Now!

If you haven’t filed your Form 2290 with us, now is the time to file! The 2021-22 tax season is open and its time to file and make your HVUT payment!

Log into ExpressTruckTax here or call our support team at (704) 234-6005 for additional help! 

How To Fix IRS 2290 Rejections

So, you filed before the Form 2290 due date!

But you get a notice that your IRS 2290 was rejected.

Don’t stress. There are many reasons that the IRS rejects returns, and we’ve got a fix for each one. Here’s all the information you’ll need to correct your IRS 2290 highway use tax as quickly as possible to avoid penalties.  

Form 2290 Rejection

Common Reasons for Rejection

In order to fix your 2290 highway use tax and get an updated Schedule 1 Form 2290, you’ll need to find the issue.

There are multiple reasons for Form 2290 rejection including:

1. EIN and Business Name Mismatch

If the EIN you entered does not match the information the IRS has on record, you can call the IRS Excise Hotline at 1-866-699-4096 to determine what information they have.

If your EIN is brand new, it will likely be rejected because it takes about 10 business days for the IRS to register a new EIN in their system. The reported reason for rejection will be: “EIN does not match business name”. Once your EIN is registered, simply retransmit your return.

2. Routing Transit Number Rejection

If you chose to pay your 2290 highway use tax by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, your bank routing number was required.

If your IRS 2290 was rejected because the wrong routing number was entered, simply correct the routing number and re-transmit your return to the IRS.

*Note: If you notice a routing number error but your return was accepted, contact the IRS.

3. Duplicate Filing of IRS 2290

This type of rejection means your IRS 2290 was already filed and confirmed by the IRS, and that a second 2290 was submitted on your behalf.

Correcting and Retransmitting Form 2290

ExpressTruckTax makes IRS 2290 Form updates easy.

If you filed your return with us, correcting and retransmitting your return is easy and free! Plus, with our ExpressGuarantee, we guarantee that your return will be accepted by the IRS or your money back!

Our team of Expert customer support representatives will do everything they can to help them!

Correct your IRS 2290 today with ExpressTruckTax, and get your updated Schedule 1 Form 2290 in minutes.