Tag: FAQs

FAQ Friday: What is the Five-Digit Pin?

What is the Five-Digit Pin?

In order to transmit Form 2290 a Personal Identification Number (PIN) must be entered before transmission. This number is used to e-sign Form 2290 and is used as proof that you are not a robot similar to a captcha or a check box saying you are not a robot. This PIN also serves as your e-signature for your Form 2290. When inputting this PIN, you are able to enter any five digits except all zeros. You do not need to remember this PIN number for the future and the number can be different for different returns. 

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) that has to be filed by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more. Although the deadline to file has passed, you can still file Form 2290 with minor penalties if you file soon or if you are putting a truck on the road for the first time. When filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, there are several steps that are involved.

What is Needed for Form 2290?

First, you need to enter your business information. This includes your business name, address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN). Then you will need to enter your vehicle information. This includes the vehicle’s make, model, Taxable Gross Weight, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). If you have any credit vehicles you need to claim, you will need to list them next. Once all of this information is entered, you will then need to select your payment method. You are able to choose credit or debit card, Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW), EFTPS, or check or money order. When selecting a credit or debit card, you can either choose to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly through ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee, or you can choose to pay it through a third-party payment processor. Once this is selected, you will need to enter a five-digit pin.

Why ExpressTruckTax?

ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290, e-file provider. It offers users a fast and easy filing experience with easy-to-follow steps. File anywhere from any device and even pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly through ExpressTruckTax. This fast filing experience allows drivers to spend less time stressing about filing. File Form 2290 stress-free with ExpressTruckTax today!

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Cuáles Son Los Beneficios de Asociarse con ExpressTruckTax?

¿Qué es el Formulario 2290?

El Formulario 2290 es un formulario de impuestos del IRS para el impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​(HVUT). Este formulario debe ser presentado anualmente por los conductores de vehículos que pesen 55,000 libras o más.

¿Por qué es Importante el Formulario 2290?

El Formulario 2290 es importante porque, después de la declaración, los conductores reciben un Anexo 1 sellado, que se requiere para obtener las placas y el registro de un vehículo.

¿Quién Necesita una Copia del Anexo 1 Sellado?

Es importante que un conductor lleve una copia de su Schedule 1 estampado en su camión en caso de que lo detengan. También es importante que los transportistas y las asociaciones para las que conducen los conductores obtengan una copia del Anexo 1 sellado. Estos transportistas y asociaciones generalmente solicitan copias de estos Anexos estampados 1 para sus registros.

ÂżCĂłmo puede ExpressTruckTax beneficiar a los Transportistas y Asociaciones?

ExpressTruckTrax ofrece una función especial que los transportistas y las asociaciones obtienen al convertirse en socios de ExpressTruckTax. ExpressTruckTax ofrece una opción útil para transportistas y asociaciones de camiones donde pueden asociarse con ExpressTruckTax. Cada afiliado que decide asociarse con ExpressTruckTax obtiene su propio portal de declaración del Formulario 2290 donde los conductores pueden presentar su solicitud. No solo eso, sino que el Anexo 1 sellado se enviará automáticamente a la compañía o asociación del conductor después de la presentación.

La mejor parte es que es completamente gratis para aquellos que se asocian con ExpressTruckTax y abren uno de estos portales y el portal contará con el logotipo del transportista o la asociación. Si un socio no quiere un portal, puede optar por un enlace que puede dar a los conductores para que presenten el Formulario 2290 a través de ExpressTruckTax.

Cada transportista o asociación que se asocie con ExpressTruckTax se agregará a una lista a la que los conductores pueden acceder cuando presenten su Formulario 2290 y seleccionen el transportista o la asociación para la que conducen. Al seleccionar un transportista o asociación, el Anexo 1 sellado del conductor se enviará directamente al transportista o asociación una vez que se acepte el Formulario 2290.

¡Conviértase en socio hoy!

Hay muchos beneficios que provienen de los transportistas y las asociaciones que se asocian con ExpressTruckTax. Es útil tanto para los transportistas y asociaciones como para los conductores que conducen para ellos. Al proporcionar a los conductores un lugar designado para presentar, garantizará que se reciban todos los Anexos 1 para evitar multas. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Asóciese con ExpressTruckTax hoy!

FAQ Friday: What are the Benefits of Partnering with ExpressTruckTax?

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). This form must be filed annually by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more.

Why is Form 2290 Important?

Form 2290 is important because, after filing, drivers receive a Stamped Schedule 1, which is required to get a vehicle’s tags and registration. 

Who Needs a Copy of the Stamped Schedule 1?

It is important that a driver carry a copy of their Stamped Schedule 1 in their truck in case they are pulled over. It is also important that the carriers and associations that drivers drive for get a copy of the Stamped Schedule 1 as well. These carriers and associations typically request copies of these Stamped Schedule 1’s to have for their records. 

How can ExpressTruckTax benefit Carriers and Associations?

ExpressTruckTax offers a special feature that carriers and associations gain by becoming partners with ExpressTruckTax. ExpressTruckTax offers a helpful option for carriers and trucking associations where they are able to partner with ExpressTruckTax. Every affiliate that decides to partner with ExpressTruckTax gets its own Form 2290 filing portal where drivers can go to file. Not only that but the Stamped Schedule 1 will be automatically sent to the driver’s carrier or association after filing.

The best part is that it is completely free to those who partner with ExpressTruckTax and open one of these portals and the portal will feature the carrier or association’s logo. If a partner does not want a portal, they can opt-in for a backslash site which is a link they can give drivers to file Form 2290 through ExpressTruckTax.

Each carrier or association that partners with ExpressTruckTax will be added to a list that drivers can go to when filing their Form 2290 and select the carrier or association they drive for. Upon selecting a carrier or association, the driver’s Stamped Schedule 1 will be sent directly to the carrier or association once Form 2290 is accepted.

Become a Partner Today!

There are many benefits that come from carriers and associations partnering with ExpressTruckTax. It is helpful to both carriers and associations and the drivers that drive for them. By providing drivers with a designated place to file, it will guarantee that all of the Schedule 1s will be received to avoid fines. What are you waiting for? Partner with ExpressTruckTax today!

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Qué es hacer el Formulario 2290 por anticipo?

¿Qué es la presentación por anticipo?

Todos los años, a partir de Mayo, ExpressTruckTax ofrece un servicio conocido como presentación por anticipo. La presentación por anticipo es un servicio exclusivo de ExpressTruckTax. Cuando realiza una presentación por anticipo con ExpressTruckTax, puede presentar su Formulario 2290 para el próximo año fiscal antes que en cualquier otro lugar.

¿Cuándo estará disponible la presentación por anticipo?

La presentación por anticipo para el año fiscal 2022-23 comenzó el 16 de Mayo de 2022 y dura hasta el 30 de Junio. La razón por la que solo dura hasta el 30 de Junio es porque el IRS comenzará a aceptar oficialmente el Formulario 2290 el 1ro. de Julio.

¿Por qué es bueno declarar temprano?

La presentación por anticipo con ExpressTruckTax le permite evitar la prisa de todos los que intentan presentar una declaración a la vez, lo que hace que el IRS tenga una copia de seguridad. Los formularios 2290 prearchivados se transmitirán al IRS tan pronto como comiencen a aceptarlos el 1ro. de Julio.

¿Cuándo recibe su Anexo 1 si hace su formulario antes de tiempo?

Tan pronto como el IRS acepte el Formulario 2290 después de transmitirlo, recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado. Sin embargo, si espera para presentar la declaración hasta que el IRS comience a aceptar el Formulario 2290, pueden pasar varios días antes de que reciba su Anexo 1 sellado.

Con todos los increíbles beneficios de la presentación por anticipo, sería genial aprovechar esta oportunidad por tiempo limitado. ¿Qué estás esperando? Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy y pague sus impuestos una vez que el IRS lo acepte y obtenga su Anexo 1 antes que el resto.

FAQ Friday: What is Pre-Filing?

What is Pre-Filing?

Every year starting in May, ExpressTruckTax offers a service known as pre-filing. Pre-filing is a service unique to ExpressTruckTax. When you pre-file with ExpressTruckTax you are able to file your Form 2290 for the upcoming tax year earlier than you can anywhere else. 

When is pre-filing available?

Pre-filing for the 2022-23 tax year started May 16th, 2022, and lasts until June 30th. The reason it only lasts until June 30th is that the IRS starts officially accepting Form 2290 on July 1st. 

Why is it good to file early?

Pre-filing with ExpressTruckTax allows you to beat the rush of everyone trying to file at once causing the IRS to be backed up. The pre-filed Form 2290s will be transmitted to the IRS as soon as they start accepting them on July 1st. 

When do you receive your Schedule 1 if you file early?

As soon as Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS after being transmitted, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1. If you wait to file until after the IRS starts accepting Form 2290 however, it might be several days before you receive your stamped Schedule 1.

With all of the amazing benefits pre-filing it would be great to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity. What are you waiting for? Pre-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and pay your tax later once the IRS accepts it and get your Schedule 1 ahead of the rest! 

FAQ Friday: What Are Credits?

What Are Credits In ExpressTruckTax?

Each time someone pays for their return with ExpressTruckTax, they are required to pay a filing fee which depends on how many trucks you are filing for. When filing with ExpressTruckTax, a credit card is required, and entering the information each time can start to get repetitive after a while. By using the wallet feature in ExpressTruckTax, clients can purchase credits in advance and use them to pay for the filing of Form 2290. By purchasing these credits, you will receive a discount for buying them in bulk. 

Who Can Purchase Credits?

Anyone who needs to file Form 2290 has the option to purchase these credits to not only save money but pay in advance for them and not have to worry about paying later. Credits are especially beneficial for CPAs and businesses who file for large amounts of businesses.

The Benefits Of Purchasing Credits In ExpressTruckTax?

The biggest benefit of the credits is that they don’t expire. You can save them in your wallet and use them when you need them. By purchasing these credits users can save 10% or more on filing fees. Buying these credits greatly benefits those who need to file Form 2290 for multiple vehicles or they file for multiple people. They are time-efficient and make your payment process simpler.

What are you waiting for? If you file multiple Form 2290s then purchase credits today and save time and money!

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Qué es una Tarjeta de Combustible?

Cada semana presentaremos una pregunta frecuente y la explicaremos más detalladamente. Esta semana vamos a hablar sobre las tarjetas de combustible, qué son, qué hacen y cómo benefician a los camioneros.

¿Qué es una Tarjeta de Combustible?

Una tarjeta de combustible es como una tarjeta de crédito, pero a menudo la emiten compañías para las que conducen los conductores. Con estas tarjetas, los conductores pueden pagar el combustible y otros gastos en las paradas de camiones en lugar de usar efectivo, una tarjeta de débito o una tarjeta de crédito normal. Esto permite a las empresas ahorrar dinero en costos de combustible y reducir el tiempo requerido para procesar a los empleados que reclaman los gastos de combustible de la empresa.

ÂżCĂłmo benefician las tarjetas de combustible a los camioneros?

No solo se aceptan tarjetas de combustible en más de 12,000 paradas de camiones en todo el país, sino que cuando las use, pagará el precio en efectivo en la bomba, sin importar dónde se detenga. También brindan altos retornos a su presupuesto de combustible con descuentos negociados previamente. Las aplicaciones móviles lo ayudan a encontrar los mejores precios de combustible y administrar su cuenta de combustible y los conductores, incluso cuando está en movimiento.

¿Qué tiene esto que ver con ExpressTruckTax?

EFS, un conocido proveedor de tarjetas de combustible, se asocia con ExpressTruckTax para ofrecerle la tarjeta de combustible ExpressTruckTax. Este es un beneficio exclusivo para los clientes de ExpressTruckTax y viene repleto de increĂ­bles ahorros de costos, descuentos de combustible negociados previamente, seguridad e informes lĂ­deres en la industria, además de una gama completa de productos diseñados para permitirle concentrarse en hacer crecer su negocio. Seguridad y controles lĂ­deres en la industria que le permiten elegir exactamente quĂ© se puede cargar a su cuenta, por quiĂ©n y por quĂ© montos. Esto puede ayudar a regular las compras con su tarjeta. Los beneficios de esta tarjeta no terminan ahĂ­. Los informes de alta resoluciĂłn muestran los detalles de las transacciones de elementos de lĂ­nea y nunca lo dejan adivinando exactamente cuánto están cargando sus conductores a su tarjeta de combustible. Esta tarjeta de combustible tambiĂ©n incluye administraciĂłn de cuenta en lĂ­nea gratuita que le permite ver transacciones, solicitar nuevas tarjetas y realizar cambios en su cuenta desde cualquier lugar donde tenga conexiĂłn a Internet. 

Al usar esta tarjeta de combustible de EFS, puede ahorrar entre 10 y 15 centavos por galón en promedio. Incluso puede usar esta tarjeta en Canadá. Si bien esta tarjeta no tiene una tarifa anual, hay una pequeña tarifa por uso, pero los ahorros siempre superan los costos de uso.

¿Qué estás Esperando?

Ahora que sabes lo que es una tarjeta de combustible, ¿Qué esperas? Regístrese para uno hoy y comience a ahorrar en combustible tan pronto como lo aprueben. Contáctenos al (704)-234-6005 para más detalles.

FAQ Friday: What is a Fuel Card?

Each week we will feature a Frequently Asked Question and explain it more in detail. This week we are going to discuss Fuel Cards, what they are, what they do, and how they benefit truckers. 

What is a Fuel Card?

A fuel card is like a credit card but it is often issued by companies that drivers drive for. With these cards, drivers can pay for fuel and other expenses at truck stops instead of using cash, a debit card, or a regular credit card. This enables companies to save money on fuel costs and reduce the time required to process employees claiming back business fuel expenses. 

How Fuel Cards Benefit Truckers?

Not only are fuel cards accepted at over 12,000 truck stops nationwide but when you use them you will pay cash price at the pump, no matter where you stop. They also provide high returns to your fuel budget with pre-negotiated discounts. Mobile apps help you find the best fuel prices and manage your fuel account and drivers even when on the go.

What does this have to do with ExpressTruckTax?

EFS, a well-known fuel card provider, partners with ExpressTruckTax to bring you the ExpressTruckTax Fuel Card. This is an exclusive benefit for ExpressTruckTax customers and comes packed with incredible cost savings, pre-negotiated fuel discounts, industry-leading security, and reporting, plus an entire array of products designed to let you focus on growing your business. Industry-leading security and controls that let you choose exactly what may be charged to your account, by whom, and for what amounts. This can help regulate the purchases on your card. The benefits of this card don’t stop there. High-resolution reports show line-item transaction details and never leave you guessing exactly what your drivers are charging to your fuel card. This fuel card also includes free online account management that lets you view transactions, order new cards and make changes to your account from anywhere you have an internet connection.

By using this fuel card from EFS, you can save between 10 and 15 cents per gallon on average. You can even use this card in Canada. While this card has no annual fee, there is a small fee for usage but the savings will always outweigh the usage costs.

What are you waiting for?

Now that you know what a fuel card is, what are you waiting for? Sign up for one today and start saving on fuel as soon as you get approved! Contact us at (704)-234-6005 for more details.