Tag: Expresstrucktax giveaway

3 Reasons To E-File Form 2290 Early With ExpressTruckTax.com

Hey, it’s Amber from ExpressTruckTax, and I’m going to give you three reasons why you should file your 2023-24 Form 2290 today.

#1 Win A Bluetooth Headset

Reason number one is that when you file your 23-24 Form 2290 in May, you are automatically entered to win a Blue Parrot Bluetooth headset. And you don’t want to miss out on that, so get yourself a new headset, file your 2290. It’s a win-win, just do it!

#2 Avoid The Rush

Number two is that you don’t have to worry about the 2290 deadline. You know, as you’re driving, wonderful summertime breeze flowing through your locks of hair, you don’t have to worry about, ‘Oh, the 2290 deadline is coming up.’ You’ve already done it in the first week of July.

It’s going to be processed, and you’re going to get your stamped Schedule 1. If you’re leased with the company, your company can automatically get a stamped Schedule 1 as well. So you don’t have to worry about sending it to them. It’s done, it’s over with.

#3 Fix Any Mistakes

And number three, if you do have any mistakes, you have longer to correct those mistakes. And so again, when your return is processed in the first week of July, if it’s rejected due to a number of different reasons, you have almost two months to correct that. So those are the top three reasons why you should file your 2290 today in May of 2023 for the 23-24 Form 2290.

More Reasons to Choose ExpressTruckTax

Again, ExpressTruckTax is the number one IRS-authorized E-File provider. What that means in non-tax language is that we are number one among truckers. We are the most trusted e-file provider. We will keep your information safe, and we are US-based.

So those are the top reasons why truckers choose ExpressTruckTax. And we have customer support. We actually answer our phones. Again, another reason why truckers choose ExpressTruckTax.

ExpressTruckTax Support

So if you do have questions about your Form 2290, please give us a call at 704-234-6005, or you can email us at support@ExpressTruckTax.com. We also have a live chat option available. And so if you’re on ExpressTruckTax, there’s a little chat bubble. Click that, and you’ll get directly to our support team as well.

So go ahead, file your 2023-24 Form 2290 today to automatically be entered to win the Bluetooth headset. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to help you this year.

Enter For Your Chance To Win A BlueParrott Bluetooth Headset! (Closed)

Rev up your summer with the official ExpressTruckTax pre-filing giveaway! Simply file your 2023-24 Form 2290 by May 31, 2023, and you’ll automatically be entered to win a BlueParrott B450-XT Noise Canceling Bluetooth Headset! 

As the market-leading Form 2290 e-file provider, ExpressTruckTax has been the go-to solution for trucking companies for the past decade. And now, on top of all the benefits you’ll get from choosing us, you’ll also have the chance to score some great freebies!

On June 1st, 2023, we’ll announce the lucky winner live on Facebook. So don’t wait – take advantage of this amazing opportunity to rev up your summer with a brand-new Bluetooth headset!

Load up and hit the road with ExpressTruckTax today!


You must transmit a 2023-24 Form 2290 by midnight on May 31st, 2023 to enter to win.

By entering an ExpressTruckTax Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “ExpressTruckTax” means Span Enterprises LLC or any of its affiliates.


Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have an ExpressTruckTax account and are 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of ExpressTruckTax, its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Prize(s) and Winner Selection Method

ExpressTruckTax will award a prize to one or more individuals who file their 2023-24 Form 2290 on ExpressTruckTax.com between 5/1/2023-5/31/2023. Potential winner(s) will be selected at random from among all eligible entries received. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If you are a winner, an e-mail notification will be sent to you.

You must have an ExpressTruckTax account and have filed a 2023-24 Form 2290 before May 31, 2023, in order to enter or receive a prize. Limit one entry per person and household using only one ExpressTruckTax.com account per Sweepstakes. Prize(s) will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Prize(s) will be delivered by ExpressTruckTax.com.

Each prize will be awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). If you win a prize, you may not transfer, assign, or redeem the prize for cash. ExpressTruckTax may substitute a prize with a prize of equal or greater value.

How to Enter. You will automatically be entered to win a prize when you transmit a 2023-24 Form 2290 before May 31, 2023.  If you do not wish to automatically be entered into the sweepstakes, you must notify us by email at support@expresstrucktax.com. If you choose to promote your entry (including that you filed your Form 2290) via social media or other channels, you should disclose your connection to the Sweepstakes. For example, it may be sufficient to include a statement such as #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

This giveaway is not associated with Facebook.com or Twitter.com.

Other Sweepstakes. Additional Terms. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, reserves the right to modify or cancel a Sweepstakes at any time. Sponsor and ExpressTruckTax and its affiliates are not responsible for: (a) lost, misdirected, late, or incomplete entries or for inaccurate entry information; (b) any operation or transmission error, theft, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or (c) damage to any computer or device resulting from downloading Sweepstakes materials. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, may disqualify any individual found to be: (x) tampering with a Sweepstakes; (y) violating these Terms & Conditions; or (z) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner or with intent to threaten or harass any person. Incomplete and robotic, automatic, programmed or similar entries will be disqualified. The authorized subscriber of the account used to enter a Sweepstakes at the actual time of entry will be deemed to be the participant and must comply with these Terms & Conditions in the event of a dispute as to entries submitted by multiple users having the same e-mail account.

If any errors occur in the selection of a potential winner, or if more prizes are claimed than specified, Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax may award the prize(s) by random drawing from among all eligible claimants. All prizes made available for a Sweepstakes may not be awarded in the event Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax does not receive a sufficient number of qualified and eligible entries for an applicable Sweepstakes.

Miscellaneous. Each Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the United States. By entering a Sweepstakes, you agree (for yourself and your heirs) that Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and each of their respective affiliates and agents, and any entity involved in any aspect of the Sweepstakes (all aforementioned parties are collective, the “Released Parties”) will have no liability, and will be held harmless from and against liability, loss, injury or damage to property or person, including death, and reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in the Sweepstakes, even if caused or contributed to by the negligence of any of the Released Parties.

Nuestro Sorteo Por Hacer su Formulario por Anticipo Está de Regreso y Mejor que Nunca, ¡Participe Para Ganar Hoy!

Cada mes de Mayo, ExpressTruckTax trabaja arduamente para brindarle la opción de hacer su Formulario 2290 con anticipación. La presentación del formulario comienza oficialmente el 1ro. de Julio y se vence el 31 de Agosto. Al elegir presentar su declaración temprano con ExpressTruckTax, evitará la avalancha de personas que intentan hacer su declaración en Julio y Agosto. La presentación anticipada garantizará que sea una de las primeras personas en recibir su Anexo 1 sellado. ExpressTruckTax transmitirá los Formularios 2290 presentados anticipadamente tan pronto como el IRS comience a aceptarlos el 1 de Julio. ¡Cuando presente su solicitud temprano, participará en nuestro sorteo para tener la oportunidad de ganar algunos premios increíbles! ¡Síguenos en Facebook para tener aún más oportunidades de ganar!

¡Vea a continuación nuestro calendario de sorteos!

20 de Mayo – Tarjeta de regalo para Denny’s
27 de Mayo – Auriculares BlueParrot B250-XTS
3 de Junio – Tarjeta de regalo para Denny’s
10 de Junio – Tarjeta de regalo para Denny’s
17 de Junio – Tarjeta de regalo para Denny’s
24 de Junio – Auriculares BlueParrot B250-XTS
1ro. de Julio – Navegador GPS Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S


La presentación y el pago para transmitir un Formulario 2290 es necesario para participar y ganar.

Al participar en un Sorteo ExpressTruckTax (cada uno, un “Sorteo”), estará sujeto a estos Términos y condiciones y reconoce que cumple con todos los requisitos de elegibilidad. “ExpressTruckTax” significa Span Enterprises LLC o cualquiera de sus afiliados.


Al hacer su Formulario 2290 antes (entre el 16 de Mayo y el 30 de Junio), los seguidores de Facebook que también comenten qué tipo de camión conducen y les guste la publicación de Facebook participarán automáticamente para ganar un auricular BlueParrot B250-XTS (27 de Mayo y 24 de Junio). ) o Navegador GPS Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S (1ro. de Julio).


Abierto a residentes legales individuales de los 50 Estados Unidos o el Distrito de Columbia que tengan una cuenta ExpressTruckTax y tengan 18 años de edad o la mayoría de edad legal en su estado de residencia antes de la fecha de participación. Los empleados de ExpressTruckTax, sus afiliados y sus familiares inmediatos no son elegibles para participar.

Premio(s) y método de selección del ganador

El Patrocinador otorgará un premio a una o más personas que presenten su Formulario 2290 2022-23 en ExpressTruckTax.com entre el 16/5/2022 y el 30/6/2022. Los posibles ganadores se seleccionarán al azar entre todas las participaciones elegibles recibidas. Las probabilidades de ganar dependen de la cantidad de participaciones elegibles recibidas. Si resulta ganador, se le enviará una notificación por correo electrónico.

Debe tener una cuenta ExpressTruckTax y haber presentado un formulario 2290 2022-23 antes del 30 de Junio de 2022 para poder ingresar y recibir la tarjeta de regalo para Denny’s o el navegador GPS Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S.

 Límite de una entrada por persona y hogar usando solo una cuenta de ExpressTruckTax.com por Sorteo. El(los) premio(s) serán entregados por el Patrocinador. Los premios serán entregados por ExpressTruckTax.com.

Cada premio se otorgará “tal cual” y sin garantía de ningún tipo, expresa o implícita (incluida, entre otras, cualquier garantía implícita de comerciabilidad o idoneidad para un propósito particular). Si gana un premio, no puede transferir, ceder ni canjear el premio por dinero en efectivo. ExpressTruckTax puede sustituir un premio por otro de igual o mayor valor.

Cómo participar: participará automáticamente para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de Denny’s tras la transmisión de un Formulario 2290 2022-23. Si no desea participar automáticamente en el sorteo, debe notificarnos por correo electrónico a support@expresstrucktax.com o llámanos al 704.234.6005. Si elige promocionar su entrada (incluido que presentó su Formulario 2290) a través de las redes sociales u otros canales, debe divulgar su conexión con el Sorteo. Por ejemplo, puede ser suficiente incluir una declaración como #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

Este sorteo no está asociado con Denny’s, Garmin, BlueParrot o Facebook.com.

Otros Sorteos. Términos adicionales. El Patrocinador, junto con ExpressTruckTax, se reserva el derecho de modificar o cancelar un Sorteo en cualquier momento. El Patrocinador y ExpressTruckTax y sus afiliados no son responsables de: (a) entradas perdidas, mal dirigidas, tardías o incompletas o por información de entrada inexacta; (b) cualquier error de operación o transmisión, robo, acceso no autorizado o alteración de las entradas; o (c) daños a cualquier computadora o dispositivo como resultado de la descarga de materiales del Sorteo. El Patrocinador, junto con ExpressTruckTax, puede descalificar a cualquier persona que se descubra: (x) manipulando un Sorteo; (y) violar estos Términos y condiciones; o (z) actuar de manera antideportiva o perturbadora o con la intención de amenazar o acosar a cualquier persona. Las inscripciones incompletas y robóticas, automáticas, programadas o similares serán descalificadas. Se considerará que el suscriptor autorizado de la cuenta utilizada para participar en un Sorteo en el momento real de la participación es el participante y deberá cumplir con estos Términos y condiciones en caso de disputa sobre las participaciones enviadas por varios usuarios que tengan la misma cuenta de correo electrónico. .

No se otorgarán más premios que la cantidad indicada en la página de inicio del Sorteo. Si se produce algún error en la selección de un posible ganador, o si se reclaman más premios de los especificados, el Patrocinador o ExpressTruckTax puede otorgar los premios por sorteo al azar entre todos los reclamantes elegibles. Es posible que no se otorguen todos los premios disponibles para un Sorteo en caso de que el Patrocinador o ExpressTruckTax no reciba una cantidad suficiente de participaciones calificadas y elegibles para un Sorteo aplicable.

Misceláneos. Cada Sorteo se rige por las leyes de los Estados Unidos. Al participar en un Sorteo, usted acepta (para usted y sus herederos) que el Patrocinador, ExpressTruckTax y cada uno de sus respectivos afiliados y agentes, y cualquier entidad involucrada en cualquier aspecto del Sorteo (todas las partes antes mencionadas son colectivas, las “Partes Liberadas” ) no tendrá ninguna responsabilidad y será exonerado de toda responsabilidad, pérdida, lesión o daño a la propiedad o a la persona, incluida la muerte, y los honorarios razonables de abogados y costas judiciales, adeudados en su totalidad o en parte, directa o indirectamente, por razón de la aceptación, posesión, uso o mal uso de un premio o participación en el Sorteo, incluso si fue causado o contribuido por la negligencia de cualquiera de las Partes Liberadas.

Usted acepta que las decisiones del Patrocinador relacionadas con cada Sorteo y toda distribución de premios son definitivas. Cada ganador acepta que, al participar en un Sorteo, el Patrocinador, ExpressTruckTax y sus respectivos afiliados pueden usar el nombre del ganador de cualquier manera y en cualquier medio para fines promocionales sin compensación adicional, incluida la publicación en una lista de ganadores, excepto donde esté prohibido por la ley, y el Patrocinador, ExpressTruckTax y sus respectivos afiliados pueden estar obligados a revelar la dirección del ganador a las autoridades reguladoras estatales.

Aviso de privacidad: Toda la información enviada en relación con este Sorteo se tratará de acuerdo con estos Términos y condiciones, la Política de privacidad de ExpressTruckTax.

Our Pre-Filing Giveaway Is Back and Better Than Ever, Enter To Win Today!

Every May ExpressTruckTax works hard to bring you the option to file your Form 2290 early. Filing for the form officially starts July 1st with a deadline of August 31st. By choosing to file early with ExpressTruckTax you will beat the rush of people trying to file in July and August. Filing early will ensure that you will be one of the first people to receive your stamped Schedule 1. ExpressTruckTax will transmit the early filed Form 2290s as soon as the IRS starts accepting them on July 1st. When you file early, you will be entered into our giveaway for a chance to win some awesome prizes! Follow us on Facebook for even more chances to win!

See below for our Giveaway Schedule!

May 20th – Denny’s Gift Card
May 27th – BlueParrot B250-XTS Headset
June 3rd – Denny’s Gift Card
June 10th – Denny’s Gift Card
June 17th – Denny’s Gift Card
June 24th – BlueParrot B250-XTS Headset
July 1st – Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S GPS Navigator


The filing & payment to transmit a Form 2290 is necessary to enter to win.

By entering an ExpressTruckTax Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “ExpressTruckTax” means Span Enterprises LLC or any of its affiliates.


By filing your Form 2290 early (between May 16 – June 30), Facebook followers who also comment what type of truck they drive, and like the Facebook post will automatically be entered to win a BlueParrot B250-XTS Headset (May 27th and June 24th) or Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S GPS Navigator (July 1). 


Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have an ExpressTruckTax account and are 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of ExpressTruckTax, its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Prize(s) and Winner Selection Method

The Sponsor will award a prize to one or more individuals who file their 2022-23 Form 2290 on ExpressTruckTax.com between 5/16/2022-6/30/2022. Potential winner(s) will be selected at random from among all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If you are a winner, an e-mail notification will be sent to you.

You must have an ExpressTruckTax account and have filed a 2022-23 Form 2290 before June 30, 2022, in order to enter and receive the Denny’s gift card or Garmin dezl 580 LMT-S GPS Navigator.

 Limit one entry per person and household using only one ExpressTruckTax.com account per Sweepstakes. Prize(s) will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Prize(s) will be delivered by ExpressTruckTax.com.

Each prize will be awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). If you win a prize, you may not transfer, assign, or redeem the prize for cash. ExpressTruckTax may substitute a prize with a prize of equal or greater value.

How to Enter: You will automatically be entered to win a Denny’s gift card upon the transmission of a 2022-23 Form 2290. If you do not wish to automatically be entered into the sweepstakes, you must notify us by email at support@expresstrucktax.com or call us at 704.234.6005. If you choose to promote your entry (including that you filed your Form 2290) via social media or other channels, you should disclose your connection to the Sweepstakes. For example, it may be sufficient to include a statement such as #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

This giveaway is not associated with Denny’s, Garmin, BlueParrot, or Facebook.com.

Other Sweepstakes. Additional Terms. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, reserves the right to modify or cancel a Sweepstakes at any time. Sponsor and ExpressTruckTax and its affiliates are not responsible for: (a) lost, misdirected, late, or incomplete entries or for inaccurate entry information; (b) any operation or transmission error, theft, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or (c) damage to any computer or device resulting from downloading Sweepstakes materials. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, may disqualify any individual found to be: (x) tampering with a Sweepstakes; (y) violating these Terms & Conditions; or (z) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner or with intent to threaten or harass any person. Incomplete and robotic, automatic, programmed, or similar entries will be disqualified. The authorized subscriber of the account used to enter a Sweepstakes at the actual time of entry will be deemed to be the participant and must comply with these Terms & Conditions in the event of a dispute as to entries submitted by multiple users having the same email account.

No greater than the number of prizes stated on the Sweepstakes Landing Page will be awarded. If any errors occur in the selection of a potential winner, or if more prizes are claimed than specified, Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax may award the prize(s) by random drawing from among all eligible claimants. All prizes made available for a Sweepstakes may not be awarded in the event Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax does not receive a sufficient number of qualified and eligible entries for an applicable Sweepstakes.

Miscellaneous. Each Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the United States. By entering a Sweepstakes, you agree (for yourself and your heirs) that Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and each of their respective affiliates and agents, and any entity involved in any aspect of the Sweepstakes (all aforementioned parties are collective, the “Released Parties”) will have no liability, and will be held harmless from and against liability, loss, injury or damage to property or person, including death, and reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in the Sweepstakes, even if caused or contributed to by the negligence of any of the Released Parties.

You agree that the Sponsor’s decisions related to each Sweepstakes and all distribution of prizes are final. Each winner agrees that, by participating in a Sweepstakes, Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and their respective affiliates may use the winner’s name in any manner and in any medium for its promotional purposes without additional compensation, including posting in a winner’s list, except where prohibited by law, and Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and their respective affiliates may be required to disclose the winner’s address to state regulatory authorities.

Privacy Notice: All information submitted in connection with these Sweepstakes will be treated in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, ExpressTruckTax’s Privacy Policy.

[CLOSED] We’re Upping Our Game With Another Giveaway in June!

Our May pre-filing giveaway was so well received that we’re upping our game in June!

Pre-File your 2021-22 Form 2290 by June 30, 2021, and you will be automatically entered to win an even better BlueParrott B550-XT headset and ExpressTruckTax swag bag!

On July 1st, 2021 we will announce the winner via live on Facebook! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to win your own BlueParrott B550-XT noise-cancelling headset.


The filing & payment to transmit a Form 2290 is necessary to enter to win.

By entering an ExpressTruckTax Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “ExpressTruckTax” means Span Enterprises LLC or any of its affiliates.


Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have an ExpressTruckTax account and are 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of ExpressTruckTax, its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Prize(s) and Winner Selection Method

The Sponsor will award a prize to one or more individuals who file their 2021-22 Form 2290 on ExpressTruckTax.com between 6/1/2021-6/30/2021. Potential winner(s) will be selected at random from among all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If you are a winner, an e-mail notification will be sent to you.

You must have an ExpressTruckTax account and have filed a 2021-22 Form 2290 before June 30, 2021, in order to enter or receive a prize. Limit one entry per person and household using only one ExpressTruckTax.com account per Sweepstakes. Prize(s) will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Prize(s) will be delivered by ExpressTruckTax.com.

Each prize will be awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). If you win a prize, you may not transfer, assign, or redeem the prize for cash. ExpressTruckTax may substitute a prize with a prize of equal or greater value.

How to Enter. You will automatically be entered to win a prize upon the transmission of a 2021-22 Form 2290. If you do not wish to automatically be entered into the sweepstakes, you must notify us by email at support@expresstrucktax.com or call us at 704.234.6005. If you choose to promote your entry (including that you filed your Form 2290) via social media or other channels, you should disclose your connection to the Sweepstakes. For example, it may be sufficient to include a statement such as #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

This giveaway is not associated with BlueParrott, Facebook.com, or Twitter.com.

Other Sweepstakes. Additional Terms. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, reserves the right to modify or cancel a Sweepstakes at any time. Sponsor and ExpressTruckTax and its affiliates are not responsible for: (a) lost, misdirected, late, or incomplete entries or for inaccurate entry information; (b) any operation or transmission error, theft, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or (c) damage to any computer or device resulting from downloading Sweepstakes materials. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, may disqualify any individual found to be: (x) tampering with a Sweepstakes; (y) violating these Terms & Conditions; or (z) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner or with intent to threaten or harass any person. Incomplete and robotic, automatic, programmed or similar entries will be disqualified. The authorized subscriber of the account used to enter a Sweepstakes at the actual time of entry will be deemed to be the participant and must comply with these Terms & Conditions in the event of a dispute as to entries submitted by multiple users having the same e-mail account.

No greater than the number of prizes stated on the Sweepstakes Landing Page will be awarded. If any errors occur in the selection of a potential winner, or if more prizes are claimed than specified, Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax may award the prize(s) by random drawing from among all eligible claimants. All prizes made available for a Sweepstakes may not be awarded in the event Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax does not receive a sufficient number of qualified and eligible entries for an applicable Sweepstakes.

Miscellaneous. Each Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the United States. By entering a Sweepstakes, you agree (for yourself and your heirs) that Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and each of their respective affiliates and agents, and any entity involved in any aspect of the Sweepstakes (all aforementioned parties are collective, the “Released Parties”) will have no liability, and will be held harmless from and against liability, loss, injury or damage to property or person, including death, and reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in the Sweepstakes, even if caused or contributed to by the negligence of any of the Released Parties.

You agree that the Sponsor’s decisions related to each Sweepstakes and all distribution of prizes are final. Each winner agrees that, by participating in a Sweepstakes, Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and their respective affiliates may use the winner’s name in any manner and in any medium for its promotional purposes without additional compensation, including posting in a winner’s list, except where prohibited by law, and Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and their respective affiliates may be required to disclose the winner’s address to state regulatory authorities.

Privacy Notice: All information submitted in connection with this Sweepstakes will be treated in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, ExpressTruckTax’ Privacy Policy.

[CLOSED] Enter For a Chance To Win A Bluetooth Headset!

Load’er up and hammer on this summer with the official ExpressTruckTax pre-filing giveaway!

File your 2021-22 Form 2290 by May 31, 2021, and you will be automatically entered to win a Bluetooth headset and so much more.

For the last 10 years, ExpressTruckTax has been a market-leader for Form 2290 filing. There are plenty of incentives for choosing the truck industry’s leading Form 2290 filing solution and FREE gifts are one of them!

On June 1st, 2021 we will announce the winner via live on Facebook! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to load’er up and hammer on with a new Bluetooth headset.


The filing & payment to transmit a Form 2290 is necessary to enter to win.

By entering an ExpressTruckTax Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “ExpressTruckTax” means Span Enterprises LLC or any of its affiliates.


Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have an ExpressTruckTax account and are 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of ExpressTruckTax, its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Prize(s) and Winner Selection Method

The Sponsor will award a prize to one or more individuals who file their 2021-22 Form 2290 on ExpressTruckTax.com between 5/14/2021-5/30/2021. Potential winner(s) will be selected at random from among all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If you are a winner, an e-mail notification will be sent to you.

You must have an ExpressTruckTax account and have filed a 2021-22 Form 2290 before May 31, 2021, in order to enter or receive a prize. Limit one entry per person and household using only one ExpressTruckTax.com account per Sweepstakes. Prize(s) will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Prize(s) will be delivered by ExpressTruckTax.com.

Each prize will be awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). If you win a prize, you may not transfer, assign, or redeem the prize for cash. ExpressTruckTax may substitute a prize with a prize of equal or greater value.

How to Enter. You will automatically be entered to win a prize upon the transmission of a 2021-22 Form 2290. If you do not wish to automatically be entered into the sweepstakes, you must notify us by email at support@expresstrucktax.com or call us at 704.234.6005. If you choose to promote your entry (including that you filed your Form 2290) via social media or other channels, you should disclose your connection to the Sweepstakes. For example, it may be sufficient to include a statement such as #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

This giveaway is not associated with Facebook.com, or Twitter.com.

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