Hard to believe another tax season has come and gone; it seems like it just began. Today officially marks the deadline for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes and Form 2290, and for those of you that haven’t filed yet, it’s time to get a move on!
How Can I File Today?
Just head on over to ExpressTruckTax.com, and you can get e-filed and receive your Schedule 1 in minutes! If you haven’t already filed with us before, you’ll need to create an account. All you’ll need to e-file is your:
- EIN (employer identification number)
- Vehicle VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
- Vehicle Taxable Gross Weight (Weight of Truck+Trailer+Maximum Load)
Plus, if you’ve filed with us before and none of your information has changed, you can copy last year’s return! Just click “Start New Return” from your dashboard after login, and then after choosing the tax year and first used month, just select “Copy a Previously Accepted Return”. No needless data entry, just click, pay, and transmit. Doesn’t get much easier than that, right?
What Happens if I Don’t Get Filed Today?
Well we don’t want to scare you but if you don’t file on time, you will be subject to late fees and penalties. The penalty for late payment of highway use taxes is 4.5% interest that accrues monthly on the total tax amount due. So for those of you with larger tax bills be sure that you file on time, because the interest will add up in a hurry.
If you need any help going through our software or have any 2290 related questions, just give our support specialists a call at 704.234.6005, or email us at support@expresstrucktax.com. We’ll be extending our support hours just for YOU! That’s right, we’ll be here all day for the deadline to help answer any of your questions and to make sure you get filed.