How It Works: Applying A 2290 Credit To A New Truck

May 28, 2014

Have you had a taxable vehicle that was sold, destroyed, or stolen before June 1 of the current tax year? It happens, but hey you just keep on truckin’ and get a new truck, but do you know how to claim a credit for your sold/destroyed/stolen truck and apply it to a 2290 HVUT for your new truck?

applying 2290 credit

Believe it or not, it is a really simple process. You can e-file your 2290 for your new truck and apply a credit from your sold/destroyed/stolen truck all at the same time. Let’s go over how the process works in

First make sure you have the information needed for the new truck: VIN and vehicle gross weight. For your sold/destroyed/stolen truck you will need:

  • date of sale (or when it was taken out of service)
  • first used month & year of the 2290 return when you paid the taxes for this truck 
  • VIN
  • taxable gross weight 

If you don’t have an account with ExpressTruckTax, that’s not a problem, you can create an account now.
Once you are logged in and on the dashboard page, select “Start New Return”. Choose the option on the left for Form 2290. Then follow the prompts to enter you new truck as a taxable vehicle.

NOTE: If the truck will be traveling less than 5,000 in one year (or less than 7,500 for agricultural trucks) you will enter your new truck information under “Suspended Vehicles”.

After you have entered your new truck information, you will click on “Next” in the bottom right corner until you hit the Sold/Destroyed Credits page. On this page you will enter the information for your truck that was sold/destroyed/stolen.

Once you click on “Save”, you will see the applied credit on the right side of the screen (under Total Credits). Then you simply proceed through the final steps of the e-filing process to transmit your return to the IRS.

If you need any help when e-filing your 2290, please do not hesitate give us a call. You can reach the ExpressTruckTax Team via phone: 704-234-6005 or 24/7 email:

Oh before I forget, the 2nd Quarter IFTA deadline is coming up July 31st, and if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of IFTA filing, we have a great sister company – TSNA – that can take care of everything for you. They do everything from obtaining authorities, fuel/use taxes, permits, registrations, business start up services, and everything in-between. You can contact TSNA via phone: 803-386-0320 or email:

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