Category: VIN

Filing Period Now Open For First Used Vehicles in July 2013

When a new vehicle is placed in service, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the following month. So vehicles that were placed in service during the month of July will need to file HVUT using the 2290 by August 31st. August 31st also marks the annual deadline for the HVUT tax year.

You can E-File Form 2290 in minutes using ExpresssTruckTax.  All you will need is:

Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes! For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Form 2290 E-File Deadline for HVUT is Today!

Today is the last day to file Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for any vehicles first placed in service during the month of June. If you have not yet filed your Form 2290, you will want to E-File it today to avoid any possible IRS late fees, penalties and/or interest.

You can quickly and easily file online through Our program makes it incredibly simple for anyone to E-File their 2290 return online. All you will need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Weight of the Vehicle to complete the return.  Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes!

Your tax due will be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle will have been used during the tax year. So vehicles that were placed in service during the month of June will need to file HVUT using the Form 2290 by July 31st, and the tax will be based on 1 month, instead of the full year.

If you are on the road and unable to get to a computer before today’s deadline, you can use our mobile site at

If you need help along the way or have any questions, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Reminder: HVUT Due Tomorrow For First Used Vehicles in June 2013

Tomorrow, July 31st is the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicles first placed on public highways during the month of June. IRS Form 2290, is the form you use to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT.  this tax is imposed by the federal government in order to help pay for the damage done to our public highways by vehicles that weigh 55,000 or more.

You can pay your Highway Use Tax quickly and easily using  All you need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight.  You will have the option to choose which form of payment you would like to use to pay your IRS fees and then transmit your information directly to the IRS. Within minutes you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1, which is your receipt or proof that you filed your Form 2290.

If you are on the road and unable to get to a computer before Wednesday’s deadline, you can use our mobile site at

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

IRS Form 2290 Deadline

If you own or drive a Heavy Highway Vehicle, you are probably curious about the new tax period for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. The New Tax Year for Heavy Vehicles will begin on July 1, 2013 and end on June 30, 2014.

The Filing Season for this new Tax year begins on July 1, and the due date is typically the end of August, but since August 31st is a Saturday and Monday Is Labor Day, the final due date for Form 2290 is Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

If you put a new vehicle in use during the Tax period, then the due date will be the last day of the following month. For example, if a new vehicle is placed in service in August, the due date for the 2290 would be September 30th.

To File this Annual Excise Tax for Heavy Vehicles, you can use the IRS Approved E-File provider – For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

RecordKeeping Requirements For Form 2290

There are specific recordkeeping requirements regarding Form 2290.  According to the Instructions for the IRS Form 2290:
You must keep records for all taxable highway vehicles registered in your name for at least 3 years after the date the tax is due or paid, whichever is later. They must be available at all times for inspection by the IRS. Also keep copies of all returns and schedules you have filed. Keep your records even if a vehicle is registered in your name for only a portion of a period. If the tax is suspended on a highway motor vehicle for a period because its use on public highways during the period did not exceed 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles), the registrant must keep the records at least 3 years after the end of the period to which the suspension applies.

Records for each vehicle should show all of the following information. 

  • A detailed description of the vehicle, including the VIN 
  • The weight of loads carried by the vehicle in the same form as required by any state in which the vehicle is registered or required to be registered. 
  • The date you acquired the vehicle and the name and address of the person from whom you acquired it. 
  • The first month of each period in which a taxable use occurred and any prior month in which the vehicle was used in the period while registered in your name, with proof that the prior use was not a taxable use. 
  • The date the vehicle was sold or transferred and the name and address of the purchaser or transferee. If it was not sold, the records must show how and when you disposed of it. 
  • If the tax is suspended for a vehicle, keep a record of actual highway mileage. For an agricultural vehicle, keep accurate records of the number of miles it is driven on a farm.

When you use ExpressTruckTax to E-File Form 2290, your previous returns are readily available when you log into your account.  Should you ever be required to produce a Form 2290 Return, you can simply log into your account and print it out. No more looking through files to find it! allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

File Your Form 2290 On Time To Avoid Penalties

Filing your Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) can be time consuming and confusing.  The IRS has simplified this process by introducing the ability to E-File your Form 2290.  Now that you can E-File, you can complete the process within minutes and you have an online record of previous returns right there at your fingertips.  ExpressTruckTax is an IRS Authorized E-File Provider that makes this process even easier with their friendly US based customer support team who is ready to eager to lend a helping hand if necessary.  The program is very easy to use, even for those who are not too comfortable with a computer.

This tax is due every year and must be paid in full and on time or you will be assessed penalties and interest. The penalties for filing late will not be imposed if you can show reasonable cause for not filing on time. The penalty for failing to file IRS Form 2290 in a timely manner is equal to 4.5% of the total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis up to five months. Late filers not making an HVUT payment also face an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5% of total tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54% per month accrue as well.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Truck Zone – An Exclusive ExpressTruckTax Feature

The Truck Zone allows you to enter and store information for hundreds to thousands of Heavy Vehicles in one place. It’s like your digital garage. This exclusive feature gives you the ability to file, edit, amend, and sort your entire fleet in one place. The days of changing your vehicle’s information one at a time are over. No more going from place to place, trying to remember what you did on one page and transposing it somewhere else. Consolidate your work and enjoy efficiency.

If you want to file an IRS Form 2290 for 10 trucks,  with this feature you can simply select the 10 trucks that need to be filed and E-File them in minutes. When you want search for a specific schedule 1 either by trucks or unit numbers or drivers, you can come to the Truck Zone and enter the criteria you want and find the one you need.

We have a feature where you can upload a Schedule 1 (obtained by postal mail or done from other providers) that is associated with a particular VIN(s) and enter the other information like First used month, Tax year, Type of Return (2290, VIN correction or amendment) and who has paid for the schedule 1. This way there will just one report to look for the schedule 1’s.

We always strive to make the program better and easier for our customers to use, and this new feature allows you to save your vehicle information, and for your next return you will be able to select vehicles from the “Truck Zone” with just a few clicks.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

June 30th Deadline for Heavy Vehicles First Used in May 2013

As stated in the Form 2290 instructions found on, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of first use. June 30th  marks the Form 2290 filing deadline for any heavy vehicles that were first used in May 2013.

Any vehicles used less than 5,000 miles (7,500 miles agricultural) during the tax period will have no tax due to the IRS, but are still required to file their Form 2290 return to avoid any penalty.

To get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Free VIN Corrections With ExpressTruckTax

Mistakes happen all the time, especially when entering a VIN on the Form 2290. ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to correct a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) with our system. In order to file a VIN correction, taxpayers simply need to file an IRS 2290 Amendment. Typically the IRS processing time is the same as a standard 2290 form.

The process is simple. If you already have an account with us, you will click the green ‘Create New Return’ button from the ‘Dashboard’ page inside your account. Once you click this button, you will choose 2290 Amendment and then select the VIN correction option. The system will then walk you through the VIN correction filing process. Taxpayers can e-file a VIN correction through us even if the original 2290 was not filed through ExpressTruckTax!

There is no charge to e-file a VIN Correction however you will need to enter a valid credit card in order to authenticate the filing. The card will not be charged.

If you have any questions about the VIN correction, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC by phone at 704-234-6005 or email at We have Spanish Support too!

Filing Period Now Open For First Used Vehicles in May 2013

When a new vehicle is placed in service, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the following month. So vehicles that were placed in service during the month of May will need to file HVUT using the 2290 by June 30th.

Your tax will be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle will have been used during the tax year. If a vehicle was used during any part of a month, the tax will be calculated for that month as a whole. For example, if a vehicle was used on May 27th, it will be taxed as though it was used the entire month, regardless of the fact it was only used for a couple of days, and the tax will be based on 2 months, instead of the full year.

You can E-File Form 2290 in minutes using ExpresssTruckTax. All you will need is:

Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes! For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at We have Spanish Support too!