Category: VIN Corrections

Correcting a 2290: Part 1 – VIN Corrections

Correcting a 2290: Part 1 - VIN Corrections
Correcting a 2290: Part 1 – VIN Corrections

So you e-filed your HVUT 2290, but realize you made an error on your VIN, yet the IRS accepted it
anyway. What do you do?

Well, if you e-filed with us, you can just login and e-file one of the Form 2290 Amendments we offer – specifically, the free VIN correction!

Since filing season has come and gone, we decided that we’re going to spend the rest of the month focusing on a favorite subject of ours: HVUT amendments and corrections!

We know mistakes happen, and that includes mistakes on the IRS Form 2290. With our free VIN correction option, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. We also offer VIN corrections at a small cost, no matter who you filed with. What we’re saying is, we have you covered!

So how do you e-file a VIN correction?

VIN Correction Made Easy

It’s pretty simple, you just start at the dashboard (after signing in) like always, and then select Start New Return.

You’ll be promoted with a few options – just press Start under “Form 2290 Amendments.”

From here, you can choose if you want to file a VIN Correction, a Taxable Gross Weight Increase, or a Mileage Exceeded amendment.

After that, you simply let us know if you filed with us before, and then we’re on our way to fixing that VIN!

Remember, if you e-filed with ExpressTruckTax, you can just e-file a VIN correction without paying anything. However, we will need your credit card information for verification purposes, but the service itself is free. After you correct your VIN, your corrected Schedule 1 will arrive within minutes.

So You Need to Make a Correction After You E-Filed Form 2290?

Making Corrections to Form 2290 After E-Filed
Making Corrections to Form 2290

As we near the heavy vehicle use tax Form 2290 deadline, it’s worth remembering that we do our best to make sure you’re covered throughout the year.

We offer Form 2290 Amendments for both our filers, as well as any filers who didn’t file with us.

Free VIN Corrections

When you file form 2290 online for 2016-2017, it’s not unheard of to rush through the process and find yourself a few months later in a sticky situation.

For example, if you realize your vehicle identification number was entered wrong during the deadline.

Instead of freaking out, head back to ExpressTruckTax and file a free VIN correction!

And if you didn’t file with us, no worries – it’s just a small fee!

Taxable Gross Weight Increase

After you file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax return Form 2290, your vehicle’s taxable gross weight might increase.

If it does, simply login to ExpressTruckTax and e-file a 2290 Amendment for a taxable gross weight increase!

Mileage Exceeded

If a suspended vehicle exceeds the mileage limit, you need to e-file a 2290 Amendment. With a mileage exceeded, you can have us calculate and pay the excess tax for the year. All you need to do is e-file a truck tax Form 2290 Amendment for Mileage Exceeded.

So as we approach the 2290 truck tax due date, have no fear – we’ll be here to help you when you need to e-file a 2290 correction!

What are the Requirements for IRS Form 2290?

Requirements for IRS Form 2290 E File
Requirements for IRS Form 2290 E File

It’s almost truck tax time, Trucking Nation.

Which means you need to know the requirements to e-file IRS Form 2290.

Don’t worry, we have you covered. You simply need your taxable vehicle information, employer ID numbers, and the correct vehicle identification numbers.

Taxable Vehicle Information

What makes a taxable vehicle… taxable? A highway motor vehicle includes any self-propelled vehicle designed to carry a load over public highways and roadways, and can be designed for additional functions, as well.

A vehicle consists of a chassis and body, but excludes the load. No matter what the vehicle is designed for — whether it’s a highway passenger transportation vehicle or a designed special kind of cargo, there will need to be a 2290 filed for it.

Employer ID Numbers

An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is used to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN.

You need an EIN to file Form 2290. You can apply online to receive your EIN. If the customer has recently applied and received EIN from the IRS, it takes about 15 days to get into the e-file system. If you e-file your 2290 during this period, the IRS will reject the filing.

Correct Vehicle Identification Numbers

Another important requirement for Form 2290 is your vehicle identification number. Your VIN identifies the individual truck you are e-filing your HVUT 2290 for.

Unfortunately, the VIN is a string of numbers and letters—which means plenty of people get them wrong come tax time! Hey, we can’t blame you.

The good news is, we offer FREE Form 2290 VIN corrections!

When it comes time to e-file, you know that ExpressTruckTax is here for you! We’re ready to help you with our safe, secure software, user friendly features, and our dedicated, US-based customer support team.

Related Blog: 5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

What do You Get for $9.90?

You may have heard us constantly say we’re “the best value in the industry”, but what exactly do you get for the price?

Well, for starters:

  • No other IRS-authorized E-File Provider offers a price this low.
    • Priced at just $9.90, we truly are the best value in the industry. And with us, you get more than just e-filing: you get a great product and superior customer service.
  • We have the best customer support team in the industry.
    • In fact, we call them Support Legends because no matter who you get connected to, they can handle your questions with ease. All of them are fully trained and here all year around—whether it’s HVUT season or not. 
  • We work closely with truckers, owner-operators, and trucking associations.
    • That means we understand the industry and the frustration that comes with filing heavy vehicle use tax. Unlike other providers, we can provide you the best value and the best product specifically for the trucking industry!

    And all of that comes free! We haven’t even scratched the surface of everything ExpressTruckTax can do for you—and for just $9.90! We’ll be saving you some dolla dolla bills y’all.

    What You Get For the Price

    • The Ability to E-file Your 2290 With Ease
      • ExpressTruckTax provides you with a great and easy-to-use product. In fact, we have the most efficient e-filing process out there! All you have to do is follow three easy steps, and then you’re done. You can get your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes and get back to your life. It really is as easy as 1-2-3!
    • Stamped Schedule 1 (in Minutes!)
      • Getting your Stamped Schedule 1 with ExpressTruckTax is really easy! From start to finish, your journey to your Stamped Schedule 1 should take less than 10 minutes. Then you have your proof of filing and you’re well on your way to renewing your vehicle registration for the coming year. You can access your Stamped Schedule 1 with ExpressTruckTax one of three ways: 
        • 1. We will automatically email it to you
        • 2. There will be a copy in your ExpressTruckTax account on your Dashboard page
        • 3. You can have us fax or mail it to you, or anywhere you want.
    • Truck Zone
      • Truck Zone is a virtual garage that has been integrated into ExpressTruckTax. Whether you have one truck or a multitude, Truck Zone can help you securely organize all of your vehicle information. That way you only have to enter it once, and Truck Zone will remember it for you year after year.
    • Email Notifications
      • As soon as your Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS, you will get an email from us containing your Stamped Schedule 1. If your Form 2290 is rejected, we will also send you an email notification immediately with the exact reason for the rejection. That way you can pinpoint the exact error, correct it, and then you can re-transmit your 2290 to the IRS free of charge!
    • Form 2290 Archive
      • We also archive your Form 2290 and Stamped Schedule 1 on our secure server year after year. That means you can use our FastTransfer feature to copy your HVUT from a previous year so you don’t have to start over from scratch. Or if you ever lose your Stamped Schedule 1 and need to pull up a new one, we’ve got you covered.
    • Free VIN Corrections
      • Sometimes you can make some mistakes. Maybe you mixed up a letter or a number, or maybe you’re confusing one VIN with a different truck. It happens! That’s why we give you free VIN corrections. And it only takes a few minutes to file your correction with ExpressTruckTax.
    • Credits for sold/destroyed/stolen vehicles
      • If you sold your truck during the tax year and purchased a different vehicle, you can claim the credit for the sold truck and file your 2290 for your new truck on one return! The credit from the truck you sold will be automatically applied to the amount of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax you owe on your new truck.
    • Our Support Legends
      • They’re so good, I had to list them twice! If you have any questions about any part of the e-filing or amendment process, we have an amazing support team. Just give them a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at for 24/hour support in both English and Spanish. There is no problem they can’t solve!

    Free VIN Corrections: Only with ExpressTruckTax

    Everybody makes mistakes, even truck tax professionals. That’s why at ExpressTruckTax we are a  firm believer in second chances!

    After you e-file with us the first time, we offer you free VIN corrections just in case you make an error. That way you don’t have to pay another fee to file again just because you may have mixed up two numbers. It’s one of the endless perks we offer our returning users.

    However, if you didn’t file with us originally, you can always e-file a Form 2290 Amendment quickly and affordably through ExpressTruckTax.

    From start to finish, the whole process of e-filing corrections and amendments through ExpressTruckTax is very easy! Plus, it only takes a few minutes and then it’s right back to your life!

    In fact, if you’ve filed with us before, then the amendment process will be very familiar for you. Here’s how to file for VIN corrections of Form 2290 Amendments:

    Step 1: Log in or Create an Account

    • Once your account is created, or you’ve logged in, click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
    • Then select the Amendment you would like to file. For this case, you will choose VIN correction (though we also offer amendments for vehicle weight increase and exceeding the mileage limit).

    Step 2: Correction Time

    • Select whether you’d like to correct a return you previously e-filed with us, or one filed elsewhere.
    • Next enter your vehicle’s first-used month.
    • Select Add VIN Correction, and enter the vehicle’s originally-reported VIN (the one entered incorrectly). Then enter the gross weight, whether the vehicle is taxable or suspended, and lastly enter the new, correct VIN.
    • If you need to correct the VIN of more than one vehicle, click “Save and Add Another.” If you only need to correct one, just click “Save” and you’re done!

    Step 3: Review and Submit

    • Before you submit your information to the IRS, be sure to check for errors one last time. You definitely don’t want to have to file another amendment! Our Instant Audit will also scan your return for gaps and errors.
    • Now hit the big green “TRANSMIT” button to securely submit your VIN correction. Now all you have to do is wait for IRS approval!

    Once the IRS accepts your correction, you’ll get a shiny new Stamped Schedule 1! Most users receive theirs within 10 minutes of submitting their correction.

    You can also choose to set up additional notifications, and you can elect to have your return faxed to you or mailed to your carrier, home office, or even your accountant. Whatever works for you!

    As always, if you find yourself in times of trouble, give us a call at 704.234.6005 or send us an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish. Whatever you need, we’re here for you.

    It’s All about That VIN

    Everyone who has a vehicle has one, but many people have yet to unlock the secrets of the VIN. And there are secrets, Trucking Nation.

    But now you can consider all of your VIN questions answered! And maybe you’ll learn a few secret tidbits about VIN’s that you didn’t already know. Because it’s all about that VIN, y’all.

    What is a VIN

    A VIN or a Vehicle Identification Number (or even a Chassis number) is a unique code that includes a serial number. These codes are used by the auto industry for identifying specific vehicles.

    Vehicle Identification Numbers were first introduced to the vehicle industry in 1954, but they were not standardized until 1981. That’s when they became the identification codes we know today.

    Today, a VIN number is typically 17 characters long, and depending on the country your vehicle was made in, it can begin with a variety of letters– or even numbers in the case of North and South America.

    The Purpose of a VIN

    Before unlocking the secrets of a VIN, most people view them as some sort of mystery 17-digit identification code. But, there is a purpose!

    VIN’s can even be used to identify the make, model, weight class, and model year of your vehicle…just by using a 17-digit serial code! They also don’t include the letters I, O, or Q, so that people won’t confuse those letters with a number 1 or a 0.

    Where to Find My VIN

    The easiest way to locate your VIN is one of two ways because your VIN will be placed on one of two areas on your vehicle.

    The first way is to stand outside of your vehicle on the driver’s side and examine the corner of your dash where it meets the windshield.

    If your VIN is not located there, open your driver’s side door and look at the door post (where the door latches when it is closed). The number should be located there.

    What Does It Have to Do with E-filing?

    Since VIN’s contain special coded numbers and letters that describe your unique vehicle, it is imperative you use that identification code for anything pertaining to said vehicle. That includes truck taxes!

    As previously stated, VIN’s can be very telling. They contain your weight class, country of origin, the make, and model year. That means, it’s essentially a social security number for your vehicle.

    Plus, you want to make sure you pay taxes on the right vehicle and that everything is up-to-date for your own convenience. Because you’ll quickly learn that dealing with government bodies like the IRS and DMV without an identification number would be a nightmare.

    If you need any help taming the beast that is the IRS, we’re here for you! We have a dedicated support team located in Rock Hill, SC, standing by just for you. So give us a call at 704.234.6005 or send us an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish!

    And if you notice a VIN error on your Form 2290, you can e-file a VIN correction for free through for all returns originally filed with us!

    Perks for Returning Users: E-filing Easier Year After Year!

    After our guests E-file with us for the first time, they know they get the V.I.P. Treatment.

    Because once you make the switch to ExpressTruckTax, you’re family, and family means going the extra mile to make sure you’re taken care of!

    We strive to make every step of the E-filing experience as user-friendly as possible. Now we can proudly say, we definitely offer our returning customers some amazing perks!

    After you e-file with us for the first time…

    • You can copy your previous return and save time with the FastTransfer Feature.
    • You don’t EVER have to re-enter any information because we save your data for you on our secure servers. Your vehicles can be added to your return with one click because they’re all waiting for you in Truck Zone, your virtual garage!

    The V.I.P. Benefits

    But that’s not all! There is so much more ExpressTruckTax offers to their customers:

    Support Legends: Our support team is always there to answer your questions day or night. We offer 24-hour email support from our fully trained, one-of-a-kind support team all year long. Based in Rock Hill, SC, these support legends offer support in English & Spanish by phone, email, and chat. So if you’re even a little bit confused, give ‘em a call and they’ll help to steer you in the right direction!

    Freedom to E-file Anywhere: You can E-file from virtually anywhere. Because we have some apps for that! For the convenience of our amazing users, we offer both an iPad and Android tablet apps, as well as a mobile site for smartphones, so you can use ExpressTruckTax whenever it’s convenient for you.

    TruckZone: We also offer an exclusive feature called TruckZone, which is your very own virtual garage. You can add one truck or your entire fleet, and TruckZone will remember all of them. In fact, it can do even more than that. When you elect to use TruckZone, it will remember important dates like when you need to file for a specific truck or when a specific truck needs maintenance. And that is only the beginning!

    Convenient Payment Methods: Even though the IRS no longer accepts credit cards for payment, we still offer three ways to pay your taxes. With us you can pay by Direct Debit (EFW), EETPS through the government, or by check or money order. And if you decide you want to use a check, we also provide a payment voucher to be sent along with it!

    Instant Audit:
    Before you submit your return to the IRS, our system automatically checks it for errors. This is just one more fail-safe to make absolutely certain that the IRS doesn’t reject your tax form.

    Free VIN Corrections: If your return is rejected or if you made an error, not only will our amazing support team help you fix it ASAP, we’ll also let you retransmit it for free! We will not rest until your return has been accepted by the IRS! We’re just that dedicated.

    Notifications: You want push notifications, faxes, texts, and emails? We’ve got them! You don’t have to sit around waiting by your phone or fax machine, and you definitely don’t have to move in to your email inbox and end up worrying yourself sick wondering about the IRS. With us, you’ll know the second the IRS has processed your return! And we’ll automatically email you your stamped Schedule 1 too.

    Stamped Schedule 1 Instantly:
    With our high approval rating from the IRS, our users can expect to receive their Stamped Schedule 1 via email in minutes. In fact, the whole process from start to finish, beginning with e-filing, only takes around 15 minutes on average. If that’s not fast, then I don’t know what is!

    Then on top of all that, we also have the best value in the industry. Our filings start at just $9.90!

    So forget the paperwork, forget paper filing, and forget having to rewrite all that information year after year. There is no reason for all that stress once you start E-filing with ExpressTruckTax. Let us take care of the heavy lifting for you!

    If you let us, we could brag about ourselves and what we can offer you all day, but we want you to experience it first hand! So give our support team a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at, and we’ll help you get set up today!

    Instant Notifications on Your 2290’s Status: Only with ExpressTruckTax

    Biting your nails, pulling your hair, refreshing the page over and over as you wait for approval from the IRS. That’s no way to spend your down time!

    The days of logging into your account repeatedly (or worse- waiting for the mail carrier!) to bring you word from the IRS are over. 
    When you E-file with ExpressTruckTax, there’s no guesswork and no stress. As soon as you hit “transmit,” you can rest assured knowing you’ll receive a notification the instant your return is processed.

    In fact, there’s 4 convenient ways to stay up-to-date on the status of your return.

    4 Instant Notifications

    • Email: This one is automatic. All of our E-filers receive an email the moment the return has been processed by the IRS. If your return is accepted, you’ll receive an email with your new stamped Schedule 1 attached. If your return was rejected, you’ll receive an email with instructions for how to fix it. (And as a bonus, VIN corrections are free to E-file with us too!)
    • Text: From the payment options page, enter a phone number of your choosing to receive a text alert when your return has been accepted. You will not, however, receive your stamped Schedule 1 via text, but that can be retrieved by logging into your account at any time.
    • Fax: To receive a hard copy of your Form 2290 and stamped Schedule 1, simply enter a fax number on the payment page. And it doesn’t even have to be your fax. Fax it to your accountant, your carrier, or your home office–or all of the above if you like!
    • Postal Mail: No printer? No fax machine? Then opt for the postal mail delivery to get a hard copy of your 2290 and stamped Schedule 1 sent straight to your door. We’ll mail it out same day if your return is accepted by the IRS.

    Retrieve a Return–Anywhere, Anytime

    If you should ever lose your stamped Schedule 1 or need a hard copy, just login to your account. All returns E-filed with ExpressTruckTax can be viewed, downloaded, and printed from the Dashboard of your account. You can also fax a previous 2290 or Schedule 1 to as many fax machines as you like, and it’s free too!

    This is just one of the many ways ExpressTruckTax works to make your life easier. Taxes are arduous enough without adding the stress of the unknown on top of it. With us, you’ll always know where you stand and what you need to do next.

    But just in case you don’t, you can contact the support team for speedy answers to all of your questions. We’re available via phone at 704.234.6005. You can also chat with us online or get 24/7 email support at, in English or in Spanish! 

    Free VIN Corrections: Only with ExpressTruckTax

    Hola, Trucking Nation! Did you know that ExpressTruckTax offers completely FREE VIN Corrections?

    But only if your return was originally E-filed with us. It’s just one more perk we offer our returning guests.

    But even if you didn’t file with us originally, you can still E-file a Form 2290 Amendment quickly and affordably with ExpressTruckTax.

    And it’s easy to do, too. After all, we’re ExpressTruckTax. That’s how we roll!

    When E-filing a Form 2290 Amendment for a VIN Correction, you’ll follow the same simple three steps you use when E-filing any of our IRS Forms. And once you’re finished, you’ll receive your new, correct stamped Schedule 1 via email in just minutes!

    Let’s run through the process, and then get E-filing!

    Step 1: Create an Account or Log Back In

    • Once you’re logged into your account, click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
    • Then select which Amendment you’d like to file. In this case, choose VIN correction (we also offer amendments for vehicle weight increase & exceeding the mileage limit). 

    Step 2: Make the Correction

    • Select whether you’d like to correct a return E-filed with us, or one filed elsewhere.
    • Next enter the vehicle’s first-used month.
    • Then select Add VIN Correction, and enter the vehicle’s originally-reported VIN (the incorrect one). Then enter the gross weight, check whether the vehicle is taxable or suspended, and then enter the new, correct VIN.
    • To correct the VIN of more than one vehicle, click “Save and Add Another.” If you’re correcting only one, just Save and done!

    Step 3: Review & Submit

    • Before submitting your information to the IRS, be sure to check for errors one last time (wouldn’t want to file another amendment now, would we!). Our Instant Audit will also scan your return for gaps and errors. 
    • Now just hit the big, green TRANSMIT button to securely submit your VIN correction, and then kick back and wait for IRS approval. 

    Your new and improved stamped Schedule 1 will be sent to you the second the IRS accepts your correction. Most users receive theirs in 10 minutes.

    If you chose to receive additional notifications, you’ll receive those asap too. You can even elect to have your return faxed or mailed to your carrier, home office, or accountant–whatever is convenient for you!

    Need help E-filing your Amendment? Just ask one of our Support Team! They’re available in our sunny hometown of Rock Hill, SC, 24/7 to ensure you have a smooth E-filing experience. Ring them at 704.234.6005 or email them 24/7 at

    E-file Free VIN Corrections: Form 2290 Amendments

    Today may be #FridayFunDay, but I’m about to create a new Friday hashtag!

    Ya’ll ready for this?


    That’s right, ExpressTruckTax offers totally free VIN corrections for returns originally E-filed with us (and not just on Fridays!). All you need to do is quickly E-file a Form 2290 Amendment, and I’m

    about to show you how, fast & furious style…

    Step 1: Start at the very beginning…
    -Returning users login or new users create an account.
    -Click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
    -Choose “Form 2290 VIN Correction.”

    Step 2: Correct your VIN
    -Choose to amend a return E-filed with us, or choose to amend a return that was paper-filed or E-filed elsewhere.
    -Select the correct tax year and the vehicle’s first-used month.
    -Click “Add VIN Correction” and enter the vehicle’s originally reported VIN, gross weight, and corrected VIN.
    -Choose “Save” if done, or “Save & Add Another” if you made multiple boo boo’s.

    Step 3: You Did It!
    -Almost there, just review your info while our Instant Audit checks your return for errors! (You wouldn’t want to file an amendment for your amendment now, would you?!)
    -Finally, transmit your return to the IRS safely, and receive your spanking new stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!

    If you need help E-filing your amendment, our Support Heroes are standing by! Call them at 704.234.6005. They’re also on live chat or available for 24/7 email support at

    Mistakes happen. But we believe in second chances. Scope out our other lightening-fast 2290 Amendment E-filings:

    Exceeding the Mileage Limit

    Increase in Gross Vehicle Weight