Category: VIN Correction

Gross Vehicle Weight Increase: E-Filing Form 2290 Amendments

Gross Vehicle Weight Increase
Gross Vehicle Weight Increase

As part of our series on e-filing Form 2290 Amendments, we have to discuss the elephant in the room.

Yup, that’s right… Gross vehicle weight increases! If your truck goes up to the next weight class, that means you have to pay an increase on the heavy vehicle tax you owed during tax season.

Weight Classes

There are eight weight classes for trucks, and three weight categories. They include light duty, which is 6-15k lbs, medium duty, coming in at 14-26k lbs, and heavy duty, which ranges from 26k-33 lbs.

These three categories then get broken down into eight smaller weight classes. The weight class then determines how much you will owe in heavy vehicle use taxes for that year. The heavier your vehicle – the higher your taxes will be.

Gross Vehicle Weight Increases

With ExpressTruckTax, all you need to do is e-file a Form 2290 Amendment to account for your vehicle’s gross weight increase. It’s easy, it’s economical, and we’ll tell you how to do it!

After signing in, you start your amendment like we’ve discussed in our previous posts. Once inside the amendment form, you select your vehicle’s first-used month, and then select the month where your vehicle’s weight change occurred.

If you already e-filed your HVUT form with ExpressTruckTax this year, you just select the vehicle(s) you need to amend from your previous return and choose your new weight class. If you’re changing the weight for multiple trucks, click “Save & Add Another.”

Pro-Tip: If you e-filed your 2290 with us this year, you are able to e-file a FREE VIN correction.

After that, you simply choose your payment method like you would for your regular 2290, and follow through to transmittal.

Don’t forget, you need to submit your amendment by the last day of the month following the month in which your weight increase occurred. If your weight increase occurred in February, you would need to file your amendment by the end of March.

The good news is, that’s all you need to do! It’s a pretty simple process, actually.

If you need help e-filing any amendments, call us at 704.234.6005, or hit us up on Facebook and Twitter. We’ll be here to help in any way we can!

Related Blog: Exceeding the Mileage Limit

Correcting a 2290: Part 1 – VIN Corrections

Correcting a 2290: Part 1 - VIN Corrections
Correcting a 2290: Part 1 – VIN Corrections

So you e-filed your HVUT 2290, but realize you made an error on your VIN, yet the IRS accepted it
anyway. What do you do?

Well, if you e-filed with us, you can just login and e-file one of the Form 2290 Amendments we offer – specifically, the free VIN correction!

Since filing season has come and gone, we decided that we’re going to spend the rest of the month focusing on a favorite subject of ours: HVUT amendments and corrections!

We know mistakes happen, and that includes mistakes on the IRS Form 2290. With our free VIN correction option, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. We also offer VIN corrections at a small cost, no matter who you filed with. What we’re saying is, we have you covered!

So how do you e-file a VIN correction?

VIN Correction Made Easy

It’s pretty simple, you just start at the dashboard (after signing in) like always, and then select Start New Return.

You’ll be promoted with a few options – just press Start under “Form 2290 Amendments.”

From here, you can choose if you want to file a VIN Correction, a Taxable Gross Weight Increase, or a Mileage Exceeded amendment.

After that, you simply let us know if you filed with us before, and then we’re on our way to fixing that VIN!

Remember, if you e-filed with ExpressTruckTax, you can just e-file a VIN correction without paying anything. However, we will need your credit card information for verification purposes, but the service itself is free. After you correct your VIN, your corrected Schedule 1 will arrive within minutes.

Oops! It’s Time to File a VIN Correction

VIN Correction
File VIN Correction

We hear it all the time—you decided to get things done fast this year, so you e-file Form 2290 early. But once your stamped Schedule 1 comes in, you see that your VIN is way off. What can you do? Well, the easy answer is e-file a VIN correction!

Added Tax From Increase in Taxable Gross Weight

If your vehicle’s taxable gross weight increases during the period, and your vehicle falls in a new tax category, you need to file an amendment. We let you file for amendments with the same easy-to-use system you filed your 2290 with.

Suspended Vehicles Exceeding the Mileage use Limit

If a suspended vehicle exceeds the mileage use limit, they need to file form 2290 amendment. The mileage use limit for a heavy vehicle on public highways is 5,000 miles or less (7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles). The mileage use limit applies to the total mileage a vehicle is on the road during a period, regardless of the number of owners.

VIN Correction

If you made a mistake on a VIN when you filed Form 2290, you need to file a Form 2290 VIN correction. You can only file a VIN correction for taxable (or) suspended vehicles, and not for credit vehicles or for prior year suspended vehicles. The wrong VIN must have been paid for in the original form 2290, or the IRS will penalize you while still requiring the actual tax.

Don’t forget, we offer FREE 2290 VIN corrections for any filer who e-filed their 2290 return with us here at ExpressTruckTax!

If you didn’t e-file your 2290 with us, but you still need to e-file a VIN correction, have no fear! You still have a chance, you just have to pay a small fee.

So when you need to e-file form 2290 VIN corrections, head over to ExpressTruckTax and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

How to File a VIN Correction with ExpressTruckTax

Hello, Trucking Nation! Having a correct VIN on your Form 2290 is very important, especially if you’d like to register a vehicle or renew its tags. So, if you’re looking to file a correction, you’ve come to the right place.

Not only is the process quick and easy, it’s also free for those who have e-filed their Form 2290 with us! If you haven’t done so yet, it’s simple to do! ExpressTruckTax is here to help.

Let’s get started! Follow the three steps below:

Step 1: Create an Account or Log In

Once you’re in, click Start under Form 2290 Amendments, then select which amendment you’d like to file. In this instance, you will select VIN Correction.

Step 2: Make the Correction

Select to correct a return that you have either e-filed with us or somewhere else. Enter the vehicle’s first-used month, select Add VIN Correction, and enter the vehicle’s originally-reported VIN (the incorrect one).

If you have not filed through us before, enter the gross weight, check whether the vehicle is taxable or suspended, and then enter the new, correct VIN. If you wish to correct the VIN of more than one vehicle, click Save and Add Another. Now, if you have filed through us before, you only need to enter the incorrect and correct VIN to proceed.

Step 3: Review and Submit

If you haven’t done so already, this is the time to check for errors before submitting your information to the IRS. We wouldn’t want to file another amendment, now would we? The good news is that our Instant Audit also scans your return for any gaps or mistakes.

This is the big one! All that’s left to do is click the green Transmit button to securely submit your VIN correction, and after the IRS accepts, a new and improved stamped Schedule 1 will be sent to you in minutes.

As always, if you need any help or have any questions, you can call the support team at 704.234.6005 or email them at

Remember, Trucking Nation, we’re here for you!

E-FILING 101: Frequently Asked Questions for Filing Form 2290

You may not know it yet, but there’s a tax-filing pro inside each and every one of you! We at ExpressTruckTax firmly believe this, so that’s why we designed accessible E-filing solutions– to let that tax pro shine!

So on this #ManicMonday morning, less than one week from the Form 2290 deadline, it’s time to unleash your inner tax guru!

Here’s a crash course in E-filing your truck taxes– ETT 101: Intro to Easy E-filing! Get a head start on your E-filing degree by learning the answers to these frequently asked questions.

  • Q: What is my first-used month?
A: For most people, the default answer is July.The HVUT tax year opens July 1st. So this means that the first-used month for all renewals is automatically July. Even if you’re filing in August or September, the first-used month must still be set back to July if you’re vehicle was driven that month. The only time you’d select a later month is if the vehicle is purchased later in the year.

  • Q. What is the taxable gross weight of my vehicle?

A: The taxable gross weight of your vehicle can be determined by adding three numbers together. 1. The unloaded (empty tare) weight of the vehicle, plus 2. The unloaded weight of any trailers customarily attached to the vehicle, and 3. The weight of the maximum load customarily carried in the vehicle and/or attached trailers. The sum of these three figures is your taxable gross weight.

  • Q: Does the IRS take credit cards?

A: No, but we do! While you can pay our fee with a credit card, the IRS no longer accepts tax payments via credit card. We do, however, still offer three convenient methods of payment: Direct Debit, EFTPS, and Check or Money order. Direct Debit, also called Electronic Funds Withdrawal, is the fastest way to pay, but it’s only available to E-filers! You provide your bank account & routing number, and the IRS initiates a Direct Debit from your bank account.

EFTPS is a free service through the US Dept. of the Treasury, but you must register with this system 5-7 business days prior to when you need to make a payment. Also, the payment must be scheduled at least 1 business day prior to the payment due date!

Finally, if you pay by check or money order, you’ll get your Schedule 1 back even on a weekend or holiday! Just don’t forget to mail your 2290-V payment voucher with your check, but don’t staple them together! The completed voucher can be found on page 5 of your 2290; we autofill it for you!

  • Q: Why am I entering two methods of payment?

A: While you can pay us by credit card (only $9.90 for those with a single truck!), you will also need to select one of the three payment methods above to pay your taxes to the IRS.

  • Q: How do I make VIN corrections?
A: The answer: easily! If your return is rejected for a VIN error, such as a duplicate filing error, we’ll help you find the mistake, fix it, and retransmit it to the IRS for free! But only if you E-filed with us! If you made a VIN error, but your return was accepted by the IRS, then you can quickly E-file a Form 2290 Amendment. Simply log back in as a Returning User, click “Start” under 2290 Amendment, then “Start” under Form 2290 VIN correction. You’ll receive your updated, stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS accepts the correction!

Of course, we can’t possibly cover everything in one class! So if you’re ready to graduate, check out the sequel: E-FILING 102!

And if you still have questions, give our Support Heroes a call! They offer one-on-one ETT101 tutoring in English, Spanish, and Russian! Call us at 704.234.6005, speak via online chat, or get 24/7 email support at

Now get E-filed and go to the head of the class!

File The IRS Form 2290 Amendment for VIN Corrections Free Online

It is easy to mistakenly enter an incorrect VIN on the Form 2290. Correcting a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is very easy in our system. Typically the IRS processing time is the same as a standard 2290 form.  And VIN Corrections are FREE with Express Truck Tax! In order to file a VIN Correction, taxpayers simply need to file an IRS 2290 Amendment.

If you already have an account with us, you will click the green ‘Create New Return’ button from the ‘Dashboard’ page inside your account. Once you click this button, you will choose 2290Amendment and then select the VIN Correction option. The system will then walk you through the VIN Correction filing process. Taxpayers can e-file a VIN correction through us even if the original 2290 was not filed through ExpressTruckTax. If you do not already have an account with us, click the ‘New User’ button and you will be able to set up your account with your email address and choosing a password.

There is no charge to e-file a VIN Correction, however you will need to enter a valid credit card in order to authenticate the filing. The card will not be charged.

If you have any questions about the VIN Correction, please contact our friendly US based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at

Free VIN Corrections at ExpressTruckTax

When you E-File the IRS HVUT Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes through, you have the ability to resubmit your return until it is accepted by the IRS at no additional charge. So if you make a mistake while entering the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, a VIN Correction can be E-Filed for free.

Hassle-free VIN number corrections are found exclusively at ExpressTruckTax, regardless of how you originally filed your Form 2290 return. You can E-File your VIN correction with for FREE with just a few clicks and get your new IRS Stamped Schedule 1 back within minutes.

To start a VIN Correction you will create a new return, choose 2290 amendment and then choose VIN Correction.  The filing process is simple, takes only minutes and is 100% free.  We at are here to get you back on the road as quickly and easily as possible.

For more information or to get started today, visit If you have any questions, contact our friendly US based customer support team in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at

Form 2290 VIN Number Corrections Are Free at

It is always important to be extra careful when filing Form 2290 with the IRS. A small mistake could end up costing you more money or risking an IRS audit. However, if you E-File the IRS HVUT Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes through, you have the ability to resubmit it until it is accepted at no extra charge. Likewise, if a mistake is made while entering the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, a VIN Correction can also be E-Filed for free.

Hassle-free VIN number corrections found exclusively at ExpressTruckTax.  Regardless of how you originally filed your Form 2290 return, you can E-File your VIN correction with for FREE with  just a few clicks and get your new IRS Stamped Schedule 1 back within minutes.

To start a VIN Correction you will create a new return, choose 2290 amendment and then choose VIN Correction.  The filing process is simple, takes only minutes and is 100% free.  We at are here to get you back on the road as quickly and easily as possible.