Category: value-based pricing

How You Can E-file Your Form 2290 For As Low As $9.90

The 2021-22 Form 2290 deadline is only ONE week away. It is important to file as soon as possible in order to avoid unwanted hefty penalties. 

But which e-file provider should you choose? An IRS authorized provider? A provider with a low filing fee? Whichever provider has the most features? The provider with live customer support for help?

Well, ExpressTruckTax happily checks all those boxes and more!

How much does it cost to e-file?

With ExpressTruckTax, you can file for a single vehicle for as low as $9.90! That’s less than grabbing lunch at your favorite truck stop!

ExpressTruckTax offers different pricing packages depending on the number of vehicles that are being filed. This year, ExpressTrucktax is offering a new low price of only $19.90 when filing for 2 vehicles. 

We know how hard truckers work and we don’t want to make simple and fast e-filing cost an arm and a leg!

What features are included with this price?

Almost all of ExpressTruckTax’s features are included at these low prices. Some of these features include instant error checks, free VIN corrections, free VIN checker, Auto-generation of Form 8849, bulk information upload, access to the free mobile app, ability to copy last year’s return, and much more!

The Express Guarantee is also included in this filing fee. Express Guarantee is the assurance that, with our help, your Form 2290 will be accepted by the IRS, or we will issue you a complete refund! 

These features are provided to our clients at this low cost to ensure a simple, quick, and low-cost option to e-file your tax return. 

File with ExpressTruckTax Now!

ExpressTruck is an IRS-Authorized e-file provider with over 10 years of experience. We know all about Form 2290 and how to simplify the filing process for truckers. 

To e-file your tax return today and receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes, go to to get started now.
If you have any questions or are in need of assistance, feel free to call our live customer support team at 704.234.6005 or send them an email at

The ExpressTruckTax Support Team

When you collaborate and e-file with ExpressTruckTax, you will not only receive great customer service, but you will also feel like you truly matter. Based out of Rock Hill, SC, each of our team members gladly and willingly stick to the product’s mission, which is answering all questions thoroughly, quickly, and effectively while guiding clients through the e-filing process.

“We’re really good at what we do, and what we do is make taxes easier for you.”


When you need assistance with e-filing, ExpressTruckTax has got you covered. We’re an IRS authorized e-file provider, which means we work closely with the IRS to provide an accurate, safe, and secure process that will save you time and money. And because our team strives to provide the most comprehensive program out there, you’ll find support text that guides you through each step of e-filing within the ExpressTruckTax program. Additionally, we have help videos if you’d like to see exactly how something is done.


Between a hard-working product manager, product coordinator, digital content manager, digital copy editor, and several client relationship specialists, our ExpressTruckTax support team is the most experienced in the industry. Since we’ve been helping clients e-file for years, we’re sure to know the ins and outs of the filing process better than anyone else.


It’s true that ExpressTruckTax isn’t the only product providing the specific service of e-filing, but we are the only ones doing it at a high level of quality. Who doesn’t love a challenge, though? Unlike the competitors out there, ExpressTruckTax believes that it’s possible to create and maintain a world-class product at a local level with the combination of professionalism, tax savviness, and value-based pricing.

If you’d like to learn more about the ExpressTruckTax team, click here!

As always, don’t hesitate to contact the team members! You can call us at 704.234.6005 or email us at