Category: UCR

¡Ya Está Abierta La Inscripción Para Hacer El UCR Para 2023!

¡A partir del 1ro. de Octubre del 2022, el Registro Unificado de Transportistas de 2022 se abrió oficialmente para 2023!

Es importante no perderse esto. El último día para hacerlo es el 31 de Diciembre del 2023.

¿Qué es el Registro Unificado de Operadores?

En 2005, la Ley de Registro Unificado de Transportistas (UCR) se convirtió en el método principal para registrar vehículos comerciales que viajan en carreteras interestatales.

Si su empresa debe hacer el UCR, debe registrarse y pagar la tarifa todos los años según el tamaño de su flota.

Para continuar operando legalmente en las carreteras interestatales públicas, el UCR debe completarse y pagarse la tarifa antes del 31 de Diciembre del 2022.

No todos los estados participan en la UCR. Los estados que no participan en el UCR son los siguientes:

  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • Hawai
  • Maryland
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • Oregón
  • Vermont
  • Wyoming

¿Cómo te registras para el UCR?

Para registrarse con el UCR, es importante tener a la mano su número de USDOT para que este proceso sea más rápido y fácil. Cualquier vehículo que transporte carga o pasajeros y cumpla con alguno de los siguientes requisitos debe tener un número USDOT. Si necesita un número de USDOT, comuníquese con la FMCSA para obtener más detalles.

Una vez que complete este proceso de declaración y pague la tarifa, ¡Habrá terminado para el período 2022!

¿Quién tiene que hacer el UCR?

Debe presentar UCR si su(s) vehículo(s) cumple(n) con los siguientes requisitos:

  • Tiene un peso bruto o combinado de 10,001 libras o más
  • Transporta 8 o más pasajeros por compensación.
  • Transporta 15 o más pasajeros que no son por compensación
  • Transporta cualquier material peligroso.

¿Cuáles son las Tarifas UCR para el 2023?

Este año las tarifas de la UCR han disminuido un 31%. Consulte la tabla a continuación para ver un desglose de las tarifas según el tamaño de la flota.

Tamaño de la FlotaTarifa
1,0001 o más$39,289

¿Cómo declarar el UCR?

ExpressTruckTax  tiene una empresa hermana, TSNAmerica, que pueden hacerle su UCR directamente por teléfono. Solo toma unos minutos. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Haga clic en el botón de abajo para presentar UCR hoy!

Registration for UCR is Now Open for 2023!

As of October 1st, 2022 the 2022 Unified Carrier Registration officially opened for 2023!

It is important not to miss this. The last day to file is December 31st, 2023.

What is Unified Carrier Registration?

In 2005, the Unified Carrier Registration Act (UCR) became the primary method for registering commercial vehicles that travel on interstates.

If your company is required to file UCR, you are required to register and pay the fee every year based on your fleet size.

To continue to legally operate on public interstates, the UCR must be completed and the fee paid by December 31st, 2022.

Not all states participate in UCR. The following states do not participate in UCR:

  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Maryland
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • Oregon
  • Vermont
  • Wyoming

How Do You Register for UCR?

To register for the UCR, it is important to have your USDOT number on hand to make this process quicker and easier. Any vehicle that transports cargo or passengers and meets any of the following requirements must have a USDOT number. If you need a USDOT number contact the FMCSA for details.

Once you complete this filing process and pay the fee, you’re all done for the 2022 period!

Who Has to File UCR?

You must file UCR if your vehicle(s) meet the following requirements:

  • Has a gross or combined weight of 10,001 lbs or more
  • Transports 8 or more passengers for compensation
  • Transports 15 or more passengers that are not for compensation
  • Transports any hazardous materials

What are the UCR Fees for 2023?

This year UCR fees have decreased by 31%. See the chart below for a breakdown of the fees based on fleet size.

Fleet SizeFee
1,0001 and above$39,289

How do you File UCR?

ExpressTruckTax has a sister company, TSNAmerica, that can file your UCR right over the phone. It only takes a few minutes. What are you waiting for? Click the button below to file UCR today!

Formularios y Plazos Importantes Que Los Camioneros Deben Saber

Al asumir la ocupación de ser un conductor de camión, hay muchas cosas a considerar, incluidos los formularios que debe presentar y cuándo y qué etiquetas necesita obtener para su camión. Las fechas y los nombres pueden ser un poco confusos, por lo que el propósito de esta útil guía es explicar el propósito de cada formulario y cuándo deben presentarse.

Formulario 2290

¿Qué es?

El Impuesto sobre el Uso de Vehículos Pesados ​​(HVUT).

¿Quién tiene que hacerlo?

Si un vehículo pesa más de 55,000 libras y viaja más de 5,000 millas en un año, entonces debe de hacer el Formulario 2290. Si el vehículo viaja menos de 5,000 millas en un año, se considera suspendido. Si el vehículo solo transporta agricultura y viaja menos de 7,500 millas en un año, también se considera suspendido. Incluso si el vehículo está suspendido, aún se debe presentar el Formulario 2290.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

La fecha límite para hacer su Formulario 2290 es el 31 de Agosto de cada año, a menos que sea un fin de semana o un feriado, luego se traslada al siguiente día hábil, pero puede presentar previamente el formulario a partir de Mayo. Cuando pone su camión en la carretera por primera vez también depende de cuándo vence su 2290. Si pone su camión en la carretera en Octubre, debe presentar su Formulario 2290 a finales de Noviembre.

¿Dónde lo puede hacer?

¡Puede usar ExpressTruckTax para presentar su Formulario 2290 en solo unos sencillos pasos!


¿Qué es?

El Plan de Matrícula Internacional (IRP), que son las placas en un camión.

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Si un camión cruza las fronteras estatales, pesa más de 26,000 libras y tiene tres o más ejes, califica para obtener el IRP.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

Depende de su base de Estado/jurisdicción. Algunos estados han establecido fechas límite y en otros estados la fecha límite es el mismo mes todos los años según el mes en que se registró por primera vez.

¿Dónde renuevas tu IRP?

En su oficina local de IRP en su base de jurisdicción.


¿Qué es?

Acuerdo Internacional de Impuestos sobre Combustibles

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Los vehículos motorizados comerciales que viajan a través de más de una jurisdicción y compran combustible en las diferentes jurisdicciones deben presentar IFTA.

¿Cuál es el plazo?

El IFTA en realidad se presenta trimestralmente. Los trimestres son los siguientes:

Trimestre 1: 1 de enero – 31 de marzo

Trimestre 2: 1 de abril – 30 de junio

Trimestre 3: 1 de julio – 30 de septiembre

Trimestre 4: 1 de octubre – 31 de diciembre

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

Trimestre 1: 30 de abril (2 y 22 de mayo)

Trimestre 2: 31 de julio

Trimestre 3: 31 de octubre

Trimestre 1: 31 de enero

(Esto también depende de si los plazos caen en fin de semana o feriado se trasladará al siguiente día hábil)

¿Dónde reporta y presenta su IFTA?

TruckLogics ofrece informes IFTA por $24,95 por informe por trimestre. Puede presentar su IFTA con su jurisdicción base.


¿Qué es?

Significa Programa de Registro de Operador Unificado.

¿Quién tiene que presentar?

Los vehículos comerciales que transportan carga sobre líneas estatales o internacionales deben presentar una declaración.

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite?

El 31 de Diciembre.

Ahora que ha aprendido los diferentes tipos de formularios y etiquetas necesarios para ser un conductor de camión, anote estas fechas en su calendario o póngalas en su teléfono. Son importantes y su omisión puede dar lugar a sanciones y multas. ¡Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax e informe su IFTA hoy con la opción TruckLogics IFTA Only!

Important Forms And Deadlines Truckers Need To Know

When taking up the occupation of being a truck driver there are many things to consider, including what forms you have to file and when and what tags you need to get for your truck. The dates and names can get a little confusing so the purpose of this helpful guide is to explain the purpose of each form and when they are due. 

Form 2290

What is it?

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HUVT).

Who has to file?

If a vehicle is over 55,000 pounds that travels more than 5,000 miles in a year then the Form 2290 has to be filed. If the vehicle travels less than 5,000 miles in a year it is considered suspended. If the vehicle only hauls agriculture and travels less than 7,500 miles in a year it is considered suspended as well. Even if the vehicle is suspended, Form 2290 still needs to be filed. 

When is the deadline? 

The deadline to file your Form 2290 is August 31st each year unless it falls on a weekend or a holiday it is then moved to the next business day, but you are able to prefile for the form starting in May. When you put your truck on the road for the first time also depends on when your 2290 is due. If you put your truck on the road in October you have to file your Form 2290 by the end of November. 

Where to File?

You can use ExpressTruckTax to file your Form 2290 in just a few easy steps! 


What is it?

The International Registration Plan (IRP), which is the plates on a truck.

Who has to File? 

If a truck is crossing state lines, weighs over 26,000 pounds, and has three or more axles, they qualify to get the IRP.

When is the Deadline?

It depends on the State/base jurisdiction. Some states have set deadlines and in other states the deadline is the same month every year based on the month you first registered. 

Where do you Renew your IRP?

At your local IRP office in your base jurisdiction. 


What is it? 

International Fuel Tax Agreement

Who has to File?

Commercial motor vehicles that travel through more than one jurisdiction and purchase fuel in the different jurisdictions are required to file IFTA. 

What is the Timeframe?

The IFTA is actually filed on a quarterly basis. The quarters are as follows:

Quarter 1: January 1 – March 31

Quarter 2: April 1 – June 30

Quarter 3: July 1 –  September 30

Quarter 4: October 1 – December 31

When is the deadline?

Quarter 1: April 30 (May 2, 22)

Quarter 2: July 31

Quarter 3: October 31

Quarter 1: January 31

(This also depends on if the deadlines fall on a weekend or holiday it will be moved to the next business day)

Where do you Report and File your IFTA?

TruckLogics offers IFTA Reporting for $24.95 per report per quarter. You can file your IFTA with your base jurisdiction. 


What is it?

It Stands for Unified Carrier Registration Program.

Who has to File?

Commercial vehicles carrying cargo over state or international lines have to file.

When is the Deadline?

December 31st

Now that you have learned the different types of forms and tags needed to be a truck driver, write down these dates on your calendar or put them in your phone. They are important and missing them might lead to penalties and fines. File your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and report your IFTA today with TruckLogics IFTA Only option!

The 2022 UCR Registration Is Now Open!

On October 1st, the 2022 Unified Carrier Registration officially opened!

It is important to note that there were no price adjustments from last year, so the amount will be the same depending on your fleet size!

What is Unified Carrier Registration?

In 2005, the Unified Carrier Registration Act (UCR) became the primary method when it comes to registering commercial vehicles that travel while using interstates.

If your company is required to file the UCR, you must register and pay the fee every year based on the size of your fleet.

To continue being able to legally operate on public interstates, the UCR must be completed along with the fee paid by December 31st, 2021

What Are The UCR Fees for 2022?

The UCR fees depend on the size of the fleet that is being registered. The chart below displays the filing fees: 

How Do You Register for UCR?

To register for the UCR, you will need to go to and enter your USDOT number. Once you complete this step-by-step process and pay the fee, you’re all done for the 2022 period!

It’s important to have your USDOT number on hand to make this process quicker and easier. Any vehicle that transports cargo or passengers and meets any of the following requirements must have a USDOT number: 

  • Has a gross or combined weight of 10,001 lbs or more
  • Transports 8 or more passengers for compensation
  • Transports 15 or more passengers that are not for compensation
  • Transports any hazardous materials

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To stay updated on all of the important dates and deadlines coming up, subscribe to ExpressTruckTax’s blog!

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Announcing A New Full-Service UCR Solution For Truckers

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we are always looking for ways to make life easier for America’s truckers.

That’s why we want to let you know that TSNAmerica now has a full-service UCR registration service! All you need to do is call one of the expert customer support representatives at TSNAmerica, provide your information, and they’ll take care of your UCR registration for you! It’s just like their Form 2290 solution!

Not sure if you need UCR Registration? Here’s what you need to know.

What is UCR registration?

The Unified Carrier Registration Agreement (UCRA) is a federally regulated program for commercial motor vehicles that travel interstate.

Who has to register under the UCRA?

Every motor carrier based in one of these states that travels interstate must register. If you are based in a state that does not participate, you don’t need to worry about UCR registration.

When do I have to register for UCR?

The UCR registration deadline is on December 31, 2020.

What information do I need to register?

You will need:

  • Information about your company including company name and address, owner name, and USDOT number.
  • The Make, Model/Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), Number of Passengers, License Plate Number, and State, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of each vehicle you wish register.

Register today!

Call TSNAmerica today at (877) 520-8640 and register quickly! Their knowledgeable experts will take care of everything you need!

It’s Almost Time To Register For The 2021 UCR

The 2021 Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) period will officially open on October 1!

There will be no price adjustments for 2021.

What is UCR?

The Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005 replaced the Single State Registration System (SSRS) as the primary method for registering commercial vehicles that travel interstate.

In simpler terms, your UCR registration (along with your MC number and DOT number) grants you interstate authority.

2021 UCR fees

Fleet sizeFee
1,001 and above$56,977

What you need for UCR registration

Now that the UCR registration period has opened, all you have to do is go to, and enter your USDOT number to complete registration and pay your fee.

If you have been in business for the last three years, you will need to carry proof of UCR registration with you for all three years. 

That means you should have 2019, 2020, and 2021 UCR registration documents in your truck at all times.

What is a USDOT number?

USDOT numbers are required if you have a vehicle that hauls cargo or transport passengers interstate and that meet one or more of the following requirements:

  • Has a gross or combined weight of 10,001 lbs or more
  • Transports 8 or more passengers for compensation
  • Transports 15 or more passengers not for compensation
  • Transports hazardous materials.

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Are You Ready for the Upcoming UCR Deadline?

ExpressTruckTax has some excellent news for the trucking industry! You are now able to complete your annual Unified Carrier Registration process for 2019.

Unified Carrier Registration, or UCR, requires that drivers and companies who operate a commercial motor vehicle for interstate or international commerce, register their business with the state and pay an annual fee based on the size of the fleet.

If you’re a broker, private carrier, or freight forwarder, you are required to register and pay also.

When Do I Need To Register & Pay My UCR Fees?

Great question! You have until April 1 to register and pay your annual fees UCR for 2019.

Here’s what you’ll have to pay this year and next for UCR:

Where Can I Register & Pay UCR Fees?

You can register, process, and pay for your Unified Carrier Registration, or UCR, fees in one place at the Official UCR Board Certified Registration website.

April 1st will be here before you know it, so take a moment and handle your UCR requirements today while you still have time!

What You Need To Know About The UCR Delay

Truck driving during Fall season preparing for fees after the 2019 UCR delay ends

Registration for the 2019 UCR is currently at a standstill until further notice per the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s pending rulemaking process for 2019 fee levels. Following the FMCSA’s initial notice of proposed rulemaking in August to reduce UCR fees for 2019, the UCR delay was announced in October.

We’ve done some research during the “UCR waiting game” to provide you with what you need to know about the UCR delay.

What is UCR?

Unified Carrier Registration, or UCR, requires that drivers and companies who operate a commercial motor vehicle for interstate or international commerce, register their business with the state and pay an annual fee based on the size of the fleet.

Fees for this registration change annually and has been proposed to be nearly 18 percent less than the 2017 level to ensure fee revenues do not exceed the maximum statutory amount.

Proposed Annual Fee for 2019 UCR

According to the FMCSA notice of proposed rulemaking, 2019 proposed fees for motor carriers and brokers with zero to two power units would be $63, which is a decrease of $6 from the 2018 UCR fee. However, the UCR board originally anticipated the need to charge $10 more than this amount for the smallest of motor carriers.

Furthermore, the notice stated that “FMCSA proposes reductions in the annual registration fees states collect from motor carriers, motor private carriers of property, brokers, freight forwarders and leasing companies for the UCR plan and agreement for 2019, 2020 and subsequent registration years.”

Proposed Fees for 2019

0-2 trucks…………………………$63
3-5 trucks……………………….$187
6-20 trucks……………………..$372
21-100 trucks……………….$1,299
101-1,000 trucks…………..$6,190
1,001 trucks and more…$60,441

Stay Informed & Be Prepared To Register

Registration along with the collection of UCR 2019 fees was scheduled to begin October 1, but will most likely be delayed until after the start of the new year. Be on the lookout for updates from ExpressTruckTax regarding final 2019 UCR fees and how to register, process, and pay for your Unified Carrier Registration.

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