Category: trucking tire tips for winter

Winter Weather Trucking Tips with ExpressTruckTax

Today December 21st is the first official day of winter and you know what that means? Colder weather. With colder weather comes hazardous driving conditions. Some parts of the country have already had their fair share of winter weather this year and for others, it’s just the beginning. Some parts of the country are also more used to snow and ice than others. Whether you have been trucking during the winter or if this is your first time, below you will find some helpful trucking tips for winter weather travel.

Check Your Truck

Before you depart on your trip you need to check your truck whether or not you are expecting to encounter winter weather. It is always best to be prepared. Make sure your tire pressure is good. Check that your headlights and tail lights are clean and in working condition. Make sure that your truck heater and defroster are operational. It is important that your wipers, lights, and brakes are working properly too. Fueling up beforehand is also essential. It might take a while to get assistance if an accident occurs or if you break down so it is better to be safe than sorry. 

Proper Supplies

Driving in winter weather conditions means that you will need to pack the proper supplies needed for your trips. Make sure that you pack extra clothing layers and winter weather gear, gloves, flashlights, a bag of sand or salt for tire traction, snow scrapers and brushes, blankets, tire chains, and jumper cables.

Travel at Safe Speeds and Distances

When you travel slower it gives you a long time to react if there are vehicles braking up ahead or animals crossing the road and you need to hit the brakes to avoid hydroplaning and causing accidents. Another way to prevent this is to keep a safe distance from the vehicles in front of you and constantly be aware of your surroundings. If you are on a bridge especially, keep in mind that there might be ice on the road so keep your speed down and make sure to keep extra distance from vehicles.

Stay Parked 

If winter conditions are especially severe, it is okay to stay parked and let your dispatcher know. The delivery can be rescheduled. It is better to be safe than sorry. If a driver is nervous it puts them on edge and which can be very dangerous in hazardous conditions.

Warm Up Windshields

If you are about to depart and your windshield is frozen, make sure to defrost it before setting off. It is important to have visibility in already low visibility conditions. Keep ice off your windshield by warming it up so that you can keep your eyes on the road when driving in wintry conditions. 

Stay Safe

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we want to make sure that you are driving safely during these winter months. Follow the above tips so that you can stay safe on the road during the winter months. Have a Happy Holiday and safe travels from the ExpressTruckTax team!

Winter Tire Care Tips To Keep You Rollin’

ExpressTruckTax shares tire inspection advice for truckers

Winter is here. Not just any winter, but a historically cold one that’s breaking records all over! New York hasn’t been above freezing for days and even Charleston, SC has received 8 inches of snow!

Wherever you are, you’re probably bundled up and want to stay warm. It would literally be the worst time to have a tire issue because you would have to go out and fix it in freezing temperatures! Don’t let a break down happen, prep your tires for the worst with these winter tire care tips!

Winter Tire Care Tips To Keep You Rollin’ 

During the winter it’s best to be more alert. Generally, the driving conditions can darker, icer, and much snowier than other seasons. It can be difficult to see structures like curbs and sidewalls.

You will really want to look out for these objects because hitting them makes your tires more susceptible to impact breaks. If you have a puncture from hitting one of these objects you may not know until your tire fails later.

You will also want to take the time to really check on your tires to look for punctures or damage. Signs of a slow leaking punctures include irregular wear, lower tire pressure, cuts and snags.

Driving with lower tire pressure extends the footprint of your tire which gives you more traction. This can be helpful to give you more control while maneuvering through snow and ice, but dangerous in other situations.

Underinflated tires will heat up faster, especially at higher speeds and can result in premature failure, blowouts, and fires, which all do not sound very fun. Underinflated tires can also lead to weakened sidewalls and can put more pressure on the carcass. You can always call your maintenance department to check on the minimum tire pressure for your load if you’re unsure.

Check the tire tread, because when your tire tread is low the chances of your tires blowing when they hit debris is increased. Keep in mind that the recommended tire tread depth is 4/32 of an inch for a steer tire.

Another sign of low tire pressure is uneven wear around the shoulders. However, neglecting your regular tire maintenance will also cause them to wear unevenly. Be sure to rotate and align your tires often.

Rotating and aligning your tires will provide a smoother ride and will prevent suspension damage. It will also help your truck from pulling to the side and causing your tires to wear faster.

Also, if your tires are overinflated the side walls become harder than normal. This can reduce traction, reduce performance cause uneven wear, and increase the chances for blowouts. Overinflated tires are bouncier too, so your ride can be less comfortable.

We know that you don’t want your truck to look dirty after hauling through snowy areas, so you will wash off all the salt and grime. When washing your truck be sure to include the tires! Cleaning off all the debris and chemicals will help prevent premature wear.

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Stay Safe And Warm!

Thank you for all of your hard work during one of the most grueling winters in history so far. It’s not easy trucking through winter weather and we hope you don’t break down or have to stop due to a tire issue.

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