Stocking Stuffers
The age-old stocking stuffer staples like candy and gift cards are nice, but these cool little gadgets are both practical and fun, and definitely unexpected!

Who knew an entire meal could fit into a cup holder? Apparently, the designer of this tray did. Simply pop the base into the cupholder, and enjoy the swivel tray conveniently attached to the arm. Perfect for holding meals-on-the-go, or other essentials like phones, keys, and wallets. And amazingly, it’s only $13– Score!

Tech Gadgets
With gifts starting at $25, you don’t have to be loaded to get your tech-loving trucker a shiny new gadget.

5. A Tablet

If your trucker has a TV, then this is the perfect gadget to accompany it! For $175, the XBox 360 will not only provide hours of gaming entertainment, but it will also double as a DVD player and as a way to stream YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu Plus.

7. Linxup Vehicle Tracker
An incredibly practical and time-saving gift, sure to make your trucker smile at least 4 times a year! That’s because this $60 GPS/Mileage tracker will log mileage according to IFTA standards. And this data can then be uploaded into completed quarterly IFTA reports using a program like ExpressIFTA. Your trucker is sure to appreciate the convenience of not having to type up trip sheets manually!

8. Bluetooth Headset
For $25, this bluetooth headset pairs with the latest smartphones without a hitch, and with a noise cancelling microphone, you’ll be able to hear the voice of your beloved loud and clear! 10-4!
Home Sweet Home
Truckers have to sacrifice a lot while living on the road to bring us our creature comforts. The least we can do is make sure they have comforts of their own! Make the cab feel more like home with these four gifts!

When you have a cooler stocked with “real” food, your trucking bud will hopefully be less tempted to eat fast food. It may be a $110 investment, but look at this handy compact cooler as a gift of convenience, and a step toward increased wellness!

With anti-idling laws, temperature control in a truck can be a challenge. Keep your trucker or truckette nice and toasty this winter with a soft, flannel heated blanket! Quite the bargain at $25!

Durable and portable, this gel cushion is sure to help alleviate the pesky back pain that truckers are accustomed to. Designed just for truckers, this cushion also has a non-skid bottom, so it’s sure to stay put when your trucker is bouncing down the highway.

12. RoadPro Appliances: Coffee Maker
What person doesn’t love a fresh, hot cup of coffee on demand? I sure do! This convenient little appliance from Roadpro is quite the deal for $20! It not only brews 2 cups of coffee fast, it also brews it straight into a stainless steel travel mug, so you can get to the caffeine quicker! Now if only it could brew directly into my mouth…
Our ExpressTruckTax Support Hero, Patti, is married to a trucker, Oscar. His favorite Christmas gift? A Magical Grab-Bag filled with everyday essentials. Whether it’s soap, pencils, loose change, dental floss, first-aid supplies, or even snacks, Oscar says this magic bag always has exactly the thing he’s looking for when he’s on the road and in a bind.
Hung in a stocking or nestled beneath the tree, any one of these 12 (okay, 13) practical, thoughtful gifts is guaranteed to make a trucker smile with childlike glee. And they’ll never know you waited until the last minute either! Now what are you waiting for, start ordering those gifts!