Category: Trucker

Costs to seriously Consider When Buying A Rig

Whether you’re becoming an owner operator, a fleet manager looking to expand your operation, or tired of leasing, it might be time to buy your own rig. However, there are a few hidden or not so obvious costs to consider. Be sure to consider the following costs that go into buying new or used tractor-trailers before busting out your checkbook.

Costs to Consider With New and Used Rigs

First things first, you’ll need a down payment. Spending between $10k to 40K on a new or used rig will help you get a lower monthly rate. That’s another thing, every month you’ll have a big new bill in the mail!

When buying a new truck the monthly bill will be there for years hanging over your head. Buying used will give you more of a short-term investment that you can pay off in a quicker amount of time, with a possible lower monthly rate.

Did you know that new trucks come with fancy warranties? There are even extended warranties! They can really save your butt if you need a repair early on, but they also can add a lot onto your monthly tab.

Warranties on older rigs cost a bit more, because obviously and older rig will need more maintenance than a newer one. Say you’re interested in a rig with over 500k miles on it, it will hard to get a detailed report about it’s driving history. At least with a new rig, you know every detail about it. However, with an older rig the warranty payment may balance out with the cheaper monthly payment.

Although, keep in mind that even though older rigs are sturdier they usually have more issues and bigger problems. For example, most older truckers need a total engine rebuild around 700,000 miles! Plus, are the axles, tires, transmission, suspension, and more in good shape?

Have you considered insurance? Legally you need it to keep your truck on the road. Insuring a brand new rig will add more to your monthly bills. Driving without it could leave you with huge penalty fees, especially if you’re involved in an accident. Generally, trucks with cheaper values have cheaper insurance rates, but if you have a bad driving record your rate could skyrocket. Watch out for those speeding tickets!

This may seem obvious, but trucks with all the bells and whistles cost more. Do you want an automatic truck? Do you make overnight trips? If so, do you want a medium-sized sleeper or one with an extended roof?

As mentioned above, older truckers are often built a bit sturdier. This comes in handy with the resell value. If you’re looking for a truck to start out in then make sure you get something you can resell later when you’re ready to upgrade. Avoid a cheaply made new truck that you will have trouble flipping later.

At the end of the day, you’ll still have to consider all of the maintenance costs. Gas, which is cheaper in newer, more fuel-efficient rigs can really add up. Maintenance like oil changes and tune-ups, taxes, filing fees, repairs, and more may cost more on an older rig too.

Don’t just head down to the lot and pick a pretty color, research your options and go with a list of what you’re looking for in a new or used rig to make sure that you get the best option for your current financial state.

Get That Rig and Get to Trucking!

If it’s the right time to get your first new truck, a new to you truck that’s used, or upgrade to a better truck then go for it! It’s a great feeling to go down the road in something that’s totally yours. Just make sure that your finances are in order and you take the time and consideration to find your perfect match.

For more trucking tips visit, be sure to share your truck buying experiences in the comment section below.

#WellnessWednesday Part 4: The Return of the Tips

With just a week and a half until the Form 2290 filing deadline, we need some extra wellness in our lives now more than ever!

ExpressTruckTax has already eliminated any dread you may have felt when filing taxes before (because we’re just awesome like that). And in today’s blog, we’re going to help eliminate another problem that plagues the Trucking Nation: back and neck pain!

Stuck behind the wheel for hours on end, it’s not surprising that most truck drivers experience chronic stiffness and pain. That’s where we come in–the Heroes at ExpressTruckTax have always got your back! If we could reach through the phone and massage your aching spine, we would. But since the

technology isn’t quite there yet, these tips will have to do instead!

So for Part 4 of our #WellnessWednesday series, here are 5 quick tips for booting that pain in the neck (and back).

  • 1. Empty your Pockets: Cell phones, wallets, receipts, what’s in your pockets? The answer should be “nothing.” Stuffing your pockets, especially your back pockets, leads to lots of pain in the long run. It’s like the Princess and the Pea, if your phone and wallet were enormous peas. Sitting on those items for hours at a time throws off your alignment and puts pressure on your back. For immediate relief, try storing your gadgets in the glove box or any other cubby near by. 
  • 2. Sit at the Right Angle: You’ve had practice sitting your whole life, but are you doing it wrong? It sounds crazy, but there’s actually a right and a wrong way to sit. And good posture isn’t just for looking fancy! It’s far better for your spine. Adjust your driver’s seat so that your back is straight and your knees rest at a 90 degree angle for optimal alignment. Some seats also have a rocking function if you can’t sit still for that long.
  • 3. Float on Air: Your driver’s seat may not be the most comfortable chair in the world. While tearing it out with a sledgehammer may not be a viable option, there are ways to make it comfier! Why not try levitating…on a memory foam pillow! Memory foams puffs up with air and contours to your body, creating the perfect custom cushion for your backside. Gel seat cushions are also on the market. Try them out and see what you fancy!
  • 4. A Loose Dress Code: Tight-fitting clothes may be the fashion, but they aren’t suited for the trucking life! Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes are the way to go! Ill-fitting clothes, or undergarments, can lead to stiffness, stomach pain, and just general discomfort. Nobody’s got time for that!
  • 5. Take a Hike, Buddy!: Seriously, walking is a miracle worker. It’s easy & free, you can do it nearly anywhere, and the benefits are endless. It may be tempting to spend your breaks lounging in the sleeper catching up on Netflix, but doing a quick lap around the truck stop will increase circulation and give you a chance to stretch out!

As always, these 5 hacks are just the beginning. Stretching, yoga, back support belts are all great ways to keep your spine in line.

So how do you stay loose and limber while trucking? Let the ExpressTruckTax team know. We love hearing ideas straight from you, the pro’s! Remember, sharing is caring.

New to the Series? Check out my previous posts:

Five Tips for Healthy Trucking

Five More Tips for Healthy Trucking

Even More Tips for Healthy Trucking: Ripped Edition!

#WellnessWednesday Part 5: Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy!

Even More Tips for Healthy Trucking: Ripped Edition!

Are you ready…for the Third Installment of our series?

Well–ready or not–it’s #WellnessWednesday, and that means we’ve got 5 more tips just for you, Trucking Nation! Or should I say, Traveling Health Guru Nation! You’ve already started your wellness journey and given yourself an inner tune-up, but now…

It’s time to get pumped up! Tear the sleeves off that t-shirt! Call your friends and start selling tickets to the gun show. (I mean your biceps, of course!) Because you’re going to be a lean, mean truck-driving machine!

We know truckers don’t have tons of time for exercise, nor extra space for toting bulky exercise equipment. So here are five ways to get ripped on the road with little equipment needed! You’ll mostly use yourself and your truck!

  • 1. Isometrics: Behind the wheel! For this first exercise, you won’t even need to leave the driver’s seat! (Although, the truck should be parked!) Isometrics are performed in a static position, so you aren’t performing any dynamic movements like you would with other exercises. That makes it perfect for those with limited space! To improve upper-body strength, grip the wheel with both hands and try to push them toward each other for 10 seconds. Then release. Believe me, after 10-20 reps, you’ll be feeling the burn! For improving core strength, sit up straight and pull your belly button back to your spine, hold for 5 seconds, and release. Repeat 20-30 times each day for wash-board abs!
  • 2. Jump Rope: Okay, this one may remind you of playing in the schoolyard, but there’s nothing childish about the results you can get! Jumping rope can be hardcore exercise, improving both cardio and muscle tone simultaneously. Plus, they cost $5 or less and take up no space in your cab! To hop to the next level, try jumping rope for 5 or 10 minutes straight, whatever you’re comfortable with, always landing on the balls of your feet. Your heels should never touch the ground, and your calves will thank you! If you’re feeling extreme, try mixing things up by hopping on one foot, alternating each jump, or you can jump holding one leg up, knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Improving your wellness is actually a hop, skip, or jump away!
  • 3. Resistance Bands: Yet another affordable, easy-to-store piece of equipment. Best of all, resistance bands are versatile. They’re sold in various sizes, lengths, and resistance levels so you can customize your workout, whether you’re a beginner or a buff babe! And the kinds of toning exercises you can do are nearly endless. To make your truck work for you, wrap a band around the door handle of your truck and do some bicep curls or leg lifts. Once you feel comfortable, invest in a tighter band to increase resistance. You’ll always be increasing your strength, and before you know it, you’ll be Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • 4. Bodyweight: Use your own body for a workout, what could be cheaper or more convenient! Go back to the basics for some good, old fashioned sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, and squats. But why not do it trucker style! Using the step outside of your cab door, you can do these exercises at a new angle, increasing the challenge! For extreme push-ups, place your hands on the step and keep your feet on the ground. Do push-ups a normal, except now you can lower your head below the palms of your hands, increasing the difficulty of the push-up as well as the payoff!
  • 5. Run for Your Life! All you’ll need to get started are some supportive running shoes. Always stretch before running, and breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Start out slow, just running twice a week until your endurance increases. Your first day do short intervals, running for 30 seconds, then walking for 30 seconds. Once you’re comfortable, step up your intervals, running for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute. 15-30 minutes of heart-pumping action is ideal, and keep increasing your intervals as your cardio improves. To push it to the limit, (past the point of no return) set a mini-goal for yourself. Just choosing a sign–or sandwich–in the distance to run to will actually push your body further than running aimlessly. When the zombie apocalypse happens, you’ll thank me! 
It’s important to keep things fresh and not get bored on your wellness journey. If your routine starts to feel stale, mix it up and broaden your horizons. YouTube is full of free exercise tutorials; why not try yoga, pilates, or zumba? You never know what will work for you until you try it!

So break out those leg warmers, Trucking Nation! And let the ExpressTruckTax Team know how you’re staying fit on the road; your tips may be featured in our #WellnessWednesday series!

Ready for More?

5 Tips for Healthy Trucking

5 More Tips for Healthy Trucking

Part 4: The Return of the Tips

#WellnessWednesday Part 5: Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy!

5 More Tips for Healthy Trucking

It’s Wednesday, Trucking Nation, and you know what that means— ExpressTruckTax is back with part two of our #WellnessWednesday series! We’ve got 5 more Tips for Healthier Trucking. Last time, we had 5 tips for getting you started on your wellness journey. But it’s time to rise to the next level!

Wellness doesn’t extend to our physical bodies alone. So today, we’ll be focusing on wellness, from the inside out, with some tips for creating good vibrations. Your emotional/mental well-being is the foundation of

your health, so how can you give yourself an inner
tune-up while on the road?

1. Challenge your Mind: Turn your cab into a classroom! Those hours spent behind the wheel provide the perfect opportunity for some brain stimulation. Any one of these three will give you the thrill of learning something new and broadening your horizons.

  • Stave off boredom by listening to new kinds of music you wouldn’t have before. 
  • Listen to an audio book. You can’t read behind the wheel, but you can still learn about the Civil War or get engrossed in the latest murder-mystery! 
  • And since you’re always going new and exciting places, why not learn a new language? Listening to a language and repeating out loud with a program can be one of the fastest, most effective ways to learn. 
2. Stay Connected: Being on the road for days or weeks on end, we know it can be hard to keep in touch with all of your friends and family. But there are ways to share your experiences and stay connected. First, take plenty of pictures! Truckers see it all, new places every day. So capture it and share it, whether it’s on your favorite social media site, or by making a slideshow and emailing it to loved ones. Another way to bring them on your journey with you, create a journal. Print out the best pictures and glue ‘em into a notebook. Jot down the stories behind each photo, and before you know it, you’ve got a head start on your memoirs!

3. Meditate: Ohhhhm— Breathing exercises and meditation are proven to have loads of health benefits. The best times to meditate are in the morning when you first wake or right before bed, or both! Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, sit up straight, and close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply, listening to the sound of your own breath. You can also focus on a single point, like a flame, or find free guided-meditation videos online, if you get distracted easily. The idea is to clear your mind of all thoughts and just exist in the moment. The results? You’ll not only reduce stress and anxiety, but you’ll lower blood pressure, sleep better, and have increased mental clarity, certainly beneficial for you busy drivers!

4. Adopt a Companion: There are millions of dogs of all kinds out there just waiting for someone like you to give them a loving home. And they’re usually available for little to no cost too. Bringing along a furry friend can stave off loneliness on the road and have added physical benefits too! They’ll get you out of the truck and have you walking (or running!) regularly. If you’ve already got a pup back home, consider bringing her along on your next trip!

5. Get Quality Sleep: All roads lead….to a bed! When you work such long hours, how can you avoid feeling exhausted? Feeling well-rested is not just about quantity, it’s about quality of sleep. Avoid caffeine later in day, and heavy meals too. If you’re feeling hungry before bed, eat a light snack, like fruit and nuts. When it’s time to sleep, blocking out ambient light will help your body sleep deeply. Turn off that T.V. or laptop, and hang some blackout curtains around your cab windows. If you can’t get those, use an eye mask and some good earplugs to get some quality zzz. Sleeping better, you’ll not only feel physically rejuvenated, but you’ll see a positive boost in your moods, too!

With these 5 tips in your arsenal, you’ll be picking up good vibrations and feeling renewed motivation on your wellness journey! If you’ve got some successful health tips, share them with me! They may be featured in the next installment of our series. Have a happy, healthy Hump Day!

Ready for more?
Even More Tips for Healthy Trucking: Ripped Edition!

5 Tips for Healthy Trucking

healthy tipsLet’s talk about health, Trucking Nation! The ExpressTruckTax Team understands that staying fit on the road can be a challenge, but with a little tweaking and a fresh perspective, your unique circumstances can be used to your advantage! So here are five easy tips to help you get started.

Our journey into healthier living doesn’t begin with pumping iron or munching on a head of cabbage. It begins within…

1. Dedication: As the Buddha once said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Before you can make big changes, you must be consciously aware of what you want to change! Identify your vices- be honest with yourself. Then start by listing your top 5 goals. This helps you prioritize and keeps you from getting overwhelmed. If five is too much, then start with just one-and commit to it for at least a month. This makes the transition more manageable, which is vital, because you want to be committed for the long haul. Don’t burn yourself out trying to change your entire life overnight. Baby steps.

2. Drink Water Like a Fish: Kick that can of sugary stuff and drink water instead! It’s free of calories and, of course, necessary for survival (minor detail). This change alone can deliver major results. But it can be a hard habit to break, so lean into it. For that fiziness you’re used to, start by switching from soda to sparkling water. For the sweetness you crave, infuse your water with fruit, or use a stevia-based flavor enhancer (avoid ones loaded with sugar and artificial colors). All this extra water will help your body flush toxins, increase circulation, and even improve your skin.

3. MOVE: You don’t need to have a gym nearby-or even a fancy workout regimen-to get your heart rate up. Simply stretch and go for a brisk walk on your breaks, at least half an hour is ideal. This can be particularly fun if you take a friend, whether it’s a fellow-trucker or a loyal pup! Consider picking up a pedometer to keep track of your steps. Just seeing that number can motivate you to keep moving. You can even compete with your friends for most-steps-taken in a month!

4. Snack Smarter, and Easier:
It’s oh-so-easy (and tempting) to grab that bag of chips. But it can be just as easy to make better choices. Buy pre-washed bags of salad, some even come with toppings and dressing right in the bag! Score! Many grocery stores also sell pre-cut fruits and veggies, which means no preparation! Unsalted nuts are also an excellent, protein-packed snack. Yum!

5. Boost that Immune System: Nothing kills productivity like a cold! Your best defense against illness starts with what you eat. When you can’t get fresh fruit, drink plenty of real fruit juice for that Vitamin C boost. Equally important, eat lots of yogurt with live, active cultures. This will nourish the healthy bacteria in your gut, and those buggers are responsible for most of your immune health! Combine this with regularly washing hands with soap and warm water, and your immune system will be in tip-top shape!

Any one of these five easy steps is a great place to start. And if you slip up one day, it’s okay. Don’t let minor setbacks weigh you down. Staying positive is the key. So get going! And tell us your healthy tips and tricks, and they may be featured in our next WednesdayWellness blog! Here’s to healthy trucking!

Ready for more? Check out 

5 More Tips for Healthy Trucking!

Even More Tips for Healthy Trucking: Ripped Edition! 

#WellnessWednesday Part 4: The Return of the Tips

#WellnessWednesday Part 5: Eat, Drink, & Be Healthy!

For more healthy tips and tricks, check out:

YouTube: Big Rig Cooking with Misty

Eat Your Veggies Day

Trucking Spotlight

– David Elliott
– 2001 Peterbilt – 550 6NZ
– 1,418,000 Miles
– Bought it new in Dec. 2010
– This truck will out-pull the new ones out there. Love the old girl!

If you would like to share photos of your truck, we would love to feature them on our blog. Photos can be submitted after E-Filing the IRS Form 2290 at

Happy Trucking!