Category: Trucker

The Best Crash Course On Bandit Racing

Need something to do down south next weekend?

Take a break from 2290 filing and explore the world of Bandit Truck Racing with the upcoming Bandit Truck Series race.

Saturday, August 31 is the Bandit Big Rig Series race in Pensacola, Florida!

New to Bandit Racing and have no idea what I’m talking about?

Here’s everything you need to know about Bandit Racing and the Bandit Big Rig Series in particular.

Let’s get started!

Everything You Need to Know About Bandit Truck Racing

What is Bandit Racing?

Bandit Racing is essentially truck racing for the trucking industry.

Each Bandit Truck Series offers a fun, family-oriented entertainment opportunity to watch the best truckers in action.

Who knew truck driving could be so exciting!?

Bandit Truck Racing is coined the “workin’ man’s race series”, with rules structured to make Bandit Racing trucks affordable and accessible. Essentially, you can’t buy a best trucker title.

What is the Bandit Big Rig Series?

The Bandit Big Rig Series runs from March 23rd to October 12th, with 12 truck racing events across the country.

Bandit truck racing brings day-long hot shot trucking entertainment to trucking professionals, their families, and trucking enthusiasts alike.

The Bandit Big Rig Series, in particular, focuses on big rig truck racing on short tracks across the United States. This series was designed to be affordable and accessible for anyone wishing to put together a race team.

Details on the Upcoming Bandit Big Rig Series Race

The Bandit Truck Series race coming up on August 31st will be held at the iconic Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola, Florida.

Kids 8 and under will get in free! VIP tickets, specialty seating, and discounts are available on the Bandit Truck Racing website.

Bring the whole family out for a fun night of big truck racing!

Each series race affects the competing truckers’ place amongst the competition. The previous race, held at Kalamazoo Speedway, saw Mark “The Wheelman” Noble capture his first 2019 victory.

Noble is now only 20 points behind current leader and two-time defending champion, Ricky Rude.

Big truck racing has been more exciting than ever this year, with 7 feature winners in 8 races. With only 3 races left in the season, the stakes are high!

Don’t let the excitement get to you just yet. 
Before you head into a great weekend of hot shot trucking, take care of business with ExpressTruckTax.

File your IRS Form 2290 in as little as 10 minutes and get the work out of the way before your big Bandit Truck Series weekend.

Not that you can even call it work! ExpressTruckTax makes filing easy with FREE VIN corrections, an easy-to-follow process, and an instant error check. You’ll be done with 2290 filing in no time.

Already finished? Great! We’ll see you out on the track.

50 Years of Dave Nemo: The Best In Trucking Radio

Dave Nemo, trucking radio show host, and trucking industry legend is celebrating 50 years in trucking radio.

We decided to recognize this huge feat by sitting down with the man himself to talk about becoming an industry leader and to pass along the invaluable knowledge he has to offer.

Watch the full interview here:

50 Years of Dave Nemo: The Best In Trucking Radio

The Beginnings of Trucking Radio

Like everyone in the trucking industry, Dave Nemo has a story.

His starts at just 2 years old, listening to “The National Barn Radio Show” with his family every Saturday night.

Glued to the soundtrack, the show drew him to music, and radio soon followed. In the ’70s, Dave says, “Radio was a vehicle for music to be heard”.

In college, he was the campus radio station’s music director. Then, trucking worked its way into the equation unexpectedly.

After serving in the Vietnam War, he returned to the radio station where he worked after college, and discovered a need.

Truck drivers were multiplying, and yet, nothing was catered to them. The trucking industry was so unknown that insight for truckers on the road was non-existent. Instead, trucking radio was simply an attempt to keep truckers awake and alive.

Dave Nemo decided to expand on that.

Understanding the Trucking Industry

Beginning in a virtually untapped industry was a learning experience for Dave Nemo.

Gradually, he began to understand the population he was serving.

He recalls having an unexpected connection with drivers because so many were just getting back from war or on their way out.

Dave says, “It’s been an incredible experience getting to meet a population of the country that not a lot of people know about, and yet truck drivers and their families are everywhere. I think 1 out of 6 people in the country is involved in transportation.”

Those who work in the trucking industry form a community. There are no stereotypical truck drivers, but there is a trucking lifestyle. Those who drive are part of a unique family, moving our country forward with great pride and a sense of commitment.

As Dave says, “Trucking is an uncelebrated section of our population – I always compare teachers and truckers… the vital nature of what they do and the little recognition they get for it.”

Advice To Those in The Trucking Industry

50 years in trucking radio is a long time, and Dave Nemo has invaluable wisdom from it.

His advice for people moving forward in the industry or just starting out is to talk to as many people as possible. There are more options in the trucking industry today than ever before. Take time to find your niche.

For more trucking tips, listen to Dave Nemo’s show every morning, 7-11 AM EST on Sirius XM and Road Dog Trucking Radio.

Remember, in both radio and taxes, you have allies in the trucking industry.

Don’t forget, the IRS 2290 deadline is only a month away! Turn to ExpressTruckTax to file Form 2290 fast.

Use ExpressTruckTax filing to meet the August 31st deadline to avoid IRS penalties. Plus, when you file online, you’ll receive your Schedule 1 in minutes.

As the leading provider in the trucking industry, we understand that you have more important things to do than taxes.

That’s why we’re committed to making life easier for you.

Sign up for free today!

5 Need To Know Trucker Tips For Driving in The Mountains

7 Need To Know Trucker Tips For Driving in The Mountains

Driving in the mountains can be intimidating for truck drivers, and that is especially true for rookie drivers. However, you can quickly gain confidence on mountain routes by following some basic safety rules and taking advantage of safety features available to you. Here are the seven need to know trucker tips for driving in the mountains.

Trucker Mountain Driving Tips

#1 Slow And Steady

Taking it slow and steady is probably the best advice for driving mountain routes. So many drivers make the mistake of traveling too fast on the steep grade because they misjudged its elevation based on its appearance. It’s tough to tell the grade of a hill just by looking at it, so it’s easy to make this mistake.

However, once your truck gains momentum traveling down the grade, it is nearly impossible to regain control. So take it slow and steady so as not to put yourself in this situation.

Our advice is to let the jake brake do the work of maintaining the constant speed. Also, touch the brake occasionally to keep your unit straight as you go down the hill. 

#2 Pay Attention to The Weather

If you are planning a route into the mountains, you will need to check the weather conditions. Mountain weather is unpredictable, so it is essential to check the weather the day of. If you find bad or dangerous weather conditions, you can consider an alternate route hopefully without a steep grade.

You should prepare yourself for changes in the weather as you are climbing or descending the mountain. The difference in altitude can bring a slew of weather conditions, so it is essential for you to stay alert to any changes.

Also, if there is a chain sign, please respect it. Put your chains on at the bottom of the hill. Don’t wait until you spin out and come back down the mountain.

#3 Don’t Tailgate

Leave as much room as possible between your and the vehicles ahead of you. Never tailgate on a mountain road. In the case of an emergency and you need to straighten out the truck. If your unit gets out of shape, you will want plenty of space to adjust.

7 Need To Know Trucker Tips For Driving in The Mountains

#4 Easy on Corners

Take corner on a mountain extra slow because your truck and trailer are extra vulnerable when not straight. Your rig is much more likely to jackknife when turning. You have much more controls over the unit when it is lined up traveling a straight line.

#5 Regaining Control

If you feel you are starting to lose control of the rig, try crowding the unit to the shoulder of the road if possible. This will hopefully allow you to catch gravel to straighten it out. Also gently tap on the trailer brake. This might be enough to pull your unit straight again.

Stay Safe Out There

Keep in mind, not every driver on the road is following all the proper safe driving rules and tips. They are just as likely to lose control or hit a patch of ice. Give yourself plenty of distance and be aware of potential dangers.

Also, before I let you go, I wanted to introduce our sister product, TruckLogics: the ultimate web-based business management software available. This program is designed specifically for the transportation industry with plans to fit the needs of fleet manager, leased owner-operators, and owner-operators alike. Sign-up for your free 15-day trial and see the difference TruckLogics can make in your trucking business.

Start My Free Trial 

No Credit Card Required & Zero Obligation

You Can Catch Us At The Bandit Race This Weekend

You Can Catch Us At The Bandit Race This Weekend

On Saturday, August 11th, 2018 the ExpressTruckTax team will be attending the Bandit Big Rig Series at the Hickory Motor Speedway in North Carolina. This series has brought big rig tractor trailer racing back to the short track. If you find yourself at the race please be sure to stop by and meet us!

About The Bandit Big Rig Series

The Minimizer Bandit Big Rig Series brings a day-long racing entertainment experience to trucking professionals, their families, and trucking enthusiasts alike. Since their inaugural season in 2017 with an Eastern Division, the series has continued to focus on delivering an affordable racing opportunity to local speedways.

The trucks are kept basic and simple, which limits costs and increases accessibility, The Minimizer Bandit Big Rig Series does whatever it takes to maximize competition and deliver an exciting product with world-class trucks & drivers.

Meet The ExpressTruckTax Team
If you are in attendance be sure to tweet us as #ETTGoesRacing or tag us on Facebook!

Let’s Go Racing!

What You Need to Know About Traffic July 4th

What You Need to Know About Traffic July 4thWith a growing economy and rising consumer confidence, you can expect more than a few four-wheelers on the road this holiday weekend. This Independence Day the AAA has estimated 41.9 million travelers until Sunday, July 8th. This number is up 0.7 percent from last year’s estimate and the highest number since 2007 since before the great recession. At ExpressTruckTax we want you to always be prepared. Here is what you need to know about traffic July 4th.

The AAA says that the worst congestion can be expected around metropolitan areas as holiday travels are combined with regular commuters during the weekdays.

“This Independence Day will be one for the record books, as more Americans take to the nation’s roads, skies, rails and waterways than ever before,” Bill Sutherland, senior vice president of AAA Travel and Publishing, said in a statement from the company. “Confident consumers with additional disposable income will look to spend on travel this holiday, building on an already busy summer travel season.”

What You Need to Know About Traffic July 4thAt ExpressTruckTax we hope you will spend this Independence Day with your family and friends, however, if you find yourself out on the open road, we want to share our sincere appreciation. It is through the untiring resolve of those like yourself in the trucking community that we are able to celebrate. Your rigs brought us the fireworks, hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, charcoal, and grill that we all get to enjoy.

From the staff at ExpressTruckTax, we thank you for your dedication and determination in serving millions of Americans across the nation. ExpressTruckTax appreciates your continued efforts to keeping America moving. Happy Independence Day!

What To Consider Before Getting A Trucking Pet

ExpressTruckTax explains the responsibilities that come with trucking pets

The open road can be a lonely place. Somedays you might not see or talk to another person for hours. That’s what some truckers love about the job, but it can really bother others. In order to combat the loneliness of the road sometimes people turn to getting a trucking pet.

Nothing lights up the world like a fuzzy companion that’s happy to see you and excited to spend time with you, even on the road. However, with pets comes great responsibilities. Be prepared to handle all the tasks that come with getting a pet. Before you make up your mind on what to rescue we have a few things for you to consider.

Consider This Before Getting A Trucking Pet

First of all, when you get an animal consider the fact that they have to potty, so you will need to make sure that they have a place to go. That means either finding a safe place to let your dog out to go, which you will find yourself frequently doing with a puppy, or providing a place in your rig.

If you would like a cat secure their litter box. You don’t want it to go flying if you have to slam on the breaks. Also, keep in mind that you will need to scoop the litter once or twice a day or get some odor blockers. Some truckers swear by having birds as pets, which tend to go where they want unless you train them to go on command, which is actually possible.

Next, consider energy levels. Do you want a super energetic kitten that may pounce on you or an older, more relaxed cat? Can you handle an energetic dog breed like a German shepherd? Will you have time to pull over so they can run off some of their fuel?

Some people may think smaller dog breeds have less energy, but that’s not always the case. Beagles and yorkies are smaller and very energetic. Low energy dog breeds include bulldogs, pugs, basset hounds, and more.

Also, animals come with pointy objects like claws and teeth. If you get a puppy you will have to protect your rig when they are teething. Anything looks like the perfect chew toy during that phase, but you can distract them with bones and toys. Also, if you fear a car might destroy your seats you can distract them by purchasing scratchers for them to use.

You will also need to plan ahead for your pets. You will need to take enough food and water for them during your trips, also you will have to make space for their beds and toys. Don’t forget their medicine if they need any. Plus, will you be able to stop during your trip to head to the vet if you need to?

If you have to leave your truck for a little while then you will need to leave it idling for your pet’s comfort or you will have to make sure that you can take your pet with you into a public location. Having a leash and a crate to carry your pet in will help them be more welcomed in public locations.

Last but not least, think about how a new pet would make you feel. If the idea of a pup wagging his tail on a daily basis or cat purring while you head to your destination makes your heart swell then what are you waiting for? Go ahead and head to the local shelter to find your perfect trucking pet.

Happy Trails With Waggin’ Tails

If you feel lonely on the road a pet is a great way to cheer up. There’s nothing like a companion on the road. We’ve heard excellent stories of truckers and their corgis, pugs, chihuahuas, cats, lizards, and even their spouses on the road!

Just be sure that your carrier actually allows pets and that you can handle the responsibilities that come with them.

If you have a trucking pet please share a pic and tell us all about him/her in the comment section below and visit for more trucking blogs.

The Halloween Dangers On Our Roads

ExpressTruckTax warns truckers bout Halloween dangerous driving

Truckers, it’s Halloween weekend! You probably won’t see any ghosts unless you take some haunted routes. For example, you could check out South Carolina’s haunted crybaby bridge, which has personally scared the snot out of me a few times.

However, you could still run into some tricksters and ghouls causing trouble on the roads. Just like around any holiday, traffic will increase and the roads will become more dangerous. We want you to stay safe this Halloween, so we have a list of what to watch out for during your routes.

Halloween Danger On Our Roads

1. Drunk Drivers

Halloween has all of the vampires and goblins crawling out to dress up and drink for a good time. From house parties to bar crawls people will venture out all over and may not use their best judgment.

If you see a drunk driver on the road pull over and call 911. Report the car model and license plate number so the cops know what to look out for. If you stay on the road with them be sure to maintain a safe distance.

Signs of drunk driving include swerving, tailgating, sudden braking, drifting, driving without headlights on in the dark, driving in the wrong lane, and more.

2. Increased Law Enforcement

Extra drivers will be on the road and extra law enforcement officers will be out to catch speeders, drunk drivers, and more. We don’t know what your worst fear is, it could be spiders, maybe it’s snakes, but explaining your speeding ticket to your wife might be a terrifying Halloween experience all on it’s own!

In order to avoid getting pulled over be on your best driving behavior. Don’t speed, tailgate, or sporadically change lanes. Also, if you go through a checkpoint things will go much quicker and more smoothly if you remain calm and polite.

3. Oh Deer, So Many Deer!

ExpressTruckTax explains how truckers can avoid hitting deer

We’re in rut season for deer, meaning more deer are out looking more mates. During this active time, they are hopping all over the place, including into the road. If you hit a deer or swerve around them and hit something else your truck could suffer thousands of dollars in damage. Also, you could become injured or lose your life.

Watch out for deer on the side of the road by keeping a lookout for shining eyes and slow down. If a deer is in the road, frozen in fear, flash your lights and honk your horn to snap it out of its trance. If a collision is unavoidable, don’t swerve or slam the breaks. Plow through it and assess the damage when you can come to a safe stop.

4. Tricksters

Many kids like to play pranks on Halloween. Including throwing rocks, pumpkins, and eggs at windshields. If you see any suspicious activity on overpasses report it immediately, because this activity is extremely dangerous.

Recently teens in Michigan were throwing rocks from an overpass and their prank turned deadly. A father of four was killed in traffic as a result. The teens were caught and will be tried for murder. Hopefully, other teens will learn from this example.

If your windshield is struck by an object remain calm. Don’t swerve or slam on the breaks, just gradually slow down and turn on your caution lights. Also, if you need to clean your windshield come to a safe stop in a safe area first.

Happy Halloween

We hope you enjoy this spooky holiday. We hope you get the chance to trick or treat with your kids, watch a scary movie, and eat your favorite Halloween treat. If you’re going to be out on the roads be sure to stay safe and drive alert with caution.

If you have any safety tips to add please share them in the comment section below. Also, visit ExpressTruckTax for more trucking blogs.

Finding and Accepting the Right Trucking Job

So, you have your CDL and now you need a trucking job. It’s time to look online, in the newspaper, and everywhere else! Load boards post new loads every day and companies are desperate for more drivers, providing you with a lot of job options, but make sure you find the right job.
It can be easy to jump at the first opportunity that offers money, but you may be neglecting a better opportunity. You may also accept a load for a company that doesn’t have your best interests in mind. Learn what questions to ask and what to look for when considering your trucking job options.

What To Look For In Trucking Jobs

Solid Pay & Benefits

You need to make sure that you make a profit per load, or that the rate per mile is high enough to cover your bills and provide you with the ability to build some savings. Sometimes when business is slow you may accept loads to break even, but on a salary, you will want to profit. Also, after gaining some reputable experience you may be offered hourly pay.

Before signing on with a company be sure to research the pay scale and ask about scheduled pay increases, accessorial pay, layover pay, and bonuses. It’s perfectly fine to ask about future opportunities before investing your time with a new company.

While you’re at it see what type of benefits the company has to offer. Will they offer you insurance coverage? Do they have a retirement plan? Will you be offered paid time off for vacations or holiday pay? These are all important things to consider for your personal needs and the needs of your family.

Look Past Face Value

Most trucking companies will have a professional looking website with images of happy truckers, but don’t let that sway your opinion. Read the text to learn about the company’s goals and how they work to achieve them.

Also, Google reviews of the company to see what the general public and previous workers think of them. This will give you a good idea about their reputation.

ExpressTruckTax shares how to find the right trucking job

Look at how the company values safety. Trucking is a dangerous job, so if they have safety regulations put in place and offer safety training, that’s a good sign that they actually care about their drivers.

Do The Policies Match Your Lifestyle?

Are the lanes in the routes that you like to travel? Will your loads be limited to a flatbed, tankers, and dry vans or will you get to gain experience with more specialized loads? Can you get your foot in the door by hauling dry vans and eventually work your way up to heavy loads?

Do you have a family that you would like to see as much as you can? Then look at the time off the company has to offer and try to find a terminal nearby. Some companies do offer drivers the ability to go home for weekends or every two weeks. You could also consider regional trucking instead of OTR.

Do you have pet you can’t imagine leaving behind? Then look at the company’s pet policy to see if they allow pets on trips. Some places may only allow smaller animals and others may only allow dogs. The rules and regulations for cats and dogs in the rig also vary between different carriers.

The Right Trucking Job Is Waiting For You

When looking for a trucking job it’s not important to find the perfect company or the perfect load. Instead, it’s important to find the right job for you that fits your needs and lifestyle. You may have to get out of your comfort zone a little in the beginning but as your reputation builds you will have access to bigger and better opportunities.

Please share your tips about finding the right trucking job in the comment section below and visit for more trucking blogs.

Trucker Budgeting Tips To Really Help You Save

ExpressTruckTax encourages trucking businesses to budget

Trucking gives you freedom. It provides the ability to drive all over the country without coworkers breathing down your neck and if you’re an owner-operator then you even get to be your own boss. However, with great power comes great responsibility.

In today’s case, we mean spending responsibility. Trucking can be very expensive, especially when you’re just starting out. Before you establish yourself as a reputable driver you may have to really nickel and dime a few things. A proper budget can make or break you in the transportation industry, so check out a few budgeting basics.

How To Create A Trucking Budget

Know Your Numbers

Before you start spending it’s a good idea to know how much you can actually spend. Meet with an accountant or financial advisor to see how much of a loan you can get when you decide to start up your trucking company.

Also, you will want to know how much you’re making and spending. These numbers can be easy to track with the help of a program like TruckLogics. TruckLogics will track your expenses and income so you can run financial reports at any time to see exactly where your money is coming and going.

Cut Costs
Once you know how much you can spend, you don’t have to spend it all. Cut costs and allocate money to the proper places. If you need office supplies consider getting refurbished computers. Also, you don’t have to buy the top of the line, brand new rig. Look into your used options or consider leasing.

The top 3 trucker expenses are gas, food, and lodging. Save on fuel by slowing down to improve fuel efficiency or consider getting a fuel card for rewards. Also, buy your on the road snacks in bulk to save and cook your own meals in your rig.

Last but not least, to save on lodging, stop sleeping in motels. Outfit your sleeper cab to be comfortable enough for a great night of rest.

Then put all the money you save from cutting costs into your actual savings. You will need it in case business becomes slow or something happens to one of your trucks. In the event of an emergency if you don’t have savings to pull from then you could find yourself in trouble.

Consider Your Options

Don’t just jump in and impulsively buy things. If the first insurance policy you’re offered looks good read the fine print anyways. It may offer more coverage than you need, so be sure to see what your state actually requires.

Also, things like bobtail coverage to protect your truck while in operation without a trailer or physical damage coverage may cost extra.

ExpressTruckTax helps truckers file Form 2290 on time

Do you really need an assistant back at home to cover your books and manage dispatches or can you do it all yourself with the help of a trucking business management program like TruckLogics?

Be On Time

Nothing stings like late fees, so be on time. File your 2290 online by the deadline with the help and ExpressTruckTax and stay on top of your quarterly IFTA return with ExpressIFTA. Also, pick up and deliver your loads on time!

Time is money in this business, so you don’t want to keep people waiting. Plus, you can even be fined for delivering loads late and in some cases, you may have to wait until the next day to come back and unload your freight. That extra day of waiting won’t just be frustrating because it will also be expensive.

Happy Trucking

We know you’re in the trucking business because you love it, and we know you can make it. Soon you will grow your business to new levels and with the help of budgeting, you will be able to save faster. You never know when those savings will come in handy, so be prepared when an emergency or great investment opportunity comes along.

Please add your budgeting tips in the comment section below and visit for more trucking blogs.

The Total Eclipse Will Totally Stop Traffic

The Total Solar Eclipse Traffic Nightmare
The total eclipse/traffic nightmare

If you haven’t already heard you should be aware that a major total eclipse will occur on Monday, August 21st, that will make areas of 12 different states in its path become completely dark for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This will happen around 2:43 PM EST in Columbia, SC.

Now, this is a historic event because it’s the first total eclipse from coast to coast since 1918. An entire generation has lived and passed without witnessing an event like this, and it’s the first total eclipse since the interstate system was even created. So, what can you expect traffic to be like?

Solar Eclipse Traffic

Schools and businesses are allowing people to take the day off in order to travel and see the eclipse. Meaning millions of people from all across the nation will be traveling to the 12 states where the total eclipse can be witnessed. You should expect major congestion and a few stand still traffic jams.

If you’ll be out on the road that day be prepared. Top of your fuel and give yourself enough time to account for the influx of traffic. Remember when extra people are on the road more wrecks occur, so slow downs and delays can be expected. Some major roads will actually be closed, like Interstate 57 corridor in Illinois for example.

The 12 states where you can see the total eclipse include:

An example of a traffic jam expected to be caused by the total eclipse.

North Carolina
South Carolina

Some people will plan ahead and make a trip out of this event and find a place to stay overnight to enjoy the eclipse the next day, but others will hop in their car for a spur of the moment journey. If they travel the day of the eclipse they will avoid having to pay for a hotel and taking extra time off work.

Also, if people are in traffic during this event they may whip out their phones to try and snap pictures on their phones. This will be a major cause of distracted driving and could result in accidents. Even though parking on the shoulder is illegal, people are expected to pull off on the side of the road to watch the event, which could result in even more accidents.

Plus, the sky will go completely dark in the path of the eclipse. We hope that people remember to turn their lights on if they are driving during it, but they may not. Watch out for yourself and others. Have your lights on auto or remember to turn them on to see other drivers on the road.

State troopers from all across the country will be out looking for dangerous drivers to keep the roads safe, so be sure to be on your best driving behavior. Don’t follow other vehicles too closely, speed, or drive distracted to avoid getting pulled.

If you want to view the eclipse we recommend finding a truck stop on your route and giving yourself enough time to make it there and park before it starts. Parking on the side of the road could be dangerous and is not advised. You could also take the day off and travel with your family to see it since it will be a once and lifetime beautiful event. We hope it doesn’t get rained out.

However, if you don’t care about the eclipse and don’t want to deal with the hassle of travelers we recommend sticking to the back roads to avoid traffic. Also, check your route in advance to avoid closed roads. Don’t let extra mass of other drivers rial you up with road rage, stay calm and keep on truckin’. 

Enjoy The Eclipse

Whether you will be participating in another hard day’s work or taking the time to enjoy the eclipse remember to drive extra safely and prepare for hordes of traffic. This is a major event that millions will flock to from coast to coast. 

For more trucking blogs visit and please share your thoughts about the eclipse and potential traffic in the comment section below.