For a very special #ThrowbackThursday, Trucking Nation, we’re going to be time traveling in all directions! First, taking a peek into the trucking industry’s past, then blasting into its bright future!
So hop into my DeLorean, and let’s see where it takes us!
ExpressTruckTax is now partners with OOIDA, The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association! If you haven’t heard about these champions of the trucking industry, look at a few of their shining accomplishments over the past 41 years!
Since 1973, OOIDA has been fighting for the rights of truckers, one initiative at a time. It has been said, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” and there was a desperate need for someone to defend the small, hardworking truckers of America from unfair legislation.
Enter OOIDA.
The organization was first founded by a small, but feisty, group of owner-operators! The Arab oil embargoes of the early 1970’s were crippling the trucking industry, so the founders of OOIDA marched to Washington, DC to voice the interests of owner-operators to lawmakers. And they haven’t stopped since! OOIDA has continued influencing policy-makers and has sued to revoke–and get drivers refunds for–unconstitutional taxes, fees, and more.
OOIDA’s first long-term victory came in 1979 when Congress, at the urging of OOIDA, held a series of hearings to explore the plight of small transportation businesses. Congress sided with OOIDA, concluding that the Interstate Commerce Commission needed to regulate abuses in leasing agreements. OOIDA was not only instrumental in this Truth-in-Leasing regulation, but more recently they also helped overturn funding for EORB’s, electronic on-board recorders. In 2011, courts agreed with OOIDA that EORB’s were a form of driver harassment, much like the driver fatigue tests they also helped to eliminate.
Thanks to the efforts of OOIDA, lawmakers now know that owner-operators are a force to be reckoned with, not taken advantage of with excessive fuel decals!
For these reasons and more, ExpressTruckTax is thrilled to be partnered with OOIDA. We too employ our talents to help owner-operators. By developing streamlined E-filing solutions for the many truck taxes out there, we are empowering drivers, keeping them on the road and out of the long lines at the IRS office!
The future of the trucking industry is here.
With partners like OOIDA, ExpressTruckTax continues to innovate the age-old tradition of filing taxes, making it quick, economical–and dare I say–fun! We first developed, a portal exclusively for OOIDA members to E-file their HVUT
Form 2290 in a matter of minutes!
Using our Bulk Upload option, E-file even faster by importing all of your vehicle information from an Excel file. We’ll then store these vehicles in Truck Zone, your own digital garage that simplifies finding and E-filing for a select group of vehicles. As always, we offer the best value in the industry, just $9.90 for a single truck, and we throw in 24/7 USA-based support for free! Best of all, drivers receive their Stamped Schedule I within minutes of E-filing, and all of their information is saved securely for extra-speedy E-filing each year after!
E-filing for Form 2290 will take 10 minutes or less and just three easy steps. See how easy it is in our video below!
But we didn’t stop there. To supplement, we are excited to announce our new OOIDA2290 Tablets Apps for
iPad &
Android devices! With so many OOIDA members out on the road, it only made sense to make E-filing accessible when computers are not! With the same three easy steps, OOIDA members can securely transmit their returns to the IRS–anywhere, anytime!
- Step 1: Create an account, and enter your business and vehicle information.
- Step 2: With this data, all of the taxes due or credits owed are instantly calculated for you. If there are credits, Form 8849 is automatically generated, so you can get your money back faster!
- Step 3: After choosing from three payment methods, Check, Direct Debit, or EFTPS, the Instant Audit feature scans the return for errors. Once it’s fit to be filed, safely transmit your return to the IRS.
Oh, and I almost forgot Step 4, receiving your Stamped Schedule 1 immediately and getting back on your merry way! So break out that tablet and get E-filing!
No matter where you’re trucking, OOIDA members, ExpressTruckTax has got you covered with our portal and tablet apps! To start E-filing today, give our Support Heroes a call at 704.234.6005. You can also chat with us online or get 24/7 email support at