Category: Thank a Trucker

California Wildfire Relief Suspends Hours Of Service

The nation always needs truckers. You deliver essential goods like food and medicine across the nation.Without your hard work and determination, the economy could collapse. However, in certain times of emergency, we need you more than ever.

When the two major hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit the country with full force we desperately needed truckers to deliver relief items to those in need. We also needed truckers to haul debris away. Now with the wildfires ravaging southern California truckers are needed again.

California Wildfire Relief

Over 350 firefighters have been hard at work attempting to contain a wildfire raging across southern California. As of Wednesday night, the fire was about 5% contained and has ravaged over 60,000 acres in Ventura County and over 150 acres in Bel Air so far. The smoke from the fire can actually be seen from space.

Los Angeles is under threat due to this fire and thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate their homes so far. With the Santa Ana wind gusts between 70 to 80 mph spreading the fire there is no telling how far the fire will spread, even though firefighters are desperately trying to make progress towards controlling it.

Governor Jerry Brown has issued a state of emergency for Ventura County, which has suspended hours of service regulations for certain drivers. Those who aid in the relief effort by removing debris caused by the fire and those helping with the recovery effort will be able to operate under suspended hours of service.

Although, please note that if you’re helping with the recovery effort that there may be a few challenges to face. Evacuations are causing areas to fill with traffic that you will have to navigate through as people have to leave their homes.


Along with evacuations, there are a number of road closures making trucking routes extremely difficult. Parts of California Highway 150, California Highway 33, Freeway 405, and more are closed. Truckers trying to deliver their loads on time during the strict holiday season have been quite frustrated.

Be sure to have a map of the area available if you need to reroute and have your radio on to listen for evacuation notices. You will also want a backup, hand crank radio in the event of an emergency.

Other emergency items that will be good to have include extra water for yourself and to give out to those in need, along with nonperishable snacks. Take extra clothes, an extra phone battery, and safety tools.

Know that once you deliver a load to a relief area or go somewhere to pick up debris there might be a lot of waiting time involved. People may not know where they need to send you next. Also, don’t push your limits. Be safe and do not head into danger. You do not want to lose your rig or life in this fire.

Thank You For Helping

ExpressTruckTax would like to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work. You make Christmas possible and take the time to deliver tons of important supplies all across the nation. You even step up to provide relief during times of emergency.

Please share your thoughts about the wildfire relief efforts in the comment section below and visit ExpressTruckTax for more trucking blogs.

ExpressTruckTax Celebrates National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Hey truckers, you know the nation appreciates you right? Well, we do! Thank you for all of your hard work and the time you put in to keep our economy rolling forward. People don’t realize the how hard over 3.5 million professional drivers in the US work to safely deliver goods on time.

That’s why it’s the general public’s turn to give back with National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, which will take place September 10th – 16th. During this week people will take the time to honor drivers and show them appreciation. Although for the daily activities and stress drivers deal with, they should really be appreciated every single day!

Take a moment to see what drivers can expect during this week and learn what you can do to support the drivers around you. They don’t have to be drivers you know, they can be anyone who works in the transportation industry.

Show Truck Drivers Appreciation 

Love’s Truck Stop has actually extended driver appreciation week to a month long affair. In September thousands of drivers will win $100 in My Love Rewards points and one extra lucky driver will win 10K in points. Also, one driver will win 1 million My Love Reward points which is the equivalent to $10,000 in retail value. 

In September drivers will earn a free shower and a free drink refill if they buy 50 gallons of fuel or more. They will also receive a free hat if they buy 3 pairs of gloves for $9.99. Plus, Love’s offers drivers tire care, light mechanical and oil change services, and more!

Clearwater Plaza in Minnesota will be throwing an appreciation event Tuesday, September 12th from 3 to 6 PM! They will have free food, health screenings, games, prizes, and more.

During the week drivers can also expect free food and BBQs or cookouts hosted by their fleets and maybe a few contests and prizes, but that’s not where driver appreciation should start or end. Drivers should be appreciated all year!

Thank a truck driver

One way fleets can give drivers more appreciation is by listening to them. By actually taking the time to talk to drivers and learn about what frustrations they are facing you can give them real advice to fix the issue. Plus, if drivers are taken seriously they will feel respected.

Also, you could take the time to learn about your drivers. They aren’t objects, they are actual hard working people. Take the time to learn their names, about their interests, and hobbies. You can also ask them about their families and invite them to be included in special company events like training days and cookouts. This will give families an inside look at what the trucking life is like so they can better understand what their beloved drivers go through.

You could also provide drivers with something they really need like access to items that will help them lead healthier lives. Don’t just tell a driver how to be more fit, offer them a gym membership or provide in cab strength training equipment.

You could also provide them with free health screenings for the conditions that commonly affect drivers like high blood pressure or sleep apnea.

You could also provide helpful tools for the road like emergency kits, rain gear, or winter wear. These items can be free or offered at discounted prices, but when caught in an emergency water protective clothing, a flashlight with batteries, utility knife, and more will really make an incredible difference.

We Appreciate You, Drivers!

We also appreciate everyone involved in the trucking industry, so much so that we say thanks to driver’s all year long. One week isn’t enough time to appreciate what you do.

Please share your thoughts on trucker appreciation in the comment section and visit for more trucking blogs.