Category: Tax Professional

FAQ Friday: Tax Professionals and Form 2290

Are you a tax professional that needs to file Form 2290 for clients or businesses? If so, it is always important to know what you are doing and what is needed before you start filing Form 2290. Below you will find useful information that will help answer any questions you may have in regard to the Form 2290 filing process. 

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 must be filed for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. Drivers can file this form themselves though it can also be filed by tax professionals. The tax year for Form 2290 is from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. 

When is Form 2290 due?

The deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31st for vehicles that have been on the road for a year or more or are being put on the road for the first time in July. If the vehicle has been on the road for less than a year the month it is put on the road for the first time is known as the vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM). Form 2290 needs to be filed by the last day of the month following the vehicle’s First Used Month and the tax amount due will be a prorated amount for the remaining months in the tax year. 

What is Form 8453-EX?

The technical term for Form 8453-EX is “Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Return”, which is a declaration by the taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize a service provider to transmit your return using a third-party transmitter. If a paid tax preparer e-files a client’s tax return, this form needs to be filed and signed to allow the paid preparer to file the tax return on the taxpayer’s behalf. ExpressTruckTax allows Form 8453-EX to be sent directly from ExpressTruckTax to the client in order to get it signed electronically. 

What if Tax Professionals have to file returns for multiple businesses?

When you file with ExpressTruckTax, you are able to utilize the bulk upload feature for users to add multiple businesses at a time. Filing for each business individually can take a long time, and in order to save you time, ExpressTruckTax allows you to upload multiple businesses at once by following the steps below:

  1. Create an account with ExpressTruckTax or log into your existing account.
  2. Click “Bulk Upload businesses”.
  3. Download the ExpressTruckTax excel template and save it. 
  4. Edit the document and begin entering the information for each business you need to file for. 
  5. Make sure you do not change the name of the file of the column headers. 
  6. Once you have entered all of the information for each business in the template, upload the document into your ExpressTruckTax account to start filing for multiple businesses within your account. 

If you need the multiple business bulk upload template, click here

How can ExpressTruckTax help Tax Professionals file Form 2290?

ExpressTruckTax offers a multitude of convenient options to help tax professionals e-file Form 2290. These options are designed to help save you time regardless if you are a new or returning user. New and returning users have the option to bulk-upload business and vehicle information. If there are no credit vehicles being reported for businesses you are filing for, you are able to take advantage of the Express Filing option, which presents vehicle details and payment options all on a single page. If you do need to report credit vehicles, you are able to select “Multiple Vehicles” under “Start New Return” to report any vehicles whether they are taxable, suspended, credit, or prior year suspended. These credits, if any, can be deducted from the total tax owed. If you are a returning user that has had IRS accepted returns for a business in previous filings, you are able to copy the vehicle details when filing for the current tax year. ExpressTruckTax also offers Form 2848 (Power of Attorney) to clients who are tax professionals. 

Are you a tax professional and need to file Form 2290 for clients or businesses this tax year? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax. You will get access to a number of helpful features and are even able to purchase filing credits at a discounted rate for multiple filings. What are you waiting for? File your client’s Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today.

How to E-file For Your Client With ExpressTruckTax

Accountants who use ExpressTruckTax can get some pretty great perks, including being able to e-file for their clients quickly through our easy e-filing software. You won’t find another product where you can e-file for your client in under 10 minutes.

If you’re tired of paper-filing or playing the waiting game for your clients to sign and fax back Form 8453-EX, we have solutions for all of these problems. Setting up your account as a tax preparer with ExpressTruckTax is easy, and as always, we’ve added shortcuts to streamline the process and help simplify your business.

All you need to do is follow three simple steps!

CPA Account Setup

  • If this is your first time using ExpressTruckTax, then go ahead and create an account and make sure you specify that you are a CPA. 
  • If you’ve created an account, simply log in and go to your dashboard.
  • Now all you need to do is enter your accounting firm details and your EIN number.

E-file For Your Client

The next step is to e-file a Form 2290 for your client. With ExpressTruckTax, the whole process from start to finish is very easy.

Step 1: Enter Client’s Account Details

  • Enter their name, business details and, EIN number.
  • Choose to file for the current year

Step 2: Enter Client’s Vehicle Details

  • You can do this in a number of different ways. You can import their vehicles from a CSV file, you can enter them in manually, or you can import them from their virtual garage in TruckZone.
  • Don’t forget any low mileage credits.

Step 3: Client’s Payment Details

  • The final step in the e-filing process is to pay and securely transmit their return to the IRS.
  • Simply select their payment method from the three types the IRS accepts: Direct debit, EFTPS, and check or money order. Then review their information and move on to the next step. This is where you will encounter Form 8453-EX.

E-File in High Gear: Use the Bulk Upload Options

Alternatively, you can bulk upload business details for all of your clients in one fell swoop! It works in the same way that bulk uploading your client’s trucks from an excel file does. And yet again, you can do this in three simple steps!

Step 1: The Excel File

  • Login to your account and under new to business list, select manage businesses

  • Then, on the manage businesses screen, select “Bulk Upload Businesses”
  • A screen prompting you to download our excel template will appear, select to download the template and move on to step two!

Step 2: Enter Businesses

  • Now in the excel file you need to enter your client’s businesses and a few details, including their EIN, phone numbers, fax numbers, and addresses. 

Step 3: Upload File

  • Now all you need to do is upload the file to your ExpressTruckTax account. The rest of the work is done for you!
  • If there are any errors, our system will catch them and let you know on a case-by-case basis what type of error it is and what you need to do to fix it.
  • Then voila! You have all of your clients uploaded.

And that’s all there is to it! when you encounter the Form 8453-EX, all you have to do is send it to your client via your tax portal to be e-signed, by email, or by fax, and then you can securely transmit your client’s return. Then you’re done!

If you need any help during the e-filing process, or you encounter any problems, we’re here for you! Our dedicated support legends can answer all of your heavy vehicle use tax and ExpressTruckTax-related questions with ease.

So give them a call at 704.234.6005 during our new extended business hours from 8AM – 8PM EST or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

E-file Anywhere with ExpressTruckTax

ExpressTruckTax just got a facelift.

 And now with our new look available for both iPhone and Android users, and our mobile website for Blackberry and Windows Phone users, you can e-file even more places in a flash!

Our apps have always been user-friendly and easy-to-use, but now it’s even easier (and prettier, if you ask us).

With tax season in full force, you’ll need all the help you can get! Remember, you only have until August 31st to get those 2290’s done.

When you e-file with ExpressTruckTax, either through our website or our new and improved apps, you can get your 2290’s securely transmitted to the IRS in just under 10 minutes. And once you’re done and you’ve transmitted your return, you’ll get your Stamped Schedule 1 emailed directly to you!

You can e-file anywhere and anytime. No matter where you are, if you have your smartphone (or tablet), you can e-file.

Whether you’re waiting in line on your lunch break, sitting in the shade in the park, or having a cup of coffee at a truckstop, if you’ve got 10 minutes, you can e-file!

Jair relaxing on a bench and e-filing his 2290.

With just three simple steps, ExpressTruckTax can help you file your 2290 and get right back to your life. No muss, no fuss, just a great product and superior e-filing.

How to E-file On-the-Go

To e-file with our new apps in a flash, all you need to do is follow three simple steps!

Account Setup

  • If you’ve never filed with us before, then you’ll need to set up your account. In order to do this, simply select “create new account” or choose to login with your Google+ or Facebook account.
  • If you’re a returning user, simply enter your information and login.
  • Now you can enter in your business details and your EIN number. Again, if you’ve filed with us previously, you can simply use the same business details and EIN that you filed with last year.
  • Then choose to file for the current year and move on to step two!

Vehicle Details

  • After you’ve entered your business information and selected to file for the current tax year, the next step is to enter the information for your vehicle or vehicles. 
  • You can do this in a number of different ways. You can import them from a CSV file, you can enter them in manually, or if you’ve filed with us previously, you can import them from your virtual garage in TruckZone.
    • Pro-tip: There are three different kinds of vehicles you can enter. Make sure you’re entering them all on the right screen or you may have to file an amendment (and owe the IRS more money).
  • At the end of this step you can enter in any low mileage credits, and then quickly and easily move on to step 3!

Pay & Transmit

  • The final step in the e-filing process is to pay and securely transmit your return to the IRS.
  • Simply select your payment method from the three types the IRS accepts: Direct debit, EFTPS, and check or money order. Then review your information and securely transmit your return to the IRS.
  • Your Stamped Schedule 1 will follow any minute. It’s just that easy!

If you have any questions or need any help through the e-filing process, our support legends are here for you. Our USA-based support team is ready to help you around the clock! You can reach them by phone during our new extended hours from 8AM to 8PM EST or by email day and night.

Give them a call at 704.234.6005 or send them at email at for 24/7 support in English and Spanish.

Don’t delay, e-file today!

Perks for Our Partners

As the industry leader, ExpressTruckTax is proud to be partnered with some of the nation’s largest trucking associations and companies! We are truly honored and humbled to be partnered with so many trucking companies and associations from around North America.

We are partnered with associations like Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), America’s Independent Trucker’s Association (AITA), National Association of Small Trucking Companies (NASTC), and South Carolina Trucking Association (SCTA).

We are also partnered with many large carriers like Panther, Landstar, Universal Truckload, EPES, and Mercer. We have truly been able to cement our place as leaders in the trucking industry.

We appreciate their partnership immensely and as a thank you, we offer both trucking companies and trucking associations alike some pretty great perks! It’s all part of our ongoing mission to make our affordable solutions readily-available for all!

Perks for Partners

Our partners mean the world to us, and these are just a few of the things we offer them.

  • Customized Portals
    • Our partners enjoy a customized ExpressTruckTax portal where their owner-operators can e-file truck taxes with ease.
  • 24/7 Free Support
    • We’re there for our partners 24/7, no matter what! We can address problems anytime of day (or night) and get them handled quickly and professionally.
  • Educational Materials about Taxes
    • Figuring out how to file HVUT can be tough. That’s why ExpressTruckTax provides our partners with some much needed materials to educate their owner-operators and members on how to correctly file their taxes and stay current with IRS regulations.
  • Free Automatic Email With Stamped Schedule 1
    • Trucking companies partnered with ExpressTruckTax receive the Stamped Schedule 1 via email automatically as soon as their drivers e-file.
These are things nobody else is doing. Our customers will always get the best service and product available when they e-file with us. It’s just that simple!

If you need help or have any questions about e-filing, all you have to do is give our dedicated support legends a call! You can reach them at 704.234.6005. You can even send an email to for 24 hour support in English and Spanish!

ExpressTruckTax is Secure!

Year after tax year, scam artists seem to crop up, claiming they’re CPA’s that can file your 2290 for you. They may even go so far as to print out a fake Stamped Schedule 1 right before they close up shop and disappear.

Unfortunately these types of scams are very common, especially taking advantage of truckers who speak English as a second language.

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we guarantee you a safe, secure, and completely 100% scam-free experience when you file with us. Not to mention we are an IRS Authorized E-file Provider and a link to our website can be found directly on the IRS’s website.

How To Identify A Scam

Trying to identify a scam isn’t always easy, but you should always look for these two red flags.

“Cash Only” E-filing

E-filing providers who claim they only accept cash for their e-filing fee are most definitely not playing by the rules. Those who go by the book will have several payment options available, none of which are “cash only”. And you should definitely never have to pay cash for your taxes. The IRS only accepts three payment methods: Direct Debit, EFTPS, and Check or Money Order. If they ask for anything else, it’s a scam!

Not Listed on IRS Website

You may not always check, but you should. One of the easiest ways to identify and avoid being scammed is to check the IRS website for verified e-filers. If they’re not on that list, the risk they’re a scam goes up. So only use e-filer providers that you trust!

Unless you know and trust a company completely, avoid anyone who isn’t an IRS-certified e-file provider. And you should definitely avoid any company who only wants you to pay in cash! Always know who you’re giving your money to.

Beware of fake Stamped Schedule 1’s! A legitimate Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS will look like this, complete with the IRS’s real watermark:

It will be that clear and crisp and will contain all of your correct information and vehicles. Anything that doesn’t look like this is not legitimate and will not be accepted by the DMV.

The Secure Promise from ExpressTruckTax

As an industry leader and an IRS-authorized e-file provider, ExpressTruckTax can promise security and peace of mind when you e-file through us.

Our product is McAfee Certified HackerProof and we utilize SSL, which securely encrypts communications between your device and our US-based servers.

With us, you’ll get a legitimate Stamped Schedule 1 emailed right to you within minutes after your return is accepted! Your tax payment will always go straight through us and to the right place—the IRS—in minutes.

With the help of our US-based support legends (operating from right here in Rock Hill, South Carolina!), you can rest assured that your taxes will be filed quickly and correctly. So if you have any questions or need any help, just give them a call at 704.234.6005 or sent them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

There’s no guesswork, just secure e-filing with ease!

Skip the Traffic: E-file With ExpressTruckTax Today

Today is the day, Trucking Nation! The IRS is now accepting Form 2290, and giving out that coveted Stamped Schedule 1.

The renewal period begins now and runs from today until August 31. So head to ExpressTruckTax now and get to e-filing! Or you can use our free app on your iOS or Android device to conveniently e-file wherever you are!

If you pre-filed with us, today is the day we will securely transmit your 2290’s to the IRS (way ahead of everyone else). And you should get your approval later today along with your Stamped Schedule 1.

Not sure if it’s time for you to file? We’ve compiled a super-quick guide with all the details you need to keep your HVUT game on point!

What is Form 2290?

IRS Form 2290 is a tax paid on a heavy vehicle that is registered, or required to be registered in your name under U.S., Canadian, or Mexican law. That means if you have a vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more, you must pay Heavy Vehicle Use Tax in order to renew your vehicle’s registration.

When you e-file with ExpressTruckTax, you can get everything done in one place without having to wait. ExpressTruckTax is a one-stop solution for e-filing, calculating taxes (without actually breaking out a calculator), transmitting your return, making your payment, and getting your Stamped Schedule 1 automatically via email. It’s that easy!

Bonus Time: If you use the promocode ETT10 you can get 10% off the cost of filing! AND If you Like Us on Facebook after you e-file, you’re automatically entered into our next Summer Series of Giveaways contest! We’ll select one lucky winner between now and July 15th to win a $25 Gift Card…and it could be you!

Short on Time?

If you’re short on time, on the road, or would rather have your very own processing agent handle e-filing your 2290 for you, contact our full-service division, Truck Services of North America! They can e-file your Form 2290 for you over the phone, same day!

They can handle all your authorities, permits, registrations, IFTA filing, and pretty much everything you would ever need to operate your heavy vehicle. You can call them at 803.386.0320 or email them at to get started.

Today’s HVUT Cheat Sheet

Leading up to today, we’ve written a lot of blogs about every situation you would find yourself in while beginning your e-filing journey. Here are a few of the more important blogs that will help you e-file:

  • What do You Get get for $9.90?
    • ExpressTruckTax is more than just an e-filing product, it’s the best value in the industry! But what exactly do you get for $9.90?
  • Forgot your Password
    • If you forgot your password, let us help. Remembering all those passwords can be rough, but you don’t have to create a new account—learn how to recover your password here!
  • How to Create an Account
    • If you’ve never filed with us before, this is the blog for you. We’ll walk you through the process of creating an account from start to finish, and with pictures!
  • FastTransfer Feature
    • If you have already e-filed with us in the past, your information can be applied to your 2015-16 Form 2290. Here’s a step-by-step process on how it works.
  • Truck Zone
    • Truck Zone is your very own virtual garage. And it’s an exclusive feature just for ExpressTruckTax. You’ll never forget another truck again because we’ll store them for you on our secure server. 
  • IRS Offices Now by Appointment Only
    • Some of the IRS offices are now by appointment only. Check here to see if your city is on that list.
  • 7 Common E-filing Mistakes to Avoid
    • We all make mistakes, but here’s how to avoid the common ones we see year after year when e-filing season begins again.
  • 6 Tips for E-filing Success This Renewal Season
    • Have a successful renewal season with these 6 easy tips on how to e-file!
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of E-filing Your 2290
    • Tips on how to make e-filing even easier by being prepared throughout the tax year.

Didn’t find answers on our E-filing Cheat Sheet? Our support legends are here for you! Do not hesitate to give them a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at for 24/7 support in both English and Spanish.

Don’t wait or you’ll be late, e-file with ExpressTruckTax today!

E-Filing HVUT for Tax Professionals: A Guide

Hello again, Tax Pro’s of the Trucking Nation! We’re back again with a blog just for you. Last time we covered Creating a Tax Professional Account with ExpressTruckTax, step-by-step.

Not only is it free to set-up, but it’s fast and easy too. With Bulk Upload options for businesses, as well as trucks, you’ll be ready to hit the ground E-filing in just minutes.

Which is the topic for today! We’ll walkthrough the E-filing process for third party designees (that’s you).

You’ll notice again that every step of the way, we’ve incorporated shortcuts to make the E-filing process quick and painless.

Step 1: Select First-Used Month

From the dropdown menu, choose the month in which the vehicle was purchased or first put in use. If you’re E-filing for a previous year, indicate this by checking the appropriate tax year.

Step 2: Add Taxable Vehicles

You have three options here for adding vehicles to the return. The first option is manual entry. Click
+Add Taxable Vehicle and enter the vehicle’s VIN and gross weight. Option 2, use our Bulk Upload button to import hundreds or thousands of vehicles at once.

Or the third option is selecting vehicles from Truck Zone. This option only works if you previously imported your client’s vehicles. If you have, then they’ll be saved in Truck Zone. Just check the box next to the ones you’d like to E-file for, and they’ll be magically added to the return.

At this stage, you also have the opportunity to add Suspended Vehicles (those that travel fewer than 5,000 miles during the tax year or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles), as well as Prior Year Suspended and Sold/Lost/Destroyed vehicles. The process for adding these vehicles is the same as above.

Step 3: IRS Payment

Believe it or not, the hard part is over! (I know what you’re thinking: What hard part?!)

On this screen, enter your client’s payment information. Your client can pay the IRS taxes via EFW (Direct Debit), EFTPS, or by Check or Money Order.

If they choose to pay by check or money order, our system will automatically generate the payment voucher that the IRS requires with the payment. Another way we save you and your business precious seconds.

Step 4: Review & Instant Audit

It’s time to review your information one last time before securely transmitting it to the IRS. Check over each field, and then click the green “Review” button at the bottom of the page. Our system will then perform our signature Instant Audit to scan the return for errors.

Once you’ve got the green light, you’re almost done.

Step 5: Pay our Fee & Add Notifications for Clients

Time to enter your credit card details to pay our E-filing fee. But there’s a shortcut here too! If you get set-up on one of our payment plans for Tax Professionals, you’ll not only have access to discounted pricing, you’ll also be able to skip this payment screen, saving you time each time you E-file.

To learn more about our Price Packages, check out this blog or call one of our Account Managers at 704.234.6005.

Another time saving feature that’s–available you can elect to add text, fax, or postal mail notifications on the status of the return. Rather than call or email your clients to let them know you’ve filed, just enter their fax number, and we’ll fax them a copy of the return and stamped Schedule 1 the second the return is accepted.

Step 6: Form 8453-EX (Optional)

Last, but not least, the Form 8453-EX. This step is optional. If you previously entered a current Form

2848 for this client (Power of Attorney), then you will skip this step.

If you don’t have Power of Attorney on file with the IRS, then you can quickly get authorization to file for each client by completing Form 8453-EX instead. If you’re unfamiliar with this form, check out this video.

As yet another time-saving feature, our system will automatically generate a completed 8453 for you. To complete the authorization process:
  • 1. Review the 8453 PDF to ensure the info we entered is correct. 
  • 2. Download, email, or fax the form to your client.
  • 3. Once your client has signed and returned the form to you, upload it into our system.

Now you’re ready to press the big, green TRANSMIT button and bask in your victory. Ah, the smell of success. Or is that coffee? I can’t tell anymore.

In just a few moments, you’ll receive an email with the client’s stamped Schedule 1, as well as any other notifications you added for you or your client.

5 steps in 5 minutes or less. Are you ready to start E-filing? Don’t forget to set-up a discounted price package first to reap the benefits of CPA savings. Contact your personal account manager for details.

Don’t have an account manager yet? Call 704.234.6005 or email to get connected today.

ExpressTruckTax is for Tax Professionals–Year Round!

Guess what, Tax Pro’s? WE’RE STILL HERE.

Like tax professionals, the ExpressTruckTax team does HVUT support year round. Just because the 2290 renewal deadline has passed, doesn’t mean it’s quittin’ time.

Other E-file providers out there think the tax season is over! Their part-time seasonal support is gone, and there’s no one there to assist you.

But that’s not how we roll. We know the tax season runs from July to June, so around here, our world-class support never quits. We even offer emergency email support on nights & weekends.

As a tax professional, you need seriously professional support. We offer you just that–and much more.

To enhance your support experience, we’ll assign you a personal Account Manager and their direct contact number. No automated systems, no talking to strangers.

As your personal Account Manager, one of our heroes will get to know you and your business & show you all of the short-cuts and discounts available to help trim your costs & save time.

In our continuous effort to assist tax professionals, we’ve built-in several exclusive, time-saving features that you won’t find anywhere else!

  • From a single login, manage unlimited businesses, E.I.N.’s and VIN numbers.
  • Don’t waste time typing! Bulk Upload businesses to your account in seconds from an Excel 

    file. When logged in to your account, simply select “Manage Business” under Business List on the top right of your Dashboard.

    On the next screen, select “Bulk Upload Businesses” under the Quick Links Section. Then follow the directions to upload your Excel file, and Voila, the name, address, E.I.N., and more will appear in your account instantly.

  • Upload hundreds or thousands of trucks at once, using our SmartUpload! Store the License plate #’s, VIN, gross weight, and everything else you need for unlimited vehicles within Truck Zone. Upload them all in seconds from an Excel file type.
  • Find the exact truck you’re looking for without delay. Use our Advanced Search to filter through Truck Zone and find the exact vehicle(s) you’d like to file for. Then click & add to the return, and you’re ready to rock!

In addition to these exclusive features, we’ve created several premier payment options just for CPA’s, all of which can be customized to fit your business’s needs.

Pay-As-You-Go Packages

-Pay each time you E-file for a client.
-Receive a special discounted rate for each filing.
-Speak with your account manager for details on your exclusive pricing.

Pre-paid Packages- for Optimum Savings & Flexibility

  • Bundled Product Package

-Pre-purchase E-filing credits at an exclusive, lower rate per filing.
-Save precious time with every filing by skipping the payment pages.
-Customize your package by selecting only credits for a single IRS form (like Form 8849) OR choose a variety of forms to get you through the tax year.
-For example, you may bundle 1,000 Form 2290’s for a single truck, 500 Form 2290’s for 2-24 trucks, 800 Form 2290 Amendments, 500 Form 8849 for credits, and even buy credits for unlimited E-filings for a particular E.I.N. for the duration of the tax year!
-When you “run out” of a form, re-load your account at any time for the same lower price.

  • Unlimited E-Filing Package
-Pre-purchase unlimited E-filings per E.I.N. for the tax year. Repeat for as many businesses as you need!
-Unlimited packages are the best option for clients with large fleets that are continuously buying/selling trucks throughout the tax year.
-Select which forms you’d like unlimited access to. For the most flexibility and savings, unlimited access to all of our forms is ideal!

ExpressTruckTax gives CPA’s the tools needed to E-file efficiently and while increasing profit.

Call our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005 and get connected with your own Personal Account manager today. You can also get in touch via live chat or email support at Let us cater to your needs and offer you the kind of perks you deserve.

You’ll see, we know how to treat CPA’s right.

Tax Professional Perks: Available Payment Options & More!

It might be #TruckerTuesday, but today’s blog is for all of you Tax Professionals out there. With only a month left in this Form 2290 filing season, there’s no faster, simpler way to E-file for all of your clients than with ExpressTruckTax!

Tax professionals provide a valuable service for our dear Trucking Nation, so in turn, we’ve gone the extra mile to ensure that managing your clients is convenient and hassle-free. To save time, our system allows you to store an unlimited number of businesses and EIN numbers within your account through a single login. Use our Bulk Upload option to import info for up to thousands of vehicles at once. No need for hours of data entry! All of your clients and their vehicles are organized and easily-accessed, ready to be E-filed at a moment’s notice!

And we aren’t just about accessibility–for affordability, we offer two convenient ways for you to pay: Pre-Paid packages & Pay-As-You-Go.

For the best pricing perks, our Pre-Paid packages are the clear winner!

  • Bundled Product Options: Purchase E-filing “credits” at a lower rate, however many you’d like! Customize your bundle by selecting credits for a single form, like Form 2290 Amendments, or create a package with any combination of forms you need. For example, you can bundle 500 Form 2290’s for a single truck, 1,000 Form 2290’s for 2-24 trucks, 300 Form 8849 for credits, and 200 unlimited E-filings. Each time you E-file, you’ll save time by skipping the payment page. When you run out of credits, come back and reload your account for the same low rate!
  • Unlimited Filing Package: You can also purchase unlimited filings per E.I.N for the tax year. This option particularly comes in handy if you deal with larger fleets that are continually purchasing/selling trucks throughout the tax year. This package is also tailor-made for your needs, so you can select which forms you’d like to have unlimited access to. For optimum flexibility (and savings!), choose unlimited access to all of our E-filing Forms!
Not sure what you may need this year? Use Pay-As-You-Go. We still sprinkle a bit of savings on top!

  • Pay-As-You-Go: Simply pay each time you E-file for a client. You’ll still receive exclusive pricing at a discounted rate for each return. 
To find out more about our pricing perks for Tax Professionals, contact an Account Manager and set up your exclusive pre-pay rate! Call 704.234.6005, live chat online, or get 24/7 email support at We may be based in Rock Hill, SC, but we can help in English, Spanish, and Russian!

ExpressTruckTax For The Tax Professional

ExpressTruckTax is perfect for any Tax Professional. We provide specialty pricing and make it possible to manage unlimited clients from a single account. As a tax professional, your job is complicated enough and we want to make transmitting Form 2290, 2290 Amendments, and Form 8849 Sch 6 the quickest and easiest e-filing process you have to do.

The e-filing procedure is a little different for a tax professional, so let’s take a closer look…

Form 8453 EX
This form is known as the Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS E-Filed Return. Sounds so fancy right? Form 8453 EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate to transmit the return using a third party transmitter (i.e the tax professional). Simply put, this form is used by a tax preparer to file on someone’s behalf.

A Tax Professional in the Trucking Industry
Every owner/operator and trucking company will have different tax and compliance needs. Some will need interstate compliance instead of intrastate, some trucks are only used for logging, some trucks won’t go over 5,000 miles, there are many variables that dictate what needs to be filed. So drivers and company owners will look for a processing agent or tax professional to keep all their needed documentation and compliance requirements up-to-date.

On Form 2290, you will need to gather the usual business information from your client (EIN, business name, and address). But you will also need to know information about your clients truck(s) – VIN, gross weight, if is used for logging, if it travels more than 5,000 miles, and if it used only for agriculture. It is always good to have the IRS hotline numbers:

                    IRS EIN hotline: 1-800-829-4933
                    IRS 2290 hotline: 1-866-699-4096

When you do have questions or run into a problem, we have an amazing support team always ready to assist you. Contact us via phone: 704.234.6005 or 24/7 email: