Category: smartphone apps

Will These 5 Technologies Help or Hurt Truckers?

You hear it all the time, technology will kill the trucking industry.

We know that robo-truckers are supposed to show up with their drone-powered rigs and shut down the whole transportation field.

Until the Terminator has as much intuition as a veteran trucker, we’re not gonna lose sleep over it.

But what new technologies are being developed to help truckers?

From heartbeats to healthy sleep, we’re looking at 5 new and helpful technologies headed your way.

Seats That Monitor You

You spend most of your day planted in the seat of your truck—it’s the perfect way to monitor everything from your heart health to your alertness.

With increased monitoring, companies are hoping to create more awareness and prevent dangerous heart attacks from taking down truckers.

The seat could even alert a driver to pull over and await an ambulance’s arrival!

A Steering Wheel and Gearshift That Feel You

With your hands strapped across the wheel, you know you’re in control of your rig. But are you in control of your health?

With biometric telemetry built directly into the hands-on parts of the truck, it will be easy to track health stats with your steering wheel or gearshift.

Imagine the possibilities when it comes to monitoring health this way—in every vehicle, drivers can be alerted if they’re above the drinking limit, if their diabetes is affecting their blood sugar, or if their blood pressure is dangerously high.

Your Mobile Tech Will Help

As phones continue to improve in speed and quality, we are going to see more mobile health advancements.

Mobile technology doesn’t just mean smartphones either! Smartwatches, fitness bands, and mobile monitoring devices will continue to improve and diversify into health and wellness.

Cameras Watching out for You

Nothing is more helpful in an accident than a good dash cam. But dash cams may just be the start. Mitsubishi is developing technology that will analyze truck movement, the driver’s expression, and heart rate to monitor fatigue and general health conditions.

Cameras are a touchy subject, though, because nobody wants their privacy invaded. Especially truckers—so this will be a growing technology to watch.

Improved Sleep with Better Devices

Sleeping makes the difference between a slow motion driver and lightning fast trucker! We’ve given out sleep advice before, but advice isn’t going to help you if you have sleep apnea.

Advancements in CPAP machines will not only increase their portability, but they can also record the quality, duration, and patterns of sleep. That would open the door to better predictions for drowsy driving.

As far as technologies that will help you, we only know so much of what the future will bring. What we know now is that the HVUT e-filing from ExpressTruckTax is technology that works for you now!

Do you think cameras will help your health? What about biometric seats? Let us know on Facebook!

#TruckTechTuesday: What’s Available in Trucker Apps

Smartphone apps are everywhere, and on truckers’ phones the story is no different. The wide array of
apps available for truck drivers certainly makes your lives easier, and like so many other tools, free you up to do things you really want to do. Let’s have a look at some of the more popular trucker apps out there and what they can do for you.

Allstays Truck Stops and Travel Plazas

This very popular app has been around since 2003, and shows not only what truck stops and travel plazas are near you (or in a certain location), but gives all kinds of details about those truck stops and allows you to filter a search by a specific detail. And it gives you information about road conditions, weigh stations, rest areas, and more.


This app shows you all kinds of businesses and amenities that are near your present location. You can search by category and also pull up information about each item shown. It shows your position on a map and the location of each business relative to you.


You can see accidents, police traps, and other hazards that have been shared by other drivers with this community-based navigation and traffic app. You can also share information with the app’s community about what you see or encounter on the road.

Beat the Traffic

Gives you real-time information about traffic, incidents, and the best route for you based on where you are and where you’d like to go.

MyDAT Trucker

Originally started as Dial-A-Truck (hence the name DAT), this app also details truck stops, hotels, diesel prices, etc. In addition, it shows information on loads that are near you using the DAT Load Monitor Network.

Trucker Path

This app is very popular and similar to MyDat Trucker, but really has two apps, one for on the road information, such as truck stops, parking, rest areas, and weigh stations, and another app that’s still in testing for accessing carriers and loads available.


RigMinders is a free customizable app that allows you to set up reminders for the trucking industry’s many tax filing, permit, and registration deadlines, as well as any other reminders you’d like to set up for yourself or your trucking business.

This is just a small representation of the many apps available for truckers today. As you can see, there’s a wealth of information, as well as tools, available to you whenever you need it. With the world at your fingertips, you can keep a step ahead of the competition.

Contact us here at ExpressTruckTax by phone at 704.234.6005, and by email at We’re available over the phone Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET, and any time via email.

Join the conversation on our Facebook page, and tweet with us on Twitter. A healthy give and take with you allows us to continue to provide you with the best service available anywhere.