With hurricane season in full effect, it’s a crazy time to be on the roads.
The weather is shifting, so we put together some truck driver tips and a trucker survival kit to keep you safe.
Trucking industry safety has been a huge focus recently, as trucking is listed one of the most hazardous jobs.
Safety regulations for truck drivers are enforced, but many times, driving conditions or other drivers are the main issue.
Stay alert on the road.
Take note of these trucker tips and remain focused in any weather conditions. Remember, your life is more important than your job.
Trucker Safety in Every Season
Hurricane Season
Hurricane season always comes with tons of unknowns. Storms are hard to track, and weather reporters never seem to have a definite idea of what will happen.
Because of that, it’s important for truck drivers to carry emergency items with them to use in the event of a sudden storm.
Your truck driver survival kit should include water, nonperishable food, extra clothes, a reflective vest, hat, waterproof gloves, waterproof jacket, extra socks, and boots. Include an electric blanket if you have one.
Basic Driving Safety Tips
Always pay attention to weather forecasts. Know what to expect before you get on the road.
If you do end up caught in a pop-up storm or tornado warning, slow down, turn your flashers on, and find shelter as soon as you can.
If you must pull off on the side of the road, be sure to pull far off, especially if visibility is low.
Trucker Safety
Above all else, your personal safety is most important. Be aware that safety regulations for truck drivers might not always be enough.
Exercise personal judgment. If you must abandon your truck or personal goods, do so.
As the seasons change, hurricanes, storms, snow, and more arrive, and driving safety is compromised. Be sure that your truck is in perfect working condition at all times.
Keep up with truck maintenance to stay compliant with safety regulations for truck drivers.