Category: remembering September 11

Take a Moment To Remember 9/11

Take a Moment To Remember 9/11

No matter where you are and what you’re hauling today be sure to take a moment and reflect on 9/11, as today is the 17th anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil.

We know your hearts will swell with pride today as you see people on bridges and overpasses proudly waving our American flag. Many people can remember where they were and what they were doing the moment they heard about planes striking the World Trade Center. Those memories will most likely never be forgotten.

17 years ago the nation as a whole stopped as we watched the attack on World Trade Centers in New York. However, while the attacks shattered the steel of the twin towers, they could never dent the steel of the American resolve. In a time when the U.S. is divided with anger, violence, and strife it feels appropriate that we take a moment to remember.

During the attack, 2,763 people were killed within the burning and finally collapsing towers, including 343 brave firefighters and paramedics who struggled to evacuate the building and save the individuals trapped on blocked floors.

Hold your family and friends close, no one is guaranteed tomorrow. Let us stand together today and every day knowing that the cost of freedom does not come cheap and remembering all who were lost on that tragic day.

Two beams of light will be shooting into the sky tonight where the towers originally stood as a display to show Americans that we will never forget what happened as time passes and we progress as a stronger nation.

Join us in honoring our nation and all of those who were lost that day by saving this image and sharing it with #neverforget!

Take a Moment To Remember 9/11