Category: quick pay freight brokers

Things Freight Factoring Companies Won’t Tell You

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Freight factoring companies are sometimes a necessary evil if you own a small trucking company. If you are running an operation that needs to have the cash rolling in on a more regular basis than the industry average days to pay of 30-45 days then at some point you will do business with freight factoring companies. Before you get too tied up with one though you need to have a good understanding of some things they will never be upfront and voluntarily tell you and also know that they for the most part do not care about your success.

For any small trucking company I highly recommend hauling freight for a quality quick pay freight broker whenever possible if you are in need of constant quick money flow, but there will be times when a quality quick pay freight broker does not have freight available where your truck is, this is when you will need to do business with freight factoring companies. On average for a small trucking company business they are going to charge you 4-5% of the total invoice for pay on the same day that they receive the originals.

There are two types of factoring, recourse and non-recourse. To qualify for a recourse deal you will have to have stellar credit and/or do millions in sales as this means that if a customer fails to pay that you will owe any money previously paid out to you on that load back to the factoring company. It does not matter why the customer did not pay just know that the factoring company will take their money back in full immediately.

For non-recourse freight factoring you need to understand that each load does not stand alone as a separate business deal like it legally should in my opinion. Whenever you get paid for loads you have factored if at any time the customer on the load refuses payment on that load to the factoring company they will withhold money from completely different customers to cover those lost funds. In my experience of dealing with 3 different freight factoring companies they also will not have the class to call you and alert you to the situation.

Instead you are expecting much needed money and it simply never shows up. They also will not work with you to ensure you have funds available to operate. They take all funds that they claim you owe them as soon as it’s available. It’s all just a fancy advertising scheme to draw you into their web of lies and deceit. So tread carefully when dealing with them and have the understanding that they are out for themselves and not you, use them sparingly and protect yourself by having legal representation on retainer.

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