What is Operation Safe Driver Week?
Life moves by fast, but next week it might be a good idea to not drive like it does! July 11th-17th this year is the CVSA’s annual ‘Operation Safe Driver Week’ and the focus this year is on speeding, which has been the number one driver-related factor in fatal crashes on highways for years.
For those of you who are not familiar with the CVSA (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance) or their annual week dedicated to driver’s safety, then this information might save you from an unwanted traffic stop!
From July 11-17, law enforcement officers will be on the lookout for any potentially dangerous driving behavior. Make sure that, during this week especially, you are extra cautious and aware of your speedometer. Although this won’t be the only thing police will be looking at to enforce, your speed will be high on their radar!
If any trucker is seen engaging in unsafe behaviors (speeding, distracted driving, etc.), they will be pulled over by law enforcement and may be issued a warning or a citation. During ‘Operation Safe Driver Week’ in 2020, police observed 66,421 drivers engaging in unsafe behaviors and issued 71,343 warnings/citations.
Why is This Week Important?
This annual program is only a week-long campaign and is supposed to decrease wrecks that are caused by unsafe driving behaviors.
According to the National Safety Council’s preliminary estimates, in 2020, traffic deaths increased by 24% over the previous year, even though the miles driven dropped by 13%. These statistics are based on all vehicles that used public roads, not just truckers. As a result of this, the CVSA took it upon themselves to educate as many drivers as they can, regardless of the size and amount of axles on a driver’s vehicle.
The CVSA is in partnership with the Federal Motor Safety Administration and to provide more resources during ‘Operation Safe Driver week’. They believe that the more educated all drivers are about road safety, the less wrecks that will occur. Be especially aware of your speed and partake in safe driving habits July 11th-17th.
Want More Information?
For more information about ‘Operation Safe Driver Week’ or to find enforcement events in your area, go to https://www.cvsa.org/ or contact the department in charge of overseeing commercial motor vehicle safety in your area!