Category: mini semi truck

What Can Be Turned Into A Semi Truck?

You ever see a golf cart or a motorcycle and think – Man, that would make a great semi-truck? Granted it would not be a full size diesel beast (insert Tim the Tool Man grunt) but it sure would be a Looker. I have been wondering what heavy-hauler enthusiast can turn into a semi-truck, so join me in an ExpressTruckTax exclusive edition of – What Can Be Turned Into A Semi-Truck

Golf Carts Make Great Trucks
This lovely little gem was created by Classy Carts and is actually used for golfing. When looking at a plain golf cart, who could image that you can create this. Check out the video, this Mini Peterbilt can really fly. photocredit:
Semi Truck GoKart

When you want to cruise the streets and your truck is just too big….swap it out for the mini version. You will catch everyone’s attention if you roll down the street (or to Sonic) in this Little Kenworth. 
Motorcycle Semi Truck

This MotoRig is ready for any Bike Rally! The trailer is decked out as living quarters – too cool. MotoRig has made appearances at the world’s most famous biker gatherings including my favorite, Sturgis. The builder should stop by MATS next year so we can get a closer look. photocredit:

Maple Tree Semi Truck

Now I know you have looked at a Maple Tree and said – That would make a perfect Semi – we all do that, right? Well get ready to have your mind blown, someone actually did create a solid maple rig (not full size heavy hauler but just as awesome)! Based on a 1974 Autocar this wood truck runs and has a functional 2 into 1 exhaust and complete fifth wheel. photocredit:

With a bit of imagination and a dash of creativity any vehicle can be turned into One Baaaaaaad Rig. What would you like to be seen turned into a Semi Truck?