Category: Memorial Day Weekend

¡Feliz Día De Memorial Day Por Parte De ExpressTruckTax!

A medida que el clima comienza a calentarse con los primeros signos del verano, ¡Nuevamente es hora para un día muy importante! ¡ExpressTruckTax y nuestro increíble equipo de apoyo quieren desearles a todos un feliz y seguro fin de semana de Memorial Day! En ExpressTruckTax sabemos que muchos camioneros tienen familiares en el ejército o son veteranos.

Este Memorial Day honramos a todos aquellos que han hecho el máximo sacrificio por Estados Unidos y sus familias en la industria del transporte por carretera.

Esperamos que disfrute este día y que se tome un tiempo para relajarse con su familia y amigos. ¡Disfruta de las cosas buenas de la vida mientras honras a las almas valientes que han luchado y siguen luchando por la libertad de nuestra gran nación!

Si no tienes el fin de semana libre y estás trabajando, no olvides que las carreteras pueden volverse un poco locas con todo el mundo viajando durante el verano. Si está conduciendo su camión y transportando mercancías, asegúrese de mantenerse a salvo y disfrutar de un increíble fin de semana de Memorial Day a pesar de todo.

Happy Memorial Day from ExpressTruckTax!

As the weather starts to get warmer with the first signs of summer, it is once again time for a very important day! ExpressTruckTax and our amazing support team want to wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend! At ExpressTruckTax we know many truckers have relatives in the military or are veterans themselves. 

This Memorial Day we honor all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for America and their families in the trucking industry. 

We hope you enjoy this day and hope you take some time to relax with your family and friends. Enjoy the finer things in life while honoring the brave souls who have fought, and are still fighting, for the freedom of our great nation!

If you don’t have the weekend off and are working, don’t forget that the roads can get a little crazy with everyone traveling for the summer. If you’re out driving your truck and hauling goods, make sure you stay safe out there and enjoy an amazing Memorial Day weekend regardless!

Happy Memorial Day, Trucking Nation

The ExpressTruckTax Support Team hopes you are enjoying the warm summer weather before it starts to get too hot! And, of course, we want to wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!

Enjoy your day off, and take some time to relax with your family and friends. Savor the finer things in life while honoring those brave souls who have fought, and are still fighting, for the freedom of our great American Nation!

If you are working this weekend, don’t forget that the roads can get a little crazy around this time of year with everyone travelling for the summer. So if you’re out driving your truck and hauling goods, make sure you stay safe out there!

Support All Weekend Long

As always, we will be available for 24 hour support via email at all weekend long, because we love America and the Trucking Nation so much that we can’t stop! Not to mention, it’s been our experience that tax questions never take a day off, so neither should we!

That being said, have a fun and safe Memorial Day, Trucking Nation! If you have any questions, find yourself in need of any help, or require any support while handling your heavy vehicle use tax, we’re here for you!

And don’t forget, we love to hear your holiday truck stories! So send us some love on Facebook and Twitter, and tell us about how your Memorial Day weekend went!

And while you’re there, don’t forget to enter our Get Pumped Giveaway! Just “Like Us” on Facebook for a chance to win a $50 Gas Card on us!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Just like you, The Express Truck Tax team is always working hard, and sometimes even they may take a little break for a national holiday.
We will not be offering live phone or chat support on Monday, May 28th for Memorial Day. You can still email us any questions you may have, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
We hope you are able to enjoy some quality time with your family and friends.
Have A Great Weekend!