Category: Logging

It’s Time to File Your IRS Form 2290 HVUT

 It's Time to File Your IRS Form 2290 HVUTAre you ready to file your Form 2290? We begin accepting 2290 e-filing starting in 6 days. Unfortunately, taxes can’t be avoided forever. No matter how fast you run or how hard you fight tax deadlines still slowly creep towards you. The only way to make it out unscathed is to file your IRS Form 2290.

Luckily for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) deadline, ExpressTruckTax provides a quick and convenient e-filing method so you can file your 2290 hassle free. Check out why ExpressTruckTax is the market leader in the 2290 e-filing industry.

It’s Almost Time to File Your IRS Form 2290 HVUT

Using ExpressTruckTax saves you time. Instead of having to go wait in a long line at an IRS office, you can quickly e-file online with ExpressTruckTax. Plus, the e-filing process is incredibly easy. All you have to do is follow the step-by-step guide to complete your form in just a few minutes and transmit it directly to the IRS.

This year, starting on 6/1/2018, we’re excited to share with you a few new features that will make your life easier. If you filed with us previously then you can copy your information from a previously accepted return to your current one. This way you don’t have to spend time re-entering your information.

With the bulk upload feature, you can quickly upload all of the information for your vehicles at once, helping those with multiple vehicles save time because they won’t have to enter their trucks in one by one. Use our Excel template or your own file to upload all of your vehicles at the same time.

File Your HVUT Tax Over The Phone

If you want an even easier way to file then contact our sister product, TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320. Their outstanding team will file Form 2290 in less than 5 minutes while you’re on the phone. The process is as easy as a 5-minute phone call, and as a result, you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email.

If you need any assistance, call the dedicated ExpressTruckTax support team Monday- Friday from 8:30 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005. These US-based representatives are HVUT experts and will take the time to answer all of your questions and will even walk you through the entire filing process. We also offer live chat, so you can instant message a support representative while filing, and 24/7 email support at

File Form 2290 Today!

What Is A Logging Vehicle For IRS Form 2290?

One question we often run into is “What is a logging vehicle for IRS Form 2290?” That is because when you file IRS Form 2290, you are asked to indicate whether your taxable vehicle is used for logging.

What is a Logging Vehicle For IRS Form 2290?

You might confuse the term “logging vehicle” with electronic logging devices. For Form 2290, however, logging vehicles are used to… well… haul logs. As in wood or other products from the forest.

How you classify your truck is essential because you can receive a reduced tax rate.

Check to see if your logging vehicle fits the IRS criteria to ensure you are paying the correct tax:

  • Your truck is exclusively used to transport material harvest from a forested site, Or your vehicle is used exclusively to transport harvested materials from one forested site to another forested site. If your vehicle runs between forested sites, it can use public highways in between those sites and still be considered a logging vehicle.


  • Your vehicle is registered in your base state (or any other state in which it is required to be registered) as a highway motor vehicle used exclusively for the transport of harvested materials from a forested site. Although the truck must be registered as a “logging vehicle” in your state, no special tag or license plate is required to identify the vehicle as a logging vehicle.

So, your vehicle should be registered as a logging vehicle, and it must be used to transport harvested forest materials only – but what does the IRS consider “harvested material”?

According to the IRS guideline, harvested products can include any raw timber taken from a forest, OR any timber that has been processed on the forested site for commercial processes, meaning the timber has already been sawed into lumber, chipped, or milled in some way.

If your vehicle fits these guidelines, then be sure to check the box “Used for Logging” when completing your HVUT Form 2290 to reap the rewards of a lower tax rate!

If you have questions about the status of your taxable vehicle, ask our team of experts. They know all of the IRS guidelines for logging, agriculture, exempt, suspended vehicles, and more! They are here to steer yours in the right direction!

Pre-File IRS Form 2290

Logging Vehicles & Form 2290

Logging Vehicles
Logging Vehicles

We hear it all the time — what exactly is a logging vehicle?

A lot of our 2290 filers see the option asking if their taxable vehicles are used for logging. This gets misunderstood, and they think that means logs that track mileage or fuel.

But logging vehicle really refers to hauling logs… as in felled trees and other products from the forest.

Now, according to the IRS a vehicle qualifies as a logging vehicle if:

  • It is used exclusively for the transportation of products harvested from the forested site, or it exclusively transports the products harvested from the forested site to and from locations on a forested site (public highways may be used between the forested site locations), –
  • It is registered (under the laws of the state or states in which the vehicle is required to be registered) as a highway motor vehicle used exclusively in the transportation of harvested forest products. A vehicle will be considered to be registered under the laws of a state as a highway motor vehicle used exclusively in the transportation of harvested forest products if the vehicle is so registered under a state statute or legally valid regulations. In addition, no special tag or license plate identifying a vehicle as being used in the transportation of harvested forest products is required.

What do they mean by “products harvested from the forested site?”

Products harvested from the forested site

Do ents count as harvested products?

Well, that basically means they include timber that has been processed for commercial use, as well as any other sawed, chipped, or milled product that occurred before transportation from the forested site.

The two types of commonly used logging trucks include those used on rough ground and forested trails, and those used for transport on normal highways and roads.

Trucks designed for forested (often temporary) roads are configured with emphasis on suspension and tires. Sometimes, you might see as many as nine axles in use to provide low ground pressure and solid traction.

These trucks are designed to climb a significant gradient, since timber is commonly grown in hilly landscapes.

While the logs are usually loaded with winches and cranes, they’re usually unloaded by letting them roll off sideways.

So if you have a logging vehicle, then you can check the box that says “Used for Logging” when you e-file your form 2290.

Congratulations, you just got yourself a lower tax rate on your 2290!

If you have any questions about the status of your taxable vehicle when you e-file your 2290 this year, ask the dedicated support team at ExpressTruckTax! They provide 24/7 support via email, so you know we’re always ready to help you out.

4 Types of HVUT Exempt Vehicles

Do you need to file HVUT Form 2290 for your rig? 

Probably. Unless your vehicle is exempt, that is. And if you don’t know, you’re gonna have some issues come deadline day.

So how do you know if your vehicle is exempt from your heavy vehicle taxes?

Just ask the IRS! I’m sure they’ll get back to you with a straight answer right away. Yeah right! But that’s what we’re here for—streamlining your truck tax filing process. So we’ll break things down for you.

Suspended Vehicles

Some vehicles that count as exempt include suspended vehicles. These are based on the number of miles driven, like commercial vehicles traveling fewer than 5,000 miles annually and agricultural vehicles traveling fewer than 7,500 miles annually.

Logging Vehicles

The taxes are lower for logging vehicles—vehicles used for transporting products harvested from the forest and registered with the state agency as such. What counts as a logging vehicle? First off, the truck is used exclusively to transport a harvest from a forested site, or the truck is used exclusively to transport harvested materials from one forested site to another forested site. Even if you use a public highway between sites, your vehicle can still be considered a logging vehicle. You also need to register your truck as a logging vehicle in your base state.

Exempt Groups

I’m sure you’re not surprised to find out that federal, state, and local governments are exempt from HVUT. Sounds like Washington to watch out for themselves! Of course, this privilege extends to the American Red Cross, nonprofit volunteer fire departments, rescue squads, Indian tribal government vehicles, and mass transportation authorities.

Exempt Vehicles

Vehicles not considered highway motor vehicles are also exempt, like mobile machinery for non-transportation functions, vehicles designed for off-highway transportation, and non-transportation trailers and semi-trailers. This also extends to qualified blood collector vehicles used by qualified blood collector organizations, and non-transportation mobile machinery.

If you’re an exempt carrier, you may be required to file tax forms with the IRS or notify your local DMV of the exempt status being claimed. Does your truck fit into one of the above categories? Then it’s time to celebrate, because you won’t need to file heavy vehicle use tax!

Not sure about the status of your vehicle? We’re here to help! You can reach us by phone at 704.234.6005 or email them for 24/7 assistance at We’re here to put your mind at ease!

Trucking Spotlight

– Eric Steele

– Eric Steele Trucking

– Third Generation Northern California Logger

Thanks to Eric for sharing this great photo of your Kenworth Logging Vehicle! 

If you would like to share photos of your truck, we would love to feature them on our blog. Photos can be submitted after E-Filing the IRS Form 2290 at