Category: july 4th

Happy 4th of July from Our Support Legends!

From everyone here at ExpressTruckTax, Happy Independence Day, Trucking Nation!

Enjoy the fireworks, fun with your families, the multitude of cook-outs that will be going on, and celebrate your independence. If you’re driving this weekend, make sure you stay safe and cool out there on the roads because they can get a little crazy!

Never Fear, Our Support Legends Are Here

Even though our Support Legends will be spending Friday away from the office in observance of July 4th, they will still be available all weekend long via email. So if you have a tax question or an issue, send them an email at Because tax questions never take a day off, and neither do we!

So have a safe, happy, and fun 4th of July, Trucking Nation! And don’t forget to share your trucking stories with us over Facebook or Twitter. We love hearing from you!