Category: IRS

Trucking Spotlight

–  Bryan Larson

–  2004 W900L 550 Accert C-15 Seattle Trim

–  Larson Farms

–  Williston, ND

We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!

Trucking Spotlight

–  Brian Sheehan

–  Surrounded by Rockets at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL

We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!

Trucking Spotlight

– Emel Pruismann
– FLD 120 bought off Ebay
– 12.7 Detroit Super 10

– 3.70 rears
– MPG averages 6.9
– I have never had it so good!

We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!

Trucking Spotlight

–  Al Bolton

–  Bolton Trucking Inc.

–  My Truck is a 1998 Mack RD

–  I love my truck.  I look forward to going to work everyday just so I could drive my truck.  It is awesome!

We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!