Category: IRS extension

La Fecha Límite Del Impuesto Sobre La Renta Empresarial Y Personal De 2022 Ya Casi Está Aquí, ¿Estás Listo?

La fecha límite para hacer sus impuestos de negocios y de ingresos personales está a la vuelta de la esquina. Así es, la fecha límite para hacer estos impuestos es el 18 de Abril. Normalmente es el 15 de abril, pero este año la fecha límite se ha movido al siguiente día hábil, el 18 de Abril. Sabemos que los últimos dos años han sido difíciles para muchos y estamos aquí para ayudar a que las cosas sean más fáciles. Si necesita una prórroga de hasta seis meses adicionales para presentar sus impuestos comerciales o personales, no busque más allá de nuestra empresa hermana, ExpressExtension.

¿Por Qué Usar ExpressExtension?

ExpressExtension es un proveedor de archivos electrónicos autorizado por el IRS similar a ExpressTruckTax. Presentar su extensión con ExpressExtension es tan fácil como presentar su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax. El cuestionario estilo entrevista, es fácil de usar y le permite presentar su prórroga fiscal comercial o personal en solo minutos. ¡También puede seguir el progreso de su extensión directamente desde su tablero! ExpressExtension también ofrece créditos prepagos a granel con descuento para profesionales de impuestos que presentan un gran volúmen de formularios para sus clientes.

Con ExpressExtension, puede presentar el Formulario 7004 para una extensión de impuestos comerciales, el Formulario 8868 para una extensión de impuestos de organización exenta, el Formulario 4868 para una extensión de impuestos personales y el Formulario 8809 para una extensión de declaración de información.

¿Qué Estás Esperando?

ExpressExtension tiene una excelente atención al cliente disponible por teléfono, correo electrónico y chat en vivo para ayudarlo durante el proceso de solicitud de su extensión.

Si cree que necesita una extensión de impuestos comerciales o personales para la fecha límite del 18 de abril, visite hoy y presente una extensión de impuestos federales hoy.

Extend your 1040 Deadline by filing Form 4868

We get it and so does the IRS. Things happen and you just aren’t able to meet those deadlines.

It can be pretty tough to get everything together that you need when filing your tax return. Lucky for you, there is a way to ask the IRS for up to 6 months more time.

The personal income tax deadline is typically April 15, but with an extension, you may not have to submit your forms until October 15th.

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, the IRS has extended the 2020 Form 1040 deadline to May 17, 2021.

If you don’t think you can complete your 2020 federal 1040 tax return by the May 17 deadline, you’ll want to think about filing a Form 4868 now! The Form 4868 is used to ask the IRS for extra time to file personal income taxes.

Please note,  Form 4868 only pushes back the filing deadline for your tax documents. It doesn’t give you extra time to pay any taxes that you might owe. If you think you may owe money this year, you’ll need to estimate the amount after filing for your extension.

Penalty Threats

Filing late can get pretty costly. The penalty can be up to 5% of the unpaid tax amount for each month you are late. If the return is more than 60 days late, the minimum penalty is $135 or 100% of the unpaid tax, whichever is less.

Filing Form 4868 will give you ample amount of time to get your ducks in a row. If you know you may late, go ahead and file for an extension and get until October 15th to file your tax return.

Form 4868 is an automatic Form, which means the IRS doesn’t require any explanation.

Form 4868 is made up of two parts. Identification information is included in part I and individual income tax information is in part II.

Part I & II

Part I – Identification

  • Name(s) 
  • Mailing addresses
  • Social Security number (SSN)
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN) 

Part II – Individual Income Tax

  • Estimate of Total Tax Liability (be sure to be as accurate as possible)
  • Total Payments
  • Balance Due
  • Amount You’ll Be Paying

If you’re thinking of filing a personal tax extension, here are steps to make completing it a little bit simpler. 

Filing Form 4868 Electronically

E-filing is the quickest and easiest way to submit your tax extension to the IRS. By filing Form 4868 electronically, the IRS will process your return quickly and provide you with the return status instantly.

Get started with the leading IRS-Authorized e-file provider, ExpressExtension, and complete your extension in minutes.

  1. Enter Personal Details
  2. Enter balance tax due details
  3. Review your Form 4868
  4. Transmit your return to the IRS

Check with the demo video on how to complete Form 4868 with ExpressExtension:

E-file Tax Extension Form 4868 now and extend your 1040 filing deadline to avoid late filing penalties.

How to Get More Time to File Your 2018 Tax Return

Spring is here, making it a little more interesting to drive with major storms hitting the road. Some areas have been hit by severe storms, tornadoes, and even snow! However, the intense weather is not the only scary thing that comes with spring, because it is also tax time! Make sure you are up to date on the upcoming personal and truck tax deadlines.

How to Get More Time to File Your 2018 Tax Return

Typically, Tax Day is April 15th, but this year it falls on Sunday and Monday is Emancipation Day, a legal holiday in Washington, D.C. The Official Tax Day Deadline is April 15th, 2019.

Need More Time To File?

The IRS is far more forgiving about doling out additional time than you might expect when it comes to the 2018 personal tax deadline. Filing an income tax extension is easier than you might think, especially if you e-file a tax extension online. You can file tax extension Form 4868 for an automatic six-month extension to submit your federal income tax return without penalties.

If you submit your application to the IRS by midnight on April 15, 2019, you will receive an additional six months to file your tax return without incurring IRS penalties.

However, while Form 4868 does give you an extension of time to file income returns, it does not extend the time to pay. If you are unable to make your tax payment, you will need to pay penalties and interest, It is recommended that you pay as much of the owed taxes as possible to lower your penalty cost.

What You Need to File a Federal Income Tax Extension

Assuming you file on time, you will automatically receive six months to file your return to the IRS, and you will not be subject to late-filing penalties. You will have until October 15th, 2019 to file your tax return. 

To file for a tax return extension, you will need:

  • Your name and address
    • Spouse’s name if filing jointly)
  • Your Social Security Number (SSN
    • Spouse’s SSN if filing jointly
  • Estimated total tax liability for the 2018 tax year
  • Totally 2018 tax withholding and tax payments
  • Estimated tax payment owed to the IRS (If any)

How Do I Apply For An Income Tax Extension?

You can e-file Form 4868 with our sister product ExpressExtension. They will transmit your forms directly to the IRS so you can rest easy knowing you have an additional six months to file your federal income taxes. File today and receive an automatic six-month extension of time to file your personal tax return.

Once you have filed Form 4868 with the IRS, you will get a confirmation email within 48 hours notifying you that your extension was accepted by the IRS.

File Your Federal Income Tax Extension Today!