Category: irs 2290

What is HVUT(Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290)?

What is HVUT?

HVUT stands for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This is an annual tax that must be filed for the tax year of July 1 until June 30.  As of now, the IRS is not yet accepting this form for the tax year of July 2012 – June 2013.  Filing for the Form 2290 should begin on July 1st of 2012. is an IRS authorized E-file Provider for HVUT Form 2290. E-file HVUT and get 2290 Schedule 1 in minutes. File your Form 2290 VIN Corrections for Free with us. Call us US based customer support team @ 704.234.6005 or you can e-mail us at

About the Internal Revenue Service Form 2290

Each Year, excise taxes must be paid for Heavy Highway Vehicles used on public roads. This tax is commonly referred to as HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax) or simply Truck Taxes.

This federal excise tax is imposed through the IRS Form 2290 on an annual basis. This IRS Form can be E-Filed in just minutes to complete this requirement. Once it is filed, the taxpayer will receive a Stamped Schedule 1. This is required by State DMVs in order to register heavy highway vehicles.
If you have not ever E-Filed a tax returns before, there is no need to worry. The E-Filing process is actually easier than paper filing. We at also have a dedicated team of customer support professionals available to help you over the phone, email, or online chat (available in English or Spanish). All you need to file this IRS Form is your EIN (Employee Identification Number), Address, Phone Number, VIN’s (Vehicle Identification Numbers), and Gross Vehicle Weight and our program will take care of the rest.
Another great service that Express Truck Tax provides is the option to instantly notify your Contracting, Leasing, or Trucking, etc. Company the Schedule 1 as soon as it is accepted by the IRS. This process helps eliminate steps for the person filing. Many Trucking Companies require some kind of proof that their driver filed their Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes properly.
Instead of waiting for hours or up to 6 weeks for the IRS to stamp your schedule 1 and send it back to you, Express Truck Tax will get your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing. When you login to the site, you can enter the information for the Form 2290, and Express Truck Tax will then create a Schedule 1 based on that information. That form will be sent to the IRS electronically, and they will then send the stamped Schedule 1 back to Express Truck Tax, who will then automatically email the file to the taxpayer.
This document can also be faxed as well as emailed to the taxpayer as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will be transmitted with a watermark as well as an IRS E-File logo since the document will not be physically stamped. When ExpressTruckTax sends the Stamped Schedule 1 to the taxpayer, it will be sent as a pdf attachment. Although the form will not be physically stamped, the official E-File watermark serves as an official IRS stamp.

E-File a Form 2290 Online and Save Time on your HVUT filing

Each Year, Heavy Vehicle owners must file an IRS Form 2290 in order to fulfill the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This applies to all vehicles whose taxable gross weight is 55,000 pounds or more. This also only applies to vehicles operating on public roads for at least 5,000 miles during the tax year of July 1 – June 30. This mileage limit is different for agricultural [or farm] vehicles. Vehicles that are used for agriculture are allowed to travel up to 7,500 miles on public roads during the year and still remain exempt from the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax.

There are three different categories for HVUT rates for these vehicles. Vehicles below 55,000 pounds do not have HVUT because they do not qualify as a heavy vehicle. Vehicles between 55,000 and 75,000 pounds owe $100, plus $22 per 1,000 pounds over 55,000 pounds. Finally, for vehicles that are over 75,000 pounds the maximum HVUT is $550 per year.
Although it is rare, some Vehicles that fit the above description may be exempt from the HVUT and Filing requirements of Form 2290. To officially be exempt from filing Form 2290, the vehicle must be owned and operated by the following:
The District of Columbia
The Federal Government
State or local government
Mass Transportation Authority (Only if granted certain powers normally exercised by the state)
Non-Profit Volunteer Fire Department, Ambulance Association, or Rescue Squad
Indian Tribe Government (Only if the Vehicle is used for essential Tribe or Government Function)
American National Red Cross
Mobile Machinery that meets specifications for a chassis
Qualified Blood Collector Vehicles
As mentioned previously, a Form 2290 must be filed annually for each taxable vehicle that is used on public highways during the tax period. The Tax Period is from July 1st, and ends on June 30th. A Form 2290 must also be filed once a vehicle is placed in service. The due date for each month is the last day of the following month. For example: if a vehicle is placed in service on April 3, the Form 2290 will be due on May 31. allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to E-File Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp. Be sure to get this taken care of soon because the due date for all vehicles.

Happy Thanksgiving! From Express Truck Tax

With Highway Use Taxes due on November 30th of this year, this has been a very busy Thanksgiving season for the folks at Express Truck Tax. We are very thankful for all of the Truckers, Owner Operators, Trucking Companies, and Service Providers that have chosen to file their Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax through Our US-Based Customer Support Center in Rock Hill, SC has been flooded with calls this month and we are grateful for it!
The tax year may be a bit different this year due to the November 30 deadline, but the legislation is the same as it has been in previous years. The tax due will be the same, and the weight classifications are also the same. The only thing that is different is that the filing process can be much easier and more convenient with ExpressTruckTax.
Filing this form online only takes a few minutes and you will receive a stamped schedule 1 within minutes of filing this form online. Although the Thanksgiving Holiday is coming up, you will still be able to E-File your Form 2290 through our service anytime. If you have any questions, please contact us at 704-234-6005 or email us at

E-File IRS Form 2290 before it’s too late is the quickest, easiest, and best value for filing your Form 2290 (Heavy Truck Use Tax) online with the IRS. The due date for the tax is getting closer, and here are a few points to keep in mind while e-filing.
• E-file your 2290 returns with
• Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN# [Employer Identification Number]
• Review your Tax Year and Month
• Review your VIN# [Vehicle Identification Number]
• Sign and date your return electronically
• Choose IRS payment option
• Review all the information
• Double check your Business Name
• E-File Your 2290 Return
Choose an IRS payment option:
There are several options to pay the HVUT taxes with the IRS.
• Electronic Funds Withdrawal, or Direct Debit: The IRS will collect the taxes due after they are provided with a bank account number and routing number
• EFTPS: You have to schedule the payment to the IRS by going to
• Check/Money Order: The IRS also supports Check/Money Order as long as it is scheduled by the 30th.
We strongly advise our Canadian customers to use this option as EFW may not work for Canadian banks.
Just a reminder, if you choose Direct Debit (EFW) as a payment method, the IRS will not process your return during the weekends, or on federal holidays, but on the next business day.
Review Tax ID Numbers
carefully check Tax Identification numbers on your return.
Review Your Return is a very smart program, it automatically checks for any errors before you transmit your 2290 return to IRS, but it’s always good to double check everything before you hit the ‘Transmit to IRS’ button.
We are always available to help if needed. We are one of the few companies which are locally based to offer customer support. Call 704.234.6005 to speak with our Rock Hill, SC support center.

IRS Form 2290 – Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes

What is HVUT?
HVUT or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is the fee imposed by the IRS annually on heavy vehicles that operate on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds.
The taxable gross weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the following:
• The actual unloaded weight of the vehicle, when it is fully equipped for service
• The actual unloaded weight of any trailers or semitrailers fully equipped for service normally used in addition to the vehicle
• The weight of the maximum load that can be carried on the vehicle and on any trailers or semitrailers typically used with the vehicle
• For Buses, The taxable gross weight is its actual unloaded weight fully equipped for service in addition to 150 pounds for each seat provided for passengers and driver.
The Tax Calculations:
The tax year for Form 2290 starts in July and ends in June of the next year. If the gross taxable weight is from 55,000 to 75,000 pounds, the HVUT is $100, plus $22 per thousand pounds over 55,000 pounds. For over 75,000 pound vehicles, the maximum HVUT is $550/ year. The taxes are lower for logging vehicles. Logging Vehicles are vehicles which are primarily used for transporting products harvested from the forest and is registered with a state agency as such.
Taxes are prorated for any vehicles placed into service after the month of July.
HVUT Exemptions:
There are a number of groups that receive exemptions from HVUT. Such as:
• Federal Government
• Indian tribal governments (for vehicles used in essential tribal functions)
• State & Local governments, including the District of Columbia
• Mass transportation authorities
• The American Red Cross
• Nonprofit volunteer fire departments, ambulance associations or rescue squads
There are also a number of vehicles exempted from the HVUT:
• Any vehicle not considered to be a highway motor vehicle — e.g., mobile machinery for non-transportation functions, vehicles specifically designed for off-highway use, and non-transportation trailers and semi-trailers
• Qualified blood collecting vehicles used by qualified blood collector organizations
• Mobile machinery that is used for non-transportation purposes
Exempt carriers may be required to file tax forms with the IRS or notify the local department of motor vehicles (DMV) of their exempt status
there are other vehicles that are exempt based on the number of miles it is driven:
• Commercial Vehicles traveling less than 5,000 miles annually
• Agriculture Vehicles traveling less than 7,500 miles annually
The above vehicles are called Suspended Vehicles, but must be reported to the IRS.
What is the Purpose of HVUT?
The HVUT is a significant source of transportation funding in the U.S. In 2006 alone, the HVUT generated more than $1.4 Billion in Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) revenue.
The Federal HTF protects America’s investment in its transportation infrastructure. In 2007 alone, Federal HTF receipts were $39.9 Billion, with $34.9 Billion dedicated to the HTF’s Highway Account. The Federal HTF finances a wide spectrum of transportation investments which include:
• Highway improvements (e.g., land acquisition, other right-of-way costs, preliminary and construction engineering, construction and reconstruction, resurfacing and restoration costs of roadways and bridges)
• Highway and bridge maintenance
• Highway law enforcement
• Safety programs (e.g., driver education and training, vehicle inspection programs, enforcement of vehicle size and weight limits)
• Congestion relief projects
• Administrative costs (e.g., research, engineering)
Investment in our nation’s highway infrastructure helps:
• Save money, time, & lives
• Reduce the amount and severity of crashes for all kinds of vehicles
• Enhance the ability of emergency responders
• Lower fuel and insurance costs
• Decrease energy consumption
• Ease congestion
• Boost air quality
• Increase mobility
• Improve the efficiency of the movement of goods
• Raise business productivity
• Strengthen the nation’s economic productivity
Since the vast majority of all funds contributed by states to the Federal HTF are returned through highway improvements, this is a direct incentive for state agencies to take necessary measures to enhance HVUT compliance.

E-File a Form 2290 for 2011-2012 with Express Truck Tax is packed with all sorts of features that benefit Owner Operators, Trucking Companies, and other service providers filing HVUT. It has everything you need to to file your truck taxes online so that you can stay on the road.
One of the most commonly filed IRS forms among those in the Trucking Industry is the IRS Form 2290, and its accompanying Schedule 1. With Express Truck tax, you can easily file this IRS form online in minutes, and for as little as $9.90, it is the most attractive price in the industry.
When creating your Form 2290 online, Express Truck Tax will automatically create a Form 8849 for credits. There is also the option to upload an Excel Template for a multiple vehicle filing. You can file for only 1 truck or up to 40,000 vehicles with our Enterprise Filing! Express Truck Tax also offers flexible pricing plans to fit any fleet. Tax professionals and CPAs also receive custom discounted pricing to file for many of their clients.
After filing Form 2290 with the IRS through Express Truck Tax, the person filing will receive Free Fax and Email Notifications to let them know that the Schedule 1 is ready. Express Truck Tax also offers optional Text Message reminders as well. Once the IRS processes the Return, you will be notified so that you can print your stamped schedule 1. Express Truck Tax can also notify your contracting (leasing) company to let them know that your payment has been made.
You can file your Form 2290 (HVUT) in just minutes with this easy-to-use software that will save you time and money. was built by one of the most talented teams in the industry—no one has more experience in HVUT E-Filing!
The customer service does not stop once the form is filed. Express Truck Tax also offers Free VIN corrections so that no one is penalized for a simple typo. There is also the ability to amend a previously filed Form 2290 through the service. For any questions about the service, Express Truck Tax offers unlimited, USA-based customer support via email, chat, and phone. Simply email, call 704-234-6005, or go to to live chat with the excellent customer support professionals.
Get started today at Email us at or call 704-234-6005 to talk to our Truck Tax Experts.

Free Services from Express Truck Tax (2011 form 2290)

When selecting an E-File provider for filing Truck Taxes with the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, it is important to consider what you are getting. The price of this service varies dramatically between providers, but you may be surprised to hear what is included with some of them. There are some companies that charge exorbitant amounts, but only provide a bare minimum level of service. You will not find a better combination of price and value as
To err is human. You would think that most companies would understand and adapt to this. Unfortunately some people even make mistakes on their Tax Returns. If You were so unfortunate when filing your IRS Form 2290 to incorrectly record the VIN number of your heavy vehicle, there is still hope for you! Thanks to the Good Folks at Express Truck Tax, you can E-File an IRS Form 2290 VIN Correction absolutely free! Unlike other services that would charge you for another filing, the good folks on the Truck Tax team for provide VIN Corrections at no extra charge.
Another Free service that Express Truck Tax is offering is the ability to send a copy of the Stamped Schedule 1 directly to their Contracting, Leasing, or Trucking Company as soon as it is processed via email. You can also send a copy to your Accountant, Tax Preparer, or Business Manager as well. That way everyone can be kept in the loop as far as your taxes are concerned.
The filing process for this only takes a few minutes and the best part of it all is that these additional services 100% FREE. To Clarify, Express Truck Tax allows anyone to correct the VIN Number on any previously filed IRS Form 2290 as well as email a copy of the Stamped schedule 1 to anyone once it has been accepted. The filer will then receive their new IRS Stamped Schedule 1 in only minutes.
With this incredibly helpful service, you will be able to get your truck taxes taken care of quickly, so that you can get back on the road in no time! Express Truck Tax realizes that your time on the road is valuable and that you need to spend as little time as possible worrying about the little things. That’s why Express Truck Tax is making this process much simple for Truck Drivers everywhere.