Category: irs 2290

Transportation Bill clears Senate committee

As of Thursday, September 8, 2011 the much talked about Transportation Bill known as SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) was approved by a Senate committee.

This bill has had a significant amount of publicity ever since President Barack Obama made a speech from the White House Rose Garden last week, in which he was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce. He gave Congress another warning at that time also, stating that letting the transportation bill expire at the end of the month would be “not acceptable” and “inexcusable.”

The Senate Committee approved an extension of the current bill. This is the eighth time the bill has been extended. This will serve as a step in the right direction for the Transportation Industry, but as many have said, an extension is like a band aid on a bigger problem. There still needs to be new legislation put in place for this industry, it cannot simply be ignored.

However, the act of extending the bill seems to be all either party can agree to.  The Democratically-controlled Senate and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have presented vastly different options for this bill.  The House proposed spending $235 billion over the next six years, while the senate proposed spending $109 billion over the next two years.

When asked to comment on the decision, Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey stated: “The American people didn’t send us here to make unemployment worse and allow our roads to crumble—and that’s why we must act swiftly to extend this law,” he continued. “Instead of putting up roadblocks to this extension, I hope our colleagues will work with us to fix the economy, help Americans get back to work and keeps our country moving forward. Once we have passed this short-term fix, we need to complete work on a long-term bill that strengthens investment in our national transportation network to create jobs, maintain our roads and bridges, and invest in rail and transit to ease commutes.”

This is a positive step for the Trucking and Transportation Industry. Although it is still not possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, the folks at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions and help drivers file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to

IRS Stamped Schedule 1 Form 2290

An IRS Form 2290 is not complete unless the Schedule 1 has officially been stamped by the Internal Revenue Service. The Form 2290 handles Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, and the Schedule 1 is part of the IRS Form. To ensure that this is handled properly so that any Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes are reported and paid, there are several options. This form can be mailed, taken to the IRS directly, or the most efficient method: e-filing.  

Although there is not a way to e-file this tax through the IRS website, the IRS has authorized Express Truck Tax to file this return because they have passed the IRS Assurance Testing System (ATS) and/or Business Acceptance Testing (BATS) requirements for Software Developers of electronic business returns to the IRS.  

If you choose to mail the form to the IRS, it can take weeks for the IRS to respond with the official Stamped Schedule 1 in the mail. Because particularly if it is a busy time for the IRS. This is precious time that should not be wasted because the Stamped Schedule 1 is required in order to register the vehicle with the state DMV.

If you choose to actually deliver the form to the IRS office, you will be forced to wait in line for a representative to review the form and then stamp the Schedule 1. With this option, you are at the mercy of the IRS. The nearest office could be many miles away, and once you are there is no way to know how long it could take. People have reported that on a busy day at the IRS office, you may have to wait in line for as long as 6 hours.  

For these reasons it is easiest to use an online e-filing tool such as Express Truck Tax for your 2290 filing needs. Since it is authorized by the IRS for e-filing, that shows it is a trustworthy and reliable service.  Another benefit to using this particular service is that they have a team of Truck Tax experts that can take calls, emails, and online chats regarding any Truck Tax question you may have. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to and the experts will respond within 24 hours.

Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (IRS Form 2290) for Commercial Vehicles

A vehicle is considered to be commercial vehicle in the United States if it is titled or registered to a company. This all-encompassing definition includes vehicles in a fleet, company cars, as well as other vehicles used for business. Vehicles that are designed to carry more than 16 passengers are also considered to be a commercial vehicle.

Here are the qualifications for commercial vehicles

  • A company or corporation owns the title of the vehicle.
  • The vehicle is used for business purposes.
  • The vehicle is a leased vehicle and in the name of the financial institution that owns it.
  • The vehicle exceeds a certain weight and is therefore “classified” as commercial even though it may not be commercially used or commercially owned. A weight of 26,001 pounds or more is always considered to be commercial.
  • The vehicle is used to transport hazardous materials.

Commercial trucks are classified into different classes according to their gross weight:

1.   Class 1- GVWR:  from 0 to 6,000 pounds (0 to 2,722 kg)
2.   Class 2- GVWR:  from 6,001 to 10,000 pounds (2,722 to 4,536 kg)
3.   Class 3- GVWR:  from 10,001 to 14,000 pounds (4,536 to 6,350 kg)
4.   Class 4- GVWR:  from 14,001 to 16,000 pounds (6,351 to 7,257 kg)
5.   Class 5- GVWR:  from 16,001 to 19,500 pounds (7,258 to 8,845 kg).
6.   Class 6- GVWR:  from 19,501 to 26,000 pounds (8,846 to 11,793 kg)
7.   Class 7- GVWR:  from 26,001 to 33,000 pounds (11,794 to 14,969 kg)
8.   Class 8- GVWR:  above 33,000 pounds (14,969 kg)

If a Class 8 commercial vehicle weighs more than 55,000 lbs, it is subject to heavy vehicle use taxes. The tax is paid to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using the IRS Form 2290. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is a federal tax. Individual states do not collect the tax. However, in order to properly register your vehicle with the state, you must present a Stamped Schedule 1 from the Form 2290 to the local DMV when registering the vehicle.

The official qualifications to be liable for heavy vehicle use taxes stipulate that a vehicle must have gross weight 55,000 lbs or more. The IRS defines taxable gross weight as the sum of:

  • The unloaded weight of a vehicle that is fully equipped for service
  • The weight of any unloaded trailers, equipped for service, and typically used with the vehicle
  • The maximum weight of the load customarily carried on the vehicle and on any trailers customarily used with the vehicle. is an IRS authorized E-File provider who can help you file form 2290 as well as keep secure online records of previously filed form 2290’s. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to

IRS New HVUT (form 2290) Regulations for 2011

There are several taxes that are imposed on those in the trucking industry each year. Heavy Vehicles travelling on public highways are subject to HVUT, or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. These taxes can be filed by filing a Form 2290. Truckers, owner operators, and trucking companies were recently notified by the IRS that their next highway use tax return for filing HVUT (which is usually due on August 31) will instead be due on November 30, 2011. The primary reason for the extension of the due date is to reduce confusion and multiple filings of Form 2290 that could result if Congress reinstates or makes changes to the current highway use tax after September 30, 2011.

The previously mentioned Heavy Vehicle Use Tax applies to trucks, truck tractors and buses with a gross taxable weight of 55,000 pounds and above. There are also many detailed rules and regulations that apply to vehicles with minimal road use, logging/agricultural vehicles, vehicles transferred during the year, and also those whose first use month was during July. In typical scenarios, vans, pick-ups and panel trucks are not taxable because would [under normal circumstances] fall below the 55,000 pound requirement.

The recently determined filing deadline of November 30 for Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return) applies to the tax period beginning on July 1, 2011. This does not only include those vehicles that were used during July, it also includes those whose first use month was during August or September. According to recent statements from the IRS, 2290 tax returns should not be filed and payments should not be made until November 1, 2011.

Regulations for new vehicles that need to be registered will also take effect. Any new vehicle that needs to be registered during July through October of 2011, state DMV’s are now required to accept a Stamped Schedule 1 from the previous year since it is not possible to receive a stamped Schedule 1 until November of 2011. If a vehicle was acquired within the current tax year, and there is not a stamped Schedule 1 for the previous year, the owner only needs to provide some form of proof of purchase to prove that the vehicle was recently placed in his/her possession.

Fortunately, once the Form 2290 is available, the electronic filing service: will be able to E-File the form and send it to the IRS in minutes. Express Truck Tax is an IRS Authorized E-File provider for filing Form 2290. The E-Filing Process is very simple; the form can be completed in minutes, and it can be sent to the IRS as soon as it is finished. It is such a time saver when you compare it to waiting in the IRS office for hours or sending it via postal mail and waiting weeks for the IRS to process it.  All you will need is your basic information about yourself, and your truck.

How to File IRS Taxes Online?

As you already know, it is becoming increasingly popular and more and more recommended to paying bills online. The same goes for your taxes. The process for a single return can actually be rather quick, easy, and completely painless. The IRS itself has authorized certain programs in which to file .These programs help increase the accuracy of your filing, as well as a secure way in which to transfer a tax payment. A tax payment made online takes only an instant, and is done over a secure connection; when sending tax payments via postal mail, it can take days to get there (and there is hardly a way of knowing if it was received until it is too late).

The IRS encourages everyone to E-File their tax returns because it is quicker and easier to process for the IRS. This is also a less costly option for the IRS. If you are considering E-Filing your Tax Return, there are a few things that you should look for:

A system to file tax returns is by nature going to be complex, but that does not mean that it cannot be user friendly. If a system is too complicated to figure out and there is no customer support options that should be a red flag.

Along with being user friendly, the questions asked should be completely understandable. If you cannot understand what is being asked, check the help guide, or contact the customer service.  If there is no customer service available at all, it may be a good time to find another tool.

It is important to remember that the IRS itself has created a list of authorized E-File providers. This list is posted on the Official IRS Website. Anyone planning to E-File a tax return should definitely check their E-Filing source and make sure that they are indeed an authorized E-Filing Service.

One of the best ways to E-File many different types of tax returns is through Express Tax Zone. They offer a wide variety of tax tools for e-filing. You can file something as easy as a tax extension, or something more complicated like Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. The Website for filing Truck Taxes online is It is a very simple process to file a complicated task. If you need assistance, you can contact their US-based customer support team of Truck Tax experts. They are available either by online chat, email (, or by phone: 704.234.6005.

IRS 2290 Form filing Delays for tax year 2011-2012

An annual tax on the use of heavy highway vehicles is imposed in Section 4481 of the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS uses Form 2290 to report this tax. The Internal Revenue Service has stated that the law governing taxes imposed on the use of heavy highway vehicles (Form 2290)
will expire on September 30, 2011. The IRS Form 2290 for the new tax year beginning July 1, 2011 is not available at this time and has not yet been published by the IRS for the new tax period. Due to the current situation, you can most likely expect a delay in the filing period for heavy vehicle use tax form 2290. It is also very likely that we may also expect to see changes in the new Form 2290 when it is published.  This is based on the fact that the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Schedule 1 for previous tax periods has typically changed slightly from year to year.

Although the 2290 form is not yet ready, you can still get your vehicle tags for the tax period beginning July 1, 2011. Existing regulations allow states to register heavy highway vehicles when the registration application is received during the months of July, August, or September. A Schedule 1 for the previous year (July 2010 – June 2011) then state offices can accept it as a proof of payment.

You can also get your newly acquired heavy highway vehicles registered by the state without having a proof of tax payment. If you present an original or a photocopy of the bill of sale showing that the vehicle was acquired during the 60 days preceding the date that the state receives the application for registration.

Taxpayers should be aware that the IRS strictly discourages sending any old/previous form or payment to the IRS in order to file HVUT for new tax period (2011-2012). If the older form is sent to the IRS, the payment will be applied towards the tax account and a Schedule 1 will not be issued. However, they will send a notice to send a new form when it becomes available.

We will keep you updated on the latest changes as we get them from the IRS.  In the meantime, if you have already filed a 2290 return for the tax year 2010-2011, then you should contact the IRS at 866-699-4096 to get a copy of your Schedule 1. If you have filed through one of the IRS authorized E-File providers such as then you need to get in touch with them to get a copy of your Schedule 1.

Pay HVUT (IRS form 2290) On Time with Express Truck Tax

As anyone who is a veteran of the Trucking Industry will tell you, there are many more business and economic responsibilities other than simply getting something delivered at the right time and place. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, or HVUT, is one of the most common taxes on heavy highway vehicles in the United States. Paying this tax properly involves filing the IRS Form 2290. This Form is so easy to E-File online, and thanks to Express Truck Tax, there is no reason to be late, as evidenced by these points:

  • IRS Fines
    • Unless you enjoy IRS Audits and spending time in courtrooms, it is a terrible to not pay your taxes. The IRS can add all kinds of interest and late fees, but if you end up in court over the matter it will lead to the court costs as well as heavy fines.
  • Not filing or not paying is a felony
    • Fines are bad enough, but it could be worse. Going to court can lead to criminal charges. The IRS & state governments could prosecute anyone who purposely cheats to avoid paying the truck tax. It can also lead to time in prison.
  • Stay focused on your business
    • If these are not paid in a timely manner, the previously mentioned fines, court appearances, and possible jail time could seriously put a halt on your business. The time and energy spent worrying about IRS Audits, Fines, and Court Dates is not worth it. Especially when the taxes are not typically very high.
  • Taxes help improve public roads
    • Paying taxes is never a joyful experience, but you should get some gratification in the fact that much of the taxes paid for HVUT go back into the cost of roads and highway expenses. It just makes sense; if you enjoy using something, you shouldn’t mind paying for it.
  • It’s So Easy

E-file IRS form 2290 with on time. It’s made as easy as 1-2-3 to e-file truck tax 2290 and get IRS stamped Schedule 1 in few minutes. Avoid IRS penalties and Audits by keeping your 2290 records with express truck tax. E-file IRS 2290 VIN Corrections for free of cost.

Three Month Extension of IRS Form 2290(HVUT) – Now Due on Nov. 30, 2011

The IRS recently advised those in the transportation industry with heavy highway vehicles that their next federal highway use tax return will be due on November 30, 2011, instead of the typical due date of August 31st.

The current highway use tax is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2011. The proposed temporary regulations dictate that the November 30th filing deadline for Form 2290 HVUT Return for the tax period that begins on July 1, 2011, applies to vehicles used during July, as well as those first used during August or September. The IRS also states that returns should not be filed and payments should not be made before Nov. 1. This extension is designed to reduce confusion and possible multiple filings that could result if Congress reinstates or modifies the tax after that date.

For those in the transportation industry who need to apply for state vehicle registration on or before November 30th, the new regulations require states to accept the stamped Schedule 1 of the Form 2290 issued by the IRS for the previous tax year, ending on June 30, 2011 as a proof of payment. Federal Law requires that state governments receive proof of payment of the federal highway use tax as a condition of vehicle registration. Typically, after the return is filed and the tax is paid, the taxpayer receives a stamped Schedule 1 to use when registering the vehicle.

If someone needs to register a newly acquired vehicle during the July-to-November period, the new regulations require a state to register the vehicle, without proof that the highway use tax was paid, as long as the person registering the vehicle presents a copy of the bill of sale or another document showing that the owner purchased the vehicle within the previous 150 days.

The heavy vehicle use tax applies to trucks, truck tractors and buses with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Vehicles such as vans, pick-ups and panel trucks are typically not taxable because they fall below the 55,000-pound requirement.

Although the IRS discourages filing until November 1, 2011, the good folks at Express Truck Tax are willing to help you every step of the way!  If you have any questions regarding Truck Taxes, and how to file them, feel free to chat with their experts at (704) 234-6005.  You can also email them at  For more information about Truck Taxes, check out their Website and Blog: can help you file Form 2290 and Fuel Tax

Any individual buying or using a heavy duty truck must file and pay the Heavy Duty Trucks Road Tax. The filing process involves filling out Form 2290. You can use to fill it out and get it done in just a few minutes. Our service fees are the lowest in the industry, starting at $9.90 for a single truck filing. It sure beats driving to the IRS field office and waiting in line for hours.

Make sure to have the Vehicle Identification Numbers of any vehicles you are filing for. If the truck(s) you’re filing for will travel 5,000 miles or less during the tax period (July to June of the next year), a tax refund can be claimed by the filer. That also applies if the heavy highway vehicle was destroyed, stolen or sold during the tax period. Claiming the refund requires a different form. ExpressTruckTax will even help tax payers file for their refund using Form 8849.

There are different tax rules for different types of trucks–depending on the weight and what the truck is being used for. The taxable gross weight is 55,000 pounds or higher in most cases. Refer to Form 2290 or for help with your particular truck.

Need to file your IFTA Fuel Tax?  We just introduced Fuel Tax filing service to our product portfolio. You can now file IFTA fuel tax for unlimited Trucks for $24.95. Also, you can maintain the Trip Sheets online for free and generate IFTA returns at the end of the quarter. offers bundles that will let you file forms for hundreds of trucks for one price. This is useful if you have trucks that aren’t going on the road till later in the year.

Getting Familiar With The Setup Process With Freight Brokers

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Today I would like to point out some key things to look for in the setup process with freight brokers. This of course being when you will have to fill out an information packet and fax it back to a broker before they will allow you to haul their freight. I’m going to talk about the type of information you will receive from them and it’s relevance, the information and forms you will need to send back to them and the little things you should look for in the packet that if not followed correctly may cost you a bundle.

What type of info will a freight broker include about themselves?

With every freight broker setup packet you will receive many pages of information about that broker. These are not pages that you need to send back, but they are pages that you should save and staple together with the finished packet after you have faxed back what was required. This information at a minimum will include the following:

   1. All of the freight brokers contact information.
   2. Their freight brokers authority page (MC#)
   3. Their Insurance carrier information.
   4. The brokers surety bond.
   5. A reference page. (showing companies they have brokered freight to)

This is all information that you could find out just by knowing their MC#, but it’s just easier to have it on hand should they decide to stiff you on a payment and you need to make a claim against them.

What type of info will they require from me?

This is going to depend on the freight broker you are dealing with,some have very short packets (you will be thankful when you get that lucky!) and some will expect you to fill out an encyclopedia worth of what is sometimes pointless it would seem. following are the main things you will be asked to return every time guaranteed.

   1. A copy of your authority (MC#)
   2. Copy of your insurance.
   3. A current W-9.
   4. A carrier profile page.
   5. The contract with each page initialed and dated as well as properly signed.

For this reason it would be a great idea to have copies of the first 3 on your computer easily accessible if you are using an email fax server. After you have seen a few carrier profile pages it would also be a good idea to make one of your own as every now and then you will come across a broker who wants one, but fails to send you a form.

Things to look for in the setup process with freight brokers!

Some of this information will also be included in fine print on the load rate confirmation, which is the actual contract that a freight broker and trucking company enter into on a load by load basis. What you want to watch for is their policies that need to be followed that in many cases if not followed will garner a fine for your company. These may include the following stipulations:

   1. Fines for not being on time to a pickup or delivery.
   2. Fines for being reported as being uncooperative with their customers.
   3. Fines for damaged freight.
   4. Fines for not contacting them with load movement updates on their schedule.
   5. Payment information pertaining to what they will or won’t cover for things such as tolls, lumper fees,detention and layover.

Once you get the hang of the things to look for it’s best to just ask the broker any questions you may have about these things before you have them fax you a setup pack. Their will be some brokers who are too demanding and who are sticklers for all fines they say may be levied against you regardless of the circumstances. It’s a learning process every time you do business with a new broker, but if you pay attention to details you should have no problem at all.

Now that you’ve learned all about the setup process with freight brokers go on over and check out how easy the folks here at Express 2290 can make filing for your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes which are required to be paid and proof shown before you can get your I.R.P.