Category: IFTA

Howl-O-Ween Wishes & IFTA Deadline Reminders from the Support Team

The ExpressTruckTax team wishes the Trucking Nation a Spooktacular Halloween!

Moises & Patti

The Support Heroes are ready to get their Trick-or-Treat on! Are you?!

Moises & Patti will be offering their world-renowned support today dressed as a sweeter version of Dr. Seuss’s Thing 1 & 2!

They’re the proud proprietors of our Office Candy “Store,” Sweet n’ Free! They keep us all going with their never-ending stash of sweet treats.

Bryan the Bull

Bryan will be taking your calls today as the least temper-mental bull to ever walk this Earth! I mean really, have you ever seen a bull smile like that?

His matador will be swinging by the ExpressTruckTax offices later, just to make sure he isn’t getting out of hand!

Brother Charles

And last, but surely not least, our Director of Tax products, Charles. 

You know and love him as Sir Charles the Great from our series of silly & informative ExpressTruckTax videos. Today, he’s donning the garb of a suspender-snapping, cob-pipe smokin’ Amish Gentleman.

Brother Charles will be busy leading our tax team through the IFTA deadline today, but if you need help raising your barn, gelding the horses, or just need an extra set of hands to shuck your corn, give Brother Charles a call!

Although, I’m not sure he’ll be able to answer the phone… perhaps try mailing him a letter?

Now that you’ve had a good laugh, it’s important to remember the darker side of Halloween! There’s something extra chill-inducing about this day for truckers. It’s the 3rd Quarter IFTA Deadline! That means interstate truckers with a vehicle weighing over 26,000 lbs (or with 3 or more axles) need to have their returns postmarked by today!

If you still haven’t prepared your IFTA return, we brewed an extra potent solution for you. Boil a pinch of user-friendly design and stir in a dash of customer appreciation, and you’ve got ExpressIFTA.

We designed it to be the fastest, most fun way to prepare your International Fuel Tax Agreement return. That’s right..I used “IFTA,” “fast,” and “fun” in the same sentence! No, I’m not crazy. And I’m not all hopped up on sugar either–at least not yet!

Gather up your trip sheets, truckers! And head over to

Simply create an account, enter your business details & base jurisdiction, followed by your vehicle info, and lastly, your distance and fuel records. If you have a GPS, you can upload those records and save even more time! Finally, watch with child-like wonder as ExpressIFTA generates your state-specific report. Then print it, and mail it. Done.

Notice how “calculating tax” was left off that list. That’s because ExpressIFTA performs the calculations for you! No, it’s not dark sorcery, just a little programming magic to help out our users.

And if you find yourself bewitched, call the ExpressTruckTax Support Heroes for help at 704.234.6005. You can also fly them a message via owl mail at

So truckers, take off your Freddy Krueger hands for a few minutes, and get that IFTA report ready! With our awesome features, you’ll be filed fast and still have plenty of time left for a little Halloween mischief! (We swear we won’t tell on you!)

Have a Hair-Raising Halloween. Stay safe out there!

Tax Form 2290 Webinar

As you know, the Truck Tax Season has now begun, and the IRS Form 2290 must be filed during the months of July and August.  If you would like to learn more about this tax, you can Sign-Up for our Free Webinars about the IRS Form 2290.  These Truck Tax Education sessions will cover all the primary aspects of the Form 2290 and also explain how to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes.

Topics will include the following:

– What Is the IRS Form 2290?
– When to File the IRS Form 2290?
– How to File the IRS Form 2290?
– How to Pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax?
– What Happens If You Don’t File?

Tuesday, July 24 – 11:00am (EST) –
Sign Up For Free
Friday, July 27 – 7:00pm (EST) – Sign Up For Free

All Attendees will receive $5.00 OFF their next 2290 or IFTA Filing through ExpressTruckTax!

E-File a Form 2290 for 2011-2012 with Express Truck Tax is packed with all sorts of features that benefit Owner Operators, Trucking Companies, and other service providers filing HVUT. It has everything you need to to file your truck taxes online so that you can stay on the road.
One of the most commonly filed IRS forms among those in the Trucking Industry is the IRS Form 2290, and its accompanying Schedule 1. With Express Truck tax, you can easily file this IRS form online in minutes, and for as little as $9.90, it is the most attractive price in the industry.
When creating your Form 2290 online, Express Truck Tax will automatically create a Form 8849 for credits. There is also the option to upload an Excel Template for a multiple vehicle filing. You can file for only 1 truck or up to 40,000 vehicles with our Enterprise Filing! Express Truck Tax also offers flexible pricing plans to fit any fleet. Tax professionals and CPAs also receive custom discounted pricing to file for many of their clients.
After filing Form 2290 with the IRS through Express Truck Tax, the person filing will receive Free Fax and Email Notifications to let them know that the Schedule 1 is ready. Express Truck Tax also offers optional Text Message reminders as well. Once the IRS processes the Return, you will be notified so that you can print your stamped schedule 1. Express Truck Tax can also notify your contracting (leasing) company to let them know that your payment has been made.
You can file your Form 2290 (HVUT) in just minutes with this easy-to-use software that will save you time and money. was built by one of the most talented teams in the industry—no one has more experience in HVUT E-Filing!
The customer service does not stop once the form is filed. Express Truck Tax also offers Free VIN corrections so that no one is penalized for a simple typo. There is also the ability to amend a previously filed Form 2290 through the service. For any questions about the service, Express Truck Tax offers unlimited, USA-based customer support via email, chat, and phone. Simply email, call 704-234-6005, or go to to live chat with the excellent customer support professionals.
Get started today at Email us at or call 704-234-6005 to talk to our Truck Tax Experts.

Express Truck Tax Overview Video (E-file IRS form 2290)

Why e-File Form 2290 with Express Truck Tax?
May be the more appropriate question would be, why wouldn’t you use Express Truck Tax to file Form 2290 or Form 8849 or IFTA? We don’t mean to brag, but we do have the lowest prices, the most experience, the best customer support and the most user friendly software to e-File Form 2290 in the industry.
We’re really good at what we do, and what we do is make taxes easier for you.
IRS Approved
We’re an IRS authorized e-file provider. That means we’ve worked closely with the IRS to provide you with a safe, secure, accurate process that will save you time and money.
Our technical and support team is the most experienced team in the industry. We were around when the IRS mandated e-filing for Form 2290. We helped the first customers file online years ago. We know the ins and outs of the filing process better than anyone else.
Safe and Secure
We have taken every possible step to make sure Express Truck Tax is safe and secure. Our site is encrypted and is HackerProof and COMODO certified. Your information goes to the IRS, and no one else.
Expert Help
We made Express Truck Tax as easy to use as possible. You’ll find contextual help bubbles and support text all over the place, guiding you through the process step by step. We also have some helpful video guides if you feel like kicking back and watching how it’s done. If you get stuck, you can always email us, or give us a call.
Power to the Pros
We support tax professionals, our competitors don’t. If you’re a tax professional, you can use Express Truck Tax for your clients–all of them–and take advantage of tax professional discounts.
The Right Price
We know we’re not the only ones providing this service, but we do know we’re the only ones doing it at this price with this level of quality. You won’t find a better combination of tax savvy professionalism and value-based pricing anywhere.

IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) Information

Owners of qualified heavy highway motor vehicles that operate in at least 2 out of the 58 total jurisdictions must file IFTA on a quarterly basis. The abbreviation: “IFTA” is short for International Fuel Tax Agreement, which represents a tax collection agreement among the 48 contiguous United States and its 10 bordering Canadian Provinces.
Qualifying Highway Motor Vehicles
Any vehicle is considered to be a qualified motor vehicle if it is used, designed, or maintained for the purpose of transportation of persons or property and has a registered gross vehicle weight of more than 26,000 pounds. Also, any vehicle with 3 axles or more is considered to be a qualified motor vehicle regardless of weight. Finally, if the combined weight of all of its parts is greater than 26,000 pounds, it is also considered to be a qualified motor vehicle.
IFTA Process
Each state or province has a different rate and those rates can change each quarter. The state or province in which the vehicle is registered is considered to be its Base Jurisdiction. IFTA must be filed with the vehicle’s respective jurisdiction each quarter. Every driver must keep a trip log of how many miles are traveled in each state or province, as well as how much fuel was purchased in each state or province. This information can be kept on what are commonly referred to as trip sheets, or trip logs.
Reasons for IFTA
IFTA’s official purpose according to the International Fuel Tax Agreement, is “to promote and encourage the fullest and most efficient possible use of the highway system by making uniform the administration of motor fuels use taxation laws with respect to qualified member vehicles operated in multiple member jurisdictions.” When an IFTA form is filed with the appropriate jurisdiction, The Fuel Tax Report is then used to determine the tax amount due as well as the refund due. It is also used for redistributing collections from the jurisdictions that received IFTA payments, and the jurisdictions that deserved some. One of the reasons for the Fuel Tax is to ensure that a vehicle pays taxes to all deserving jurisdictions. For Example: if a vehicle travels through a state, but buys no gas while in that state, then there was no fuel tax paid to that state through the purchase of gasoline. Part of their tax would then be redistributed to the state that received no fuel tax through the purchase of gasoline.
Get IFTA Organized
Since the data required to file IFTA is so incredibly detailed, many people receive Audits of their IFTA information. The sadness of this is that this can be prevented by better record keeping. Express Truck Tax, along with providing a terrific service for other Truck Tax needs, will perform an internal audit of your IFTA information for you. In this internal audit performed by Express Truck Tax, it will check for basic mistakes and discrepancies, as well as perform a state adjacency check and an abnormal MPG audit. They also provide online trip sheets for drivers to keep accurate records that can be accessed from any computer, anywhere! If you can prevent an audit due to simple mistakes on an IFTA return, it makes no sense not to let Express Truck Tax help you get it right the first time.

All About IFTA (Fuel Tax)

IFTA Overview
IFTA, or the International Fuel Tax Agreement, represents an agreement between the 48 contiguous United States and the 10 Canadian Provinces bordering the United States that focuses on an accurate and fair way of collecting taxes on fuel purchased in each state or province. IFTA is a quarterly tax on qualified highway motor vehicles that operate in at least 2 out of all 58 jurisdictions.  

IFTA Payments
A vehicle is considered to be a qualified motor vehicle if it is used, designed, or maintained for the transportation of persons or property and has a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight of more than 26,000 pounds. A Vehicle is also considered to be a qualified motor vehicle if it has three axles, regardless of its weight.  Finally, a vehicle is considered to be a qualified motor vehicle if the combined weight of all of its parts is greater than 26,000 pounds.

How Does IFTA Work?
Each Vehicle has a Base Jurisdiction, which is the state or province in which the vehicle is registered. The Fuel Tax must be filed with each jurisdiction every quarter. Each state or province has a different Rate and those rates change quarterly. Each driver must keep a trip log of how many miles are traveled in each state or province, as well as how much fuel was purchased in each state or province.  

What is IFTA’s Purpose?
The official purpose of IFTA is “to promote and encourage the fullest and most efficient possible use of the highway system by making uniform the administration of motor fuels use taxation laws with respect to qualified member vehicles operated in multiple member jurisdictions.”  When IFTA is filed with the appropriate jurisdiction, The Fuel Tax Report is then used to determine the tax amount due as well as the refund due. It is also used to redistribute taxes from collecting jurisdictions to jurisdictions that it is due. One of the reasons for the Fuel Tax is to ensure that a vehicle pays taxes to all deserving jurisdictions. For Example: if a vehicle travels through a state, but buys no gas while in that state, then there was no fuel tax paid to that state through the purchase of gasoline.  Part of their tax would then be redistributed to the state that received no fuel tax.

A simple solution for this tax is to use an online E-File Provider. The most advanced of the available services is Express Truck Tax acts as a one stop shop for all truck tax needs. Through them, you can E-File your Form 2290 with the IRS. It also provides a way to keep online records of your mileage and fuel purchases for IFTA reporting. This can make the IFTA process much easier.  

Organizing IFTA Fuel Tax Information with Express Truck Tax

The term IFTA refers to the International Fuel Tax Agreement. This agreement makes certain vehicles liable for a Fuel Tax for each state in which the vehicle was driven. IFTA is a tax collection agreement among the 48 contiguous United States and the 10 Canadian Provinces bordering the US.

Recording and Organizing the information required is a very precise and exacting task, but thanks to Express Truck Tax, there is now a much simpler web-based process. Vehicles required to prepare an IFTA return must keep track of miles traveled and fuel purchased within each state or province. Due to the complicated task of keeping accurate records, and filing this form appropriately many less than fortunate drivers receive IRS audits because information on their IFTA return was not properly entered.

As mentioned earlier, Express Truck Tax, along with providing a terrific service for other Truck Tax needs IRS Form 2290, will perform an internal audit of your information for you. In this internal audit performed by Express Truck Tax, it will check for basic mistakes and discrepancies, as well as perform a state adjacency check and an abnormal MPG audit. They also provide online trip sheets for drivers to keep accurate records that can be accessed from any computer, anywhere!  If you can prevent an IRS audit due to simple mistakes on an IFTA return, it makes no sense not to. Let Express Truck Tax help get it right the first time.

IRS Form 2290 and IFTA(International Fuel Tax Agreement)

What are they?
IRS Form 2290 is what is used by the government to collect what is referred to as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT Tax. It is a fee that the IRS requires all vehicles with registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds to pay annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways. The tax collected is a significant source of transportation funding in the U.S. In 2006 alone, the HVUT generated more than $1.4 billion in Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) revenue.

The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is an agreement between jurisdictions to simplify the reporting of motor fuel taxes. Under this agreement, one quarterly fuel use tax report is filed representing miles traveled, fuel purchased and used, and taxes/credits due in each member jurisdiction. The base jurisdiction then distributes the funds to each affected jurisdiction according to information contained in the quarterly fuel use tax reports. An interstate motor carrier operating “qualified motor vehicles” between at least 2 member jurisdictions (The 48 contiguous states of the US and 10 Canadian provinces) must have an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) license and decals issued by their base jurisdiction. If you have the IFTA license, you must file the Quarterly IFTA Return to your base jurisdiction.

How do they Work?
Besides the fact that they are both fees imposed on heavy vehicles, these are both similar in that they are both very complicated.  The complications with IRS Form 2290 come from the difficulty of actually filing one.  The trouble with IFTA is that it is an incredibly detailed system.  

The IRS Form 2290 includes a Schedule 1 which must be stamped by the IRS.  This can either be mailed to the IRS, which can take up to several weeks to process.  It can also be taken directly to the IRS office, which can take several hours of your day.  This must be accompanied by the proof of EFTPS payment.
 IFTA requires drivers of Heavy Vehicles to keep trip logs of miles traveled as well as how much fuel was purchased in each state or province. IFTA must be filed quarterly and the filing date is the 30th of the following month.  These trip logs are difficult to keep up because they require very detailed information. As mentioned earlier, these forms are then filed with their base jurisdiction.  Most states do not provide E-Filing as of yet. Therefore, most of the time these forms are mailed to the state.  

A simple solution for both of these is to use an online E-File Provider.  The most advanced of the available services is  Express Truck Tax acts as a one stop shop for all truck tax needs.  Through them, you can E-File your Form 2290 with the IRS.  It also provides a way to keep online records of your mileage and fuel purchases for IFTA reporting.  This can make the IFTA process much easier. can help you file Form 2290 and Fuel Tax

Any individual buying or using a heavy duty truck must file and pay the Heavy Duty Trucks Road Tax. The filing process involves filling out Form 2290. You can use to fill it out and get it done in just a few minutes. Our service fees are the lowest in the industry, starting at $9.90 for a single truck filing. It sure beats driving to the IRS field office and waiting in line for hours.

Make sure to have the Vehicle Identification Numbers of any vehicles you are filing for. If the truck(s) you’re filing for will travel 5,000 miles or less during the tax period (July to June of the next year), a tax refund can be claimed by the filer. That also applies if the heavy highway vehicle was destroyed, stolen or sold during the tax period. Claiming the refund requires a different form. ExpressTruckTax will even help tax payers file for their refund using Form 8849.

There are different tax rules for different types of trucks–depending on the weight and what the truck is being used for. The taxable gross weight is 55,000 pounds or higher in most cases. Refer to Form 2290 or for help with your particular truck.

Need to file your IFTA Fuel Tax?  We just introduced Fuel Tax filing service to our product portfolio. You can now file IFTA fuel tax for unlimited Trucks for $24.95. Also, you can maintain the Trip Sheets online for free and generate IFTA returns at the end of the quarter. offers bundles that will let you file forms for hundreds of trucks for one price. This is useful if you have trucks that aren’t going on the road till later in the year.