The ExpressTruckTax team wishes the Trucking Nation a Spooktacular Halloween!
Moises & Patti |
The Support Heroes are ready to get their Trick-or-Treat on! Are you?!
Moises & Patti will be offering their world-renowned support today dressed as a sweeter version of Dr. Seuss’s Thing 1 & 2!
They’re the proud proprietors of our Office Candy “Store,” Sweet n’ Free! They keep us all going with their never-ending stash of sweet treats.
Bryan the Bull |
Bryan will be taking your calls today as the least temper-mental bull to ever walk this Earth! I mean really, have you ever seen a bull smile like that?
His matador will be swinging by the ExpressTruckTax offices later, just to make sure he isn’t getting out of hand!
Brother Charles |
And last, but surely not least, our Director of Tax products, Charles.
You know and love him as Sir Charles the Great from our series of silly & informative ExpressTruckTax videos. Today, he’s donning the garb of a suspender-snapping, cob-pipe smokin’ Amish Gentleman.
Brother Charles will be busy leading our tax team through the IFTA deadline today, but if you need help raising your barn, gelding the horses, or just need an extra set of hands to shuck your corn, give Brother Charles a call!
Although, I’m not sure he’ll be able to answer the phone… perhaps try mailing him a letter?
Now that you’ve had a good laugh, it’s important to remember the darker side of Halloween! There’s something extra chill-inducing about this day for truckers. It’s the 3rd Quarter IFTA Deadline! That means interstate truckers with a vehicle weighing over 26,000 lbs (or with 3 or more axles) need to have their returns postmarked by today!
If you still haven’t prepared your IFTA return, we brewed an extra potent solution for you. Boil a pinch of user-friendly design and stir in a dash of customer appreciation, and you’ve got ExpressIFTA.
We designed it to be the fastest, most fun way to prepare your International Fuel Tax Agreement return. That’s right..I used “IFTA,” “fast,” and “fun” in the same sentence! No, I’m not crazy. And I’m not all hopped up on sugar either–at least not yet!
Gather up your trip sheets, truckers! And head over to ExpressIFTA.com.
Simply create an account, enter your business details & base jurisdiction, followed by your vehicle info, and lastly, your distance and fuel records. If you have a GPS, you can upload those records and save even more time! Finally, watch with child-like wonder as ExpressIFTA generates your state-specific report. Then print it, and mail it. Done.
Notice how “calculating tax” was left off that list. That’s because ExpressIFTA performs the calculations for you! No, it’s not dark sorcery, just a little programming magic to help out our users.
And if you find yourself bewitched, call the ExpressTruckTax Support Heroes for help at 704.234.6005. You can also fly them a message via owl mail at support@expresstrucktax.com.
So truckers, take off your Freddy Krueger hands for a few minutes, and get that IFTA report ready! With our awesome features, you’ll be filed fast and still have plenty of time left for a little Halloween mischief! (We swear we won’t tell on you!)
Have a Hair-Raising Halloween. Stay safe out there!